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    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, January 26th 2025

    • Today is 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time. The Church also celebrate the 5th Anniversary of the Sunday of The Word of God. Christians who brought their personal, family or Jumuiyas bibles to stand holding them for special blessings.


    • We shall commissioning of new proclaimers during Noon Mass.

    We thank the following groups for their services: -

    • 8.00a.m. Mass:            St. Bakhita SCC
    • 10.00a.m. Mass:          St. Vincent de Paul SCC
    • 12.00 noon Mass:       YCA group
    • Next Sunday will be the Sunday of Presentation of the Lord. It will be also the World Day of Consecrated Life.

    The following groups will be on duty:

    • 8.00a.m. Mass:            CWA group
    • 10.00a.m. Mass:          CWA & CMA groups
    • 12.00 noon Mass:       St. Dominic Choir
    • St. Claire SCC shall meet today after the 10.00am Mass outside the Adoration Chapel.


    • There will be Mass at St. Vincent de Paul SCC on Thursday, 30th January 2025 at 7.00pm at Pinkie and Jasper Mbiuki’s House, Hidden Valley-Saunders close.
    • All Ecclesial groups shall have their monthly meeting next Sunday after the 10.00am Mass.


    • Catechism classes for both Children and Adults is every Sunday after 10.00am. Mass Kindly register at the parish office.
    • Marriage Banns: We announce for the second time the intended marriage between Timothy Bundi Mutegi, son of Stanley Mutegi Mate and Sivester Ciamutegi Mutegi, and Evalyne Nyakio Ngari, daughter of David Ngari Njanja and Nancy Wanjiru Ngari. The wedding is scheduled to take place on February 21st, 2025. If anyone knows of any reason why this marriage should not proceed, please contact the Father in Charge.


    • Lady Hope team wishes to thank our priests and all parishioners for the massive support towards our Walk event yesterday. We appreciate those who prayed for us, those who bought merchandise, and the large numbers who attended the Walk. May God bless you abundantly.
    • We warmly welcome any visitors to our parish today. Please stand or wave to allow us acknowledge and appreciate your presence.



    Find these announcements on our Church notice board.

    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, January 19th 2025

    • Today is the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time. We extend our gratitude to all Christians who offered their tithes last Sunday. For those who were unable to do so, you can still present your tithes using the available tithe envelopes or the Parish Pay Bill Number 997866.


    • We thank the following groups for their services today: -
    • 8.00a.m. Mass:      St. Jude SCC
    • 10.00a.m. Mass:    St. Elizabeth SCC
    • 12.00 noon Mass:   St. Dominic SCC
    • Next Sunday, will be the 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time. There will be Commissioning of New Proclaimers during the Noon Mass. The following groups will be on duty:
    • 8.00a.m. Mass:      St. Bakhita SCC
    • 10.00a.m. Mass:    St. Vincent de Paul SCC
    • 12.00 noon Mass:   YCA Group


    • There will be formation class for the Sacred Heart of Jesus today after the 8.00am Mass at the Basement Room.
    • St. Teresa SCC and St. Jude SCC shall meet today after the 10.00am Mass outside the Adoration Chapel and Outside the Makuti Church respectively.


    • St. Claire SCC shall meet next Sunday after the 10.00am Mass outside the Adoration Chapel.
    • Catechism classes for both Children and Adults is every Sunday after 10.00am. Mass Kindly register at the parish office.


    • CWA formation sessions will begin today after the 10.00am Mass outside the Adoration Chapel.
    • Lady Hope Wellness Institute shall hold their 11th Annual Charity walk here at the parish next Saturday, January 25th 2025 from 8.00a.m. We are encouraged to participate in this noble event. They are also selling T.shirts and Caps outside the Church for the same course. Please let’s support them.


    • Marriage Banns: We announce for the first time the intended marriage between Timothy Bundi Mutegi, son of Stanley Mutegi Mate and Sivester Ciamutegi Mutegi, and Evalyne Nyakio Ngari, daughter of David Ngari Njanja and Nancy Wanjiru Ngari. The wedding is scheduled to take place on February 21st, 2025. If anyone knows of any reason why this marriage should not proceed, please contact the Father in Charge.
    • “Fr. Cleophas Tesha, OP our Parish Priest, and his family wish to express their sincere and heartfelt gratitude to the entire St. Catherine of Siena Parish community for your immense and generous spiritual, moral and financial support towards the burial of his beloved dad Mwalimu Joseph Lesio Tesha. May God bless you all more abundantly. Further appreciation is due to those who travel to Moshi, Tanzania for burial”.


    • We warmly welcome any visitors to our parish today. Please stand or wave to allow us acknowledge and appreciate your presence.




    Find these announcements on our Church notice board.

    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, January 5th 2024

    • Today, we have celebrated the Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord. During this special occasion, there will be a Second Collection for the 'Holy Childhood Collection’ to support the activities of the Pontifical Missionary Childhood (PMC) around the world. Thank you in advance for your support and participation! The choir to lead us please!


    • We express our gratitude to His Grace, Archbishop Philip Anyolo, in absentia, for granting permission to have Confirmations in our parish today. We extend our heartfelt thanks to His Lordship, Bishop George Muthaka of Garissa, for graciously accepting to preside over this special celebration.
    • We also thank in a special way the following groups for their services today: -
    • 8.00a.m. Mass:            CWA
    • 10.00a.m. Mass:          CWA
    • Our Parish-joint choir (including choirs from the parish and the outstation).


    • Next Sunday, will be the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord. It will also be the Second Sunday of the month and our Tithe Sunday. Kindly let us prepare to present our Tithe. The following groups will be on duty:
    • 8.00a.m. Mass:                       St. Claire SCC
    • 10.00a.m. Mass:                     St. Teresa SCC
    • 12.00 noon Mass:                   St. Rose SCC
    • PPC will have their January 2025 meeting next Sunday after the 10.00a.m. Mass at the Basement Room.


    • There will be Mass at St. Dominic Small Christian Community on Wednesday, 8th January 2025 at 7.00pm at Antony & Lucy Kuria’s House.
    • There will be infant baptism on the last Saturday of January 2025. Parents are kindly asked to register at the parish office.


    • Catechism classes for Adults will start next Sunday, 12th January 2025 after 10.00am Mass behind the Adoration Chapel. Those who would like to register for these classes are encouraged to do so at the parish office.
    • PMC and Sunday school classes will resume next Sunday, 12th January 2025. Parents are asked to drop their children at Makuti Church before proceeding for the 10am Mass.


    • Lady Hope community will have its 11th annual cancer awareness and fundraising Walk on the 25th January 2025, in support of their needy cancer affected families, starting here at our Church. They are appealing for your support and participation. The sale of T-shirts is ongoing. There's more information on the church noticeboard.
    • We now warmly welcome any visitors to our parish today. Please stand or wave to allow us acknowledge and appreciate your presence.





    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, December 29th 2024

    • Today is Feast Day of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. We thank the following groups for their services: -
    • 8.00a.m. Mass:        CMA
    • 10.00a.m. Mass:      St. Catherine Choir
    • 12.00 noon Mass:    YCA & St. Dominic Choir


    • New Year January 1st 2025: The Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God Mass Schedule:


    Time for Mass

    Group on duty

    Tuesday, Dec. 31st Vigil Mass


    St. Catherine of Siena Choir

    Wednesday, Jan. 1st New Year Mass


    St. Josephine Bakhita


    • Next Sunday, January 5th 2025 will be the Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord. It will also be a day for the conferment of the Sacrament of Confirmation at our parish during the 10am Mass. Consequently, we shall have only TWO Masses scheduled as follows:
    • 8.00a.m. Mass:        CWA Group
    • 10.00a.m. Mass:      CWA Group
    • All parents for the candidates of the Sacrament of Confirmation are expected to have submitted their children’s original baptismal cards and fill the required form at the parish office. Only such candidates shall be considered for confirmation.


    • There will be rehearsals and confessions for the candidates of the Sacrament of Confirmation on Saturday, January 4, 2025, starting at 9 a.m. Parents and guardians are also welcome to attend. We shall issue the candidates with special cards to identify them on Confirmation Day.
    • A book on marriage entitled Are You Ready to Walk the Aisle? authored by Ms. Clara Githaiga, one of our parishioners, is available for sale outside the Church. It is a recommended manual and guide for pre-marital couples. You are kindly invited to visit her desk to purchase a copy.


    • We now warmly welcome any visitors to our parish today. Please stand or wave to allow us acknowledge and appreciate your presence.

    Find these announcements on our notice board.



    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, December 22nd 2024

    • Today is the 4th Sunday of Advent. We thank the following groups for their services: -
    • 8.00a.m. Mass:            St. Elizabeth SCC
    • 10.00a.m. Mass:          St. Bakhita SCC
    • 12.00 noon Mass:       St. Jude SCC


    • Christmas and New Year Mass Schedule shall be as follows:


    Time for Mass

    Group on duty

    Tuesday, Dec. 24th  Vigil Mass


    YCA & St. Dominic Choir

    Wednesday, Dec. 25th Christmas Day


    St. Vincent de Paul SCC
    St. Teresa SCC

    Thursday, Dec. 26th Public Holiday


    St. Elizabeth SCC

    Tuesday, Dec. 31st Vigil Mass


    St. Catherine of Siena Choir

    Wednesday, Jan. 1st New Year Mass


    CMA & St. Josephine Bakhita

    • Next Sunday, December 29th we will celebrate the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Married Couples shall receive a special blessing. The following groups will be on duty:
    • 8.00a.m. Mass:            CMA Group
    • 10.00a.m. Mass:          St. Catherine of Siena Choir
    • 12.00 noon Mass:       YCA & St. Dominic Choir


    • We Thank, and appreciate all Christians, Small Christian Communities and Church groups, for participating in the 2024 'Christmas Carols' last Sunday. It was indeed a success!


    • Today is the deadline for all the candidates for the Sacrament of Confirmation to submit original baptismal cards and registration forms at the parish office. Those who have not submitted them please do so.
    • The will be confessions for the candidates of the sacrament of confirmation on Saturday, January 4, 2025 from 9am. Parents and guardians too, are welcome!


    • Marriage Banns: We announce for the third time the intended marriage between Ambrose Munyambu Mutua, son of Anthony Mutua and Anastasia Wayua, and Rhoda Paulina Ndululu, daughter of Aliphonce Munyao and Florence Mbeke. The wedding is scheduled to take place on January 4th, 2025. If anyone knows of any reason why this marriage should not proceed, please contact the Father in Charge.
    • We warmly welcome any visitors to our parish today. Please stand or wave to allow us acknowledge and appreciate your presence.


    Find these announcements on our notice board.

    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, December 15th 2024

    • Today is the 3rd Sunday of Advent. We thank all Christians who presented their Tithes last Sunday. Those who did not manage can still present their tithes using the available tithe envelops or the Parish Pay Bill Number 997866.


    • We thank the following groups for their services today: -
    • 8.00a.m. Mass:            St. Vincent de Paul SCC
    • 10.00a.m. Mass:          St. Claire & Youth group
    • Next Sunday will be the 4th Sunday of Advent. The following groups will be on duty:
    • 8.00a.m. Mass:            St. Elizabeth SCC
    • 10.00a.m. Mass:          St. Bakhita SCC
    • 12.00 noon Mass:       St. Jude SCC


    • Our Christmas Carols will take place today immediately after the 10:00 a.m. Mass. The program will last approximately two hours, followed by lunch. All parishioners are warmly encouraged to participate! Please note that there will be no catechism classes today.
    • Christmas envelopes are available at the back of the Church. Kindly pick an envelope and offer your Christmas donation.


    • The CWA group are recruiting new members. All interested are urged to register through the Parish office after each of the three Masses. Formation sessions will start in January 2025.
    • We still appeal for the donations of dry foodstuffs, clothes and old newspapers in support of the needy during this festive season. Donations can be dropped at the Parish office or at the Father’s house.


    • All parents for the Sacrament of Confirmation Candidates are requested to submit original Baptism Card and fill registration form at the parish office on or before next Sunday 22nd December 2024.
    • Marriage Banns: We announce for the second time the intended marriage between Ambrose Munyambu Mutua, son of Anthony Mutua and Anastasia Wayua, and Rhoda Paulina Ndululu, daughter of Aliphonce Munyao and Florence Mbeke. The wedding is scheduled to take place on January 4th, 2025. If anyone knows of any reason why this marriage should not proceed, please contact the Father in Charge.


    • We warmly welcome any visitors to our parish today. Please stand or wave to allow us acknowledge and appreciate your presence.


    Find these announcements on our website and on our notice board.

    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, December 8th 2024

    • Today is the 2nd Sunday of Advent. It is also our Tithing Sunday. I invite all to stand for Blessings and presentation of the tithes. (Choir).


    • We thank the following groups for their services today: -
    • 8.00a.m. Mass:            St. Dominic SCC
    • 10.00a.m. Mass:          St. Rose SCC
    • 12.00 noon Mass:       St. Teresa SCC
    • Next Sunday will be the 3rd Sunday of Advent and we shall have only two Masses. The following groups will be on duty:
    • 8.00a.m. Mass:                        St. Vincent de Paul SCC
    • 10.00a.m. Mass:                      St. Claire SCC & Youth Group


    • The PPC shall meet today at the Basement room after the 10.00a.m. Mass.
    • We shall celebrate the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Tomorrow, Monday 9th Dec 2024. It is a day of obligation. Mass will be celebrated at 6pm. 


    • Thursday, 12th December 2024 will be a Public Holiday, Mass at the Parish shall be at 10.00a.m.
    • We shall have our 2024 Christmas Carols next Sunday, 15th December 2024 after the 10.00am Mass. This is the reason why we shall not have 12.00noon Mass. All groups, families, and even individuals are encouraged to register their items at the Parish office by Saturday, December 14th 2024. We encourage all parishioners to spare some time to enjoy the Carols. You may invite your relatives and friends too!


    • PMC and Sunday school will be breaking for December holiday from next Sunday, 15th December 2024 to the second week of January 2025.
    • CWA formation sessions will begin in January 2025. Registration is ongoing at the parish office after each of the three masses.


    • We appeal for the donations of dry foodstuffs, and clothes in support of the needy during this festive season. Donations can be dropped at the parish office or at the Father’s House.
    • Marriage Banns: We announce for the first time the intended marriage between Ambrose Munyambu Mutua, son of Anthony Mutua and Anastasia Wayua, and Rhoda Paulina Ndululu, daughter of Aliphonce Munyao and Florence Mbeke. If anyone knows of any reason why this marriage should not proceed, please contact the Father in Charge.


    • We warmly welcome any visitors to our parish today. Please stand or wave to allow us acknowledge and appreciate your presence.


    Find these Announcements on our Church Notice Board.

    St Catherine of siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, December 1st 2024

    • Today is the 1st Sunday of Advent. We thank the following groups for their services:
    • 8.00a.m. Mass:      C.W.A Group
    • 10.00a.m. Mass:    C.W.A & C.M.A Groups
    • 12.00 noon Mass:   St. Dominic Choir


    • Next Sunday will be the 2nd Sunday of Advent. It will be the second Sunday of the month and our Tithe Sunday. Kindly let us prepare to present our Tithe. The following groups will be on duty:
    • 8.00a.m. Mass:      St. Dominic SCC
    • 10.00a.m. Mass:    St. Rose SCC
    • 12.00 noon Mass:   St. Teresa SCC
    • All Ecclesial groups will meet today after the 10.00a.m. Mass.


    • All parents for the Sacrament of Confirmation Candidates will have a brief meeting today, after the 10.00am Mass at the Basement Room.
    • PPC will have their December 2024 meeting next Sunday after the 10.00a.m. Mass.


    • We shall be having an Advent Recollection Day next Saturday, 7th December 2024 at the Basement Room starting with Mass at 8:00 am. The theme of the day will be "Spiritual growth in families". You are all welcome.
    • St. Mary’s School are conducting interviews for different levels this month. For more information, please visit the church’s notice board.


    • St. Catherine of Siena Caritas Self Help Group invites Volunteers to serve in the Management Committee next year 2025. Kindly pick the nomination form at the Church’s main entrance and return it by 22nd December 2024.
    • We warmly welcome any visitors to our parish today. Please stand or wave to allow us acknowledge and appreciate your presence.


    Find these Announcements on our Church Notice Board.

    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, November 24th 2024

    • Today is The Solemnity of CHRIST THE KING. We thank the following groups for their services: -
    • 8.00a.m. Mass:      St. Teresa SCC & Lectors
    • 10.00a.m. Mass:    St. Jude SCC & Lectors
    • 12.00noon Mass:   St. Elizabeth SCC & Lectors


    • Next Sunday will be the 1st Sunday of Advent. The following groups will be on duty:
    • 8.00a.m. Mass:      C.W.A Group
    • 10.00a.m. Mass:    C.W.A & C.M.A Groups
    • 12.00noon Mass:   St. Dominic Choir
    • St. Claire SCC shall meet today after the 10.00am Mass.


    • All Ecclesial groups shall have their monthly meeting next Sunday after the 10.00am Mass.
    • There will be Mass at St. Vincent de Paul Small Christian Community on Friday, 29th November 2024 at 7.00pm at Mr. Roy Mungai’s house, Lower Kabete Road.


    • There will be Mass for C.M.A group at Mr.  & Mrs. Fackson Kagwe’s House on Saturday, 30th November 2024 at 4.00pm at Rose Garden, Kirawa road.


    • Queen of Apostles Seminary, Ruaraka announces 2025 Grade 7 Admissions and Form two vacancies. Interview will take place on Wednesday 27th November 2024. More information is available at the church’s notice board.
    • There will be Teens Mentorship Bootcamp for the youth ages 14 – 25years from Monday, 25th November 2024 to Wednesday, 27th November 2024 here at the Parish from 8.00am – 3.00pm organized by eMentoring Africa and the Parish. Charges are Kshs. 3,000 to cater for Tea, Lunch and Writing materials. For more information, kindly visit our church notice board.


    • There will also be another mentoring program for the same age group on Friday, 29th November 2024 here at the Parish from 8.00am – 4.00pm organized by Lady Hope Wellness Institute and the Parish. All youth are welcome.
    • St. Catherine of Siena Caritas Self Help Group invites Volunteers to serve in the Management Committee next year 2025. Kindly pick the nomination form at the Church’s main entrance and return it by 22nd December 2024.


    • Marriage Banns: We announce for the third time the intended marriage between Stephen Kahara, son of Asumpta Njeri, and Jacinta Mwende, daughter of Gregory Ndolo and Loise Ndolo. The wedding is scheduled to take place on December 6th, 2024. If anyone knows of any reason why this marriage should not proceed, please contact the Father in Charge.
    • Marriage Banns: We announce for the third time the intended marriage between Bruno Opondi Opondi, son of Jared Ouma Opondi and Pamela Aoko Ouma, and Winnie Mogotu Onkundi, daughter of Peter Mogeni Onkundi and Alexina Gesare Mogunde. The wedding is scheduled to take place on December 21st, 2024. If anyone knows of any reason why this marriage should not proceed, please contact the Father in Charge.


    • We shall be having an Advent Recollection Day on Saturday, 7th December 2024 at the Basement Room from 8:00 am. The theme of the day will be "Spiritual growth in families". You are all welcome.
    •  All parents for the Sacrament of Confirmation Candidates will have a brief meeting next Sunday, December 1, 2024, after the 10am Mass at the Basement Room.


    • We warmly welcome any visitors to our parish today. Please stand or wave to allow us acknowledge and appreciate your presence.



    Find these Announcements on our Church Notice Board.

    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, November 17th 2024

    • Today is the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time. We shall have a second collection to support the running of Radio Maria station of the Archdiocese of Nairobi. (Choir).


    • We extend our gratitude to all Christians who offered their tithes last Sunday. For those who were unable to do so, you can still present your tithes using the available tithe envelopes or the Parish Pay Bill Number 997866.
    • We thank the following groups for their services today: -
    • 8.00a.m. Mass:      St. Bakhita SCC
    • 10.00a.m. Mass:    PMC & MYM Groups
    • 12.00 noon Mass:   CMA Group


    • Next Sunday will be The Solemnity of CHRIST THE KING. The following groups will be on duty:
    • 8.00a.m. Mass:      St. Teresa SCC
    • 10.00a.m. Mass:    St. Jude SCC
    • 12.00 noon Mass:   St. Elizabeth SCC
    • There will be formation class for the Sacred Heart of Jesus today after the 8.00am Mass at the Basement Room.


    • There will be formation class for the C.M.A new members today after the 10.00am Mass at the Basement Room.
    • St. Teresa and St. Jude SCCs shall meet today after the 10.00am Mass.


