1. We thank the following groups who were on duty today;
●St. Claire SCC who were duty during 8.00 a.m. mass,
●St. Theresa SCC during the 10.00 a.m. mass, and
●St. Jude SCC during the noon time mass
2. Next Saturday 30th July, 2022 we shall have the Archdiocesan Family Day. Mass will take place at St. Mary's Grounds in Msongari beginning from 10 am. All Christians are encouraged to attend.
3.Next Sunday, 31st July 2022 will be 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time. The following groups will be on duty;
8.00 a.m. mass - CMA
10.00 a.m. mass - PMC
12.00 noon mass - Young Adults
4. The new parish office and the back (rear) compound gate are almost complete. The blessing of these structures will be done next Sunday after the 12.00 noon mass by Rev. Fr. Jordan, OP. all are welcome.
5. Meetings
●The PMC children shall have the year 2022 commissioning next Sunday 31.7.22, during the 10 am Mass. Rehearsals for the Commissioning will take place next Saturday, 30th July 2022 from 3.00 p.m.
●St Clare SCC will hold its July monthly meeting today, Sunday 24th July 2022, after the 10am mass, outside the main church door. All members are requested to attend.
6. The Choir plans to visit the parents of Fr. Charles Kato, O.P. (Asst. Parish Priest and Choir Chaplain) in Kampala, Uganda. The travel dates are 15th to 18th September 2022. We therefore invite all interested parishioners to join us. We also request for your prayers and kind support. For more information kindly see the Choir Moderator Mr. Samuel Mutunga. Thank you and be blessed.
7. We take this opportunity to welcome any new person visiting the Parish for the first time. (Request them to either stand up or raise their hands and invite the Parishioners to welcome them with a warm clap)
8. Saints of the Week
Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 25th July 2022 Feast of St. James, Apostle
Tuesday, 26th July 2022 Sts Joachim and Anne, Parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Wednesday, 27th July 2022 St. Natalia
Thursday, 28th July 2022 St. Victor I. Pope and Martyr
Friday, 29th July 2022 Sts. Martha, Maria and Lazarus
Saturday, 30th July 2022 St. Peter Chrysologus, St. Justin De Jacobis
Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board. THANK YOU
St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time
17th July 2022
1 Today is the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time. We thank the following groups who were on duty today;
● St. Rose SCC who were duty during 8.00 a.m. mass,
● Lay Dominicans during the 10.00 a.m. mass, and
● Youth during the 12.00 noon mass
2.Next Sunday, 24th July 2022 will be 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time. The following groups will be on duty;
8.00 a.m. mass - St. Claire SCC
10.00 a.m. mass - St. Theresa SCC
12.00 noon mass - St. Jude SCC
3.Next Sunday 24th July, 2022, the newly ordained priest, Fr. Jordan, OP from Angola will celebrate all the masses in the parish. Fr. Jordan was ordained yesterday in Angola. Christians are encouraged to come and receive blessings of the newly ordained priest. You may also bring him gifts.
4.Development Committee continues to encourage Christians to pledge and pay for church pews. A member of the Development Committee is outside the church to assist you in this exercise.
This exercise will be closed in the 2nd week of August so that procurement of the pews can be done.
5. Meetings
a. St. Vincent De Paul SCC will have their July meeting today in the Church basement immediately after the first mass. Members are kindly requested to be punctual.
b. St. Theresa SCC will have their July meeting today after the 2nd mass in the Church compound. Members of St. Theresa SCC who live in Gachie/Kihingo and Whitecottage will have house blessings on 23rd July 2022 while those from Wangige, Mwimuto and Gathiga will be advised on the date of their house blessings later.
We take this opportunity to welcome any new person visiting the Parish for the first time. (Request them to either stand up or raise their hands and invite the Parishioners to welcome them with a warm clap)
Saints of the Week
Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 18th July 2022 St. Fredrick
Tuesday, 19th July 2022 St. Macrina
Wednesday, 20th July 2022 St. Apollinaris, Bishop and Martyr
Thursday, 21st July 2022 St. Lawrence of Brindisi
Friday, 22nd July 2022 Feast of St. Mary Magdalene
Saturday, 23rd July 2022 St. Bridget of Sweden, Religious
Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.
St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time
10th July 2022
1. We thank the following groups who were on duty;
● St. Vincent De Paul SCC who were duty during 8.00 a.m. mass,
● CWA during the 10.00 a.m. o'clock and noon masses.
2. Today is our Tithe Sunday. We invite Fr to bless our tithes as we prepare to present them. (Invite Choir to lead with a hymn after blessing by the priest).
3. Next Sunday, 17th July 2022 will be 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time. The following groups will be on duty;
8.00 a.m. mass : St. Rose SCC
10.00 a.m. mass : Lay Dominicans
12.00 noon mass : Youth
4. Meetings
Today, PPC will have their July meeting after the 10.00 o'clock mass in the Church basement. All members are requested to be punctual.
5. We take this opportunity to welcome any new person visiting the Parish for the first time. (Request them to either stand up or raise their hands and invite the Parishioners to welcome them with a warm clap)
6. This week on Saturday the 16th of July, Rev. deacon Jordan, OP., will be ordained to the Priesthood of Jesus Christ in Luanda Angola. He will celebrate his thanksgiving mass with us in our church on 24th July 2022 (Next Sunday). Let us keep him in our prayers
7. Saints of the Week
Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 11th July 2022 St. Benedict Abbot
Tuesday, 12th July 2022 St. Fortunatus
Wednesday, 13th July 2022 St. Henry
Thursday, 14th July 2022 St. Camillus de Lellius, Priest
Friday, 15th July 2022 St. Bonaventure, Bishop and Doctor
Saturday, 16th July 2022 Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.
St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time
26th June 2022
1 We thank the following groups who were on duty:
St. Elizabeth SCC who were duty during 8.00 a.m. mass.
Choir & St. Michael Prayer Group - 10.00 a.m. mass, and
St. Theresa SCC during 12.00 noon mass.
2 Next Sunday, 3rd July 2022 will be 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time. The following groups will be on duty;
8.00 a.m. mass : Liturgy Committee
10.00 a.m. mass : Youth
12.00 noon mass : Young Adults
St. Claire SCC will hold its June meeting today after the 10.00 a.m. mass outside the main Church
St Claire SCC have organized a recollection on Saturday, 2nd July 2022 at the Church starting with mass at 8.00 a.m and will end at 12.00 noon.
4.Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 27th June 2022 St. Cyril of Alexandria, Bishop and Doctor
Tuesday, 28th June 2022 St. Irenaeaus, Bishop and Martyr
Wednesday, 29th June 2022 Solemnity of STS PETER AND PAUL, Apostles
Thursday, 30th June 2022 First martyrs of the Holy Roman Church
Friday, 1st July 2022 Blessed Anthony Rosmini
Saturday, 2nd July 2022 St. Martinian
We take this opportunity to welcome any new person visiting the Parish for the first time. (Request them to either stand up or raise their hands and invite the Parishioners to welcome them with a warm clap)
Invite the representative from Caritas to enlighten parishioners on the Self Help Group and its programs (For strictly 5 minutes)
Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.
St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
19th June 2022
1.) Today is the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Jesus. We thank;
-St. Jude SCC who were duty during 8.00 a.m. mass,
-St. Claire SCC during 10.00 a.m. mass, and
-St. Rose SCC during 12.00 noon mass.
2 a). Next Sunday, 26th June 2022 will be the 13th Sunday in Ordinary time. However, the Local Ordinary (The Archbishop of Nairobi) has directed that we celebrate the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The following groups will be on duty;
8.00 a.m. mass : St. Elizabeth
10.00 a.m. mass : Choir & St. Michael Prayer Group
12.00 noon mass : St. The1resa SCC
b.) Next Saturday 25th June, 2022 we shall have mass at 11 am here in our parish to commemorate St. Josemaria Escriva, the founder of Opus Dei. There will be confessions before mass at 10 am. All are welcome.
-St. Theresa SCC will have their June meeting today after 10.00 a.m. mass in the Church compound.
-St.Claire SCC will have its June meeting on 26th June 2022 after the 10.00 a.m. mass out the main Church.
4.)A team of officials from Caritas will visit our parish on Sunday 26th June to enlighten our parishioners on the Self-Group and its program. Our parish has a self-group that members can join to benefit from savings and loans products. Let us prepare to hear from them next Sunday.
Cynthia Mwanza, together with the Mwanza family wish to thank the whole family of St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church for standing with them during their fathers̍ funeral process. They wish to pass a special thank you to the Parish priest -Fr. Emmanuel Mulu, Fr. Tesha, St Claire SCC, the Choir, CWA, CMA and the Youth for the compassion shown to their family at that difficult time. "You eased our pain and provided a beautiful celebration to our father the late Philip Mwanza. Thank you very much and God bless you."
6.)Marriage banns (Find attached)
We take this opportunity to welcome any new person visiting the Parish for the first time. (Request them to either stand up or raise their hands and invite the Parishioners to welcome them with a warm clap)
7.) Saints of the Week
Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 20th June 2022 Our Lady of Consolata
Tuesday, 21st June 2022 St. Aloysius Gonzaga, Religious
Wednesday, 22nd June 2022 Sts. Paulinus of Nola, Bishop and Thomas More, Martyrs
Thursday, 23rd June 2022 Solemnity of The Nativity of St. John the Baptist
Friday, 24th June 2022 Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
Saturday, 25th June 2022 The Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.
St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
12th June 2022
1. Today is the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity. We thank;
Young Adults - 8.00 a.m. mass
PMC - 10.00 a.m. mass
CMA - 12.00 noon mass
2. Today being the 2nd Sunday of the month is our Tithe Sunday. We invite father to give us a blessing as we prepare to present our tithes.