    • There will be Teens Mentorship Bootcamp for the youth ages 14 – 25years from Monday, 25th November 2024 to Wednesday, 27th November 2024 here at the Parish from 8.00am – 3.00pm organized by eMentoring Africa and the Parish. Charges are Kshs. 3,000 to cater for Tea, Lunch and Writing materials more information, kindly visit our church notice board.


    • St. Catherine of Siena Caritas Self Help Group invites Volunteers to serve in the Management Committee next year 2025. Kindly pick the nomination form at the Church entrance any of the Sundays and return it by Sunday 22 December 2024.


    • Marriage Banns: We announce for the second time the intended marriage between Stephen Kahara, son of Asumpta Njeri, and Jacinta Mwende, daughter of Gregory Ndolo and Loise Ndolo. The wedding is scheduled to take place on December 6th, 2024. If anyone knows of any reason why this marriage should not proceed, please contact the Father in Charge.
    • Marriage Banns: We announce for the second time the intended marriage between Bruno Opondi Opondi, son of Jared Ouma Opondi and Pamela Aoko Ouma, and Winnie Mogotu Onkundi, daughter of Peter Mogeni Onkundi and Alexina Gesare Mogunde. The wedding is scheduled to take place on December 21st, 2024. If anyone knows of any reason why this marriage should not proceed, please contact the Father in Charge.


    • Parish Christmas Carols will take place on 15th December 2024. All Small Christian Communities and Ecclesial groups are requested to prepare.
    • We warmly welcome any visitors to our parish today. Please stand or wave to allow us acknowledge and appreciate your presence.



    Find these Announcements on our Church Notice Board.

    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, November 10th 2024

    • Today is the 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time. It is also our Tithing Sunday. I invite all to stand for Blessings and presentation of the tithes. (Choir).


    • We thank the following groups for their services today: -
    • 8.00a.m. Mass:            St. Rose SCC
    • 10.00a.m. Mass:          St. Dominic SCC
    • 12.00 noon Mass:       St. Vincent de Paul SCC
    • Next Sunday will be the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time. We shall have a Second Collection to support the running of Radio Maria of the Archdiocese of Nairobi.  The following groups will be on duty:
    • 8.00a.m. Mass:            St. Bakhita SCC
    • 10.00a.m. Mass:          PMC & MYM Groups
    • 12.00 noon Mass:       CMA Group


    • The PPC shall meet today at the Basement room after the 10.00a.m. Mass.
    • There will be Mass at St. Dominic Small Christian Community on Wednesday, 13th November 2024 at 7.00pm at Patrick & Josephine Mweki’s House, Kitisuru Spring.


    • Marriage Banns: We announce for the first time the intended marriage between Stephen Kahara, son of Asumpta Njeri, and Jacinta Mwende, daughter of Gregory Ndolo and Loise Ndolo. The wedding is scheduled to take place on December 6th, 2024. If anyone knows of any reason why this marriage should not proceed, please contact the Father in Charge.
    • Marriage Banns: We announce for the first time the intended marriage between Bruno Opondi Opondi, son of Jared Ouma Opondi and Pamela Aoko Ouma, and Winnie Mogotu Onkundi, daughter of Peter Mogeni Onkundi and Alexina Gesare Mogunde. The wedding is scheduled to take place on December 21st, 2024. If anyone knows of any reason why this marriage should not proceed, please contact the Father in Charge.


    • We are pleased to announce that the candidates for the Sacrament of Confirmation will be confirmed on Sunday, January 5th, 2025. We encourage all candidates to continue preparing prayerfully and diligently for this important step in their faith journey. Let us keep them in our prayers as they draw closer to this special day.
    • We warmly welcome any visitors to our parish today. Please stand or wave to allow us acknowledge and appreciate your presence.


    Find these Announcements on our Church Notice Board.

    • As Announced last Sunday, The Pauline Sisters will have a variety of items for sale, including Bibles, books on prayer and marriage, and a selection of children's and youth books, among others. Kindly purpose to buy some. I call one of them to tell more about their visits.

    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, November 3rd 2024

    • Today is the 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time. We thank the following groups for their services:
    • 8.00a.m. Mass:            C.W.A Group
    • 10.00a.m. Mass:          C.W.A & C.M.A Groups
    • 12.00 noon Mass:       St. Rose SCC


    • Next Sunday will be the 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time. It will be the second Sunday of the month and our Tithe Sunday. Kindly let us prepare to present our Tithe. The following groups will be on duty:
    • 8.00a.m. Mass:            St. Rose SCC
    • 10.00a.m. Mass:          St. Dominic SCC
    • 12.00 noon Mass:       St. Vincent de Paul SCC
    • The month of November is the month in which in a special way we pray for the departed members; family, friends and all souls in purgatory. Christians are reminded to pray and offer Mass intentions for the faithful departed throughout the month of November. Kindly pick an envelope for this purpose in the church on which you can write the names of those you wish to be prayed for and put them in the box at the entrance with your offertory.


    • All Ecclesial groups will meet today after the 10.00a.m. Mass.
    • PPC will have their November 2024 meeting next Sunday after the 10.00a.m. Mass.


    • There will be Mass at St. Rose Small Christian Community on Wednesday, 6th November 2024 at 7.00pm at Mr.  & Mrs. Gakinya’s House, Nyari Central.
    • There will be infant baptism on 30th November 2024. Parents are kindly asked to register at the parish office


    • We warmly welcome any visitors to our parish today. Please stand or wave to allow us acknowledge and appreciate your presence.


    Find these Announcements on our Church Notice Board.



    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, October 27th 2024

    • Today is the 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time. We thank the following groups for their services today: -
    • 8.00a.m. Mass:            St. Elizabeth  SCC
    • 10.00a.m. Mass:          CMA Group
    • 12.00 noon Mass:       St. Teresa SCC


    • Next Sunday will be the 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time. The following groups will be on duty:
    • 8.00a.m. Mass:            C.W.A Group
    • 10.00a.m. Mass:          C.W.A & C.M.A Groups
    • 12.00 noon Mass:       St. Claire SCC
    • St. Claire SCC shall meet today after the 10.00am Mass.


    • There will be Mass at St. Bakhita Small Christian Community on Tuesday, 29th October 2024 at 7.00pm at Jane Keringai’s House, New Kitisuru.
    • There will be Mass at St. Vincent de Paul Small Christian Community on Thursday, 31st October 2024 at 7.00pm at the Makuti Church.


    • All Ecclesial groups shall have their monthly meeting next Sunday after the 10.00am Mass.
    • Friday, 1st November 2024 will be the Solemnity of All Saints. Mass will be held at 6.00pm. This is a day of obligation. All Christians are reminded to attend Mass.


    • Saturday, 2nd November 2024 will be All Souls Day. Mass will be held at 8.00am. We are encouraged to pray for the departed souls in a special way during the month of November. The envelopes for such intentions are available. You may pick one!
    • We congratulate all CWA members who were received in the Archdiocese yesterday. Alongside that, we thank all the parishioners who attended and participated in the Kabete Deanery Family Day yesterday at the Consolata Shrine.


    • The Pauline Sisters will be visiting our parish next Sunday, November 3rd, 2024. They will have a variety of items for sale, including Bibles, books on prayer and marriage, and a selection of children's and youth books, among others. Kindly purpose to buy some.
    • Marriage Banns: We announce for the third time the intended marriage between Absalom Ongiri Opiyo, son of Richard Alloys Opiyo and Mary Akinyi, and Bilha Wanjiku Ngaruiya, daughter of George Mbatia and Roseline Wanjiku Mwangi. The wedding is scheduled to take place on November 9th, 2024. If anyone knows of any reason why this marriage should not proceed, please contact the Father in Charge.


    • We warmly welcome any visitors to our parish today. Please stand or wave to allow us acknowledge and appreciate your presence.

    Find these Announcements on our Church Notice Board.

    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, October 13th 2024

      • Today is the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time. It is also our Tithing Sunday. I invite all to stand for Blessings and presentation of the tithes. (Choir).


      • We thank the following groups for their services today: -
      • 8.00a.m. Mass:            St. Claire SCC
      • 10.00a.m. Mass:          Youth Group
      • 12.00 noon Mass:       St. Dominic SCC
      • Next Sunday will be the 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time. It will be “World Mission Sunday” and we shall have a Second Collection to support the Universal Missionary activities of the Church.  The following groups will be on duty:
      • 8.00a.m. Mass:            St. Vincent de Paul SCC
      • 10.00a.m. Mass:          YCA Group
      • 12.00 noon Mass:       St. Bakhita SCC


      • The PPC shall meet today at the Basement room after the 10.00a.m. Mass.
      • St. Teresa and St. Jude SCCs shall meet next Sunday after the 10.00am Mass.


      • Our PMC Children will be attending the Conclusion of Missionary Rosary at St. Joseph the Worker, Kangemi next Saturday, 19th October 2024.
      • There will be Kabete Deanery Family Day on Saturday, 26th October 2024 at Consolata Shrine, Westland, from 9:00AM. This being our Deanery we encourage all our parishioners to attend as earlier requested by the Parish Priest.


      • Marriage Banns: We announce for the first time the intended marriage between Absalom Ongiri Opiyo, son of Richard Alloys Opiyo and Mary Akinyi, and Bilha Wanjiku Ngaruiya, daughter of George Mbatia and Roseline Wanjiku Mwangi. The wedding is scheduled to take place on November 9th, 2024. If anyone knows of any reason why this marriage should not proceed, please contact the Father in Charge.
      • We warmly welcome any visitors to our parish today. Please stand or wave to allow us acknowledge and appreciate your presence.


      Find these Announcements on our Church Notice Board.


    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, October 6th 2024

    • Today is the 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time. We thank the following groups for their services:
    • • 8.00a.m. Mass: C.W.A Group
      • 10.00a.m. Mass: C.W.A Group
      • 12.00 noon Mass: St. Rose SCC
    • Next Sunday will be the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time. It will be the second Sunday of the month and our Tithe Sunday. Kindly let us prepare to present our Tithe. The following groups will be on duty:
    • • 8.00a.m. Mass: St. Claire SCC
      • 10.00a.m. Mass: Youth Group
      • 12.00 noon Mass: St. Dominic SCC
    • October is the month of the Holy Rosary. We are all encouraged to pray the Holy Rosary at home, in Small Christian Communities and privately.
    • All Ecclesial groups will meet today after the 10.00a.m. Mass.
    • PPC will have their October 2024 meeting next Sunday after the 10.00a.m. Mass.
    • There will be Mass at St. Elizabeth Small Christian Community on Tuesday, 8th October 2024 at 7.00pm at Valentine Mwende’s House, Kitisuru Ridge.
    • Thursday, 10th October 2024 will be a Public Holiday. We shall have Mass at the Parish at 10.00a.m.
    • There will be infant baptism on 26th October 2024. Parents are kindly asked to register at the parish office
      There will be Polio Vaccination exercises today conducted by the ministry of health for children aged 5years and below after each of the three Masses.
    • We thank all Pilgrims who joined the rest of the country in attending and participating in the National Prayer Day at Subukia Shrine yesterday, October 5th, 2024. May you be blessed more abundantly.
    • We warmly welcome any visitors to our parish today. Please stand or wave to allow us acknowledge and appreciate your presence.
      Find these Announcements on our Church Notice Board.

    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, September 29th 2024

    • Today is the 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time. We thank the following groups for their services:
    • 8.00a.m. Mass:                                       St. Jude SCC
    • 10.00a.m. Mass:                         Caritas Self Help Group & St. Catherine of Siena Choir
    • 12.00 noon Mass:                      St. Dominic Choir
    • Next Sunday will be the 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time. The following groups will be on duty:
    • 8.00a.m. Mass:                                       CWA Group
    • 10.00a.m. Mass:                         CWA Group
    • 12.00 noon Mass:                      St. Rose SCC
    • Newly registered CMA members shall have a formation session today after the 10.00am Mass.
    • All Ecclesial groups shall have their monthly meeting next Sunday after the 10.00am Mass.
    • There will be Mass at St. Rose Small Christian Community on Wednesday, 2nd October 2024 at 7.00pm at Peter and Rose Githaiga’s house, Nyari Central.
    • Marriage Banns: We are pleased to announce for the third time an intended marriage between Gabriel Muchiri, son of Andrew Gichure and Esther Wagaki, and Rachael Wanjira, daughter of Michael Ng’ang’a and Rahab Ngendo. Their wedding is scheduled to take place on 5th October 2024. If anyone has any valid reason why this couple should not be joined in holy matrimony, kindly contact the Parish Priest at your earliest convenience.
    • There will Polio Vaccination exercise conducted by the ministry of health for children aged 5 years and below, next Sunday, 6/10/2024 at the parish after each of the three Masses. Parents and Guardians are encouraged to bring their children.
    • We warmly welcome any visitors to our parish today. Please stand or wave to allow us acknowledge and appreciate your presence.

    Find these Announcements on our Church Notice Board.

    • We now welcome a representative from St. Catherine of Siena Caritas Self Help group to share the message they have for us.


    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, September 22nd 2024


    • Today is the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time. We shall have a second special collection to support the maintenance of the Subukia National Shrine (Choir).


    • We thank the following groups for their services:
    • 8.00a.m. Mass:                                       St. Dominic SCC
    • 10.00a.m. Mass:                         Lay Dominicans
    • 12.00 noon Mass:                      St. Teresa SCC
    • Next Sunday will be the 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time. The following groups will be on duty.
    • 8.00a.m. Mass:                                       St. Jude SCC
    • 10.00a.m. Mass:                         Caritas Self Help Group & St. Catherine of Siena Choir
    • 12.00 noon Mass:                      St. Dominic Choir


    • St. Claire SCC shall meet today after the 10.00am Mass.
    • St. Catherine of Siena Ushering Ministry Team shall meet today after the 8.00am Mass at the Basement Room.
    • CMA formation sessions will begin today after the 10.00am Mass.


    • There will be Mass at St. Vincent de Paul Small Christian Community on Friday, 27th September 2024 at 7.00pm at Mr.  & Mrs. Kiragu Mugwe’s home, Lower Kabete.
    • St. Catherine of Siena Caritas Self Help group will hold a drive for new members next Sunday 29th September 2024. They will jointly animate the 10.00am Mass. Group members are requested to bring Matega/offertory during the 10.00am Mass.


    • Marriage Banns: We are pleased to announce for the second time an intended marriage between Gabriel Muchiri, son of Andrew Gichure and Esther Wagaki, and Rachael Wanjira, daughter of Michael Ng’ang’a and Rahab Ngendo. Their wedding is scheduled to take place on 5th October 2024. If anyone has any valid reason why this couple should not be joined in holy matrimony, kindly contact the Parish Priest at your earliest convenience.
    • We warmly welcome any visitors to our parish today. Please stand or wave to allow us acknowledge and appreciate your presence.


    Find these Announcements on our Church Notice Board.

    • We now welcome a representative from Shrine of Mary Help of Christians Upper Hill to tell the purpose of their visit to the parish today.


    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, September 8th 2024

    1. Today is the 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time. It is also our Tithing Sunday. I invite all to stand for Blessings and presentation of the tithes. (Choir).

    2. We thank the following groups for their services today: -
    • 8.00a.m. Mass: St. Elizabeth SCC
    • 10.00a.m. Mass: St. Rose SCC
    • 12.00 noon Mass: St. Claire SCC

    3. Next Sunday will be the 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time. The following groups will be on duty:
    • 8.00a.m. Mass: St. Vincent de Paul SCC
    • 10.00a.m. Mass: St. Jude SCC
    • 12.00 noon Mass: St. Bakhita SCC

    4. The PPC shall meet today at the Basement room after the 10.00a.m. Mass.

    5. There will be Mass at St. Elizabeth SCC on Tuesday, 10th September 2024 at 7.00pm at Jane Maina’s house, Kitisuru.

    6. St. Teresa and St. Jude SCCs shall meet next Sunday after the 10.00am Mass.

    7. This year's National Prayer Day will be held on October 5, 2024 at Subukia National Shrine. Each Small Christian Community in the Archdiocese is encouraged to send two (2) representatives. Transport shall be organized and provided by the Parish.

    8. We warmly welcome any visitors to our parish today. Please stand or wave to allow us acknowledge and appreciate your presence.



    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, September 1st 2024

    • Today is the 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time. We thank the CWA group for their services in all three Masses.
    • Next Sunday will be the 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time. It will be the second Sunday of the month and our Tithe Sunday. Kindly let us prepare to present our Tithe. The following groups will be on duty:
      • 8.00a.m. Mass:      St. Elizabeth SCC
      • 10.00a.m. Mass:    St. Rose SCC
      • 12.00 noon Mass:   St. Claire SCC
    • All Ecclesial groups will meet today after the 10.00a.m. Mass.
    • PPC will have their September 2024 meeting next Sunday after the 10.00a.m. Mass.
    • There will be Mass at St. Rose Small Christian Community on Wednesday, 4th September 2024 at 7.00pm at Mrs. Patricia Okundo’s House, Nyari Central.
    • CMA formation sessions will begin soon registration is ongoing at the parish office after each of the three masses.
    • Dear Parishioners, we are pleased to announce that on Sunday, September 15, 2024, a team of members of the Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus from the Deanery and the Archdiocese will visit our parish. Their purpose is to create awareness and sensitize us about the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn more about this devotion and to consider joining this spiritual initiative in our parish.
    • We warmly welcome any visitors to our parish today. Please stand or wave to allow us acknowledge and appreciate your presence.




    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, August 25th 2024

    1. Today is the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time. We thank the following groups for their services:
    • 8.00a.m. Mass: St. Bakhita SCC
    • 10.00a.m. Mass: St. Vincent de Paul SCC
    • 12.00 noon Mass: St. Domininc SCC

    2. Next Sunday will be the 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time. The CWA Group will animate in all three Masses.

    3. St. Claire SCC shall meet today after the 10.00am Mass.

    4. St. Catherine of Siena Ushering Ministry Team shall meet today after the 8.00am Mass at the Basement Room.

    5. All Ecclesial groups shall have their monthly meeting next Sunday after the 10.00am Mass.

    6. We would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to all parishioners for your generous participation in our Harvest Sunday. Your contributions and support will go a long way in supporting our charity efforts, making a real difference in the lives of those in need. May God bless you abundantly for your generosity.

    7. We warmly welcome any visitors to our parish today. Please stand or wave to allow us acknowledge and appreciate your presence.

    8. All children going back to school from tomorrow kindly come forward for the Blessings.

    Find these Announcements on our Church Notice Board.


    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, August 18th 2024


    1. We extend our gratitude to all Christians who offered their tithes last Sunday. For those who were unable to do so, you can still present your tithes using the available tithe envelopes or the Parish Pay Bill Number 997866.

    2. Today is the 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time. We thank the following groups for their services:
    • 8.00a.m. Mass: Y.C. A Group
    • 10.00a.m. Mass: Youth Group
    • 12.00 noon Mass: St. Dominic Choir

    3. Next Sunday will be the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time. The following groups will be on duty:
    • 8.00a.m. Mass: St. Bakhita SCC
    • 10.00a.m. Mass: St. Vincent de Paul SCC
    • 12.00 noon Mass: St. Dominic SCC

    4. St. Teresa and St. Jude SCC’s shall meet today after the 10.00am.

    5. St. Claire SCC shall meet next Sunday after the 10.00am Mass.

    6. There will be Mentorship Programme for the youth ages 14 – 20years next week Friday, 23rd August 2024 here at the Parish from 8.00am – 4.00pm organized by Hope Wellness Institute and the Parish.

    7. CMA group are recruiting new members. We encourage all men at our parish to register as members. Registration can be done at the parish office after each of the three Masses. Formation sessions will soon commence.

    8. We warmly welcome any new visitors to our parish. Please stand or wave so we can acknowledge and appreciate your presence.

    9. As announced in the last couple of Sundays, we shall present our HARVESTS OR THANKSGIVING today. All the collections shall be directed towards the needy in our parish and beyond. We welcome the CWA Representative to present their Harvest. We also welcome the Representatives from the Charity Committee to facilitated the collection from all of us. We thank the groups and Christians who have already presented theirs.


    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, August 11th 2024


    1. Today is the 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time. It is also our Tithing Sunday. I invite all to stand for Blessings and presentation of the tithes. (Choir).