3. Next Sunday, 19th June 2022 will be the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ. The following groups will be on duty;
8.00 a.m. mass : St. Jude SCC
10.00 a.m. mass : St. Claire SCC
12.00 noon mass : St. Rose SCC
We shall have adoration after the 8am and 10 am masses but after the 12.00 noon mass, there will be a procession with the Blessed Sacrament and later adoration in the church. All Christians are encouraged to participate in the Procession and the adoration. CMA are requested to provide security during the procession.
PPC will have its June meeting today after the 10.00 a.m. mass in the basement. All members are requested to be punctual.
5.Lost but found: Last Sunday someone forgot a phone in the church. If it is yours, kindly visit the parish office for collection.
6. Uncollected Cards: There are many uncollected baptismal cards in the parish office. Kindly make a point of picking yours if you have not. Those who were confirmed last Sunday, the cards are ready.
8.Marriage banns (Find attached)
9. Saints of the Week
Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 13th June 2022 St.Anthony of Padua
Tuesday, 14th June 2022 St. Eliseo
Wednesday, 15th June 2022 Sts. Orsisius
Thursday, 16th June 2022 St.Aurelian
Friday, 17th June 2022 St. Helena
Saturday, 18th June 2022 St. Gregory
We take this opportunity to welcome any new person visiting the Parish for the first time. (Request them to either stand up or raise their hands and invite the Parishioners to welcome them with a warm clap)
Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board. THANK YOU FOR WORSHIPPING WITH US AND FOR YOUR SUPPORT TO OUR CHURCH. HAVE A BLESSED WEEK
St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
5th June 2022
1.Today is the Solemnity of Pentecost Sunday. We thank CWA who were on duty during both masses.
2.Next Sunday, 12th June 2022 will be Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity.
The following groups will be on duty;
8.00 a.m. mass : Young Adults
10.00 a.m. mass : PMC
12.00 noon mass : CMA
3.Next Sunday will be the 2nd Sunday of the month and our Tithe Sunday. We encouraged all Christians to prepare in advance.
PPC will have its June meeting next Sunday after the 10.00 a.m. mass in the basement. All members are requested to be punctual.
5. We take this opportunity to welcome any new person visiting the Parish for the first time. (Request them to either stand up or raise their hands and invite the Parishioners to welcome them with a warm clap).The Confirmed candidates will have a photo session outside the main Church. (To be announced in the second mass)
6.Marriage banns (Find attached)
7. Saints of the Week
Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 6th June 2022 Our Lady, Mother of the Church
Tuesday, 7th June 2022 St. Robert
Wednesday, 8th June 2022 St. James Berthieu
Thursday, 9th June 2022 St.Emphrem, Deacon and Doctor
Friday, 10th June 2022 St. Maurinus
Saturday, 11th June 2022 St. Barnabas, Apostle
Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.
St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
29th May 2022
1.Today is the 7th Sunday of Easter. We celebrate the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord. We thank the groups who were on duty today;
8.00 a.m. - St. Claire SCC
10.00 a.m. - St. Jude SCC
12.00 noon - St. Rose SCC
2.Next Sunday, 5th June 2022 will be Pentecost Sunday.We shall have two masses only, 8 am and 10 am.CWA will be on duty during the two masses. We are all reminded to pray the Pentecost Novena
3.We are reminded that The Sacrament of Confirmation will be administered next Sunday 5th June 2022, which shall be the Feast of Pentecost at the 10 am mass by His Excellency the Apostolic Nuncio to Kenya and South Sudan, Archbishop Hubert Maria Van Megen.Confessions for those preparing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation will be on Saturday 4th June, 2022 at 2pm.
4.CMA will begin the year 2022 CMA Formation classes today at 10.00 a.m. All new members are encouraged to participate.
5.We take this opportunity to welcome any new person visiting the Parish for the first time. (Request them to either stand up or raise their hands and invite the Parishioners to welcome them with a warm clap)
6.Marriage banns (Find attached)
7.Saints of the Week
Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 30th May 2022 St. Joan of Arc
Tuesday, 31st May 2022 The Feast of Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Wednesday, 1st June 2022 St. Justin, Martyrs
Thursday, 2nd June 2022 Sts.Marcellinus and Peter, Martyrs
Friday, 3rd June 2022 St.Charles Lwanga and Companions, Martyrs
Saturday, 4th June 2022 St. Clothida
Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.
St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for 6th Sunday of Easter
22nd May 2022
1.Today is the 6th Sunday of Easter. We thank CMA who were on duty during the 8.00 a.m. mass, PMC during the 10.00 a.m mass and Young Adults during the 12.00 noon mass.
2.Next Sunday, 29th May 2022 will be the 7th Sunday of Easter. We shall be celebrating the Ascension of the Lord
The following duties will be on duty;
8.00 a.m. - St. Claire SCC
10.00 a.m. - St. Jude SCC
12.00 noon - St. Rose SCC
3.We are reminded that;The Sacrament of Confirmation will be administered on the Pentecost Sunday, 5th June 2022 by His Excellency the Apostolic Nuncio to Kenya and South Sudan, Most Rev. Bert van Megen.
Preparation for Confirmation
For those who missed evaluation yesterday, the last evaluation will be done today after the 10 am mass today.Those who succeeded in yesterday's evaluation, their parents and guardians are asked to submit their baptismal cards in the parish office before Saturday 28th May, 2022.
4.CMA would like to announce the commencement of 2022 CMA Formation classes. The first class shall be held on Sunday May 29th at 10.00 a.m. in the tent behind the Church. New members are encouraged to register with Mr. Tirimba, the CMA Secretary. You can reach him via mobile no. 0721 461 231.
5.CMA would like to announce the resumption of the Monthly Mbuzi for men. The May monthly mbuzi will be held on Friday, May 27th from 6.30 pm at the Church. All Siena men are invited.
6.We take this opportunity to welcome any person worshipping with us in the Parish for the first time. (Request them to either stand up or raise their hands and invite the Parishioners to welcome them with a warm clap)
7.Meeting: The Liturgy Committee will have a meeting next Saturday, 28th May, 2022 after the 8 am mass.
8.Marriage banns (Find attached)
9. Saints of the Week
Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 23rd May 2022 St. Desiderius
Tuesday, 24th May 2022 The Blessed Virgin Mary Help of Christians
Wednesday, 25th May 2022 Sts.Bede the Venerable, Gregory VII, Mary Magdalene de Pazzi
Thursday, 26th May 2022 St. Philip Neri Priest
Friday, 27th May 2022 St. Augustine of Cantebury, Bishop
Saturday, 28th May 2022 Sts.Emilius and Ignatius
Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.
St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for 5th Sunday of Easter
15th May 2022
1 .Today is the 5th Sunday of Easter. We thank St. Vincent De Paul, Lay Dominicans and Youth who were on duty today.
2 .As announced last Sunday, Deacon Jordan, OP will be leaving for Angola tomorrow Monday 16th May 2022. We are invited to present our token of appreciation for his service in our parish.
3 .Next Sunday, 22nd May 2022 will be the 6th Sunday of Easter The following duties will be on duty;
8.00 a.m. - CMA
10.00 a.m. - PMC
12.00 noon - Young Adults
4 We are reminded that the Sacrament of Confirmation will be administered on the Pentecost Sunday, 5th June 2022 by His Excellency the Apostolic Nuncio to Kenya and South Sudan, Most Rev. Bert van Megen.Classes are ongoing as follows:
Adults : Saturdays at 4.00 p.m.
Children: Sundays after the 10.00 a.m. mass
5.Registration of members of our church is on - going. As you leave the Church, you will find a registration desk outside where you will be assisted to register.
St. Vincent De Paul SCC will have its May meeting today immediately after the 8.00 a.m. mass outside the Main Church door. Members are requested to
keep time.
St. Jude SCC will have their May meeting today after the 10.00 o`clock mass in the Church compound. Members are requested to keep time.
7.The Siena Self Help Group AGM for ALL members is planned for coming Saturday, May 21 2022.
The Management hereby notify members and interested parishioners of the AGM that shall start from 8.00 am with a thanksgiving mass, followed by review of their accounts and approval of surplus.
Meanwhile the group has begun migrating records into a digital platform and ALL members are requested to confirm the accuracy of their details being digitized by visiting the office desk outside the Church after mass.
8. We take this opportunity to welcome any new person visiting the Parish for the first time. (Request them to either stand up or raise their hands and invite the Parishioners to welcome them with a warm clap)
Marriage banns (Find attached)
10. Saints of the Week
Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 16th May 2022 St. Ubaldus
Tuesday, 17th May 2022 St. Pascal Babylon
Wednesday, 18th May 2022 St. John I. Pope and Martyr
Thursday, 19th May 2022 St. Celestine
Friday, 20th May 2022 St. Bermardine of Siena
Saturday, 21st May 2022 St. Christopher Magallanes and Companions
Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.
St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for the 3rd Sunday of Easter/ St. Catherine of Siena Family Day 1st May, 2022
1. Today is our Tithe Sunday. We kindly request he priest to give blessing.
2. Today is the fourth Sunday of Easter and the Good Shepherd Sunday. We thank the following groups who are on duty:
⦁ 8.00 am Mass-St. Elizabeth SCC
⦁ 10.00 am Mass-St. Michael and Choir
⦁ 12.00 noon Mass-St. Teresa SCC
3. Next Sunday 15th May, 2022 will be 5th Sunday of Easter. The following groups will be on duty:
⦁ 8.00 am Mass-St. Vincent
⦁ 10.00 am Mass-Lay Dominicans
⦁ 12.00 noon Mass- Youth
4. The Sacrament of Confirmation will be administered on the Pentecost Sunday 5th June, 2022. Classes are ongoing as follows:
Adults: Saturdays at 4 pm
Children: Sundays after the 10 am mass.
5. The Parish Priest and the Parish Council wishes to thank you all for your active participation during our last Sunday Family Day celebration. Owing to your financial donation, your time and prayer, the Day was a success. May God bless you all
6. Registration on members of our church is ongoing. As you leave the church, you will find a registration desk outside where you will be assisted to register.