    2. We thank the following groups for their services today: -
    • 8.00a.m. Mass: St. Rose SCC
    • 10.00a.m. Mass: P.M.C Group
    • 12.00 noon Mass: C.M.A Group

    3. Next Sunday will be the 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time. The following groups will be on duty:
    • 8.00a.m. Mass: Y.C.A Group
    • 10.00a.m. Mass: Youth Group
    • 12.00 noon Mass: St. Dominic Choir

    4. Next Sunday will be our HARVEST SUNDAY. All the collections (cash, foodstuffs, clothes etc.) shall be directed towards the needy in our parish and beyond. Kindly Let us come prepared for this noble act of Mercy.

    5. The PPC shall meet today at the Basement room after the 10.00a.m. Mass.

    6. The Catechism classes for Children will resume today after the 10.00am Mass.

    7. St. Teresa and St. Jude SCCs shall meet next Sunday after the 10.00am Mass.

    8. There will be Mass at St. Elizabeth SCC on Tuesday, 13th August 2024 at 7.00pm at Mrs. Ann Thuita’s house, Spring Valley, Kitisuru.

    9. CMA group are recruiting new members. We encourage all men at our parish to register as members. Registration can be done at the parish office after each of the three Masses. Formation sessions will soon commence.

    10. We thank all Parishioners who attended and participated in the celebration of the Nairobi Archdiocese Family Day yesterday. It was very successfully.

    11. We warmly welcome any visitors to our parish today. Please stand or wave to allow us acknowledge and appreciate your presence.



    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, August 4th 2024

    1. Today is the 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time. We thank the CWA group for their services in all three Masses.

    2. Next Sunday will be the 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time. It will be the second Sunday of the month and our Tithe Sunday. Kindly let us prepare to present our Tithe. The following groups will be on duty:
    • 8.00a.m. Mass: St. Rose SCC
    • 10.00a.m. Mass: P.M.C Group
    • 12.00 noon Mass: C.M.A Group

    3. All Ecclesial groups will meet today after the 10.00a.m. Mass.

    4. PPC will have their August 2024 meeting next Sunday after the 10.00a.m. Mass.

    5. Catechism classes for children will resume next Sunday, 11th August 2024 after 10.00am Mass.

    6. The Archdiocese of Nairobi Family Day will be held next Saturday, 10th August 2024 from 9.00am at St. Mary's Msongari grounds. All Parishioners are encouraged to join the rest of the Faithful in the Archdiocese for this celebration.

    7. Loreto Convent Msongari announces Pre School and Grade 1-8 vacancies. Interview will take place next Saturday 10th August 2024. More information is available at the church notice board.

    8. There will be infant baptism on 31st August 2024. Parents are kindly asked to register at the parish office.

    9. St Catherine of Siena Catholic Women Association in collaboration with Charity committee announces and invites all parishioners to actively participate in the 2024 HARVEST DAY Scheduled for Sunday Aug 18th 2024. We are all called to be generous and support the church meet the obligation of helping those in need amongst us. Kindly let us all prepare for this noble act of Mercy.

    10. Our Priests will not be available for office related matters this week. However, the other aspects of the parish schedule remain unaffected.

    11. We warmly welcome any visitors to our parish today. Please stand or wave to allow us acknowledge and appreciate your presence.


    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, July 28th 2024


    1. Today is the 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time. We thank the following groups for their services:
    • 8.00a.m. Mass: St. Elizabeth SCC
    • 10.00a.m. Mass: St. Bakhita SCC
    • 12.00 noon Mass: YCA Group

    2. Next Sunday will be the 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time. The CWA Group will animate in all three Masses.

    3. St. Claire SCC shall meet today after the 10.00am Mass.

    4. All Ecclesial groups shall have their monthly meeting next Sunday after the 10.00am Mass.

    5. There will be Mass at St. Rose SCC on Wednesday, 7th August 2024 at 7.00pm at Mrs. Margaret Kiigi Karuga’s House, Nyari.

    6. The Archdiocese of Nairobi Family Day will be held on Saturday, 10th August 2024 from 9.00am at St. Mary's Msongari grounds. All Parishioners are encouraged to join the rest of the Faithful in the Archdiocese for this celebration. The leaders of our different SCCs and Ecclesial Groups are requested to mobilize and encourage their members to intend to attend.

    7. We warmly welcome any visitors to our parish today. Please stand or wave to allow us acknowledge and appreciate your presence.





    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, July 21st 2024

    1. We extend our gratitude to all Christians who offered their tithes last Sunday. For those who were unable to do so, you can still present your tithes using the available tithe envelopes or the Parish Pay Bill Number 997866.

    2. Today is the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time. We thank the following groups for their services:
    • 8.00a.m. Mass: St. Vincent de Paul SCC
    • 10.00a.m. Mass: St. Claire SCC
    • 12.00 noon Mass: St. Jude SCC

    3. Next Sunday will be the 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time. The following groups will be on duty:
    • 8.00a.m. Mass: St. Elizabeth SCC
    • 10.00a.m. Mass: St. Bakhita SCC
    • 12.00 noon Mass: YCA Group

    4. St. Teresa and St. Jude SCC’s shall meet today after the 10.00am.

    5. St. Claire SCC shall meet next Sunday after the 10.00am Mass.

    6. The CMA and CWA groups are recruiting new members. We encourage all men and women in our parish to join. Registration is available at the parish office after each of the three Masses. Formation sessions will begin soon.

    7. We warmly welcome any new visitors to our parish. Please stand or wave so we can acknowledge and appreciate your presence.





    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, July 14th 2024

    • 1. Today is the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time and our Tithe Sunday. I invite all to stand for Blessings and presentation of the tithes. Karibuni! (Choir).
    • 2. We thank the following groups for their services today: -
      • 8.00a.m. Mass: St. Dominic SCC
      • 10.00a.m. Mass: St. Rose SCC
      • 12.00 noon Mass: St. Teresa SCC
    • 3. Next Sunday will be 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time. The following groups will be on duty:
      • 8.00a.m. Mass: St. Vincent de Paul SCC
      • 10.00a.m. Mass: St. Claire SCC
      • 12.00 noon Mass: St. Jude SCC
    • 4. The PPC shall meet today at the Basement room after the 10.00a.m. Mass.
    • 5. There will be a brief meeting for the PMC, Sunday School Parents and Animators today after 10.00am Mass at the Makuti Church.
    • 6. St. Teresa and St. Jude SCCs shall meet next Sunday after the 10.00am Mass.
    • 7. St. Dominic Choir, the 12 Noon Mass choir is recruiting new members. If you're interested, please contact us through the Parish office. Feel free to join our choir practice sessions on Wednesdays and Fridays at 6:30pm, and on Sundays at 10.00am and after the 12 Noon Mass. Come join us to sing and praise God.
    • 8. CMA group are recruiting new members. We encourage all men at our parish to register as members. Registration can be done at the parish office after each of the three Masses. Formation sessions will soon commence.
    • 9. We now welcome any new person visiting our Parish for the first time. You may kindly stand or wave so that we may appreciate you.



    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, July 7th 2024

    • Today is the 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time. We thank the CWA group for their services in all three Masses.
    • Next Sunday will be the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time. It will be the second Sunday of the month and our Tithe Sunday. Kindly let us prepare to present our Tithe. The following groups will be on duty:
    • 8.00a.m. Mass:      St. Dominic SCC
    • 10.00a.m. Mass:    St. Rose SCC
    • 12.00 noon Mass:   St. Teresa SCC
    • All Ecclesial groups will meet today after the 10.00a.m. Mass.
    • PPC will have their July 2024 meeting next Sunday after the 10.00a.m. Mass.
    • There will be Mass at St. Dominic Small Christian Community on Wednesday, 10th July 2024 at 7.00pm at Luck & Caroline Ochieng’s home, Kitisuru Spring.
    • The PMC, Sunday School Parents and Animators will have a brief meeting next Sunday after the 10.00am Mass at the Makuti Church.
    • There will be infant baptism on 27th July 2024. Parents are kindly asked to register at the parish office.
    • We now welcome any new person visiting our Parish for the first time. You may kindly stand or wave so that we may appreciate you.




    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, June 30th 2024

    • Today is the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time. We shall have a second collection for St. Peter’s Pence. It is meant to assist the Holy Father in his ministry as Universal Pastor. Karibuni! (Choir).
    • We thank the following groups for their services today: -
    • 8.00a.m. Mass:        YCA Group
    • 10.00a.m. Mass:      St. Dominic SCC
    • 12.00Noon Mass:    St. Rose SCC
    • Next Sunday will be the 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time. The CWA group will animate all three Masses.
    • All Ecclesial groups shall have their monthly meeting next Sunday after the 10.00am Mass.
    • There will be Solemn Mass in honor of St. Josemaria Escriva next Saturday, 6th July 2024 at 2.30pm here at the Parish. Confessions will be available from 2.00pm. All are invited.
    • Catechism classes for children will take a break from today, Sunday 30th June 2024 until a later date.
    • Consolata School announces vacancies for Pre-School and Grade-I 2025. Registration for Interviews are on-going. More information is available at the Church notice board.
    • Loreto Convent Msongari announces Grade 1 2025. Interviews will take place on 13th July 2024. More information is available at the Church notice board.
    • The PMC & Sunday School Parents and Animators will have a brief meeting on 14th July 2024 after the 10.00am Mass at the Makuti Church.
    • Most Rev. Maurice Muhatia, Archbishop of Kisumu, will celebrate Mass for all Christians from Kisumu Archdiocese who reside in Nairobi at the Holy Family Minor Basilica on Saturday, July 6th 2024. All are welcome.
    • We now welcome any person visiting our parish for the first time. You may kindly stand or wave so that we may appreciate you.




    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, June 16th 2024


    1. We thank all Christians who presented their Tithes last Sunday. Those who did not manage can still present their tithes using the available tithe envelops or the Parish Pay Bill Number 997866.

    2. Today is the 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time. We thank the following groups for their services:
    • 8.00a.m. Mass: St. Teresa SCC
    • 10.00a.m. Mass: Youth Group
    • 12.00 noon Mass: St. Vincent de Paul SCC

    3. Next Sunday will be the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time. The following groups will be on duty:
    • 8.00a.m. Mass: St. Bakhita SCC
    • 10.00a.m. Mass: St. Jude SCC
    • 12.00 noon Mass: St. Elizabeth SCC

    4. Our newly ordained priest, Fr. Brian Khamisa, OFM Cap. Who served as a Deacon among us, will celebrate his Thanksgiving Masses with us next Sunday. Those who would like to gift him can come with their envelopes. There will be a moment to shake hands with him.

    5. Monday, 17th June 2024 it will be a Public Holiday, Mass at the Parish shall be at 10.00a.m.

    6. The Young Catholic Adults (YCA) group will be having a retreat on 29th June 2024 from 8.00am to 2.00pm here at the church. The Theme of the retreat is “Understanding Mental Health”. We are all invited.

    7. We regret to announce the death of Dr. Michael Tesha, a beloved brother to our Parish Priest Fr. Cleophas Tesha, OP. He passed away on the evening of Tuesday, 11th June 2024 in Morogoro, Tanzania. He will be laid to rest on Tuesday, June 18th 2024 in Moshi, Tanzania.

    8. We now welcome any person visiting for our Parish for the first time. You may kindly wave so that we may appreciate you.

    Find these announcements on our notice board and Website.


    1. Today is The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) Sunday. We thank the CWA group for their services. We shall have a brief EUCHARISTIC PROCESSION immediately after the 10.00am Mass. We are all encouraged to participate and pray for the intentions of our Parish among others. From the Church we shall take a left turn at the gate all the way to peponi Road-Redhill Road Link Round about and back to the Church. There will be no Ecclesial Group Meetings today.

    2. Next Sunday will be the 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time. It will be the second Sunday of the month and our Tithe Sunday. Kindly let us prepare to present our Tithes. The following groups will be on duty:
    • 8.00a.m. Mass: St. Rose SCC
    • 10.00a.m. Mass: CMA Group
    • 12.00 noon Mass: St. Clare SCC

    3. PPC will have their June 2024 meeting next Sunday after the 10.00a.m. Mass.

    4. There will be Mass at St. Rose Small Christian Community on Wednesday, 5th June 2024 at 7.00pm at Mr. & Mrs. Duncan Kabiru’s house, Nyari Estate.

    5. For the third time we announce marriage between Antony Njoroge and Gladys Gathoni Mwangi. Antony is son to Paul Kiruka and Teresia Wangui and Gladys is daughter to Elias Mwangi Njege and Nancy Wambui Mugo. The wedding will take place at this parish on 13th June 2024. Should there be any reason that the above should not wed, please contact the Father-in Charge.

    6. All those interested to come back to the reception of Holy Communion are kindly asked to register at the Parish office.

    7. There will be Commissioning of the Newly formed members of the CMA Next Sunday during the 10am Mass.

    8. We now welcome any new person visiting our Parish for the first time. You may kindly stand or wave so that we may appreciate you.



    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, May 12th 2024

    1. Today is the Ascension of the Lord's Sunday and our Tithe Sunday. I invite all to stand for Blessings and presentation of the tithes. Karibuni Sana! (Choir).

    2. We thank the following groups for their services today: -
    8.00a.m. Mass: St. Claire SCC
    10.00a.m. Mass: Youth Group
    12.00 noon Mass: St. Dominic SCC

    3. Next Sunday will be the Pentecost Sunday. The following groups will be on duty:
    8.00a.m. Mass: St. Vincent de Paul SCC
    10.00a.m. Mass: Choir
    12.00 noon Mass: St. Bakhita SCC

    4. The PPC shall meet today at the Basement room after the 10.00a.m. Mass.

    5. Catechism classes for children is ongoing every Sunday after the 10.00a.m. Mass. Adults catechism classes are held every Saturday at 3.00pm.

    6. All Members of St Catherine of Siena Self Help Group are invited to the 2024 Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Saturday May 25th, 2024 from 8.00 AM at the Makuti Church. Kindly attend to learn more about the progress of the Group.

    7. May is a Month dedicated to Our Lady, Blessed Virgin Mary. We are all encouraged to pray the Holy Rosary at our homes, in our Small Christian Communities and individually.

    8. There will be infant baptism on Saturday, May 25th 2024. Parents are kindly asked to register at the parish office.

    9. We now welcome any person visiting our Parish for the first time. You may kindly wave so that we may appreciate you.

    Find these announcements on our notice board and Website.

    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, May 5th 2024

    1. Today is the 6h Sunday of Easter, we thank the CWA for their services in all three Masses today.

    2. Next Sunday will be the Ascension of the Lord Sunday. It will be the second Sunday of the month and our Tithe Sunday. Kindly let us prepare to present our Tithe. The following groups will be on duty:
    8.00a.m. Mass: St. Claire SCC
    10.00a.m. Mass: Youth group
    12.00 noon Mass: St. Dominic SCC

    3. May is the month of Mary. We are all encouraged to pray the Holy Rosary at home, in Small Christian Communities and privately.

    4. All Ecclesial groups will meet today after the 10.00a.m. Mass.

    5. PPC will have their May 2024 meeting next Sunday after the 10.00a.m. Mass.

    6. There will be infant baptism on 25th May 2024. Parents are kindly asked to register at the parish office.

    7. The Lectors & Cantors, St. Rose & St. Elizabeth SCCs warmly invite interested parishioners to our Recollection on 11th May 2024 at the parish. The recollection starts @8.30am (Theme: Our Mother Mary & the Rosary).

    8. All Members of St Catherine of Siena Self Help Group are invited to the 2024 Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Saturday May 25th, 2024 from 8.00 AM at the Makuti Church. Kindly attend to learn more about the progress of the Group.

    9. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you for your unwavering commitment and dedication in celebrating our Parish feast day last Sunday. Your enthusiastic participation made the day truly special and memorable. Together, we created cherished moments that strengthen our community bonds and deepen our faith. Thank you for your steadfast support and love for our parish - Fr. Cleophas Tesha, OP (Parish Priest).

    10. We now welcome any new person visiting our Parish for the first time. You may kindly stand or wave so that we may appreciate you.


    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, April 21st 2024

    1. Today is the 4th Sunday of Easter and Vocation Sunday. We shall have a second collection for the Mission of the Universal Church. Karibuni! (Choir).

    2. We thank the following groups for their services today: -
    8.00a.m. Mass: St. Vincent de Paul SCC
    10.00a.m. Mass: St. Jude SCC
    12.00 noon Mass: St. Rose SCC

    3. Next Sunday, April 28, 2024 will be the 5th Sunday of Easter. We shall commemorate and celebrate our Patron, St. Catherine of Siena. It will mark our Parish Feast Day. We shall have only two Mass. The following groups will be on duty:
    8.00a.m. Mass: C.M.A group
    10.00a.m. Mass: PMC, MYM and YCA groups.

    NB: We shall have lunch as St. Catherine of Siena Family after the 2nd Mass. All are invited!

    4. Liturgy group and Ushering & First Aid Responders Ministry Volunteers shall meet today at the Basement room after the 8.00a.m. Mass.

    5. St. Teresa, St. Jude, and St. Claire SCCs shall meet today after the 10.00a.m. Mass.

    6. Catechism classes for Adults will begin next Saturday, 27th April 2024 at 3.00p.m. Kindly register at the parish office after each of the three Masses.

    7. There will be Mentorship Programme for the youth ages 14-25years on Friday, 26th April 2024 here at the Parish from 8.00am organized by Lady Hope Wellness Institute. Our youth are highly encouraged to participate.

    8. There will be PMC Workshop next Saturday, 27th April 2024 from 8.00am to 4.00pm at the parish. Parents are kindly asked to register their children at the parish office after each of the three Masses. All children ages 4yrs -14years are invited.

    9. The Parish Youth Group will have Deanery Sport event, next Saturday April 27th 2024. All youth aged 18 - 25years are invited to register at the Parish office.

    10. We now welcome any person visiting our Parish for the first time. You may kindly rise or wave so that we may appreciate you.

    Find these announcements on our notice board and Website.

    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, April 14th 2024

    1. Today is the 3rd Sunday of Easter and our Tithe Sunday. I invite all to stand for Blessings and presentation of the tithes. Karibuni Sana! (Choir to lead us).

    2. We thank the following groups for their services today: -
    8.00a.m. Mass: St. Elizabeth SCC
    10.00a.m. Mass: St. Dominic SCC
    12.00 noon Mass: St. Rose SCC

    3. Next Sunday will be the 4th Sunday of Easter and Vocation Sunday. We shall have a second collection for the Mission of the Universal Church. The following groups will be on duty:
    8.00a.m. Mass: St. Vincent de Paul SCC
    10.00a.m. Mass: St. Jude SCC
    12.00 noon Mass: St. Bakhita SCC

    4. The PPC shall meet today at the Basement room after the 10.00a.m. Mass.

    5. Catechism classes for children is ongoing every Sunday after the 10.00a.m. Mass. kindly register your children at the parish office after each of the three Masses.

    6. St. Teresa, St. Jude, and St. Claire SCCs shall meet next Sunday after the 10.00 a.m Mass.

    7. The Parish Youth Group will have Deanery Sport event, on April 27th 2024. All youth aged 18 - 25years are invited to register at the Parish office.

    8. As announced earlier, our parish is in the process of forming an Ushering & First-Aid Responders Ministry and we are grateful to those who have volunteered. We shall have our inaugural meeting next Sunday 21st April 2024 after the 8.00 a.m. Mass in the basement room. All interested are invited.

    9. Bright Mind Books Africa, are showcasing their latest collection of Children's Bible Story Books outside the Church. Parents and children are encouraged to spare some time to visit their desk and buy some books.

    10. We now welcome any person visiting our Parish for the first time. You may kindly wave so that we may appreciate you.

    Find these announcements on our notice board.

    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, April 7th 2024

    . Today is the 2nd Sunday of Easter and Divine Mercy Sunday, we thank the following groups for their services:
    8.00a.m. Mass: CWA group
    10.00a.m. Mass: CWA group
    12.00 noon Mass: CWA group

    2. Next Sunday will be the 3rd Sunday of Easter. It will be the second Sunday of the month and our Tithe Sunday. Kindly let us prepare to present our Tithe. The following groups will be on duty:
    8.00a.m. Mass: St. Elizabeth SCC
    10.00a.m. Mass: St. Dominic SCC
    12.00 noon Mass: St. Rose SCC

    3. All Ecclesial groups will have their monthly meetings today after the 10.00a.m. Mass.

    4. PPC will have their April 2024 meeting next Sunday after the 10.00a.m. Mass.

    5. There will be infant baptism on 27th April 2024. Parents are kindly asked to register their children at the parish office.

    6. We thank God for the successful ordination of the two Auxiliary Bishops: (Bishop Simon Peter Kamomoe and Bishop Wallace Ng'ang'a) of the Archdiocese of Nairobi yesterday at St. Mary Msongari Grounds.