7. The YCA in conjunction with the Youth will be having a bonding session and Mbuzi in the church compound on Saturday 14th May, 2022. The session will begin with mass at 10 am. The event aims at evangelizing and welcoming new members to the YCA and Youth.
8. Appreciation: The family of the late Grace Njeri Wanguku wishes to thank the parishioners for your prayers and financial support during her illness until her demise. In a special way we thank Fr. Mulu and all priests who took of mum`s spiritual needs to prepare her for her final journey. Keep us in your prayers.
9. Deacon Jordan, OP will be leaving for Angola on Monday 16th May, 2022. We are requested to come prepared to bid him farewell next Sunday. Kindly carry something to appreciate him for his service to our parish.
10. Meetings:
⦁ The Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) have their meeting today after the 10 am mass. All members are reminded to be punctual.
⦁ The Siena Self Help Group AGM for ALL members is planned for Saturday May 21st, 2022. The management hereby notifies members and interested parishioners of the AGM from 8.00 am starting with a thanksgiving mass, then review of their accounts and approval of surplus.
Meanwhile, the group has begun migrating records into a digital platform and all members are requested to confirm the accuracy of their details being digitized. Visit the office desk outside the church after Mass.
11. Saints of the Week:
Date: Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 9th May, 2022 St. Pachomius
Tuesday, 10th May, 2022 Sts. John de Avilla, Priest and Doctor of the Church
Wednesday, 11th May. 2022 St. Ignatius of Laconi
Thursday, 12th May, 2022 Sts. Nereus Achilleus and Pancras, Martyrs
Friday, 13th May, 2022 Our Lady of Fatima
Saturday, 14th May, 2022 St. Matthias, Apostle (F)
Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.
St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for the 3rd Sunday of Easter/ St. Catherine of Siena Family Day
1st May, 2022
1. Today is 3rd Sunday of Easter and the day to celebrate our Patron Saint, St. Catherine of Siena. We thank all the groups who were on duty.
2. Next Sunday 8th May, 2022 will be the fourth Sunday of Easter and the Good Shepherd Sunday. The following groups will be on duty:
⦁ 8.00 am Mass-St. Elizabeth SCC
⦁ 10.00 am Mass-St. Michael and Choir
⦁ 12.00 noon Mass-St. Teresa SCC
3. Next Sunday 8th May, 2022 will also be our tithe Sunday. All Christians are reminded to prepare.
4. Tomorrow Monday 2nd May and Tuesday 3rd May, 2022 being public holidays Masses will be at 10 am.
5. Classes for the preparation of the Sacrament of Confirmation will resume from next week:
Adults: Saturday 7th May, 2022 at 4 pm
Children: Sunday 8th May, 2022 after the 10 am mass.
6. Meetings:
⦁ The Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) will have their meeting next Sunday 8th May, 2022 after the 10 am mass. All members are reminded of punctuality.
⦁ The Liturgy Committee will meet on Saturday 7th May, 2022 after the 8 am mass.
⦁ The Siena Self Help Group AGM for ALL members is planned for Saturday May 21st, 2022. The management hereby notifies members and interested parishioners of the AGM from 8.00 am starting with a thanksgiving mass, then review of their accounts and approval of surplus.
Meanwhile, the group has begun migrating records into a digital platform and all members are requested to confirm the accuracy of their details being digitized. Visit the office desk outside the church after Mass.
7. Saints of the Week:
Date: Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 2nd May, 2022 St. Athanasius, bishop and doctor
Tuesday, 3rd May, 2022 Sts. Philip and James, Apostles
Wednesday, 4th May, 2022 Sts. Ada and Antonia
Thursday, 5th May, 2022 St. Irene
Friday, 6th May, 2022 St. Dominic Savio
Saturday, 7th May, 2022 St. Rosa Venerini
Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.
St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for the 2nd Sunday of Easter
24th April 2022
1. Today we have a second collection to raise funds for the Family Day which will be next Sunday 1st May, 2022. (Choir lead us in a song)
2. Today is 2nd Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy Sunday). We thank St. Jude, St. Rose and St. Claire who were on duty.
3. Next Sunday 1st May, 2022 will be the 3rd Sunday of Easter. We shall be celebrating our parish Family Day. We shall have one mass only at 10 am officiated by His Grace Archbishop Muheria the Archbishop of Nyeri. All groups will be on duty. We shall have lunch and entertainment after mass. All Christians are welcome.
4. The youth had a successful workshop yesterday. We thank them for a good attendance and organization.
5. With joy, we continue announce that Deacon Jordan will be ordained a Priest on 16th July, 2022 at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish in the Archdiocese of Luanda, Angola. All Christians of St. Catherine of Siena are invited to attend.
6. The Siena Self Help Group AGM for all members is planned for Saturday may 4th, 2022. The management hereby notifies members and interested parishioners of the AGM form 7.30 am for thanksgiving mass, review of their accounts and approval of surplus. Meanwhile, the group has begun migrating records into digital platform and all members are requested to confirm the accuracy of their details being digitized. Visit the office desk outside the church before May 1st.
7. The Parish Administrator, Carol is on leave up to 15th May, 2022. All correspondences should therefore be done through the parish office and parish official channels of communication. The office remains open on week days.
8. A message from the parish priest, Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Mulu, OP
I take this opportunity to appreciate all the parishioners for your prayers, messages of condolence and the support you accorded me during the demise of my grandmother who was buried on Easter Monday at her home in Bundibugyo, Uganda. May God bless you all!
9. Saints of the Week:
Date: Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 25th April 2022 St. Mark, the Evangelist (F)
Tuesday, 26th April 2022 St. Cletus
Wednesday, 27th April 2022 St. Zita
Thursday, 28th April 2022 St. Louis-Marie de Montfort, Priest
Friday, 29th April 2022 St. Catherine of Siena, Virgin and Doctor
Saturday, 30th April 2022 Our Lady Mother of Africa (F)
Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.
St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord
10th April 2022
1. Today is our Tithe Sunday. We welcome Father to give us a blessing as we
prepare to present our Tithes.
2. Today is the Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord. We thank St. Vincent
de Paul, Lay Dominicans and Youth who were on duty.
3. Program of the Holy Week:
Date Celebration Groups on Duty
Holy Thursday-Mass of the Last Supper-6.00pm Liturgy Committee and St. Clare
Good Friday-Way of the Cross12.00 noon Liturgy Committee and St. Jude
Good Friday - Passion of Christ3.00pm Liturgy Committee and St. Jude
Holy Saturday - Easter Vigil7.00pm Liturgy Committee and St. Rose
4. Next Sunday, 17th April 2022 will be Easter Sunday.The following groups will be on duty:
8.00 a.m. Mass : Young Adults
10.00 a.m. Mass : PMC
12.00 noon Mass : CMA
5. There will be Sacrament of Confession on Good Friday 15th April 2022 after
the Way of the Cross here at the parish. All are welcome.
6. Infant baptism will be on Saturday 23rd April, 2022 at 10.00am. Parents are
asked to register with the Catechist or at the Parish office deadline for
registration will be next week 13th April 2022.
7. Today the Parish Pastoral Council will have its April 2022 meeting after the
10.00am mass outside the Basement Room. All members are kindly requested
to be punctual.
8. There will be a recollection on Saturday 16th April, 2022 for all the Catechumen
preparing for baptism, First Holy Communion and Confirmation on Easter
Vigil. The Recollection will start at 9 am and end at 1 pm. kindly be punctual.
9. Saints of the Week:
Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 11th April 2022 Holy Monday
Tuesday, 12th April 2022 Holy Tuesday
Wednesday, 13th April 2022 Holy Wednesday
Thursday, 14thApril 2022 Holy Thursday
Friday, 15th April 2022 Good Friday
Saturday, 16th April 2022 Holy Saturday
Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.
St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for 5th Sunday of Lent
3rd April 2022
1. Today is the 5th Sunday of Lent. We thank CWA group who were on duty.
2. Today we shall have 3rd and final Scrutiny of catechumens at 10.00am Mass (announcement for 8 am Mass only).
3. Next Sunday, 10th April 2022 will be the second Sunday of the month and thus the Tithe Sunday. All Christians are requested to prepare to present their tithe. Those who may require envelopes can pick them on their way out of the church today.
4. Next Sunday, 10th April 2022 will be the Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord.
The following groups will be on duty:
8.00 a.m. Mass : St. Vincent de Paul SCC
10.00 a.m. Mass : Lay Dominicans
12.00 noon Mass : Youth
5. We have the Way of the Cross every Friday at 5.00pm followed by Holy Mass. St. Elizabeth SCC will lead the stations next Friday, 9th April 2022. All Christians are encouraged to participate in the Way of the Cross.
6. There will be Sacrament of Confession next Saturday 9th April 2022 from 5.00pm to 6.00pm here at the parish. All are welcome.
7. The Parish has organized a Day of Recollection for all Christians of St. Catherine of Siena Parish on Saturday, 9th April 2022 starting at 9.00am in our church. This will be a Day of Prayer and Fasting for our parish. All Christians are encouraged to avail themselves for this recollection. The theme of the recollection is "Eucharist, the source and the Summit of our Christian Life". Recollection will end with Holy Mass at 4 pm. There will also be confessions during and after the recollection. Come we pray together as a parish.
8. Infant baptism will be on Saturday 23rd April, 2022 at 10 am. Parents are asked to register with the Catechist or at the Parish office before Wednesday 13th April, 2022.
9. All ecclesial groups shall meet today after the 10.00 a.m. mass in their designated areas as guided by their moderators.
10. Next Sunday, 10th April 2022 PPC will have their April Meeting after the10.00 a.m. mass in the Makuti Church.
11. . Marriage banns (Find attached)
12. St. Catherine of Siena Parish Family Day
The Parish Family Day which falls on 29th April, that is, St. Catherine of Siena Day, is scheduled to be celebrated in our parish on Sunday 1st May, 2022. St. Catherine of Siena is the patron Saint of our parish. This is the day we come together as a parish family to reflect on our spiritual growth and other aspects of our Christian life. The theme of this Year's Family Day is ̍Touching the needy in our Church̍. There are many events that are being organized for this day which will involve all the parishioners.