    7. Bright Mind Books Africa, shall showcase their latest collection of Children's Bible Story Books outside the Church in the two Sundays from 8am to 3pm. Parents and children are encouraged to spare some time to visit their desk and buy some books.

    8. Easter Envelopes are available at the tithe boxes. Kindly pick one and offer your Easter thanksgiving.

    9. We now welcome any new person visiting our Parish for the first time. You may kindly stand or wave so that we may appreciate you.


    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, March 31st 2024

    1. Today is Easter Sunday. We thank the following groups for their services today: -
    8.00a.m. Mass: St. Dominic SCC
    10.00a.m. Mass: Youth group
    12.00 noon Mass: Y.C.A group

    2. Next Sunday will be the 2nd Sunday of Easter and Divine Mercy Sunday.
    The following groups will be on duty:
    8.00a.m. Mass: CWA group
    10.00a.m. Mass: CWA group
    12.00 noon Mass: CWA group

    3. Tomorrow, Monday 1st April 2024 Easter Monday it will be a Public Holiday, Mass at the Parish shall be at 10.00a.m. St. Elizabeth SCC will be on duty.

    4. All Ecclesial groups shall have their monthly meeting next Sunday after the 10.00am Mass.

    5. There will be Mass at St. Vincent de Paul SCC on Friday 5th April 2024 at 7.00p.m at Mr. & Mrs. Peter Wainaina's Loresho home.

    6. Easter envelopes are available at the tithe boxes. Kindly pick an envelope and offer your Easter donation.

    7. Loreto Convent Msongari School will have interviews for Pre School and Grade 1-8 on Saturday 6th April 2024. For more information, please visit our notice board.

    8. We now welcome any new person visiting our Parish for the first time. You may kindly stand or wave so that we may appreciate you.

    Find these Announcements on our Church notice board.

    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, March 24th 2024

    1. Today is Palm Sunday. We thank the following groups for their services today: -
    8.00a.m. Mass: St. Bakhita SCC
    10.00a.m. Mass: St. Vincent de Paul SCC
    12.00 noon Mass: St. Teresa SCC




    Group on duty


    Holy Thursday, March 28th 2024


    The Lord's Supper (Mass)

    Adoration of the blessed Sacrament will follow after Mass 1hour





    Liturgy group and

    St. Rose SCC


    Good Friday, March 29th 2024


    Sacrament of Penance

    The Way of the Cross

    Service of the Passion of Christ









    Liturgy group and

    St. Teresa SCC

    Easter Vigil: Saturday, March 30th 2024


    Easter Vigil Mass






    Liturgy, Lectors and

    YCA groups

    Easter Sunday, March 31st 2024

    1st Mass

    2nd Mass

    3rd Mass






    St. Dominica SCC

    Youth group

    Y.C.A group

    Monday, April 1st Easter Monday

    Mass (Public Holiday)





    St. Elizabeth SCC

    Points to Note
    a) We shall have a 2nd collection on Good Friday for the Holy Land.
    b) The Parish, through the Liturgy Group shall provide all parishioners with candles and dripping cups for the Easter Vigil Mass.
    c) There shall be Rehearsals for all Children and Adults who will receive Sacraments on Saturday, March 30th 2024 from 9am.
    d) All the Catechumen of both First Holy Communion and Confirmation candidates are kindly ask to drop their Baptism Cards and fill Registration Form at the Parish Office on or before Thursday, 28th March 2024.

    2. St. Claire SCC shall meet today after the 10.00am Mass outside the Adoration Chapel.

    3. We have Clara Githaiga (Author) outside the Church Selling a 52 Page book/manual for people in an exclusive relationship. It is good for couples hoping and willing to boost their relationships. The book is priced at only Ksh 300. Please consider purchasing a copy to support her mission.

    4. We now welcome any new person visiting our Parish for the first time. You may kindly stand or wave so that we may appreciate you.

    5. Finally, like all other Sundays of Lent, we have the Second Special Lenten Campaign contribution. You are most welcome to contribute generously that which we denied ourselves during the week. (Choir please lead us).

    Find these Announcements on our Church notice board and Website.

    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, March 17th 2024

    We thank all Christians who presented their Tithes last Sunday. Those who did not manage can still present their tithes using the available tithe envelops or the Parish Pay Bill Number 997866.

    We thank the following groups for their services today: -
    ● 8.00a.m. Mass: St. Dominic SCC
    ● 10.00a.m. Mass: PMC group
    ● 12.00 noon Mass: St. Jude SCC

    Next Sunday will be the PALM SUNDAY. Palms will be blessed and distributed at all Masses. Procession will begin at Father`s Parking. The following groups will be on duty:
    ● 8.00a.m. Mass: St. Bakhita SCC
    ● 10.00a.m. Mass: St. Vincent de Paul SCC
    ● 12.00 noon Mass: St. Teresa SCC

    We shall have the Way of Cross on Friday, March 22nd 2024 at 5.00pm followed by Mass. St. Elizabeth SCC and Y.C.A group will lead the Stations of the Cross.

    Liturgy group shall meet today at the Basement room after the 8.00a.m. Mass.

    St. Teresa SCC and St. Jude SCC shall meet today after the 10.00a.m Mass outside the Adoration Chapel and outside the Makuti Church respectively.

    The Young Catholic Adults (YCA) are preparing for this year΄s Good Friday play. They are inviting parishioners interested in taking part in the skit to join them for rehearsals on Sundays after the 10. 00a.m Mass and Thursdays from 4. 00p.m at the Makuti Church.

    We apologize for the inconveniences occasioned by the on-going construction at different sections of the Church. We will soon get done!

    We now welcome any new person visiting our Parish for the first time. You may kindly stand or wave so that we may appreciate you.

    Finally, like all other Sundays of Lent, we have the Second Special Lenten Campaign contribution. You are most welcome to contribute generously. Karibuni Sana! (Choir please lead us).

    Find these Announcements on our church notice board.

    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, March 3rd 2024

    1. Today is the 3rd Sunday of Lent, we thank the following groups for their services:
    8.00a.m. Mass: CWA group
    10.00a.m. Mass: CWA group
    12.00 noon Mass: CMA group

    2. Next Sunday will be the 4th Sunday of Lent. It will be the second Sunday of the month and our Tithe Sunday. Kindly let us prepare to present our Tithe. The following groups will be on duty:
    8.00a.m. Mass: St. Rose SCC
    10.00a.m. Mass: St. Elizabeth SCC
    12.00 noon Mass: YCA group

    3. All Ecclesial groups will have their monthly meetings today after the 10.00a.m. Mass.

    4. PPC will have their March 2024 meeting next Sunday after the 10.00a.m. Mass.

    5. We shall have the Way of Cross on Friday, March 8th 2024 at 5.00pm followed by Holy Mass. St. Theresa SCC and St. Michael group will lead Stations of the Cross.

    6. We now welcome any new person visiting our Parish for the first time. You may kindly stand or wave so that we may appreciate you.

    7. Finally, like all other Sundays of Lent, we have the Second Special Lenten Campaign contribution. You are most welcome to contribute generously that which we denied ourselves during the week. Karibuni sana! (Choir please lead us).



    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, February 25th 2024


    1. Today being the 2nd Sunday of Lent, we are going to have a Special Second Collection for the 2024 Lenten Campaign. With the spirit of touching someone's life somewhere, let us contribute generously (the Choir to lead us).

    2. We thank the following groups for their services today: -
    8.00a.m. Mass: St. Vincent de Paul SCC
    10.00a.m. Mass: St. Bakhita SCC & Choir
    12.00 noon Mass: YCA group

    3. Next Sunday will be the 3rd Sunday of Lent. The following groups will be on duty:
    8.00a.m. Mass: CWA group
    10.00a.m. Mass: CWA group
    12.00 noon Mass: CMA group

    4. There will be Youth Lenten talk today, after 10.00am Mass at the Basement Room. All youths in the parish are invited.

    5. St. Claire SCC shall meet today after the 10.00am Mass outside the Adoration Chapel.

    6. We shall have the Way of Cross on Friday, March 1st 2024 at 5.00pm followed by Holy Mass. St. Jude SCC and St. Dominic SCC will lead Stations of the Cross.

    7. All Ecclesial groups shall have their monthly meeting next Sunday after the 10.00am Mass

    8. We now welcome any new person visiting our Parish for the first time. You may kindly stand or wave so that we may appreciate you.

    Find these announcements on our website and on our notice board.


    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, February 18th 2024

    1. We thank all Christians who presented their Tithes last Sunday. Those who did not manage can still present their tithes using the available tithe envelops or the Parish Pay Bill Number 997866.

    2. We thank the following groups for their services today: -
    8.00a.m. Mass: CMA group
    10.00a.m. Mass: St. Teresa SCC
    12.00 noon Mass: St. Claire SCC

    3. Next Sunday will be the 2nd Sunday of Lent. The following groups will be on duty:
    8.00a.m. Mass: St. Vincent de Paul SCC
    10.00a.m. Mass: St. Bakhita SCC & Choir
    12.00 noon Mass: YCA group

    4. St. Teresa SCC and St. Jude SCC shall meet today after the 10.00am Mass outside the Adoration Chapel and Outside the Makuti Church respectively.

    5. We shall have the Way of Cross on Friday, February 23rd 2024 at 5.00pm followed by Holy Mass. St. Rose SCC and C.W.A group will lead Stations of the Cross.

    6. There will be Youth Lenten talk next Sunday, February 25th 2024 after 10. 00a.m at the Basement Room. All youths in the parish are invited.

    7. We now welcome any new person visiting our Parish for the first time. You may kindly stand or wave so that we may appreciate you.

    8. Finally, we shall have a Special Second Collection for Lenten Campaign in all Sundays of Lent. Let's invite the Father-in-Charge for more information as we prepare for Today's Second Collection.

    Find these announcements on our website and on our notice board.


    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, February 11th 2024

    1. Today is the second Sunday of the month and our Tithe Sunday. I invite all to stand for Blessings and presentation of your tithes. (Choir to lead us).

    2. We thank the following groups for their services today: -
    8.00a.m. Mass: St. Elizabeth SCC
    10.00a.m. Mass: Youth group
    12.00 noon Mass: St. Jude SCC

    3. Next Sunday, February 18th 2024 will be the 1st Sunday of Lent. The following groups will be on duty:
    8.00a.m. Mass: C.M.A group
    10.00a.m. Mass: St. Teresa SCC
    12.00 noon Mass: St. Claire SCC

    4. Wednesday, February 14th 2024 will be the "Ash Wednesday". We shall three Masses at the Parish 7:00a.m, 1: 00p.m, and 6:00p.m. It will mark the beginning of the 2024 Lenten season.

    5. We shall have the Way of the Cross on Friday, February 16th 2024 at 5: 00p.m followed by Holy Mass. CMA group and St. Bakhita SCC will lead Stations of the Cross.

    6. We shall have a second collection for Lenten Campaign all Sundays of Lent.

    7. The PPC shall meet today at the Basement room after the 10.00a.m. Mass.

    8. St. Teresa and St. Jude SCCs shall meet next Sunday after the 10.00 a.m Mass outside the Adoration Chapel and outside the Makuti Church respectively.

    9. We shall have a Parish Day of Recollection in view of this year's Lenten season on Saturday, February 17th 2024, here at the parish. All parishioners are encouraged to purpose to attend. It will start with Holy Mass at 8 AM and end with Adoration and Benediction at 1:30PM.

    10. Formation classes for the interested members of the CMA Group is on-going. All men interested to join them are welcome to register and attend to classes today after the 10: 00 am Mass.

    11. For the third time we announce marriage between Peter Mureithi and Catherine Wanjiku. Peter is son to Edward Ndichu and Ann Wanjiku. Catherine is daughter to Felistas Njambi. The wedding will take place at this parish on Friday, February 23rd 2024. Should there be any reason that the above should not wed, please contact the Father-in-Charge.

    12. We now welcome any person visiting our Parish for the first time. You may kindly wave so that we may appreciate you.
    Find these announcements on our website and on our notice board.


    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, January 28th 2024

    1. Today is 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time. We thank the following groups for their services: -
    8.00a.m. Mass: St. Vincent de Paul SCC
    10.00a.m. Mass: St. Claire SCC
    12.00 noon Mass: CMA group

    2. Next Sunday will be 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time. The following groups will be on duty:
    8.00a.m. Mass: CWA group
    10.00a.m. Mass: CWA group
    12.00 noon Mass: YCA group

    3. St. Claire SCC shall meet today after the 10.00am Mass outside the Adoration Chapel.

    4. The PMC Parents and Animators will have a brief meeting today after the 10.00a.m. Mass at the Makuti church.

    5. There will be Mass at St. Vincent de Paul SCC on Thursday, 1st February 2024 at 7.00pm at the Makuti Church.

    6. All Ecclesial groups shall have their monthly meeting next Sunday after the 10.00am Mass.

    7. There will be Kabete Denary Youth Mass next Sunday, February 4th 2024 at Joseph the Worker, Kangemi. All Youth aged between 18-25 years are encouraged to attend. Kindly register at the parish office for planning purposes.

    8. For the first time we announce marriage between Peter Mureithi and Catherine Wanjiku. Peter is son to Edward Ndichu and Ann Wanjiku. Catherine is daughter to Felistas Njambi. The wedding will take place at this parish on Friday, February 23rd 2024. Should there be any reason that the above should not wed, please contact the Father-in-Charge.

    9. Lady Hope team wishes to thank our priests and all parishioners for the massive support towards our Walk event yesterday. We appreciate those who prayed for us, those who bought merchandise, and the large numbers who attended the Walk. May God bless you abundantly.

    10. Conventual Franciscan Friar's/Subukia Fathers are selling their magazine; Messenger of Mary Immaculate alongside other sacramentals outside the Church. Kindly let us promote them.

    11. We now welcome any new person visiting our Parish for the first time. You may kindly wave so that we may appreciate you.

    12. Let us invite the parish treasurer for a brief financial report.

    Find these announcements on our website and on our notice board.


    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, January 14th 2024


    1. Today is the second Sunday of the month and our Tithe Sunday. I invite all to stand for Blessings and presentation of the tithes. Karibuni sana! (Choir to lead us).

    2. We thank the following groups for their services today: -
    8.00a.m. Mass: St. Elizabeth SCC
    10.00a.m. Mass: St. Dominic SCC
    12.00 noon Mass: St. Rose SCC

    3. Next Sunday, January 21st 2024 will be the Sunday of the Word of God. New Lectors will be Commissioned during the third Mass. The following groups will be on duty:
    8.00a.m. Mass: St. Bakhita SCC
    10.00a.m. Mass: St. Teresa SCC
    12.00 noon Mass: St. Jude SCC

    4. The Lectors and Cantors will have their monthly workshop on Saturday January 20th 2024, after the 8am Mass. If interested to join this ministry kindly register at the Parish office.

    5. The PPC shall meet today at the Basement room after the 10.00a.m. Mass.

    6. St. Teresa and St. Jude SCCs shall meet next Sunday after the 10.00 a.m Mass outside the Adoration Chapel and outside the Makuti Church respectively.

    7. Our parish is creating an Ushering Ministry and is hereby inviting individuals who would like to volunteer in ensuring an atmosphere of reverence and order during our Sunday masses to register at the parish office.

    8. The CMA group are recruiting new members. All interested are urged to register through the parish office after each of the three Masses. Formation sessions will soon commence.

    9. The Parish Youth Group will have Team-Building activities at Karura forest on Saturday, January 20th 2024. All youth aged 18-25years are invited to register at the Parish office.

    10. We thank all parishioners and people of good-will for the immeasurable support you accorded Fr. Thomas Odhiambo and his family following the demise and burial ceremony of his Dad. Further appreciation to those who travel to Kisumu for burial.

    11. The following members from our parish have been appointed by the Archbishop to be members of the Parish Finance Council: Janerose Gitari, Elizabeth Gicheha and Leonard Kitili. We thank these members for their acceptance to serve the parish through the said Council for the next three years. The other members of this council are: the Parish Priest, Fr. Cleophas Tesha, the Parish Pastoral Council Moderator, Mr. Gilbert Arum and the Parish Treasurer, Ms. Christine Mwangi. These members shall be sworn in on Saturday, January 20th 2024 at the Holy Family Minor Basilica at 10am.

    12. Saints of the Week:
    Date Feast/Solemnity
    Monday, January 15th St. Paul the Hermit
    Tuesday, January 16th St. Marcel
    Wednesday, January 17th St. Anthony Abbot
    Thursday, January 18th St. Prisca
    Friday, January 19th St. Pontion
    Saturday, January 20th Bl. Cyprian Michael Tansi, priest

    13. We now welcome any person visiting our Parish for the first time. You may kindly wave so that we may appreciate you.

    14. Lady Hope Wellness Institute shall hold their 10th Annual Charity walk on Saturday, 27th January 2024 at 7.30a.m. For more information on participation or support, we welcome one of their members to address us briefly.

    Find these announcements on our website and on our notice board.


    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, January 7th 2024

    1. Today is the Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord. We shall have a second collection for the Holy Childhood. This is a worldwide appeal in honor of the Holy Innocents. (choir to lead us in a song)

    2. We thank the following groups for their services today: -
    8.00a.m. Mass: CWA group
    10.00a.m. Mass: CWA & MYM groups
    12.00 noon Mass: YCA group

    3. Next Sunday, January 14th 2024 will be 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time. It will be the second Sunday of the month and our Tithe Sunday. Kindly let us prepare to present our Tithe. The following groups will be on duty:
    8.00a.m. Mass: St. Elizabeth SCC
    10.00a.m. Mass: St. Dominic SCC
    12.00 noon Mass: St. Rose SCC

    4. All Ecclesial groups will have their monthly meetings today after the 10.00a.m. Mass.

    5. PPC will have their January 2024 meeting next Sunday after the 10.00a.m. Mass.

    6. There will be Mass at St. Elizabeth Small Christian Community on Tuesday, 9th January 2024 at 7.00pm at Mr. & Mrs. Kiuluku House.

    7. There will be infant baptism on the last Saturday of January 2024. Parents are kindly asked to register at the parish office.

    8. Catechism classes for Adults is every Saturday at 3.00pm and children every Sunday after 10.00am Mass. Kindly note classes will resume next Saturday and Sunday respectively.

    9. PMC and Sunday school classes will resume next Sunday. Parents are asked to drop their children at Makuti Church before proceeding for Mass.

    10. The CMA group are recruiting new members. All interested are urged to register through the parish office after each of the three Masses. Formation sessions will soon commence.

    11. The Parish Youth Group will have Team-Building activities at Karura forest on Saturday, January 20th 2024. All youth aged 18- 25years are invited to register at the Parish office.

    12. The Parish Office Day (to meet a priest) has been changed from Fridays to Tuesdays effective from this month of January 2024. Normal Parish operations is Tuesday - Friday 8.00am to 5.00pm and on Saturdays and Sundays 8.00am-1.00pm.

    13. We thank you all for your Christmas donations received. God bless you abundantly.
    14. Saints of the Week:
    Date Feast/Solemnity
    Monday, January 8th Baptism of the Lord
    Tuesday, January 9th St. Adrian of Canterbury
    Wednesday, January 10th St. Gregory of Nyssa
    Thursday, January 11th St. Hygenius
    Friday, January 12th St. Arcadius
    Saturday, January 13th St. Hilary, Bishop and Doctor

    15. All children going back to school from tomorrow kindly come forward for the Blessings.

    16. We now welcome any new person visiting our Parish for the first time. You may kindly wave so that we may appreciate you.

    Find these announcements on our website and on our notice board.


    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, December 31st 2023

    1. We thank the following groups for their services today: -
    8.00a.m. Mass: St. Dominic SCC
    10.00a.m. Mass: St. Michael & Choir
    12.00 noon Mass: St. Jude SCC
    Christmas Vigil Mass: St. Catherine of Siena Choir
    Christmas Day: St. Rose SCC and St. Vincent de Paul
    Tuesday Dec 26th: St. Elizabeth SCC.

    2. Next Sunday, January 7th, we will celebrate the Epiphany of the Lord. We shall have a Second Collection in honor of the Holy Innocents. The following groups will be on duty:
    8.00a.m. Mass: CWA
    10.00a.m. Mass: CWA & MYM
    12.00 noon Mass: YCA

    3. Christmas envelopes are available at the tithe boxes and in church pews. Kindly pick an envelope and offer your Christmas donation.

    4. New Year Mass Schedule shall be as follows:
    Date Time Group on duty

    Today, Dec 31st Vigil Mass
    7.00pm YCA Group & St. Dominic Choir
    Monday, Jan 1st New Year and the Solemnity of Mary Mother of God. 8.00am
    10.00am St. Bakhita SCC
    CMA group

    5. The Parish Office Day has been changed from Friday to Tuesday effective from January 2024. Kindly take note of these changes.

    6. We now welcome any person visiting our Parish for the first time. You may kindly wave so that we may appreciate you.

    Find these announcements on our website and on our notice board.


    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, December 24th 2023

    1. We thank the following groups for their services today: -
    8.00a.m. Mass: MYM Group
    10.00a.m. Mass: St. Claire SCC
    12.00 noon Mass: St. Teresa SCC

    2. Christmas Mass Schedule shall be as follows:



    Group on duty


    Sunday, Dec 24th Vigil Mass


    St. Catherine of Siena Choir

    Monday, Dec 25th Christmas Day



    St. Rose SCC

    St. Vincent de Paul SCC

    Tuesday, Dec 26th Public Holiday


    St. Elizabeth SCC


    3. Next Sunday, Dec 31st we will celebrate the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Married Couples shall receive a special blessing. The following groups will be on duty:
    8.00a.m. Mass: St. Dominic SCC
    10.00a.m. Mass: St. Michael & Choir
    12.00 noon Mass: St. Jude SCC

    4. We congratulate, and appreciate all Christians, church groups, and Small Christian Communities for participating in the 2023 'Christmas Carols' last Sunday. It was indeed a success!

    5. Christmas envelopes are available at the tithe boxes and in church pews. Kindly pick an envelope and offer your Christmas donation.

    6. New Year Mass Schedule shall be as follows:



    Group on duty


    Sunday, Dec 31st Vigil Mass



    YCA Group & St. Dominic Choir

    Monday, Jan 1st  New Year Mass



    St. Bakhita SCC

    CMA group

    7. From January 2024, the Parish Office Day shall be on Tuesdays as opposed to Fridays.

    8. Saints of the Week:
    Date Feast/Solemnity

    Monday, December 25th The Nativity of the Lord
    Tuesday, December 26h St. Stephen, the first Martyr, feast
    Wednesday, December 27th St. John, Apostle and evangelist, feast
    Thursday, December 28th The Holy Innocents, Martyrs, feast
    Friday, December 29th St. Thomas Becket, Bishop and Martyr
    Saturday, December 30th St. Eugene

    9. We now welcome any new person visiting our Parish for the first time. You may kindly wave so that we may appreciate you.

    Find these announcements on our website and on our notice board.


    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, December 17th 2023

    1. We thank all Christians who presented their Tithes last Sunday. Those who did not manage can still present their tithes using the available tithe envelops or the Parish Pay Bill Number 997866.

    2. We thank the following groups for their services today: -
    8.00a.m. Mass: St. Dominic SCC
    10.00a.m. Mass: St. Jude SCC

    3. Next Sunday will be the 4th Sunday of Advent. The following groups will be on duty:
    8.00a.m. Mass: MYM Group
    10.00a.m. Mass: St. Claire SCC
    12.00 noon Mass: St. Teresa SCC

    4. We shall have our Christmas Carols today immediately after 10.00am Mass here at main Church. All of us are invited. It will take about two hours. Lunch shall be served. Karibuni!

    5. Christmas envelopes are available at the tithe boxes and in church pews. Kindly pick an envelope and offer your Christmas donation.

    6. Christmas & New Year Mass Schedule shall be as follows:



    Group on duty


    Sunday, December 24th  Vigil Mass


    St. Catherine of Siena Choir


    Monday, December 25th Christmas Day Mass



    St. Rose SCC

    St. Vincent de Paul SCC

    Tuesday, December 26th Public Holiday


    St. Elizabeth SCC


    Sunday, December 31st




    Lay Dominicans

    St. Michael & Choir


    Sunday, December 31st Vigil Mass





    Monday, January 1st 2024 New Year Mass



    St. Bakhita SCC


    7. The CMA group are recruiting new members. All interested are urged to register through the parish office after each of the three Masses. Formation sessions will soon commence.

    8. We wish to thank you for your donations in kind that will be distributed to the needy this Christmas season. May God Bless you abundantly.

    9. Kindly be notified that from Friday, December 22nd 2023 to Tuesday, January 2nd 2024 the Parish office will be closed for Christmas Holiday. Normal Parish operations will resume on Wednesday, January 3rd 2024 at 8.00am.

    10. Saints of the Week:
    Date Feast/Solemnity
    Monday, December 18th St. Irmina
    Tuesday, December 19h St. Anastasius
    Wednesday, December 20th St. Dominic and Bl Scubilion
    Thursday, December 21st St. Peter Canisius, Priest and Doctor
    Friday, December 22nd St. Francis Cabrini
    Saturday, December 23rd St. John of Kanty, Priest

    11. We regret to announce the death of Teresia Waruguru Wachira, mother to Fr. Gideon Muchira, OP. The funeral Mass will be on Friday December 22nd 2023 at 10:00 AM @ Kiang'ombe Catholic Church in Kirinyaga county, Murang'a diocese. May mum Teresia�s soul rest in eternal peace.

    12. We now welcome any new person visiting our Parish for the first time. You may kindly wave so that we may appreciate you.

    Find these announcements on our website and on our notice board.


    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, 10th December 2023


    1. Today is the second Sunday of the month and our Tithe Sunday. I invite all to stand for Blessings and presentation of the tithes. Karibuni sana! (Choir to lead us).

    2. We thank the following groups for their services today: -
    � 8.00a.m. Mass: St. Rose SCC
    � 10.00a.m. Mass: St. Elizabeth SCC
    � 12.00 noon Mass: YCA group

    3. Next Sunday will be the 3rd Sunday of Advent and we shall have only two Masses. The following groups will be on duty:
    � 8.00a.m. Mass: St. Dominic SCC
    � 10.00a.m. Mass: St. Jude SCC

    4. We shall have our 2023 Christmas Carols next Sunday, 17th December 2023 after the 10.00am Mass. This is the reason why we shall not have 12.00noon Mass. All groups, families, and even individuals are encouraged to register their items at the Parish office by Wednesday, December 13th 2023. We encourage all parishioners to spare some time to enjoy the Carols. You may invite your relatives and friends too!

    5. The PPC shall meet today at the Basement room after the 10.00a.m. Mass.

    6. Tuesday, 12th December 2023 it will be a Public Holiday, Mass at the Parish shall be at 10.00a.m.

    7. PMC and Sunday school will be breaking for December holiday from next Sunday, 17th December 2023 to the second week of January 2024.

    8. We still appeal for the donations of dry foodstuffs, and clothes in support of the needy during this festive season. Donations can be dropped at the parish office or at the Father�s House.

    9. The Dominican Family will be selling the next issue of their Newsletter, Lumen Grahae (Light of Grace), Next Sunday, 17th December 2023 at a cost of Kshs. 200. Kindly purchase a copy to support the Mission of the Dominicans in East Africa.

    10. For the third time we announce marriage between Brian Iseme of St. Catherine of Siena Parish and Anne Marie Piccione of Holy Trinity Parish, New Lambton � Australia. Brian is son to Michael Josephat Iseme and Meuledi Kitongo Iseme. Anne Marie is daughter to Giuseppe Piccione and Malia Piccione. The wedding will take place at St. Catherine of Siena Parish, Kitisuru on Saturday, December 16th 2023. Should there be any reason that the above should not wed, please contact the Father-in-Charge.

    11. Announcement from the Archbishop's office: After the COVID19 pandemic challenge, we are now allowed to share sign of peace through the gesture of shaking hands. In addition, we can avail holy water at the designated places in our respective churches.

    12. Saints of the Week:
    Date Feast/Solemnity

    Monday, December 11th St. Damasus I, Pope
    Tuesday, December 12th Our Lady of Guadalupe
    Wednesday, December 13th St. Lucy
    Thursday, December 14th St. John of the Cross
    Friday, December 15th St. Valerianus
    Saturday, December 16th St. Adelaide

    13. We now welcome any person visiting our Parish for the first time. You may kindly wave so that we may appreciate you.

    14. Bayard Publications from the Augustinians of the Assumption have visited our parish today to promote their publications. We now invite one of them to tell us more. Karibu!

    Find these announcements on our website and on our notice board.


    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, December, 3rd 2023

    1. We thank the following groups for their services today: -
    8.00a.m. Mass: CWA group
    10.00a.m. Mass: CWA group
    12.00 noon Mass: CMA group

    2. Next Sunday will be 2nd Sunday of Advent. It will be our Tithe Sunday. Kindly let us all prepare to present our tithes.

    3. The following groups will be on duty Next Sunday:
    8.00a.m. Mass: St. Rose SCC
    10.00a.m. Mass: St. Elizabeth SCC
    12.00 noon Mass: YCA group

    4. All Ecclesial groups will have their monthly meetings today after the 10.00a.m. Mass.

    5. PPC will have their December 2023 meeting next Sunday after the 10.00a.m. Mass.

    6. There will be PMC Zone B Archdiocese Mass next Saturday 9th December 2023 at St. Teresa Catholic Church, Eastleigh. Parents are requested to register their children at Makuti Church.

    7. For the second time we announce marriage between Brian Iseme of St. Catherine of Siena Parish and Anne Marie Piccione of Holy Trinity Parish, New Lambton - Australia. Brian is son to Michael Josephat Iseme and Meuledi Kitongo Iseme. Anne Marie is daughter to Giuseppe Piccione and Malia Piccione. The wedding will take place at St. Catherine of Siena Parish, Kitisuru on Saturday, December 16th 2023. Should there be any reason that the above should not wed, please contact the Father-in-Charge.

    8. Saints of the Week:
    Date Feast/Solemnity
    Monday, December 4th St. John Damascene, Priest and Doctor
    Tuesday, December 5th St. Dalmatius, Bishop
    Wednesday, December 6th St. Nicholas, Bishop
    Thursday, December 7th St. Ambrose, Bishop and Doctor
    Friday, December 8th Immaculate Conception of the B.V.M
    Saturday, December 9th St. Juan Diego

    9. Bayard Publications from the Augustinians of the Assumption will visit our parish next Sunday to promote their publications, please purpose to buy some of their publications.

    10. We now welcome any new person visiting our Parish for the first time. You may kindly wave so that we may appreciate you.

    Find these announcements on our website and on our notice board.


    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, November 19th 2023

    1. Today is the 33nd Sunday of ordinary time. As it was announced, we will have a second collection in support of Radio Maria. Karibuni sana! (Choir to lead us).

    2. We thank all Christians who presented their Tithes last Sunday. Those who did not manage can still present their tithes using the available tithe envelops at the Church pillars or our Parish Pay Bill Number 997866.

    3. We thank the following groups for their services today: -
    8.00a.m. Mass: St. Vincent de Paul SCC
    10.00a.m. Mass: CWA group
    12.00noon Mass: CWA group

    4. Next Sunday will be The Solemnity of Christ the King. The following groups will be on duty:
    8.00a.m. Mass: Lectors
    10.00a.m. Mass: Lectors & Self-Help Group
    12.00 noon Mass: CWA group

    5. St. Teresa SCC and St. Jude SCC shall meet today after the 10.00am Mass outside the Adoration Chapel and Outside the Makuti Church respectively.

    6. St. Claire SCC shall meet next Sunday after the 2nd Mass at the Basement Room.

    7. There will be infant baptism on Saturday, November 25th 2023 during the 8.00am Mass. Registration is on-going at the parish office.

    8. There will be a PMC workshop on Saturday, November 25th 2023 at the Parish from 8:30am to 4:00pm. Parents are kindly requested to register their children after each Mass at the Makuti Church.

    9. The Lectors and Cantors will be having their Annual Recollection on Saturday, November 25th 2023, at Benedictine Monastery in Karen. Those interested in joining the ministry are invited to register at the Parish Office.

    10. The Commissioning of the new Self-Help Group Leaders will take place next Sunday during the 10.00am Mass.

    11. The Commissioning of new C.W.A members will take place next Sunday during 12.00pm Mass.

    12. For the second time we announce marriage between Savio Abuga and Faith Mugure Mukiria. Savio is son to the late Aloys Abuga and Judith Moraa. Faith is daughter to Christopher Mukiria and Nancy Mukiria. The wedding will take place at St. Catherine of Siena Parish, Kitisuru on Saturday, December 9th 2023. Should there be any reason that the above should not wed, please contact the Father-in-Charge.

    13. For the third time we announce marriage between John Gitari Wanjiku and Magdalene Wangui Kariuki. John is son to Zadock Kivunaga and Marth Wanjiku. Magdalene is daughter to Andrew Ndirangu and Judy Njoki. The wedding will take place at P.C.E.A St. Paul Church Githunguri on Saturday, December 2nd 2023. Should there be any reason that the above should not wed, please contact the Father-in-Charge.

    14. For the third time we announce marriage between Dennis Wachira Mwangi and Keziah Wamaitha Wachira. Dennis is son to the late James Mwangi and Agnes Mwangi. Keziah is daughter to Peter Wachira and Joyce Wachira. The wedding will take place at St. Francis Xavier Parish (Naivasha) on Saturday, December 9th 2023. Should there be any reason that the above should not wed, please contact the Father-in-Charge.

    15. Saints of the Week:
    Date Feast/Solemnity

    Monday, November 20th St. Edmund
    Tuesday, November 21st Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
    Wednesday, Nov 22nd St. Cecilia
    Thursday, November 23rd St. Clement
    Friday, November 24th St. Andrew Dunglac,
    Saturday, November 25th St. Catherine of Alexandria

    16. We now welcome any new person visiting our Parish for the first time. You may kindly wave so that we may appreciate you.

    Find these announcements on our website and on our notice board.

    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, 12th November 2023


    1. Today is the second Sunday of the month and our Tithe Sunday. I invite all prepared to stand for Blessings and presentation of their tithes. (Choir to lead the congregation with a song).

    2. We thank the following groups for their services today: -
    8.00a.m. Mass: Choir/St. Michael
    10.00a.m. Mass: St. Dominic SCC
    12.00 noon Mass: PMC group

    3. Next Sunday will be 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time. We shall have a Second Collection to support Radio Maria. The following groups will be on duty:
    8.00a.m. Mass: St. Vincent de Paul SCC
    10.00a.m. Mass: CWA
    12.00 noon Mass: CWA

    4. The PPC shall meet today at the Basement room after the 10.00a.m. Mass.

    5. Monday, 13th November 2023 it will be a Public Holiday, Mass at the Parish shall be at 10.00a.m.

    6. St. Teresa and St. Jude SCCs shall meet next Sunday after the 10.00 a.m Mass outside the Adoration Chapel and outside the Makuti Church respectively.

    7. There will be infant baptism on the last Saturday of the Month, November 25, 2023. Parents are kindly asked to register at the parish office

    8. For the first time we announce marriage between Savio Abuga of St. Catherine of Siena Parish and Faith Mugure Mukiria of Emmanuel ACK Church, Ngong. Savio is son to the late Aloys Abuga and Judith Moraa. Faith is daughter to Christopher Mukiria and Nancy Mukiria. The wedding will take place at St. Catherine of Siena Parish, Kitisuru on 9th Dec 2023. Should there be any reason that the above should not wed, please contact the Father-in-Charge.

    9. For the second time we announce marriage between John Gitari Wanjiku of St. Catherine of Siena Parish and Magdalene Wangui Kariuki of P.C.E.A St. Paul Githunguri. John is son to Zadock Kivunaga and Marth Wanjiku. Magdalene is daughter to Andrew Ndirangu and Judy Njoki. The wedding will take place at P.C.E.A St. Paul Githunguri on 2nd December 2023. Should there be any reason that the above should not wed, please contact the Father-in-Charge.

    10. For the second time we announce marriage between Dennis Wachira Mwangi of Karatina Catholic Parish and Keziah Wamaitha Wachira of St. Catherine of Siena Parish. Dennis is son to the late James Mwangi and Agnes Mwangi. Keziah is daughter to Peter Wachira and Joyce Wachira. The wedding will take place at St. Francis Xavier Parish (Naivasha) on 9th Dec 2023. Should there be any reason that the above should not wed, please contact the Father-in-Charge.

    11. Saints of the Week:
    Date Feast/Solemnity
    Monday 13th November 2023 St. Josaphat, Bishop and Martyr
    Tuesday 14th November 2023 St. Serapion
    Wednesday 15th November 2023 St. Albert the Great, Bishop and Doctor
    Thursday 16th November 2023 St. Gertrude the Virgin
    Friday 17th November 2023 St Elizabeth of Hungry, religious
    Saturday 18th November 2023 St. Rose of Philippine

    12. We now welcome any new person visiting our Parish for the first time. You may kindly wave so that we may appreciate you.

    13. Bayard Publications from the Augustinians of the Assumption have visited our parish today to promote their publications. We now invite one of them to tell us more. Karibu!

    Find these announcements on our website and on our notice board.


    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, 5th November 2023

    1. We thank the following groups for their services today: -
    8.00a.m. Mass: CWA group
    10.00a.m. Mass: CMA group
    12.00 noon Mass: YCA group

    2. Next Sunday will be 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time. It will be the second Sunday of the month and our Tithe Sunday let us prepare to present our Tithe. The following groups will be on duty:
    8.00a.m. Mass: Choir/St. Michael
    10.00a.m. Mass: St. Dominic
    12.00 noon Mass: PMC

    3. All Ecclesial groups will have their monthly meetings today after the 10.00a.m. Mass.

    4. PPC will have their November 2023 meeting next Sunday after the 10.00a.m Mass.

    5. There will be Mass at St. Dominic Small Christian Community on Wednesday, 8th November 2023 at 7.00pm.

    6. There will be Mass for St. Jude Small Christian Community on Saturday, 11th November 2023 at 10.00am at the Parish.

    7. The Liturgy Committee shall be having their monthly meeting next Saturday, 11th November 2023 after the 8.00a.m Mass.

    8. There is Sunday school classes during 10.00a.m Mass and 12.00noon Mass. Parents are asked to drop their children for Sunday school before proceeding for Mass.

    9. Bayard Publications from the Augustinians of the Assumption will visit our parish next Sunday to promote their publications, please purpose to promote them.

    10. For the first time we announce marriage between John Gitari Wanjiku of St. Catherine of Siena Parish and Magdalene Wangui Kariuki of P.C.E.A St. Paul Githunguri. John is son to Zadock Kivunaga and Marth Wanjiku. Magdalene is daughter to Andrew Ndirangu and Judy Njoki. The wedding will take place at P.C.E.A St. Paul Githunguri on 2nd December 2023. Should there be any reason that the above should not wed, please contact the Father-in-Charge.

    11. For the first time we announce marriage between Dennis Wahchira Mwangi of Karatina Catholic Parish and Keziah Wamaitha Wachira of St. Catherine of Siena Parish. Dennis is son to the late James Mwangi and Agnes Mwangi. Keziah is daughter to Peter Wachira and Joyce Wachira. The wedding will take place at St. Francis Xavier Parish (Naivasha) on 9th Dec 2023. Should there be any reason that the above should not wed, please contact the Father-in-Charge.

    12. Saints of the Week:
    Date Feast/Solemnity
    Monday 6th November 2023 St. Leonard
    Tuesday 7th November 2023 St. Achillas
    Wednesday 8th November 2023 St. Castorius
    Thursday 9th November 2023 St. Benignus
    Friday 10th November 2023 St Leo the Great, Pope, Doctor of the Church
    Saturday 11th November 2023 St Martin of Tours, Bishop

    13. We now welcome any new person visiting our Parish for the first time. You may kindly wave so that we may appreciate you.

    Find these announcements on our website and on our notice board.



    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, 29th October 2023

    1. Last Sunday was Mission Sunday. We thank all parishioners for your generous contribution towards the Universal Mission of the Church.

    2. All prospective candidates (Grade 6, Class 8, and Form 4) are welcome for blessings as they prepare to sit for their different exams. (Let them come forward for blessing).

    3. We thank the following groups for their services today: -
    8.00a.m. Mass: Lay Dominican
    10.00a.m. Mass: St. Teresa SCC
    12.00 noon Mass: St. Claire SCC

    4. Next Sunday will be 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time. The following groups will be on duty:
    8.00a.m. Mass: CWA group
    10.00a.m. Mass: CMA group
    12.00 noon Mass: YCA group

    5. Wednesday, 1st November 2023 will be the Solemnity of All Saints. Mass will be held at 6.00pm. This is a day of obligation and so all Christians are reminded to attend Mass.

    6. Thursday, 2nd November 2023 will be All Souls Day. Mass will be held at 6.00pm. We are encouraged to pray for the departed souls in a special way during the month of November.