On this Day, we shall have one mass in the parish at 10 am and all Christians are encouraged to attend. His Grace Archbishop Antony Muheria, Archbishop of Nyeri, will preside over the mass.
To prepare for this Day, the PPC constituted an ad hoc Committee led by Mr. Boniface Mwangi and Rev. Fr. Charles Kato, OP which will organize and coordinate events of this day.
The ad hoc committee is mobilizing for funds to cater for the expenses of this day namely lunch, charity to the needy of our parish, and also for the Family Days of the Deanery and the Archdiocese which are equally important and our obligation.
The breakdown is as follows:
a. Parish Family Day-KES. 330,000.00
b. The needy of our Parish-KES. 200,000.00
c. Deanery Family Day-KES. 100,000.00
d. Archdiocese Family Day-KES. 1, 000,000.00.
The total is KES. 1,730,000.00 Only.
This amount has been divided among the various groups in the church but we shall also plan for a day when can do a fundraiser as a church for the same. We kindly request all of you participate so that we can celebrate our Family Days as a Parish, Deanery and Archdiocesan Family together and successfully.
13. Saints of the Week:
Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 4th April 2022 St. Benedict the black
Tuesday, 5th April 2022 St. Vincent Ferrer, priest
Wednesday, 6th April 2022 St. Peter of Verona
Thursday, 7th April 2022 St. John Baptist de la Salle, Priest
Friday, 8th April 2022 St. Walter
Saturday, 9th April 2022 BL. Thomas of Tolentino
Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.
St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for 4th Sunday of Lent
27th March 2022
1. All Sundays of Lent we shall have a second collection for Lenten Campaign. You may also drop your Lenten envelope/offertory in the box written 'Lenten Campaign' at the church entry.
2. Today is the 4th Sunday of Lent. We thank St. Teresa, St. Michael, St. Elizabeth and the Choir who were on duty today.
3. We shall have the 2nd Scrutiny of catechumens today at 10.00am Mass (for 8 am mass only). Next Sunday 3rd April, 2022 we shall have the 3rd and final Scrutiny at the 10 am mass (for all masses)
4. Next Sunday, 3rd April, 2022 will be the 5th Sunday of Lent. CWA will be on duty at all masses.
5. We have the Way of the Cross every Friday at 5.00pm followed by Holy Mass. St. Teresa will lead the stations next Friday, 1st April, 2022. All Christians are encouraged to participate in the way of the cross.
6. The Parish has organized a Day of Recollection for all Christians of St. Catherine of Siena Parish on Saturday, 9th April 2022 starting at 9.00am in our church. This will be a Day of Prayer and Fasting for our parish. All Christians are encouraged to avail themselves for this recollection.
7. Next Saturday 2nd April, 2022 being the first Saturday of the month, we shall have the sacrament of confession at 5pm in our church.
8. The Parish Youth and MYM have a talk today from 10.00am at Church the Basement Room. Parents are requested to allow their children to attend ages between 15 - 26 years. They will later attend the 12.00 noon mass (for 8 am and 10 am masses only).
9. The Liturgy Committee will meet next Saturday, 2nd April, 2022 after the 8 am mass in the Makuti Church. All members are reminded to be punctual. The agenda will be communicated on the Group̍̍s whatsapp wall.
10. All Ecclesial Groups will be meeting next Sunday 3rd April, 2022 after the 10 am mass.
11.Marriage banns (Find attached)
12. Saints of the Week:
Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 28th March, 2022 St. Castor
Tuesday, 29th March, 2022 St. Berthold
Wednesday, 30th March, 2022 St. Leonard
Thursday, 31st March, 2022 St. Benjamin
Friday, 1st April, 2022 St. Hugh of Grenoble
Saturday, 2nd April, 2022 St. Francis of Paola, Hermit
Today we have a brief talk on Tithe and Family Day at every Mass (Welcome Mr. Magambo at 8 am and 10 am mass then Mr. Kiragu at 12.00 noon mass)
Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.
St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for 3rd Sunday of Lent
20th March 2022
1. All Sundays of Lent we shall have a second collection for Lenten Campaign and you can also drop your Lenten envelope/offertory in the box written 'Lenten Campaign' at the church entry.
2. Today is the 3rd Sunday of Lent. We thank St. Rose, St. Clare SCC, and St. Jude SCC who were on duty today.
3. Today will have election and Scrutiny of catechumens at 10.00am Mass. This is a Catholic Practice of inducting those preparing for baptism into the life of the Church.
4. Next Sunday, 27th March 2022 will be the 4th Sunday of Lent.
The following groups will be on duty:
8.00 a.m. Mass : St. Teresa SCC
10.00 a.m. Mass : St. Michael SCC & Choir
12.00 noon Mass : St. Elizabeth SCC
On this Sunday, we shall have a brief talk on Tithe and Family Day at every Mass
5. We have the Way of the Cross every Friday at 5.00pm followed by Holy Mass. St. Jude SCC will lead the stations next Friday, 25th March 2022. All Christians are encouraged to participate in the way of the cross.
6. Next Friday, 25th March 2022 is the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord. It is a day of obligation and so all Christians are reminded to attend Mass. Mass in the Parish will be at 6.00pm.
7. St. Catherine of Siena Parish will hold a Retreat/Recollection on Saturday, 9th April 2022 starting at 9.00am. All Christians are kindly requested to prepare to attend.
8. Today St. Teresa SCC will have their meeting after the 10.00am Mass in the church compound. All members are kindly requested to attend.
9. Today Choir will have their AGM after the 10.00am Mass in the Church Basement Room. All members are kindly requested to attend.
10. The Parish Youth and MYM will have a talk and youth Mass next Sunday, 27th March 2022 at 10.00am at Church Basement Room. Parents are requested to allow their children to attend ages between 15 -26 years.
11. The Family of Mr. & Mrs. Charles Kamau, wish to express their sincere and deepest gratitude to the Fr. In-Charge and Christians of St. Catherine of Siena Parish for your prayers, emotional and financial support during our wedding held here at St. Catherine of Siena Parish on 26th February 2022. May God bless you all abundantly.
12. . Marriage banns (Find attached)
13. Saints of the Week:
Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 21st March 2022 St. Nicolas
Tuesday, 22nd March 2022 St. Lea
Wednesday, 23rd March 2022 St. Turibius of Mogrovejo, Bishop
Thursday, 24th March 2022 St. Catherine
Friday, 25th March 2022 The Annunciation of the Lord
Saturday, 26th March 2022 St. Emmnauel
Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.
St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for 2nd Sunday of Lent
13th March 2022
1. All Sundays of Lent we shall have a second collection for Lenten Campaign. It will be done immediately after Sadaka. (Announce before offertory)
2. Today is the 2nd Sunday of Lent. We thank Lay Dominicans, Youth, and St. Vincent De Paul SCC who were on duty today.
3. Today is our Tithe Sunday. We welcome Father to give us a blessing as we prepare to present our Tithes.
4. We have the Way of the Cross every Friday at 5.00pm followed by Holy Mass. St. Claire SCC will lead the stations next Friday, 18th March 2022. All Christians are encouraged to participate in the way of the cross.
5. Next Sunday, 20th March 2022 will be the 3rd Sunday of Lent. There will be election and Scrutiny of catechumens. This is a Catholic Practice of inducting those preparing for baptism into the life of the Church. All catechumens preparing for Baptism are reminded to be present during the 10 am Mass.
The following groups will be on duty next Sunday:
8.00 a.m. Mass : St. Rose SCC
10.00 a.m. Mass : St. Clare SCC
12.00 noon Mass : St. Jude SC
6. Today the Parish Pastoral Council will have its March meeting after the 10.00am
Mass in the Basement Room. All members are kindly requested to be punctual.
7. St. Teresa will have a Retreat/Recollection next Saturday, 19th March 2022 at the Makuti Church. Retreat/Recollection will start immediately after the morning Mass 8.00am. Also they shall have their monthly meeting on Sunday 20th March 2022 after 10.00am Mass.
8. Saints of the Week:
Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 14th March 2022 St. Louise de Marillac
Tuesday, 15th March 2022 St. Zacharia
Wednesday, 16th March 2022 St. Eusebia
Thursday, 17h March 2022 St. Patrick, Bishop
Friday, 18th March 2022 St. Cyril of Jerusalem, Bishop and Doctor
Saturday, 19th March 2022 St. Joseph, Spouse of the B.V.M
Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.
St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for 1st Sunday of Lent
6th March 2022
1. Today is the 1st Sunday of Lent. We thank CWA who were on duty today.
2. On Friday, 11th March 2022 we shall have the Way of the Cross from 5.00 p.m. St. Rose SCC will be on duty.
3. Next Sunday, 13th March 2022 will be the 2nd Sunday of Lent. The following duties will be on duty;
8.00 a.m. mass : Lay Dominicans
10.00 a.m. mass : Youth
12.00 noon mass : St. Vincent De Paul SCC
4. Next Sunday shall be the second Sunday of the month and thus our Tithe Sunday. We are requested to prepare to present our Tithes.
5. All ecclesial groups shall meet today after the 10.00 a.m. mass in their designated areas as guided by their moderators.
6. Next Sunday, 13th March 2022 PPC will have its March meeting in the
Church basement after the 10.00 a.m. Mass. All members are requested to
prepare to attend.
7. St. Elizabeth SCC will have their March, 2022 meeting next Tuesday 8th March, 2022. The link to this meeting will be shared later.
8. St. Teresa Small Christian Community will have their retreat/recollection on 19th March, 2022 here in the parish from 8 am. The theme of the recollection will be 'Adoration and Confession'. All are welcome to join.
9. Saints of the Week:
Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 7th March 2022 Sts. Perpetua and Felicity Martyrs
Tuesday, 8th March 2022 St. John of God, Religious
Wednesday, 9th March 2022 St. Frances of Rome, Religious
Thursday, 10th March 2022 St. Victor
Friday, 11th March 2022 St. Constantine
Saturday, 12th March 2022 St. Innocent I
Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.
St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time
27th February, 2022
1. Today is the 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time. We thank St. Elizabeth SCC, Choir and St. Michael Prayer Group and St. Theresa SCC who were on duty today.
2. Next Sunday, 6th March 2022 will be the 1st Sunday of Lent. CWA shall be on duty during all masses.
3. Wednesday 2nd March 2022 will be Ash Wednesday. Mass schedules at the Parish shall be as follows; 7.00 a.m., 1.00 p.m. and 6.00 p.m. All are encouraged to attend. The groups on duty shall be as follows:
7. 00 am -Liturgy Committee
1. 00 pm -Youth
6. 00 pm- Young Adults
4. On Ash Wednesday and all Sundays of Lent, we shall be having a second collection for the Lenten Campaign.
5. The Lenten Campaign booklets will be distributed to the different groups on Sunday. Leaders of each group are to organize how to pick them.
6. We shall have mass in memory of the late Rev. Fr. Fred Ntedika Mvumbi on Tuesday 1st February, 2022. Mass will begin at 6pm. All Christians are reminded to attend. The Choir will be on duty.
7. On Friday, 4th March 2022 we shall begin the Stations of the Way of the Cross from 5.00 p.m. St. Vincent De Paul SCC shall be on duty.
8. The CMA of St Catherine of Siena would like to announce an ongoing membership recruitment. This recruitment will be ongoing for the month of February. Registration deadline will be today - March 6, 2022.
Commencement of Formation classes will be communicated soon.
Interested members are asked to register at the CMA table outside the church after each of the three masses. Those not able to register physically are required to reach out to the moderator Mr George Jasho on 0722 518867, or the Secretary Mr Edwin Tirimba on 0721 461231.
9. Today all PMC parents are invited to a meeting immediately after the 10.00 a.m. mass. The meeting will be held at the Makuti Church. Every parent who has a child 14 years and below is requested to attend.
10. St. Claire will meet today 27th February 2022 outside the Church main entrance after the 10.00 a.m. mass. All members are encouraged to attend.
11. Marriage banns (Find attached)
12. Saints of the Week
Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 28th February 2022 St. Oswald
Tuesday, 1st March 2022 St. David
Wednesday, 2nd March 2022 Ash Wednesday
Thursday, 3rd March 2022 St. Marinus
Friday, 4th March 2022 St.Casimir
Saturday, 5th March 2022 St. Virgillo
Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board. THANK YOU FOR WORSHIPPING WITH US AND FOR YOUR SUPPORT TO OUR CHURCH. HAVE A BLESSED WEEK
St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time
20th February, 2022
1. Today is the 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time. We thank St. Jude, St. Rose and St. Claire Small Christian Communities who were on duty today.
2. Next Sunday, 27th February 2022 will be the 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time.
The following duties will be on duty;
8.00 a.m. - St. Elizabeth SCC
10.00 a.m. - Choir/St. Michael Prayer Group
12.00 noon - St. Theresa SCC
4. The CMA of St Catherine of Siena would like to announce an ongoing membership recruitment. This recruitment will be ongoing for the month of February. Registration deadline will be on Sunday March 6, 2022 during the next CMA monthly meeting.Commencement of Formation classes will be communicated soon.
Interested members are asked to register at the CMA table outside the church after each of the three masses. Those not able to register physically are required to reach out to the moderator Mr George Jasho on 0722 518867, or the Secretary Mr Edwin Tirimba on 0721 461231 or at the parish office.
5. All PMC parents shall have a meeting next Sunday 27th February 2022 immediately after the 10.00 a.m. mass. This will be held at the Makuti Church. Every parent who has a child 14 years and below is requested to attend.
6. There will be Sunday school classes running during all masses, that is, 8 am, 10 am and 12.00 noon. Parents are asked to drop the children for Sunday school before proceeding for mass.
7. Christians are reminded that office days to see the Parish Priest and his assistant are Fridays from 8 am to 5 pm. On the other days Christians are requested to call the office line before to confirm the availability of the priests if they so wish to see them. For any other matter that may not involve the priests, the office is open from Tuesday to Friday from 8 am to 5 pm, and Saturdays from 9 am to 12.00 noon.
8. Meetings
⦁ St. Theresa SCC will have their February 2022 meeting today after the second mass in the Church compound.
⦁ St. Elizabeth Small Christian Community will hold their Jumuiya online meeting on Thursday 24th February, 2022 at 8.00pm. All members are requested to join. The link will be shared later.
9. Marriage banns (Find attached)
10. Saints of the Week
Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 21st February 2022 St. Peter Damian, Bishop, Doctor
Tuesday, 22nd February 2022 Feast of the Chair of St. Peter the Apostle
Wednesday, 23rd February 2022 St. Polycarp, Bishop and Martyr
Thursday, 24th February 2022 St. Sergius
Friday, 25th February 2022 St.Ceassarius of Nazianzus
Saturday, 26th February 2022 St. Alexander of Allexandria
Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.
St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for 6thSunday in Ordinary Time
13th February, 2022
1. Today is the 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time. We thank CWA who were on duty today.
2. Today is our Tithe Sunday. We welcome father to give us a blessing as we prepare to present our Tithes.
3. Next Sunday, 20th February 2022 will be the 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time.
The following duties will be on duty;
8.00 a.m. - St. Jude SCC
10.00 a.m. - St. Rose SCC
12.00 noon - St. Claire SCC
4. Yesterday there was a PMC children`s Mass with Archbishop of the
Archdiocese of Nairobi at St. Austin Catholic parish, Msongari. We thank all
the children who attended as well as their Animators.
5. There will be Sacrament of Confession next Saturday 19th February 2022 from 5.00pm to 6.00pm here at the parish. All are welcome.
6. The CMA of St Catherine of Siena would like to announce an ongoing membership recruitment. This recruitment will be ongoing for the month of February. Registration deadline will be on Sunday March 6, 2022 during the next CMA monthly meeting.Commencement of Formation classes will be communicated soon.Interested members are asked to register at the CMA table outside the church after each of the three masses. Those not able to register physically are required to reach out to the moderator Mr. George Jasho on 0722 518867, or the Secretary Mr Edwin Tirimba on 0721 461231.
7. Infant baptism classes for parents will begin on 16th February - 18th February
2022. Baptism will be on Saturday 19th February 2022 at 9.00 a.m.
Registration is on - going at the Church office and with Deacon Jordan, OP
after mass.
8. Beginning today, there will be Sunday school classes during the three masses.
Parents are thus reminded to drop their children at the Makuti Church before
each mass begins.
9. Today the Parish Pastoral Council will have its February meeting after the
10.00 a.m. Mass in the Basement Room. All members are kindly requested to
be punctual.
10. St. Theresa SCC will have their February 2022 meeting after the second
Mass in the Church compound.
11. Marriage banns (Find attached)
12. Saints of the Week
Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 14th February 2022 Sts Cyril, Monk and Methodius, Bishop
Tuesday, 15th February 2022 St. Faustine
Wednesday, 16th February 2022 Bl Joseph Allamano
Thursday, 17th February 2022 Seven Holy Founders of the Servile Order
Friday, 18th February 2022 St. Simeon
Saturday, 19th February 2022 St. Mansuetus
Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.
St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for 5thSunday in Ordinary Time
6th February, 2022
1. Today is the 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time. We thank CWA who were on duty today.
2. Next Sunday will be the second Sunday of the month and thus the Tithe Sunday. All Christians are requested to prepare to present their tithes.
3. Next Sunday, 13th February 2022 will be the 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time.
The following duties will be on duty;
8.00a.m. - Young Adults
10.00a.m. - PMC
12. Noon - CMA
4. Infant baptism classes for parents will begin on 16th February 2022 - 18th
February 2022. Baptism will be on Saturday 19th February 2022 at 10.00am.
Registration is ongoing at the church office and with Deacon Jordan, OP
5. Starting next Sunday, 13th February 2022, there will be Sunday school classes for
children̍̍s during the three Masses. Parents are asked to drop their children at the
makuti church before each Mass begins.
6. In order to make the children's ministry in our church well established and
Strong, we need more Animators. We continue appealing for Christians to
volunteer as PMC Animators. Those willing are asked to see the Father-In-
Charge for more guidance on Friday̍s office day.
7. All ecclesial groups shall meet today after the 10.00 a.m. mass in their
designated areas as guided by their moderators
8. Next Sunday, 13th February 2022 PPC are scheduled to have their February
Meeting after the10.00 a.m. mass in the Makuti Church. All members are
kindly requested to prepare to attend.
9. Marriage banns (Find attached)
10. Saints of the Week
Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 7th February 2022 St. Richard
Tuesday, 8th February 2022 St. Josephine Bakhita, Virgin
Wednesday, 9th February 2022 St. Apollonia
Thursday, 10th February 2022 St. Scholastica, Virgin
Friday, 11th February 2022 Our Lady of Lourdes
Saturday,12th February 2022 St. Innocent
Find these announcements in our website and on our church notice board.
St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time
30th January, 2022
1. Today is the 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time. We thank St. Vincent De Paul SCC, Lay Dominicans and the Youth who were on duty.
2. Next Sunday, 6th February 2022 will be the 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time. CWA will be on duty during all Masses.
3. The Covid Vaccination drive is taking place today at the tent from 9.00am to 2.00pm. This will cover 1st, 2nd Timers and the booster. Children between 15 and 18 years will receive the Pfizer Jab. Johnson and Johnson will also be available for first Timers. We take this opportunity to thank the four Parishioners who have sponsored today̍s outreach.
4. There will be a Liturgy Committee meeting today after 10.00am Mass at the Makuti church. All representative from church groups, Small Christian Communities and ecclesial groups must ensure their representatives attends the meeting.