    7. All Ecclesial groups shall have their monthly meeting next Sunday after the 10.00am Mass.

    8. There shall be an Interview at Queen of Apostles Seminary for the form one intake next year 2024 for candidate with 330 marks and above. The interview shall take place on Thursday, 30th November 2023 starting at 2.00pm. For more information, kindly visit the church noticeboard.

    9. Saints of the Week:
    Date Feast/Solemnity

    Monday 30th November 2023 St. Gerald
    Tuesday 31st November 2023 BL. Irene Stefani (Nyaatha)
    Wednesday 1st November 2023 All Saints, Solemnity
    Thursday 2nd November 2023 All Souls, The commemoration of all Faithful departed
    Friday 3rd November 2023 St. Martin de Porres
    Saturday 4th November 2023 St. Charles Borromeo, bishop, memorial

    10. We now welcome any new person visiting our Parish for the first time. You may kindly wave so that we may appreciate you.

    Find these announcements on our website and on our notice board.



    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, 15th October 2023


    1. Last Sunday was our Tithe Sunday. We thank all who were able to tithe. Those who did not manage can still do so using the available tithe envelops at the Church pillars or our parish Pay Bill Number 997866.

    2. We thank the following groups for their services today: -
    8.00a.m. Mass: CMA group
    10.00a.m. Mass: Choir/St. Michael SCC
    12.00 noon Mass: YCA Group

    3. Next Sunday will be 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time. It will be "World Mission Sunday" and we shall have a Second Collection to support the Universal Missionary activities of the Church. The following groups will be on duty:
    8.00a.m. Mass: St. Elizabeth SCC
    10.00a.m. Mass: St. Rose SCC
    12.00 noon Mass: St. Jude SCC

    4. There will be a Joint Family Day for the Central & Kabete Deaneries on Saturday, 28th October 2023 at St. Mary's Msongari Grounds from 9:30AM. All Christians are encouraged to attend. His Grace Archbishop Philip Anyolo will grace the occasion.

    5. There will be infant baptism on the last Saturday of the Month, that is October 28, 2023. Parents are kindly asked to register their children at the parish office.

    6. St. Teresa SCC and St. Jude SCC shall meet today after the 10.00am Mass outside the Adoration Chapel and Outside the Makuti Church respectively.

    7. Friday, 20th October 2023 will be a Public Holiday. Mass at the Parish shall be at 10.00a.m.

    8. St. Claire SCC shall meet next Sunday after the 2nd Mass outside the Adoration Chapel.

    9. The Youth of St. Catherine of Siena shall be visiting St. Martin's Kibagare Youth next Sunday. All those aged between 18 and 25 years are encouraged to join them through registration at the parish off latest by Wednesday 18th October 2023.

    10. The Lectors and Cantors group will have a charity event on Saturday, 21st October 2023 after the 8 AM Mass at the parish. They intend to provide needy Eighty class 8 candidates of St. Martin's Primary School in Kibagare slums with exam kits. Other parishioners are invited to support this course through the parish office.

    11. For the third time, we announce marriage between Michael Nyaga Karanja and Maryanne Mudavadi. Michael is son to Mr. George Jasho and Mrs. Philomena Karanja of St. Catherine of Siena Parish. Maryanne is daughter to Dr. Musalia Mudavadi and Mrs.Tessie Musalia of Karen. Should there be any reason that the above should not wed, please contact the Father-in-Charge promptly.

    12. Saints of the Week:
    Date Feast/Solemnity

    Monday, 16th October 2023 St. Hedwig
    Tuesday 17th October 2023 St. Ignatius of Antioch
    Wednesday 18th October 2023 St. Luke, evangelist
    Thursday 19th October 2023 St. Paul of the Cross

    13. We now welcome any new person visiting our Parish for the first time. You may kindly wave so that we may appreciate you.

    Find these announcements on our website and on our notice board.

    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, 8th October 2023

    1. Today is the second Sunday of the month and our Tithe Sunday. I invite all prepared to stand for Blessings and presentation of their tithes. (Choir to lead the congregation with a song).

    2. We thank the following groups for their services today: -
    8.00a.m. Mass: St. Elizabeth SCC
      10.00a.m. Mass: St. Vincent de Paul SCC
    12.00 noon Mass: St. Rose SCC

    3. Next Sunday will be 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time. The following groups will be on duty:
      8.00a.m. Mass: CMA group
    10.00a.m. Mass: Choir/St. Michael SCC
    12.00 noon Mass: YCA group

    4. The PPC shall have its October Meeting today at the Basement room after the 10.00a.m. Mass.

    5. There will be a Joint Family Day for the Central & Kabete Deaneries on October 28, 2023 at St. Mary's Msongari Grounds from 9:30AM. All Christians are invited to purpose to attend. His Grace Bishop Philip Anyolo will grace the occasion. More info shall be shared.

    6. The members of MYM from Kabete Deanery will be meeting next Sunday on 15th October 2023 to celebrate the feast of Blessed Carlos Acutis in Our Lady of Rosary Ridgeways Parish from 8:00 AM. Due to this, there is a meeting for all the MYM members with Br. Lawrence, OP today after Mass 10.00a.m for planning.

    7. Tuesday, 10th October 2023 it will be a Public Holiday, Mass at the Parish shall be at 10.00a.m.

    8. There will be infant baptism on the last Saturday of the Month, October 28, 2023. Parents are kindly asked to register at the parish office.

    9. There is ongoing Registration for formation classes for new CMA members outside the main entrance.

    10. St. Teresa SCC shall meet next Sunday after the 10.00a.m Mas outside the Adoration Chapel.

    11. The Ministry of Health through the Disease Surveillance and Response Unit has scheduled round 2 Polio Vaccination Campaign. In our Parish Vaccination will take place today outside the church after every Mass for Children aged 5 years and below.

    12. For the Second time, we announce marriage between Michael Nyaga Karanja and Maryanne Mudavadi. Michael is son to Mr. George Jasho and Mrs. Philomena Karanja of St. Catherine of Siena Parish. Maryanne is daughter to Dr. Musalia Mudavadi and Mrs.Tessie Musalia of Karen. Should there be any reason that the above should not wed, please contact the Father-in-Charge promptly.

    13. Saints of the Week:
    Date Feast/Solemnity
    Monday, 9th October 2023 St. Denis & Companions and St. John Leonardi
    Tuesday 10th October 2023 St. Daniel Comboni
    Wednesday 11th October 2023 St. John XXIII
    Saturday, 14th October 2023 St. Callistus I

    14. We now welcome any new person visiting our Parish for the first time. You may kindly wave so that we may appreciate you.

    Find these announcements on our website and on our notice board.


    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, 1st October 2023

    1. We thank the following groups for their services today: -
      8.00a.m. Mass: St. Bakhita
      10.00a.m. Mass: St. Jude
    12.00 noon Mass: St. Dominic

    2. Next Sunday will be 27th Sunday of the year. The following groups will be on duty: -
    8.00a.m. Mass: St. Elizabeth
      10.00a.m. Mass: St. Vincent
    12.00 noon Mass: St. Rose

    3. All Ecclesial groups will have their monthly meetings today after the 10.00a.m. Mass.

    4. The Parish youth will be meeting today after the 10.00a.m. Mass outside the Church. Anyone who falls within the ages 18-25 years is encouraged to attend and participate in this meeting.

    5. Registration for formation classes for new CMA members begins today outside the main entrance.

    6. St. Rose SCC will have mass at Mary Odhiambo̍s House on Wednesday, 4th October 2023 at 7.00p.m.

    7. PPC will have their monthly meeting next Sunday after the 10.00a.m. Mass.

    8. Next Sunday is our Tithe Sunday. Tithe envelopes are available at the various boxes within the Church. Please pick one on your way out or you may use the Church Paybill No.997866, Account Number: Tithe

    9. For the first time, we announce marriage between Michael Nyaga Karanja and Maryanne Mudavadi. Michael is son to George Jasho and Philomena Karanja of St. Catherine of Siena Parish. Maryanne is daughter to Dr. Musalia Mudavadi and Mrs.Tessie Musalia of Karen. Should there be any reason that the above should not wed, please contact the Father-in-Charge promptly.
    10. For the third time, we announce marriage between Kevin Mbugua Mwaura and Ciella Bernice Irambona. Kevin is son to John Mwaura Munuku and Naomi Gathoni Muriithi of Nairobi. Ciella is daughter to Macaire Ntacomaze and Philotte Kavukiya of Bujumbura, Burundi. Should there be any reason that the above should not wed, please contact the Father-in-Charge promptly.

    11. Saints of the Week:
    Date Feast/Solemnity
    Monday, 2nd October 2023 Holy Guardian Angels
    Thursday, 5th October 2023 St. Faustina Kowalska
    Friday, 6th October 2023 St. Bruno
    Saturday, 7th October 2023 Our Lady of the Rosary

    12. We now welcome any new person visiting our Parish for the first time. You may kindly wave so that we may appreciate you.

    Find these announcements on our website and on our notice board.

    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, 24th September 2023

    1. We thank the following groups for their services today: -
    8.00a.m. Mass: YCA
    10.00a.m. Mass: St. Claire
    12.00 noon Mass: CMA

    2. Next Sunday, 1/10/2023 will be 26th Sunday of the year. The following groups will be on duty: -
    8.00a.m. Mass: St. Bakhita
    10.00a.m. Mass: St. Jude
    12.00 noon Mass: St. Dominic

    3. We would like to establish a team that will champion and assist in matters Health and First Aid services at our Parish. If you would like to volunteer in such services especially for those in the medical and health industry and are parishioners, kindly register with the parish office.

    4. St. Claire SCC will hold their monthly meeting today after the 10am mass, outside the adoration chapel.

    5. All Ecclesial groups will have their monthly meetings next Sunday, 1st October 2023 after the 10.00a.m. Mass.

    6. Catechism classes for children have been moved from Saturday to Sunday after the 10.00a.m. Mass. Parents are requested to take note of the changes.

    7. For the second time, we announce
    marriage between Kevin Mbugua Mwaura and Ciella Bernice Irambona. Kevin is son to John Mwaura Munuku and Naomi Gathoni Muriithi of Nairobi. Ciella is daughter to Macaire Ntacomaze and Philotte Kavukiya of Bujumbura, Burundi. The wedding will take place at Consolata Parish, Nairobi on 7th October 2023. Should there be any reason that the above should not wed, please contact the Father-in-Charge promptly.

    8. Saints of the Week:
    Date Feast/Solemnity
    Tuesday, 26th September 2023 St. Cosmas and Damian
    Wednesday, 27th September 2023 St. Vincent de Paul
    Thursday, 28th September 2023 St.Wenceslaus
    St. Lawrence Ruiz and Companions
    Friday, 29th September 2023 Sts. Michael, Gabriel and Raphael
    Saturday, 30th September 2023 St. Jerome

    9. We now welcome any new person visiting our Parish for the first time. You may kindly wave so that we may appreciate you.

    Find these announcements on our website and on our notice board.


    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, 10th September 2023

    1. Today is the second Sunday of the month and our Tithe Sunday. I invite all prepared to stand for blessing and presentation of their tithes. Meanwhile I invite Father to bless us. (Welcome the choir to lead the congregation with a song).

    2. This year's National Prayer Day will be held on October 7, 2023 at Subukia Shrine. Christians from all the parishes in the Archdiocese of Nairobi are encouraged to attend. Kindly register in your SCCs, Ecclesial groups, or at the parish office. Once registered we shall deliberate on the cost for transport to and from Subukia.

    3. We thank the following groups for their services today: -
    8.00a.m. Mass: St. Jude SCC
    10.00a.m. Mass: St. Elizabeth SCC
    12.00 noon Mass: YCA

    4. Next Sunday, 10th September 2023 will be 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A. The following groups will be on duty: -
    8.00a.m. Mass: CWA
    10.00a.m. Mass: PMC
    12.00 noon Mass: St. Teresa

    5. PPC shall have their monthly meeting today after the 10.00am Mass.

    6. The Lectors and Cantors will have their monthly workshop on Saturday 16th September 2023, after the 8am Mass. Anyone interested to join in this ministry may see any Lector and/or register at the Parish office.

    7. St. Teresa SCC will have their meeting next Sunday 17th September 2023 after the 10.00a.m. Mass outside the adoration chapel.

    8. St. Romanus Melodious Choir from St. Teresa of Calcutta, Umoja Tena will visit our Parish next Sunday. They will attend and participate in singing at the 2nd and 3rd Masses.

    9. Saints of the Week:
    Date Feast/Solemnity
    Tuesday, 12th September 2023 The Most Holy Name of Mary
    Wednesday, 13th September 2023 St. John Chrysostom
    Thursday, 14th September 2023 The Exaltation of the Holy Cross
    Friday, 15th September 2023 Our Lady of Sorrows
    Saturday, 16th September 2023 Sts. Cornelius and Cyprian

    10. We take this opportunity to welcome any new person visiting our Parish for the first time. You may kindly rise or wave so that we may appreciate you.

    Find these announcements on our website and on our notice board.

    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, 20th August 2023


    1. Last Sunday was our Tithe Sunday. We thank you for supporting our ministry. Those who did not manage to give their tithes could still do so using the available tithe envelops at the church pillars or our parish Pay Bill Number 997866.

    2. We thank the following groups for their services today: -
    8.00a.m. Mass St. Teresa SCC
    10.00a.m. Mass MYM
    12.00 noon Mass St. Vincent de Paul SCC

    3. Next Sunday 27th August 2023 will be 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A. The following groups will be on duty: -
    8.00a.m. Mass St. Claire SCC
    10.00a.m. Mass Lay Dominican
    12.00 noon Mass Choir/St. Michael SCC

    4. There will be infant baptism on Saturday, August 26, 2023. Parents are kindly asked to register at the parish office and they will be informed when to come for instructions and rehearsal.

    5. St. Claire SCC shall meet next Sunday after the 10.00am outside the Adoration Chapel.

    6. St. Jude SCC shall meet today after the 10.00am outside the Makuti Church.

    7. St. Catherine of Siena Choir will have an extraordinary meeting, called for by the Father-in-Charge today after the 10 AM Mass. All members are encouraged to attend.

    8. The Young Catholic Adults (YCA) group will be holding a career day on Saturday 26th August 2023 at the parish compound from 8:00 am. The theme of the event is "Navigating the Future: Exploring Dynamic Careers in the 21st Century". High school and college students are highly encouraged to attend. Tea and lunch shall be served.

    9. Our children in PMC group will have a Half-Day Recollection on Saturday 26th August 2023. Parents are requested to attend a closing Mass with their children at 12 noon.

    10. For the First Time, we announce marriage banns between Kena Michael Muigai from St. Austin Parish, Msongari and Ann Wanjiru Mwangi from St. Catherine of Siena Parish, Kitisuru. Kena is son to Salome Muigai. Ann is daughter to Boniface Mwangi Kamau and Elizabeth Mwangi. The wedding will take place at Tigoni on 8th September 2023. Should there be any reason that the above should not wed, please contact the Father-in-Charge promptly.

    11. For the First Time, we announce marriage banns between Paschal Simon Onyango from St. Catherine of Siena, Kitisuru and Karen Mwihaki Mburu from St. Catherine of Siena Parish, Kitisuru. Paschal is son to Joash Odhungo and Rose Atieno. Karen is daughter to Peter Migwi and Agnes Muthoni. The wedding will take place at St. Catherine of Siena Parish, Kitisuru on 16th September 2023. Should there be any reason that the above should not wed, please contact the Father-in-Charge promptly.

    12. Eclairer Pilgrimage Agency are organizing a pilgrimage to the Holy Land (Israel & Egypt) from 1st to 13th of October 2023. For more information, please refer to the poster at the notice board.

    13. Saints of the Week:
    Date Feast/Solemnity
    Monday, 21st August 2023 St. Pius X, Pope, memorial
    Tuesday, 22nd August 2023 The Queenship of the B.V. Mary, memorial
    Wednesday, 23rd August 2023 St. Rose of Lima
    Thursday, 24th August 2023 St. Bartholomew, Apostle, feast
    Friday, 25th August 2023 St. Louis and St. Joseph Calasanz, memorials

    14. We take this opportunity to welcome any new person visiting our Parish for the first time. You may kindly rise or wave so that we may appreciate you.

    Find these announcements on our website and on our notice board.

    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, 13th August 2023

    1. Today is the second Sunday of the month and our Tithe Sunday. I invite all prepared to stand for blessing and presentation of their tithes. (Choir to lead the congregation with a song).

    2. We thank the following groups for their services today: -
    8.00a.m. Mass Lay Dominicans
    10.00a.m. Mass St. Bakhita
    12.00 noon Mass YCA

    3. Next Sunday 20th August 2023 will be 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A. The following groups will be on duty: -
    8.00a.m. Mass St. Teresa SCC
    10.00a.m. Mass MYM
    12.00 noon Mass St. Vincent de Paul

    4. The PPC shall have its August Meeting today at the Basement room after the 10.00a.m. Mass.

    5. There will be infant baptism on the last Saturday, August 26, 2023. Parents are kindly asked to register at the parish office.

    6. The Young Catholic Adults (YCA) group will be holding a career day on Saturday 26th August 2023 here at the Church compound from 8am to 2pm. The theme of the event is "Navigating the Future: Exploring Dynamic Careers in the 21st Century". Teenagers aged 13-18 years are highly encouraged to attend.

    7. St. Teresa Small Christian Community shall visit MAKIMEI CHILDREN̍S HOME -Kingeero, next Sunday 20th August, 2023 immediately after 10 AM Mass. Interested parishioners may join and support the course. For more details and Donations kindly visit the parish office.

    8. For the Third Time, we announce marriage banns between Paul Onyango from St. Catherine of Siena Parish, Nairobi and Noleen Chebet from Christ the King Cathedral, Nakuru. Paul is son to Charles Ragama Opondo and Hellen Otuga Opondo. Noleen is daughter to John Michael Sang and Monica Cheruiyot. The wedding will take place at St. Catherine of Siena Parish, Kitisuru on 24th August 2023. Should there be any reason that the above should not wed, please contact the Father-in-Charge promptly.

    9. Diaconate and Priestly Ordinations
    a) There shall Diaconate ordination of Brother Francis Kawooya, OP. on Saturday, August 19, 2023 at the Holy Family Parish, Utawala from 10 AM. We are all invited!
    b) There shall be Priestly ordination of Brothers Mariano Dinha, OP and Mario Cuvelela, OP on August 27, 2023 in Luanda, Angola. The two brothers invite us all!

    10. St. Catherine of Siena Choir shall have an extraordinary meeting, called for by the Father-in-Charge next Sunday, August 20, 2023 after the 10 AM Mass. All members are encouraged to attend.
    11. The PMC group of our parish and the rest in the Central Deanery will have "Children Bible Fun Day" on Saturday, August 19, 2023 at St. Francis Xavier Parish from 7:30 AM.

    12. Eclairer Pilgrimage Agency are organizing a pilgrimage to the Holy Land (Israel & Egypt) from 1st to 13th of October 2023. For more information, please refer to the poster at the notice board.

    13. Saints of the Week:
    Date Feast/Solemnity
    Monday, 14th August 2023 St. Maximilian M. Kolbe
    Tuesday, 15th August 2023 Assumption of the B.V. Mary, {Solemnity}
    Wednesday, 16th August 2023 St. Stephen of Hungary
    Friday, 18th August 2023 Bl. Victoria Rasoamanarivo
    Saturday, 19th August 2023 St. John Eudes

    14. We take this opportunity to welcome any new person visiting our Parish for the first time. You may kindly rise or wave so that we may appreciate you.

    Find these announcements on our website and on our notice board.

    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, 6th August 2023

    1. We thank C.W.A group for their services today.

    2. Next Sunday 13th August 2023 will be 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A and it will be the second Sunday of the month and our Tithe Sunday. Let us prepare to present our Tithes.

    The following groups will be on duty:
    8.00a.m. Mass CMA
    10.00a.m. Mass Lay Dominicans
    12.00 noon Mass YCA/Youth

    3. All Ecclesial groups will have their monthly meetings today after the 10.00a.m. Mass.

    4. PPC will have their August meeting next Sunday after the 10.00a.m Mass at the Basement room.

    5. The family day of Archdiocese of Nairobi will be held next Saturday, 12th August 2023 at St. Mary Msongari Grounds starting from 10.00a.m. Each Parish is requested to send 100 members.

    6. St. Teresa Small Christian Community has organized a visit to MAKIMEI CHILDRENS HOME (Kingeero) on 20th August 2023 Immediately after 10.00a.m. Parishioners are encouraged to join and support the course. Form details and donations kindly visit parish office.