5. Parents are being reminded of catechism classes for children every Saturday at 2.00pm and on Sundays after 10.00am Mass.
6. There will be Sacrament of Confession next Saturday 5th February 2022 from 5.00pm to 6.00pm here at the parish. All are welcome.
7. All ecclesial groups shall meet next Sunday, 6th February 2022 after the 10.00 a.m. Mass in their designated areas as guided by the moderators.
Do you have any challenge which you would like to overcome? An author of a book titled "EMPOWERED TO SUCCEED: Finding Victory Within Your Challenges" is with us today to promote this book. Other titles such as "THE POWER OF THE SPOKEN WORD and OVERCOMING FAMILY RIVALRY" will also be available. Each copy is Ksh1000 (one thousand only).
9. Marriage banns (Find attached)
7. Saints of the Week
Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 31st January 2022 St. John Bosco Priest
Tuesday, 1st February 2022 Bl Benedict Daswa
Wednesday, 2nd February 2022 Feast of the Presentation of the Lord
Thursday, 3rd February 2022 Sts.Blaise, Bishop and Martyr, Ansgar, Bishop
Friday, 4th February 2022 St. Gilbert
Saturday, 5th February 2022 St. Agatha, Virgin and Martyr
Find these announcements in our website and on our church notice board.
St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Parish, Kitisuru
Announcements for 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
23rd January, 2022
1. Today is the 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time. It is the Sunday of the Word of God in the Catholic Church. We thank St. Theresa SCC, Choir and St. Michael Prayer Group and St. Elizabeth SCC who were on duty.
2. Next Sunday, 30th January 2022 will be the 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time. The following groups shall be on duty;
8.00 a.m. mass : St. Vincent De Paul SCC
10.00 a.m. mass : Lay Dominicans
12.00 noon mass : Youth
3. Formation classes for CWA began last Sunday and are taking place after the 10.00 a.m Mass in the Makuti Church. All ladies who wish to join CWA are welcome.
4. Following the request by some Christians, the Parish Charity Committee has organized a Covid vaccination drive for next Sunday 30th January 2022 starting from 9.00 a.m. This will cover 1st, 2nd timers and the booster. Children between 15 and 18 years will receive the Pfizer jab. Johnson and Johnson will also be available for first timers. Kindly inform others in your networks.
5. The Liturgy Committee will meet next Sunday 30th January, 2022 after the 10 am mass. All ecclesial groups and Small Christian Communities are reminded to send their representatives without fail.
6. Christians are reminded on Wednesday̍s 5.30pm will be reciting Rosary and thereafter 6.00pm Mass for the sick. Those with sick people to register in the parish office for possible visitation.
7. The catechist, Elias Simiyu, is out on his Annual Leave from 21st January 2022 to 20th February, 2022. His duties will be carried out by Deacon Jordan, OP.
8. Lady Hope to St Catherine Parishioners:
Receive warm Greetings from Lady Hope team. We wish to thank every Parishioner who has supported our work with our needy cancer patients over the years. Special thanks to those who have created time to pray with the group, or visit the patients during support group meetings and at our nearby accommodation facility.
Because of your love and support, the group has continued to grow strong in faith and in numbers with a renewed hope for better days ahead.
The main fundraiser for this project is an Annual Charity Walk held here every last Saturday of January. Plans for our 8th Walk, scheduled for Sat 29/1/2022 at 8.am, are underway and we appeal for your participation on the walk day, buying our Walk merchandise we welcome from the table outside the church and in the church office during week days. Donations in cash and kind or input in terms of ideas. For more information, kindly see Mrs. Veronica Njoroge or visit our church notice board. Thanks for being a pillar to this project and remain blessed.
9. Marriage banns (Find attached)
10. Saints of the Week
Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 24th January 2022 St. Francis de Sales, Bishop and Doctor
Tuesday, 25th January 2022 Conversion of St. Paul
Wednesday, 26th January 2022 Sts. Timothy and Titus, Bishop
Thursday, 27th January 2022 St. Angela Merici, Virgin
Friday, 28th January 2022 St. Thomas Aquinas, Priest and Doctor
Saturday, 29th January 2022 Sts Papia and Maurinus
Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.
St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
16th January, 2022
1. Today is the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time. We thank St. Rose SCC, St. Claire SCC and St. Jude SCC who were on duty.
2. Next Sunday, 23rd January 2022 will be the 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time. The following groups shall be on duty;
8.00 a.m. mass : St. Theresa SCC
10.00 a.m. mass : Choir/St. Michael Prayer Group
12.00 noon mass : St. Elizabeth SCC
3. Formation classes for CWA will begin today after the 10.00 a.m Mass in the Makuti Church. All ladies who wish to join CWA are welcome.
4. St. Theresa SCC will have their January meeting today after the 10.00 a.m. in
the Church compound
5. Marriage banns (Find attached)
6. Lady Hope to St Catherine Parishioners:
Receive warm Greetings from Lady Hope team. We wish to thank every Parishioner who has supported our work with our needy cancer patients over the years. Special thanks to those who have created time to pray with the group, or visit the patients during support group meetings and at our nearby accommodation facility.
Because of your love and support, the group has continued to grow strong in faith and in numbers with a renewed hope for better days ahead.
The main fundraiser for this project is an Annual Charity Walk held here every last Saturday of January. Plans for our 8th Walk, scheduled for Sat 29/1/2022 at 8.am, are underway and we appeal for your participation on the walk day, buying our Walk merchandise we welcome from the table outside the church and in the church office during week days. Donations in cash and kind or input in terms of ideas. For more information, kindly see Mrs. Veronica Njoroge or visit our church notice board. Thanks for being a pillar to this project and remain blessed.
7. Saints of the Week:
Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 17th January 2022 St. Anthony Abbot
Tuesday, 18th January 2022 St. Prisca
Wednesday, 19th January 2022 St. Pontion
Thursday, 20th January 2022 Blessed Cyprian Michael Tansi, Priest
Friday, 21st January 2022 St. Agnes, Virgin and Martyr
Saturday, 22nd January 2022 St. Vincent, Deacon and Martyr
Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.
St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for Sunday 9th January, 2022
1. Today is Feast of the Baptism of our Lord. We thank Young Adults, PMC and CMA who were on duty.
2. Today is the Second Sunday of the month and our Tithe Sunday. We invite the priest to pray over our tithes and therefore invite the Choir to lead us with a song as we present our tithes.
3. Next Sunday, 16th January 2022 will be the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time. The following groups shall be on duty;
8.00 a.m. mass : St. Rose SCC
10.00 a.m. mass : St. Claire SCC
12.00 noon mass : St. Jude SCC
4. Next Sunday, 16th January 2022. CWA shall begin formation classes. All Ladies who have registered are requested to attend the class that shall take place in the Makuti Church after the 10.00 a.m. Mass. Registration is on-going with Christine Mwangi.
5. Today PPC will have its January 2022 meeting in the Makuti Church after the
10.00a.m. mass. All members are requested to attend.
6. Saints of the Week
Date |
Feast/Solemnity |
Monday, 10th January 2022 |
St. Gregory of Nyssa |
Tuesday, 11th January 2022 |
St. Hygenius |
Wednesday, 12th January 2022 |
St. Arcadius |
Thursday, 13th January 2022 |
St. Hillary, Bishop and Doctor |
Friday, 14th January 2022 |
St. Felix |
Saturday, 15th January 2022 |
St. Paul the Hemit |
Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.
St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for Sunday 12th December, 2021
3rd Sunday of Advent
1. Today is the 3rd Sunday of Advent. We thank CWA who were on duty today.
2. Today being the second Sunday of the month is our Tithe Sunday. This is to invite the
Priest to bless the tithe and thereafter Christians are welcome to present their tithe.
3. Next Sunday 19th December, 2021 will be the 4th Sunday of Advent we shall have two Masses and groups on duty shall be;
⦁ 8.00 a.m. - Young Adults
⦁ 10.00 a.m. - PMC
4. We shall have our Christmas Carols next Sunday, December 19th 2021 after 10.00am Mass. Snacks will be served. We are also requested to bring Christmas Alms for the needy.
5. Tomorrow 13th December, 2021 is a public Holiday. Mass will be at 10.00am.
6. Charity Committee is pleased to announce that another Covid-19 vaccination will take place here today Sunday, 12th December from 9.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. at the Makuti Church. Please ensure you have your National ID Card or Passport for non -Kenyans. 1st timers are encouraged to register themselves on the registration portal that is, portal.health.go.ke. We are encouraged to share this information widely.
7. The CWA formation classes will start on the 16th January 2022. All Ladies interested are requested to register with Christine Mwangi.
Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 13th December 2021 St. Lucy, Virgin and Martyr
Tuesday, 14th December 2021 St. John of the Cross, Priest and Doctor
Wednesday, 15th December 2021 St. Valerianus
Thursday, 16th December 2021 St. Adelaide
Friday, 17th December 2021 St. Lazarus
Saturday, 18th December 2021 St. Imina
Find these Announcements in our website and on our notice board.
St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for Sunday 5th December, 2021
2nd Sunday of Advent
1. Today is the 2ndSunday of Advent. We thank CWA who were on duty today.
2. Today we have a second collection to aid in the running of the Radio Maria Station. This is part of special collection for the Archdiocese of Nairobi. We welcome the Choir to lead us with a song as we present our offertory.
3. Next Sunday 12th December, 2021 will be the 3rd Sunday of Advent we shall have only one mass at 10.00 a.m. The group on duty shall be the Lay Dominicans.
4. Next Sunday shall be the second Sunday of the month and thus our Tithe Sunday. Christians are encouraged to collect the tithe envelopes at the Church entrance as we prepare to present our tithes.
5. All ecclesial groups shall have their monthly meeting today after the 10.00 a.m. Mass in their designated areas as guided by the moderators.
6. Next Sunday 12th December 2021 we will have our main harambee for the year 2021. All of us shall be guests of honor. Let us prepare to participate.
7. Charity Committee is pleased to announce that another Covid - 19 vaccination will take place here next Sunday, 12th December from 9.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. Available jabs include Pfizer, Moderna and Astra Zenica. 1st timers are encouraged to register themselves on the registration portal that is, portal.health.go.ke. We are encouraged to share this information widely.
8. We shall have our Christmas Carols on Sunday, December 19th 2021. All Church groups are reminded to prepare.
9. Meeting:
PPC shall have their December 2021 meeting on Sunday 12th December 2021 in the Makuti Church after the main harambee. All members are requested to prepare to attend.
Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 6th December 2021 St. Nicholas, Bishop
Tuesday, 7th December 2021 St. Ambrose, Bishop and Doctor
Wednesday, 8th December 2021 Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Thursday, 9th December 2021 St. Juan Diego
Friday, 10th December 2021 Blessed Virgin Mary of Loreto
Saturday, 11th December 2021 St. Damasus I, Pope
11. Now I invite the Church Moderator Engineer Pascal Kiragu to speak about the Synodal invitation to the people of God.
Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.
St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for Sunday 28th November 2021
1st Sunday of Advent
1. Today is the 1st Sunday of Advent. We thank St. Elizabeth SCC, Choir & St.Michael Prayer Group and St. Theresa SCC who were on duty today.
2. Today we have our November mini - harambee where St.Theresa SCC are the Guests of Honor. This is to invite Mr. Kimani to officiate the harambee as we prepare to sindikiza them.
3. Next Sunday 5th December, 2021 will be the 2nd Sunday of Advent. CWA shall be on duty in all the three Masses.
4. Next Sunday, 5th December 2021 we shall have a second collection to aid in the running of the Radio Maria station. This is part of Special collection for Archdiocese of Nairobi.
5. Confession is every First and Third Saturday of the month here at the parish. Next Saturday being the first Saturday of the month we shall have our confession starting from 4.00pm- 6.00pm. All are welcome!
6. We are selling "2022 Liturgical Calendars" and "For A Synodal Church book" for Archdiocese of Nairobi each at Kshs. 100/-. Kindly get your copy outside the church.
Fund Raising activities:
7. Our main harambee for the year 2021 towards finishing our church project will be held on December 12th 2021. We are all invited to participate. We shall have one Mass on that day at 10.00am.
8. Charity Committee is pleased to announce that another Covid- 19 vaccination will take place here on Sunday, 12th December from 9.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. Available jabs include Pfizer, Moderna and Astra Zenica. 1st timers are encouraged to register themselves on the registration portal that is, portal.health.go.ke. We are encouraged to share this information widely.
9. We shall have our Christmas Carols on Sunday, 19th December 2021. All church groups are reminded to prepare.
10. There will be a Liturgy Committee meeting on Wednesday, 1st December 2021 at 5.30pm in the Father`s house meeting room.
11. All ecclesial groups shall have their monthly meeting next Sunday, 5th December 2021 after the 10.00 a.m. Mass in their designated areas as guided by the moderators.
12. Saints of the Week:
Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 29th November 2021 St. Catherine of Egypt
Tuesday, 30th November 2021 Feast of St. Andrew Apostle
Wednesday, 1st December 2021 Blessed Clementine Anuarite, Virgin and Martyr
Thursday, 2nd December 2021 St. Bibiana
Friday, 3rd December 2021 St. Francis Xavier, Priest
Saturday, 4th December 2021 St. John of Damascene, Priest and Doctor
Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.
St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for Sunday 21st November 2021
1st Sunday of Advent: FEAST OF CHRIST THE KING
1. Today is the Feast of Christ the King. We thank St. Jude SCC, St. Rose SCC and St. Claire who were on duty today.
2. The month of November is the month in which in a special way we pray for the departed members, friends and colleagues and all the dead. Christians are reminded to pray and offer mass intentions for the faithful departed throughout the month. Kindly pick an envelope for this purpose on which you can write the names of those you wish to be prayed for and put them in the box at the main entrance inscribed "Masses for the dead" with your offertory.
3. Next Sunday 28th November, 2021 will be the 1st Sunday of Advent. Duty schedules shall be as follows;
8.00 a.m mass - St. Elizabeth SCC
10.00 a.m. mass - Choir/St.Michael Prayer Group
12.00 noon mass - St. Theresa SCC
4. The PMC Ministry in our Church requires enough number of animators in order to carry out the formation of our children effectively. The Parish Priest is appealing for Christians to volunteer in this Ministry as Animators. Volunteers can see the Fr. In-Charge at the office for further guidance.
5. Archdiocese of Nairobi is selling a book "For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation, and Mission" at Ksh. 100/- outside the church.
6. Archdiocese of Nairobi 2022 Liturgical Calendars is out at Kshs. 100/- get a copy outside the church.
Fund Raising activities:
7. Our November mini - harambe is scheduled for next Sunday 28th November 2021 where St. Teresa SCC will be the guests of honor. Christians are requested to prepare to ̍sindikiza̍ our guests.
8. Our main harambee for the year 2021 towards finishing our church project will be held on December 12th 2021.
9. St. Theresa SCC will have their November 2021 meeting today after the second mass outside the tent.
10. St. Vincent De Paul will have their November 2021 meeting on Thursday 25th November 2021 at 7.30p.m. Members are requested to prepare to attend.
11. Marriage banns (Find attached)
12. Saints of the Week
Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 22nd November 2021 St. Cecilia, Virgin and Martyr
Tuesday, 23rd November 2021 Sts. Clement I, Pope and Martyr and Columban, Abbot
Wednesday, 24th November 2021 Sts. Andrew Dung-Lac, Priest and Companions, Martyrs
Thursday, 25th November 2021 St. Catherine of Alexandria, Virgin and Martyr
Friday, 26th November 2021 Bl James Alberione
Saturday, 27th November 2021 St. Virgil
Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.
St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for Sunday 14th November 2021
33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
1. Today is the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time. We thank Young Adults, PMC and CMA who were on duty today.
2. Today being our second Sunday of the month, is our Tithe Sunday. We invite the Priest to bless our tithes as we prepare to present them.
3. The month of November is the month in which in a special way we pray for the departed members, friends and colleagues and all the dead. Christians are reminded to pray and offer mass intentions for the faithful departed throughout the month. Kindly pick an envelope for this purpose on which you can write the names of those you wish to be prayed for and put them in the box at the main entrance inscribed "Masses for the dead" with your offertory.
4. Next Sunday 21st November, 2021 will be the FEAST OF CHRIST THE KING. Duty schedules shall be as follows;
8.00 a.m Mass - St. Jude SCC
10.00 a.m. Mass - St. Rose SCC
12.00 noon Mass - St. Claire SCC
5. Our November mini - harambe is scheduled for Sunday 28th November 2021 where St. Teresa SCC will be the guests of honor. Christians are requested to prepare to "sindikiza" our guests.
Fund Raising activities
6. Today both PMC and Youth groups are holding a car wash during all the 3 masses. Each car will be charged Kshs.200/-. Funds collected will go towards church development. Let us all support them. Thank you.
7. With the upcoming main harambee scheduled for 12th December 2021 the parish is planning to sell "Parish Branded Hoodies" to help us raise more money for harambee. The hoodies will go for kshs. 3,000 each. We have a sample today. Kindly register outside the size and color you would like to order.
8. The Covid -19 vaccination shall continue here at the Church today at the Church tent from 9.00 a.m. to 2.30 p.m. Those going for vaccination are requested to carry either their National ID or Passport for non citizens. First timers are encouraged to register themselves on the registration portal that is "portal.health.go.ke" though this is not mandatory. Ushers will be at the tent to guide you.
9. The CWA formation classes will start on the 16th January 2022. All Ladies interested are requested to register with Christine Mwangi.
10. The PMC Ministry in our Church requires enough number of animators in order to carry out the formation of our children effectively. The Parish Priest is appealing for Christians to volunteer in this Ministry as Animators. Volunteers can see the Fr. In-Charge at the office for further guidance.
11. PPC shall will have their November 2021 meeting today after the 10.00 a.m. mass in the Makuti Church.
12. Marriage banns (Find attached)
13. Saints of the Week:
Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 15th November 2021 St. Albert the Great, Bishop and Doctor
Tuesday, 16th November 2021 St. Margaret of Scotland and St. Gertrude, Virgin
Wednesday, 17th November 2021 St. Elizabeth of Hungary, Religious
Thursday, 18th November 2021 The Dedication of the Basilica of Sts. Peter and Paul Apostles
Friday, 19th November 2021 St. Abdia
Saturday, 20th November 2021 St. Edmund
Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.
St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for Sunday 7th November 2021
32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
1. Today is the 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time. We thank CWA who were on duty during all masses.
2. Next Sunday November 14th, 2021 shall be our second Sunday of the month of November and thus our Tithe Sunday. We are therefore encouraged to prepare to present our tithes.
3. Next Sunday 14th November, 2021 will be the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time. Young Adults shall be on duty during the 8.00 a.m., PMC during the 10.00 a.m. and CMA during the noon mass.
4. The month of November is the month in which in a special way we pray for the departed family members, friends, colleagues and all the dead. Christians are reminded to pray and offer Mass intentions for the faithful departed throughout the month. Kindly pick an envelope for this purpose on which you can write the names of those you wish to be prayed for and put them in the box at the main entrance inscribed "Masses for the dead" with your offertory .
Fund Raising activities:
5. Last Sunday we had a successful October mini - Harambee where St. Jude SCC were on duty. We thank them for their contributions.
6. PMC and Youth groups will hold a car wash during all the 3 Masses next Sunday 14th November 2021. Each car will be charged Kshs.200/-. Funds collected will go towards church development. We ask you to come prepared to support our youth and PMC groups.
7. With the upcoming main harambee scheduled for 12th December 2021 the parish is planning to sell "Parish Branded Hoodies" to help us raise more money for harambee. The hoodies will go for kshs. 3,000 each. We have a sample today. Kindly register outside the size and color you would like to order.