    7. The PMC parents and Animators will have a brief meeting today after the 10.00a.m. Mass outside the Makuti church.

    8. For the second time We announce marriage banns between Paul Onyango from St. Catherine of Siena Parish and Noleen Chebet from Christ the King Cathedral, Nakuru. Paul is son to Charles Ragama Opondo and Hellen Otuga Opondo. Noleen is daughter to John Michael Sang and Monica Cheruiyot. The wedding will take place at St. Catherine of Siena Parish, Kitisuru on 24th August 2023. Should there be any reason that the above should not wed, please contact the Father-in-Charge promptly.

    9. Eclairer Pilgrimage Agency are organizing a pilgrimage to the Holy Land (Israel and Egypt) from 1st to 13th of October 2023. For more information, please contact Mr. Joseph Karuga on 0710787934 or Andrew on 0717843341 and our church
    notice board.

    10. Saints of the Week:
    Date Feast/Solemnity
    Monday, 7th August 2023 St. Sixtus II and Companions
    Tuesday, 8th August 2023 St. Dominic
    Wednesday, 9th August 2023 St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross
    Thursday, 10th August 2023 St. Lawrence
    Friday, 11th August 2023 St. Claire
    Saturday, 12th August 2023 Blessed Isidore Bakanja

    11. We take this opportunity to welcome any new person visiting our Parish for the first time. You may kindly rise or wave so that we may appreciate you.

    Find these announcements on our website and on our notice board.

    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, 30th July 2023

    1. We thank the following groups for their services today: -
    8.00a.m. Mass St. Elizabeth SCC
    10.00a.m. Mass Choir/St. Michael
    12.00 noon Mass St. Jude SCC

    2. Next Sunday will be the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord. CWA will animate in all the three masses.

    3. All Ecclesial groups will have their monthly meetings next Sunday after the 10.00a.m. Mass.

    4. We announce marriage between Paul Onyango from St. Catherine of Siena Parish and Noleen Chebet from Christ the King Cathedral, Nakuru. Paul is son to Charles Ragama Opondo and Hellen Otuga Opondo. Noleen is daughter to John Michael Sang and Monica Cheruiyot. The wedding will take place at St. Catherine of Siena Parish, Kitisuru on 24th August 2023. Should there be any reason that the above should not wed, please contact the Father-in-Charge promptly.

    5. Eclairer Pilgrimage Agency are organizing a pilgrimage to the Holy Land (Israel and Egypt) from 1st to 13th of October 2023. The cost is $2550 which shall cater for: Accommodation on Half board basis, Return Air tickets using Emirates, all ground transport, Visa fees, Guide fees, and All entry fees to all sites to be visited. For more information, please contact Mr. Joseph Karuga on 0710787934 or Andrew on 0717843341.

    6. Saints of the Week:
    Date Feast/Solemnity
    Monday, 31st July 2023 St. Ignatius of Loyola
    Tuesday, 1st August 2023 St. Alphonsus Liguori
    Wednesday, 2nd August 2023 St. Eusebius of Vercelli
    St. Peter Julian Eymard
    Friday, 4th August 2023 St. John M. Vianney

    7. We take this opportunity to welcome any new person visiting our Parish for the first time. You may kindly rise or wave so that we may appreciate you.

    Find these announcements on our website and on our notice board.

    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, 23rd July 2023

    1. We thank the following groups for their services today: -
    8.00a.m. Mass St. Teresa SCC
    10.00a.m. Mass St. Rose SCC
    12.00 noon Mass St. Claire SCC

    2. Next Sunday will be the 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A. The following groups will be on duty:-
    8.00a.m. Mass St. Elizabeth SCC
    10.00a.m. Mass Choir/St. Michael
    12.00 noon Mass St. Jude SCC

    3. St. Claire SCC will hold their monthly meeting today after the 10.00a.m. Mass outside the adoration chapel.

    4. The Commissioning of the new C.M.A members will take place next Sunday, 30th July 2023 during the 10.00a.m. Mass.

    5. Saints of the Week:
    Date Feast/Solemnity
    Monday, 24th July 2023 St. Sharbel Makhlouf
    Tuesday, 25th July 2023 St. James
    Wednesday, 26th July 2023 Sts. Joachim and Anne
    Friday, 28th July 2023 St. Victor I
    Saturday, 29th July 2023 Sts. Martha, Mary and Lazarus

    6. The Young Catholic Adults (YCA) would like to thank all members of the parish who contributed different items, and those who joined them during their Charitable visit to Gathiga Children's Home on July 15, 2023. It was indeed a blessing to all!

    7. We take this opportunity to welcome any new person visiting our Parish for the first time. You may kindly rise or wave so that we may appreciate you.

    Find these announcements on our website and on our notice board.

    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, 16th July 2023

    1. We thank the following groups for their services today:-
    8.00a.m. Mass St. Vincent de Paul SCC
    10.00a.m. Mass St. Bakhita SCC
    12.00 noon Mass St. Dominic SCC

    2. Next Sunday will be the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A. The following groups will be on duty:-
    8.00a.m. Mass St. Teresa SCC
    10.00a.m. Mass St. Rose SCC
    12.00 noon Mass St. Claire SCC

    3. St. Teresa SCC will hold their monthly meeting today after the 10.00a.m. Mass outside the adoration chapel.

    4. St. Claire SCC will hold their monthly meeting next Sunday after the 10.00a.m. Mass outside the adoration chapel.

    5. The Commissioning of new C.M.A members will take place on Sunday 30th July 2023 during the 10.00a.m. Mass.

    6. Saints of the Week:
    Date Feast/Solemnity
    Thursday, 20th July 2023 St. Apollinaris
    Friday, 21st July 2023 St. Lawrence of Brindisi
    Saturday, 22nd July 2023 St. Mary Magdalene

    7. As announced last Sunday, the Siena Self Help Group AGM for all members shall take place on Saturday July 22nd 2023. All members are hereby encouraged to attend and participate in meeting. For further details, kindly visit the group's office clerk at the desk outside the church entrance.

    8. We take this opportunity to welcome any new person visiting our Parish for the first time. You may kindly rise or wave so that we may appreciate you.

    Find these announcements on our website and on our notice board.

    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, 2nd July 2023

    1. Today we have a Special Collection called "St. Peter's Pence". It is a financial support offered by the faithful to the Holy Father as a sign of their sharing in the concern of the Successor of Peter for the many different needs of the Universal Church and for the relief of those most in need. I now invite the choir to lead the congregation with a song as we give our contributions.

    2. We thank CWA for their services in all our masses today.

    3. Next Sunday will be the 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year . The following groups will be on duty:-
    8.00a.m. Mass CMA
    10.00a.m. Mass Lay Dominicans
    12.00 noon Mass YCA/Youth

    4. All Ecclesial groups will hold their monthly meetings today after the 10.00a.m. Mass.

    5. PPC will have their July meeting next Sunday after the 10.00a.m. Mass at the basement room.

    6. Next Sunday is our Tithe Sunday. Tithe envelopes are available at the various boxes within the Church. Please pick one on your way out or you may use the Church Paybill No.997866 Account Number: Tithe.

    7. Saints of the Week:
    Date Feast/Solemnity
    Monday, 3rd July 2023 St. Thomas
    Tuesday, 4th July 2023 St. Elizabeth of Portugal
    Wednesday, 5th July 2023 St. Anthony Zaccaria
    Thursday, 6th July 2023 St. Maria Goreti

    8. The Siena Self Help Group AGM for ALL members is planned for Saturday July 22nd 2023. The management hereby notify members and interested parishioners of the AGM starting with a Thanksgiving mass at 8.00am, followed by the meeting to review financial performance for 2022, election of office bearers and approval of surplus for shareholders. For further details, kindly visit the group's office clerk at the desk outside the church entrance.

    9. We take this opportunity to welcome any new person visiting our Parish for the first time. You may kindly rise or wave so that we may appreciate you.

    Find these announcements on our website and on our notice board.


    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, 18th June 2023

    1. We thank the following groups for their services today: -
    8.00a.m. Mass St. Jude SCC
    10.00a.m. Mass St. Elizabeth SCC
    12.00 noon Mass St. Teresa SCC

    2. The following groups will be on duty next Sunday (12th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A): -
    8.00a.m. Mass St. Rose
    10.00a.m. Mass Choir/St. Michael
    12.00 noon Mass St. Claire

    3. St. Teresa SCC and St. Clare SCC will have their monthly meetings next Sunday, June 25, 2023 after the 10.00a.m. Mass outside the adoration chapel and at the Basement room respectively.

    4. Liturgy and Charity Committees' representatives from different SCCs and Ecclesial Groups will have meetings next Sunday, 25th June 25, 2023 after the first mass to elect their officials. The venues will be the Church Basement room and outside the Adoration Chapel respectively.

    5. We announce marriage between Martin Muriithi and Mary Wanjiku. Martin is son to John Wanyiri and Hannah Wambui of Ongata Rongai. Mary is daughter to James Karanja and Cecilia Wairimu of Kahawa West. The wedding will take place at St. Catherine of Siena Parish, Kitisuru on 28th July 2023. Should there be any reason that the above should not wed, please contact the Father-in-Charge.

    6. Saints of the Week:
    Date Feast/Solemnity
    , 19th June 2023 St. Romuald
    Wednesday, 21st June 2023 St. Aloysius Gonzaga
    Thursday 22nd June 2023 St. Paulinus of Nola
    Sts. John Fisher and Thomas More
    Saturday, 24th June 2023 The Nativity of St. John the Baptist

    7. We take this opportunity to welcome any new person visiting our Parish for the first time. You may kindly rise or wave so that we may appreciate you.

    Find these announcements on our website and on our notice board.

    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, 11th June 2023

    1. Today is the second Sunday of the month and our Tithe Sunday. I invite all prepared to stand for blessing and presentation of their tithes. Meanwhile I invite Father to bless us. (welcome the choir to lead the congregation with a song)

    2. We thank the following groups for their services today: -
    8.00a.m. Mass St. Bakhita SCC
    10.00a.m. Mass St. Dominic SCC
    NB: We shall have a brief EUCHARISTIC PROCESSION immediately after the 10a.m (this mass). We are all encouraged to participate and pray for the intentions of the Parish among others. From the Church we shall take a left turn at the gate all the way to Peponi Road - Redhill Road Link Round about and back to the Church.

    3. The following groups will be on duty next Sunday (11th Sunday of Ordinary Time Year A): -
    8.00a.m. Mass St. Jude SCC
    10.00a.m. Mass St. Elizabeth SCC
    12.00 noon Mass St. Teresa SCC

    4. Catechism classes for Baptism, First Holy Communion and Confirmation will commence on Saturday 17th June 2023 at 2p.m for both children and at 3p.m for adults respectively. Sunday classes for children will take place after the 10.00a.m. Mass.

    5. All those interested to come back to the reception of Holy Communion are kindly asked to register at the parish office.

    6. The Lectors and Cantors will have their monthly workshop on 17th June 2023, after the 8am Mass. Anyone interested to join in this ministry may register at the Parish office.

    7. We announce marriage between Martin Muriithi and Mary Wanjiku. Martin is son to John Wanyiri and Hannah Wambui of Ongata Rongai. Mary is daughter to James Karanja and Cecilia Wairimu of Kahawa West. The wedding will take place at St. Catherine of Siena Parish, Kitisuru on 28th July 2023. Should there be any reason that the above should not wed, please contact the Father-in-Charge.

    8. Saints of the Week:
    Date Feast/Solemnity
    Monday, 12th June 2023 St. Onophrius
    Tuesday, 13th June 2023 St. Anthony of Padua, priest and doctor
    Friday, 16th June 2023 The Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
    Saturday, 17th June 2023 The Immaculate Heart of Mary

    9. We take this opportunity to welcome any new person visiting our Parish for the first time.

    Find these announcements on our website and on our notice board.


    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, 4th June 2023

    1. We thank the YCA for their services in all our masses today.

    2. All Ecclesial groups will have their monthly meetings today after the 10.00a.m. Mass.

    3. Next Sunday we will be the solemnity Corpus Christi. There will be TWO MASSES.
    The 8.00a.m. Mass to be animated by St. Bakhita SCC
    The 10.00a.m. Mass to be animated by St. Dominic SCC
    We shall have Eucharistic Procession after the 10a.m Mass for about one hour. Kindly come while prepared for the same.

    4. Next Sunday is also our Tithe Sunday. Tithe envelopes are available at the various boxes within the Church. Please pick one on your way out or you may use the Church Paybill No.997866 Account Number: Tithe.

    5. The Young Catholic Adults group (YCA) is inviting parishioners between the ages of 25-45 to a reflection day on Saturday, 10th June 2023, on the topic ''THEOLOGY OF THE BODY - Exploring the nature of man, woman, sex and marriage". The facilitator will be Mr. Augustine Richard Kakeeto, OFS a lecturer at the Catholic University of Eastern Africa. The event will be held at the Makuti Church from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM.

    6. We announce marriage between Martin Muriithi and Mary Wanjiku. Martin is son to John Wanyiri and Hannah Wambui of Ongata Rongai. Mary is daughter to James Karanja and Cecilia Wairimu of Nairobi. The wedding will take place at St. Catherine of Siena Parish, Kitisuru on 28th July 2023. Should there be any reason that the above should not wed, please contact the Father-in-Charge.

    7. All those interested to come back to the reception of the Holy Communion are asked to register at the parish office.

    8. Saints of the Week:
    Date Feast/Solemnity
    Monday, 5th June 2023 St. Boniface
    Tuesday, 5th June 2023 St. Norbert
    Friday, 9th June 2023 St. Ephrem

    9. We take this opportunity to welcome any new person visiting our Parish for the first time.

    10. Let us now welcome the Parish Treasurer, Ms. Christine Mwangi, for an announcement on matters finance.

    Find these announcements on our website and on our notice board.

    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, 28th May 2023

    1. We thank the following groups for their services today: -
    8.00a.m. Mass: St. Jude
    10.00a.m. Mass: St. Claire
    12.00noon: St. Rose

    2. Next Sunday will be Sunday of the Most Holy Trinity. The Young Catholic Adults (YCA) will animate all our three masses.

    3. All Ecclesial groups will have their monthly meetings next Sunday after the 10.00a.m. Mass.

    4. St. Claire will meet today after the 10.00a.m. Mass outside the adoration chapel.

    5. The Young Catholic Adults group (YCA) is inviting parishioners between the ages of 25-45 to a reflection day on Saturday, 10th June 2023, on the topic ''THEOLOGY OF THE BODY - Exploring the nature of man, woman, sex and marriage". The facilitator will be Mr. Augustine Richard Kakeeto, a lecturer at the Catholic University of Eastern Africa. The event will be held at the Makuti Church from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM.

    6. We announce marriage between Sylvester Oluoch and June Cherutich. Sylvester is son to Gregory Okwiri Anyango and Jannifer Anyango. He is also a member of St. Catherine of Siena Parish. June is daughter to Samson Cherutich and Priscilla Kipchumba from Ngong. The wedding will take place at St. Austin's Parish on 24th June 2023. Should there be any reason that the above should not wed, please contact the Father-in-Charge.

    7. Loreto Convent Msongari School will have interviews for grade 1, 2024 on Saturday, 3rd June 2023. For more details, kindly read from the notice board.

    8. Thursday June 1, 2023 will be "Madaraka Day" and so a Public Holiday. Mass will be celebrated at 10AM. Lady Hope Wellness Institute will have a support group meeting after Mass at the Church compound. They are thankful to all parishioners for your unwavering support of their mission with cancer patients. They invite all who would like to meet the patients they support and to know more about them and the institute to this meeting.

    9. Saints of the Week:
    Date Feast/Solemnity
    Monday, 29th May 2023 Our Lady Mother of the Church
    Wednesday, 31st May 2023 The Visitation of Blessed Virgin Mary
    Thursday, 1st June 2023 St. Justin Martyr
    Friday, 2nd June 2023 Sts. Marcellinus and Peter
    Saturday, 3rd June 2023 Uganda Martyrs Day

    10. We take this opportunity to welcome any new person visiting our Parish for the first time. (Request them to either stand up or raise their hands and invite the parishioners to welcome them with a warm clap).

    Find these announcements on our website and on our notice board.


    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, 21st May 2023

    1. We thank the following groups for their services today:-
    8.00a.m. Mass: St. Teresa SCC
    10.00a.m. Mass Choir/St. Michael
    12.00noon Mass: St. Elizabeth SCC

    2. Next Sunday will be the Pentecost Sunday. The following groups will be on duty:-
    8.00a.m. Mass: St. Jude
    10.00a.m. Mass: St. Claire
    12.00noon: St. Rose

    3. The Father in Charge, on behalf of Deacons Mario and Mariano, is grateful to all of us for the kind gesture extended to the deacons on Sunday 7th May 2023. We indeed bought them nice "shoes" with a contribution that amounted to Ksh 103,470. May God bless you more abundantly.

    4. St. Teresa SCC will have their monthly meeting today after the 10. 00a.m Mass outside the adoration chapel.

    5. St. Claire will meet next Sunday, 28th May 2023 after the 10.00a.m. Mass outside the adoration chapel.

    6. The Parish choir invites Christians who would like to join them to register through their officials.

    7. We announce marriage between Sylvester Oluoch and June Cherutich. Sylvester is son to Gregory Okwiri Anyango and Jannifer Anyango. June is daughter to Samson Cherutich and Priscilla Kipchumba from Ngong. The wedding will take place at St. Austin Parish on 24th June 2023. Should there be any reason that the above should not wed, please contact the Father-in-Charge.

    8. Consolata School will have interviews for entry to grade 1, 2024 on Saturday, 3rd June 2023 from 8.30a.m., at the school. More details are on the notice board.

    9. Saints of the Week:
    Date Feast/Solemnity
    Monday, 22nd May 2023 St. Rita of Cascia
    Wednesday, 24th May 2023 Our Lady, Help of Christians
    Thursday, 25th May 2023 St. Bede the Venerable
    St. Gregory VII
    St. Mary Magdalene de Pazzi
    Friday, 26th May 2023 St. Philip Neri
    Saturday, 27th May 2023 St. Augustine of Canterbury

    1. We take this opportunity to welcome any new person visiting our Parish for the first time. (Request them to either stand up or raise their hands and invite the parishioners to welcome them with a warm clap).

    Find these announcements on our website and on our notice board.


    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, 14th May 2023

    1. Today is the second Sunday of the month and our Tithe Sunday. I invite all prepared to stand for blessing and presentation of their tithes. Meanwhile I invite Father to bless us. (welcome the choir to lead the congregation with a song)

    2. We thank the following groups for their services today:-
    8.00a.m. Mass: Lay Dominicans
    10.00a.m. Mass: Youth
    12.00noon Mass: St. Vincent

    3. Next Sunday will be the Ascension Sunday. The following groups will be on duty:-
    8.00a.m. Mass: St. Teresa SCC
    10.00a.m. Mass Choir/St. Michael
    12.00noon Mass: St. Elizabeth SCC

    4. The Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) will have their May meeting today after the 10.00a.m. Mass at the church basement room.

    5. The registration for Catechism Classes in preparation for different Sacraments in our Parish is on-going. Those interested to undertake the same are encouraged and welcome to register in the Parish office. We shall soon announce when the classes shall commence.

    6. Yesterday we had infant baptisms at the Parish where 10 children were baptized. We congratulate them and their parents and we continue to encourage all Christians to embrace the sacramental life of the church.

    7. St. Teresa SCC will have their monthly meeting next Sunday, 21st May 2023 after the 10.00a.m Mass outside the adoration chapel.

    8. The Lectors and Cantors invite all interested in serving this ministry, to attend the monthly workshops held on the third Saturday of each month. The next is scheduled for 20th May 2023, after the 8am Mass. Anyone interested should register in the Parish office.

    9. The Parish choir invites Christians who would like to join them to register through the officials.

    10. We announce marriage between Sylvester Oluoch and June Cherutich. Sylvester is son to Gregory Okwiri Anyango and Jannifer Anyango. He is also a member of St. Catherine of Siena Parish. June is daughter to Samson Cherutich and Priscilla Kipchumba from Ngong. The wedding will take place at St. Austin's Parish on 24th June 2023. Should there be any reason that the above should not wed, please contact the Father-in-Charge.

    11. Saints of the Week:
    Date Feast/Solemnity
    Thursday, 18th May 2023 St. John I
    Saturday, 20th May 2023 St. Bernadine of Siena

    12. We take this opportunity to welcome any new person visiting our Parish for the first time. (Request them to either stand up or raise their hands and invite the parishioners to welcome them with a warm clap).