8. Our main harambee for the year 2021 towards finishing our church project will held on December 12th 2021. Parishioners who would like customized electronic harambee invitation cards to their friends and family are requested to give their names to either the Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) moderator Engineer Kiragu or the Parish Priest Fr. Mulu by 31st November 2021 to facilitate timely distribution of the e-cards.
9. The Covid-19 vaccination are taking place here at the Parish from today Sunday, 7th and next Sunday 14th November 2021 from 9.00 am. Moderna and Astra Zeneca jabs will be available for both 1st and 2nd dose seekers. Those who have not yet received vaccination are encouraged to take up the opportunity.
10. The PMC Ministry in our Church requires enough number of animators in order to carry out the formation of our children effectively. The Parish Priest is appealing for Christians to volunteer in this Ministry as Animators. Volunteers can see the Fr. In-Charge at the office for further guidance.
11. All ecclesial groups shall meet today after the 10.00 a.m. Mass in their designated areas as guided by the moderators.
12. PPC shall have their November 2021 meeting next Sunday 14th November 2021 after the 10.00 a.m. Mass in the Makuti Church.
13. Marriage banns (Find attached)
14. Saints of the Week
Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 8th November 2021 Saints of Wals
Tuesday, 9th November 2021 Dedication of the Lateran Basilica
Wednesday, 10th November 2021 St. Leo the Great, Pope and Doctor
Thursday, 11th November 2021 St. Martin of Tours, Bishop
Friday, 12th November 2021 St. Josaphat, Bishop and Martyr
Saturday, 13th November 2021 Sts. Arcadius G and Companions
Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.
St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for Sunday 31st October 2021
31st Sunday in Ordinary Time
1. Today is the 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time. We thank St. Vincent De Paul SCC, Lay Dominicans and Youth who were on duty.
2. Today we have our October mini - harambe. We invite Mr. Kimani to officiate over the harambee and welcome Our Chief Guests - St. Jude SCC.
3. Next Sunday 7thNovember, 2021 will be the 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time. CWA shall be on duty during ALL MASSES i.e the 8.00 a.m., 10.00 a.m., and the 12. Noon Mass.
4. Tomorrow Monday 1st November is the Solemnity of All Saints. It is a day of obligation in the Catholic Church. All Christians are reminded to attend Mass. Mass in the parish will be as usual at 6.00pm.
5. Tuesday 2nd November is the memorial of All Souls. Mass will be in the parish as usual at 6.00pm. Christians are encouraged to attend this Mass and pray for all the departed souls.
6. The month of November is the month in which in a special way we pray for the departed family members, friends, colleagues and all the dead. Christians are reminded to pray and offer Mass intentions for the faithful departed throughout the month. Kindly pick an envelope for this purpose on which you can write the names of those you wish to be prayed for and put them in the box at the main entrance inscribed "̍Masses for the dead" with your offertory .
7. The Young Catholic Adults (YCA) continue to appeal to parishioners to support them in their bid to raise funds for the main harambee by buying their assorted merchandise that they are displaying outside the Church every Sunday after celebration of the 3 masses. The items on sale include; pure honey from one the YCA̍s Bee farm, branded items with the name "St.Catherine of Siena, Kitisuru", while individuals who wish to have personalize items such as hoodies, diaries, water bottles, etc are welcome to make their orders. We are all called upon to support this noble course as we strive to build the Church. Thank you.
8. Our main harambee for the year 2021 towards finishing our church project will held on December 12th 2021. Parishioners who would like customized electronic harambee invitation cards to their friends and family are requested to give their names to either the Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) moderator Engineer Kiragu or the Parish Priest Fr. Mulu by 31st November 2021 to facilitate timely distribution of the e-cards.
9. The Covid-19 vaccination will be administered here, at the Parish, on the two Sundays of 7th and 14th November 2021 starting 9.00 am. Moderna and Astra Zenica jabs will be available for both 1st and 2nd dose seekers. Please register today at the Church entrance desk to assist our planning.
10. The CWA formation classes will start on the 16th January 2022. All Ladies interested are requested to register with Christine Mwangi.
The St. Catherine of Siena Self Help Group management sincerely appreciates Our Patron parish priest, PPC and parishioners for the support and facilitation during the hugely successful AGM on Saturday, October 9th 2021. The surplus has been distributed. For any inquiries, kindly visit our clerk, at the desk outside the church entrance, after mass. Parishioners are encouraged to join the SHG to benefit similarly. Registration of new members and savings is ongoing.
12. St. Vincent De Paul SCC will have their October 2021 meeting after the 8.00 a.m. mass outside the main Church door.
13. Marriage banns {3} (Find attached)
14. Saints of the Week:
Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 1st November 2021 The Solemnity of All Saints
Tuesday, 2nd November 2021 The Commemoration of all the faithful departed souls
Wednesday, 3rd November 2021 St. Martin de Porres, Religious
Thursday, 4th November 2021 St. Charles Borromeo, Bishop
Friday, 5th November 2021 Sts. Elizabeth and Zachariah
Saturday, 6th November 2021 All Saints of Africa
Find these Announcements in our website and on our notice board.
St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for Sunday 24th October 2021
30th Sunday in Ordinary Time
1. Today is the 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time. We thank St. Theresa SCC, Choir and St.Michael Prayer Group, and St. Elizabeth SCC who were on duty.
2. Next Sunday 31st October 2021 will be the 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time. The groups on duty shall be St. Vincent De Paul SCC during the 8.00 a.m. mass, Lay Dominicans during the 10.00 a.m. mass and Youth during the noon mass.
3. Our October mini - harambe is scheduled for Sunday 31st October 2021 where St. Jude SCC will be the guests of honor. Christians are requested to prepare to ̍sindikiza̍ our guests.
4. In their bid to raise funds for the main harambee, the Young Catholic Adults (YCA) will be selling assorted merchandise to the congregants every Sunday after celebration of the 3 Masses. These shall include items branded "St. Catherine of Siena, Kitisuru" and personalized branded items like hoodies, diaries, water bottles, etc. They will also sell pure honey from one the YCA̍s Bee farm. Please support his noble course as we strive to build the Church. Thank you.
5. Our main harambee for year 2021 towards finishing our church project will held on December 12th 2021. Parishioners who would like customized electronic harambee invitation cards to their friends and family are requested to give their names to either the Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) Moderator Engineer Kiragu Mugwe or the Parish Priest Fr. Emmanuel, OP by 31st November 2021 to facilitate timely distribution of the e-cards.
6. The Covid-19 vaccination will take place here at the Parish on the two Sundays of 7th and 14th November 2021 starting 9.00 am. Moderna and Astra Zenica jabs will be available for both 1st and 2nd dose seekers. Please register today at the Church entrance desk to assist us in planning.
7. The CWA formation classes will start on the 16th January 2022. All Ladies interested are requested to register with Christine Mwangi.
8. Marriage Banns: (3)
9. St. Claire will have their monthly meeting on Sunday 24th after the 10.00am Mass at the Makuti Church.
10. Saints of the Week
Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 25th October 2021 St. Crispino
Tuesday, 26th October 2021 St. Evaristus
Wednesday, 27th October 2021 St. Florence
Thursday, 28th October 2021 Sts. Simon and Jude, Apostles
Friday, 29th October 2021 St. Hermelide
Saturday, 30rd October 2021 St. Gerald
Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.
St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for Sunday 10th October 2021
28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
1. Today is the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time. We thank Young Adults, PMC and CMA who were on duty.
2. Today being the Second Sunday of the month is our Tithe Sunday. We welcome the priest to bless the Christians as we prepare to present our tithes.
3. Next Sunday 17th October 2021 will be the 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time. The groups on duty shall be St. Rose SCC-8.00 a.m. mass, St. Claire SCC -10.00 a.m. mass and St. Jude SCC-12.00 noon mass.
4. Tomorrow being a public holiday, mass at the Parish shall be at 10.00 a.m.
5. From Tuesday this week, all Weekday masses will be at 6 pm, Saturday mass will be at 8 am while adoration will be on Thursday at 5.00 pm.
6. Christians are reminded that October is the month the Holy Rosary. We are all encouraged to pray the Holy Rosary at home, in Small Christian Community and privately. Here in our Church the Rosary is being prayed daily before evening mass from 5.00 p.m. and on Saturday from 7.00 a.m. All are welcome.
7. Next Sunday 17th October 2021, PMC children shall have a car wash during the three masses at a cost of 200 per car. The monies collected shall go towards the Church Development. Our PMC is therefore appealing for our support on this day.
8. We shall have Infant Baptism on Saturday, 23rd October, 2021 at 10.00am here in the Parish.
9. Rev. Fr. Charles Kato, OP is out for Retreat and Holiday from last Thursday 7th October, 2021 to 27th October, 2021. During his retreat and holiday, his duties will be carried out by Rev. Fr. Dennis Wataka, OP.
10. Rev. Fr. Dennis Wataka, OP invites all of you for his Thanksgiving Mass which will be on 30th October, 2021 at his local parish, Naitiri-Bungoma. Those who are willing to attend and support can register with ...
11. Today PPC will their October 10th October 2021 meeting in the Makuti Church after the 10.00 a.m. mass. All members are requested to prepare to attend.
12. Radio Maria Announcement
Christians are reminded that the Dominican Friars are presenting a program on Radio Maria 107.3 FM every Wednesday between 5.00 p.m. and 6.00 p.m. You are invited to tune to listen.
13. Saints of the Week
Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 11th October 2021 St. John XXIII, Pope
Tuesday, 12th October 2021 St. Wilfred
Wednesday, 13th October 2021 St. Edward
Thursday, 14th October 2021 St.Callistus I, Pope and Martyr
Friday, 15th October 2021 St. Teresa of Jesus, Virgin and Doctor
Saturday, 16th October 2021 St. Hedwig, St.Margaret Mary Alacoque
Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.