    Find these announcements on our website and on our notice board.

    Kanisa Katoliki La Mt. katerina wa Siena, Kitisuru
    Matangazo ya Jumapili, Mei 14, 2023

    1. Leo ni Jumapili ya pili ya mwezi na hivyo siku ya kutoa fungu la kumi. Tunakukaribisha kutoa zaka yako baada ya Padre kuibariki. (Ikaribishe Kwaya kuongoza kwa wimbo wa matoleo ya zaka).
    14. Tunashukuru makundi yafuatayo yaliyohudumu leo katika ibada zetu;

    Misa ya Saa 2 Asubuhi: -  Chama cha Wanadominika
    Misa ya Saa 4 Asubuhi:-  Vijana Wakatoliki
    Misa ya Saa 6 Adhuhuri:-  Jumuia ya Mt. Vinsenti

    2. Jumapili ijayo ni ya Adhimisho la Kupaa Mbinguni Kwa Yesu Kristo. Makundi yafuatayo yatahudumu katika ibada zetu:-
    Misa ya Saa 2 Asubuhi: - Jumuia ya Mt. Teresa
    Misa ya Saa 4 Asubuhi: -  Kwaya na Kundi la sala la Mt. Mikaeli
      Misa ya Saa 6 Adhuhuri:- Jumuia ya Mt. Elizabeti

    3. Leo, Baraza la Kichungaji la Parokia PPC, linafanya mkutano wa Mei 2023. Mkutano ulianza baada ya misa ya saa nne katika ukumbi wa mikutano chini ya kanisa.

    4. Usajili wa wakristo kwa mafunzo ya dini yaani katekista kwa ajili ya masomo mbalimbali kanisani unaendelea. Wanaohitaji mafundisho haya wanahimizwa kujiandikisha katika ofisi ya parokia. Mwanzo wa mafunzo utatangazwa karibuni.

    5. Jana kulikuwa na ibada ya ubatizo wa watoto ambapo watoto 10 walibatizwa. Tunawapongeza watoto, wazazi na walezi wao huku tukihimiza waumini wote kutii sakramenti za kanisa.

    6. Jumuia ya Mt. Teresa itaandaa mkutano wa kila mwezi Jumapili ijayo baada ya misa ya saa nne, nje ya kanisa la kuabudia (adoration Chapel).

    7. Kundi la Malekta na Makanta wa kusoma masomo kanisani, linawaalika kwa warsha ya kila Jumamosi ya tatu ya mwezi, wote wenye ari ya kushirikishwa. Warsha ijayo ni ya Mei 20, 2023, baada ya misa ya saa mbili asubuhi. Iwapo ungependa kusoma masomo kanisani, tafadhali jiandikishe katika ofisi ya parokia.

    8. Kwaya ya Parokia inawaalika waumini wote ambao wangependa kushiriki katika kwaya kujiandikisha kupitia maofisa wao.

    9. Tuna tangazo la ndoa kati ya Sylvester Oluoch NA June Cherutich. Sylvester ni mwana wa Gregory Okwiri Anyango NA Jannifer Anyango. Vile vile, ni mwanachama wa parokia yetu ya Mt. Katerina wa Siena. June ni bintiye Samson Cherutich NA Priscilla Kipchumba kutoka Ngong. Harusi itafanywa katika parokia ya Mt. Austin mnamo Juni 24, 2023. Iwapo una kizuizi chochote cha wawili hawa kufunga ndoa, wasiliana na Baba paroko.

    10. Watakatifu Wa Wiki:
    TAREHE Maadhimisho/Sherehe
    Alhamisi, Mei 18, 2023 Mtakatifu Johana wa Kwanza
    Jumamosi, Mei 20, 2023 Mtakatifu Bernadine wa Siena

    11. Na sasa ni fursa ya kumkaribisha muumini yeyote anayeshiriki katika ibada ya hapa kwetu kwa mara ya kwanza. (Muombe kusimama au kuinua mkono alipo, na wakristo wamkaribishe kwa makofi ).

    Unaweza kupata matangazo haya katika tovuti yetu na ubao wa matangazo.


    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, 7th May 2023

    1. We thank the C.W.A for their services in all our masses today.

    2. Next Sunday will be the Sixth Sunday of Easter. The following groups will be on duty:-
    8.00a.m. Mass-Lay Dominicans
    10.00a.m. Mass-Youth
    12.00noon Mass-St. Vincent

    3. All Ecclesial groups will have their monthly meetings today after the 10.00a.m. Mass.

    4. Next Sunday will be the Second Sunday of the month and our Tithe Sunday. Tithe envelopes are available at the various boxes within the Church. Please pick one on your way out or you may use the Church Paybill No.997866 Account Number: Tithe

    5. The Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) will have their May meeting next Sunday after the 10.00a.m. Mass in the church basement.

    6. The registration for Catechism Classes in preparation for different Sacraments in our Parish is on-going. Those interested to undertake the same are encouraged and welcome to register in the Parish office. We shall soon announce when the classes shall commence.

    7. Parents who have registered children for infant baptisms are informed that baptism will be held on Saturday 13th, May 2023. Formation classes for parents/guardians will be held on Wednesday 10th and Friday 12th May, 2023 from 3 PM respectively.

    8. Saints of the Week:
    Date Feast/Solemnity
    Wednesday, 10th May 2023 St. John De Avila
    Friday, 12th May 2023 Sts. Nereus and Achilles
    St. Pancras
    Saturday, 13th May 2023 Our Lady of Fatima

    9. We take this opportunity to welcome any new person visiting our Parish for the first time. (Request them to either stand up or raise their hands and invite the parishioners to welcome them with a warm clap).

    Find these announcements on our website and on our notice board.

    Kanisa Katoliki La Mt. katerina wa Siena, Kitisuru
    Matangazo ya Jumapili, Mei, 7 2023

    1. Tunashukuru Chama cha Kinamama Wakatoliki, CWA, kwa kuhudumu katika ibada zote leo.

    2. Jumapili ijayo itakuwa ya sita ya Pasaka. Makundi yafuatayo yatahudumu:-

    Misa ya Saa 2 Asubuhi-Chama cha Wanadominika
    Misa ya Saa 4 Asubuhi-Vijana Wakatoliki
    Misa ya Saa 6 Adhuhuri-Jumuia ya Mt. Vinsenti

    3. Makundi yote ya Eklesia yanakutana leo, tangu baada ya misa ya saa nne, kwenye kikao cha kila mwezi.

    4. Jumapili ijayo itakuwa ya pili ya mwezi na itakuwa siku ya kutoa zaka. Unaweza kupata bahasha ya kutoa fungu la kumi kwenye vijisanduku katika mihimili ya kanisa. Tafadhali pata bahasha yako wakati wa kutoka kanisani. Vile vile unaweza kutoa zaka yako kwa nambari ya kanisa (Paybill No.997866) kwenye Namba ya Akaunti uandike, Tithe.

    5. Baraza la Usimamizi wa Parokia (PPC) litafanya mkutano wa Mei Jumapili ijayo baada ya misa ya saa nne asubuhi katika ukumbi wa mikutano wa chini ya kanisa.

    6. Usajili wa wakristo kwa mafunzo ya dini yaani katekista kwa ajili ya masomo mbalimbali kanisani unaendelea. Wanaohitaji mafundisho haya wanahimizwa kujiandikisha katika ofisi ya parokia. Mwanzo wa mafunzo utatangazwa karibuni.

    7. Wazazi ambao wameandikisha watoto wachanga kwa ubatizo, wanafahamishwa kwamba ubatizo utafanywa Mei 13, 2023. Darasa la mafundisho kwa wazazi na somo wa watoto hao litafanywa Jumatano Mei 10 na Ijumaa Mei 12, 2023 kuanzia saa tisa mtawala.

    8. Watakatifu wa Wiki:
    Tarehe Maadhimisho/Sherehe
    Jumatano, Mei 10, 2023 Mtakatifu Yohana De Avila
    Ijumaa, Mei 12, 2023 Watakatifu Nereus na Achilles Pamoja na
    Mtakatifu Pancras
    Jumamosi, Mei 13, 2023 Maria Mtakaktifu, Mama wa Fatima

    Na sasa ni fursa ya kumkaribisha muumini yeyote anayeshiriki katika ibada ya hapa kwetu kwa mara ya kwanza. (Muombe kusimama au kuinua mkono alipo, na wakristo wamkaribishe kwa makofi ).

    Unaweza kupata matangazo haya katika tovuti yetu na ubao wa matangazo.

    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, 23rd April 2023

    1. We thank the following groups for their services today: -
    8.00a.m. Mass: St. Rose SCC
    10.00a.m. Mass: MYM
    12.00noon Mass: St. Jude SCC

    2. Next Sunday will be the Fourth Sunday of Easter. The following groups will be on duty: -
    8.00a.m. Mass: C.M. A
    10.00a.m. Mass: P.M.C
    12.00noon Mass: Y.C. A

    3. St. Claire Small Christian Community will have their April meeting today after the 10.00a.m. Mass outside the Adoration Chapel.

    4. St. Teresa Small Christian Community will have their April meeting today after the 10.00a.m. Mass at the tent near the main gate.

    5. Parents or Guardians of the Children who received First Holy Communion recently are requested to collect their baptismal cards at the Parish office.

    6. Catechism classes for adults and children will resume on Saturday 29th April 2023. Classes for adults begin at 3.00p.m. on Saturdays and children classes on Saturdays at 2.00p.m. then on Sundays after the 10.00a.m. Mass.

    7. The Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) elections shall be held today after the 10.00a.m. Mass at the Makuti Church. Participants in this exercise are the newly elected Moderators, Secretaries and Treasurers from all Small Christian Communities as well as all Moderators from the parish Ecclesial groups and ministries.

    8. Next Sunday, 30th April 2023 we shall have commissioning of all the newly elected leaders during the 10.00a.m. Mass. A brief handing over ceremony shall follow thereafter. All outgoing and incoming officials for Small Christian Communities and Ecclesial groups and Ministries are requested to attend the 10.00a.m. Mass.

    9. Next Sunday, April 30, 2023 will be World Vocation Sunday. There will be special second collection meant to assist the formation of Priests and Religious Men and Women for ministry in the Church. Kindly contribute generously!

    10. Consolata Shrine Parish is organizing a spiritual pilgrimage to Holy Land through Egypt from 20th June to 1st July 2023. If you are interested, you may contact our parish office for further guidance before 20th May 2023. The cost is Ksh 250,000.

    11. Saints of the Week:
    Date Feast/Solemnity
    Monday, 24th April 2023 St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen, optional memorial
    Tuesday, 25th April 2023 St. Mark, evangelist, feast
    Friday, 28th April 2023 St. Peter Chanel, optional memorial
    St. Louis M. Grignion de Montfort, optional memorial
    Saturday, 29th April 2023 St. Catherine of Siena, virgin and doctor, memorial

    12. We take this opportunity to welcome any new person visiting our Parish for the first time. (Request them to either stand up or raise their hands and invite the parishioners to welcome them with a warm clap).

    Find these announcements on our website and on our notice board.


    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, 16th April 2023

    1. Last Sunday was our Tithe Sunday. We thank you for supporting our ministry. Those who did not manage to give their tithes could still do so using the available envelops or our parish Paybill account.

    2. The Parish Priest, Fr. Tesha, OP. on behalf of the Parish Pastoral Council would like to thank the different groups and all parishioners for their active participation during Easter Triduum and Easter Sunday liturgical celebrations. May God bless you all more abundantly.

    3. We thank the following groups for their services today: -
    8.00a.m. Mass: St. Elizabeth SCC
    10.00a.m. Mass: Choir/St. Michael
    12.00noon Mass: St. Teresa SCC

    4. Next Sunday will be the Third Sunday of Easter. The following groups will be on duty: -
    8.00a.m. Mass: St. Rose SCC
    10.00a.m. Mass: MYM
    12.00noon Mass: St. Jude SCC

    5. St. Claire Small Christian Community will have their April meeting next Sunday, 23rd April 2023 after the 10.00a.m. Mass outside the Adoration Chapel.

    6. St. Teresa Small Christian Community will have their April meeting next Sunday, 23rd April 2023 after the 10.00a.m. Mass at the tent near the main gate.

    7. Saints of the Week:
    Date Feast/Solemnity
    Thursday, 20th April 2023 St. Marcellinus, optional memorial
    Friday, 21st April 2023 St. Anselm, optional memorial

    8. We take this opportunity to welcome any new person visiting our Parish for the first time. (Request them to either stand up or raise their hands and invite the parishioners to welcome them with a warm clap).

    Find these announcements on our website and on our notice board.

    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, 9th April 2023

    1. Today is Easter the second Sunday of the month. It is our Tithe Sunday. I invite all prepared to stand for blessing and presentation of their Tithes. Meanwhile I invite Father to bless us. (welcome the choir to lead the congregation with a song)

    2. We thank the following groups for their services today:-
    8.00a.m. Mass: St. Vincent SCC
    10.00a.m. Mass: Youth
    12.00noon Mass: Lay Dominicans

    3. Next Sunday will be the Second Sunday of Easter. The following groups will be on duty:-
    8.00a.m. Mass: St. Elizabeth SCC
    10.00a.m. Mass: Choir/St. Michael
    12.00noon Mass: St. Teresa SCC

    4. Last night, 17 children received First Holy Communion; and 2 adults received Baptism, First Holy Communion and Confirmation. We congratulate all of them and we continue encourage Christians to embrace the sacramental life of the Catholic Church.

    5. Tomorrow -Easter Monday is Public holiday. We shall have at 10AM

    6. We take this opportunity to welcome any new person visiting our Parish for the first time. (Request them to either stand up or raise their hands and invite the parishioners to welcome them with a warm clap).

    Find these announcements on our website and on our notice board.

    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, 26th March 2023

    1. Yesterday we had five infant baptisms at the parish. We congratulate the parents and the God parents for their commitment. We also encourage Christians to embrace sacramental life of the Church.

    2. Today, like in all other Sundays during lent, we have a special collection for Lenten Campaign (the choir is welcome to lead us).

    3. Today is the Fifth Sunday of Lent. We thank the following groups for their services: -
    8.00a.m. Mass - St. Claire SCC
    ●  10.00a.m. Mass - MYM
    ●  12.00noon Mass - St. Rose SCC

    4. Next Sunday will be Palm Sunday. CWA will animate all our three masses. Palm Sunday procession will start outside the Church for the three masses.

    5. St. Vincent SCC will animate the Way of the Cross on Friday, 31st March 2023 from 5:30PM. All are welcome!

    6. St. Claire SCC will meet today after the 10.00a.m. Mass outside the Adoration Chapel.

    7. All Ecclessial Groups will have their monthly meetings next Sunday, 2nd April 2023 after the 10.00a.m Mass. CWA & CMA shall conduct their elections.

    8. Parish Choir Elections will be conducted today at the Makuti Church after the 10.00a.m. Mass.

    9. Lectors and Cantors Elections will be conducted on Saturday, 1st April 2023 at 11.00a.m.

    10. We take this opportunity to welcome any new person visiting our Parish for the first time. (Request them to either stand up or raise their hands and invite the parishioners to welcome them with a warm clap)

    11. As part of the Lenten Campaign, CJPD have a representative who will briefly speak to us about "ECOLOGICAL EDUCATION". Welcome!

    Find these announcements on our website and on our notice board.

    Kanisa Katoliki La Mt. katerina wa Siena, Kitisuru
    Matangazo ya Jumapili, Machi, 26 2023

    1. Jana tulikuwa na ubatizo wa watoto watano wachanga. Tunawapongeza wazazi na somo wao kwa uwajibikaji. Tunatumia fursa hii kuwahimiza waumini kuzingatia sakramenti.

    2. Ni kipindi cha Kwaresma, na kama ilivyo ada kila Jumapili ya kipindi hiki, tuna sadaka maalum ya kampeni ya kwaresma. (Tunawaomba wanakwaya kuongoza wimbo wa matoleo).

    3. Leo ni Jumapili ya tano ya Kwaresma. Tunayashukuru makundi yafuatayo kwa huduma yao: -
    Misa ya Saa 2 Asubuhi: - Jumuia ya Mt. Claire
    Misa ya Saa 4 Asubuhi: -  Vijana wa MYM
    Misa ya Saa 6 Adhuhuri: - Jumuia ya Mt. Rose

    4. Jumapili ijayo itakuwa ya matawi. Chama cha wanawake CWA kitahudumu katika misa zote. Maandamano ya matawi yataanza nje ya kanisa katika ibada zote.

    5. Jumuia ya Mt. Vincent SCC itaongoza njia ya msalaba Ijumaa ijayo Machi, 31, 2023 kuanzia saa 11 unusu jioni. Nyote mmealikwa!

    6. Jumuia ya Mt. Claire inakutana leo tangu baada ya misa ya saa nne asubuhi nje ya kanisa la kuabudia yaani Adoration Chapel.

    7. Makundi yote ya Eklesia yatafanya mikutano ya kila mwezi Jumapili ijayo, Aprili 2, 2023 baada ya misa ya saa 4 asubuhi. Vyama vya CWA na CMA vitafanya uchaguzi wa viongozi.

    8. Uchaguzi wa Viongozi wa Kwaya ya Parokia unafanywa leo katika ukumbi wa Makuti, baada ya misa ya saa nne asubuhi.

    1. Uchaguzi wa viongozi wa Lekta na Kanta yaani wasomaji wa masomo ya ibada utafanywa Jumamosi Aprili Mosi, 2023 saa tano mchana.

    9. Na sasa ni fursa ya kumkaribisha muumini yeyote anayeshiriki katika ibada ya hapa kwetu kwa mara ya kwanza. (Muombe kusimama au kuinua mkono alipo, na wakristo wamkaribishe kwa makofi ).

    10. Kama sehemu ya kampeni ya kwaresma, tunamwalika mwakilishi wa Tume ya Haki na Amani CJPD kuzungumzia kifupi, kuhusu "ekolojia ya elimu".

    Unaweza kupata matangazo haya katika tovuti yetu na ubao wa matangazo.


    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, 19th March 2023

    1. Last Sunday was our Tithe Sunday. We thank all who tithed for supporting our ministry.

    2. Today, like in all other Sundays during lent, we have a special collection for Lenten Campaign (the choir is welcome to lead us).

    3. Today is the Fourth Sunday of Lent. We thank the following groups for their services: -
    ●  8.00a.m. Mass -Young Adults
    ●  10.00a.m. Mass -CMA
    ●  12.00noon Mass -St. Jude SCC

    4. Next Sunday will be the Fifth Sunday of Lent. The following groups will be on duty: -
    ●  8.00a.m. Mass -St. Claire SCC
    ●  10.00a.m. Mass -MYM
    ●  12.00noon Mass -St. Rose SCC
    5. St. Teresa SCC will animate the Way of the Cross on Friday, 24th March 2023 from 5:30PM. All are welcome!

    6. We shall have infant baptisms on Saturday, 25th March 2023 during our morning Mass. Parents who would like to register their children for this baptism are invited to do so at the parish office.

    7. St. Teresa SCC will meet today after the 10.00a.m. Mass outside the Adoration Chapel.

    8. The solemnity of St. Joseph, the spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary shall be celebrated tomorrow, Monday March 20th, 2023.

    9. The solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord shall be celebrated on Saturday, 25th March 2023.

    10. We take this opportunity to welcome any new person visiting our Parish for the first time. (Request them to either stand up or raise their hands and invite the parishioners to welcome them with a warm clap).

    11. As part of the Lenten Campaign, CJPD have a representative who will briefly speak to us about "ECONOMIC JUSTICE". Welcome!

    Find these announcements on our website and on our notice board.

    Kanisa Katoliki La Mt. katerina wa Siena, Kitisuru
    Matangazo ya Jumapili, Machi 19, 2023.

    1. Jumapili iliyopita ilikuwa ya kutoa Zaka. Tunawashukuru wote kwa kuchangia misheni hii ya fungu la kumi.

    2. Ni kipindi cha Kwaresma, na kama ilivyo ada kila Jumapili ya kipindi hiki, tuna sadaka maalum ya kampeni ya kwaresma. (Tunawaomba wanakwaya kuongoza wimbo wa matoleo).

    3. Leo ni Jumapili ya nne ya Kwaresma. Tunashuruku makundi yafuatayo kwa huduma leo katika ibada zetu: -
    ●  Misa ya Saa 2 Asubuhi: -Wanarika Wakatoliki (Young Adults)
    ●  Misa ya Saa 4 Asubuhi: -Chama cha Wanaume Wakatoliki, CMA
    ●  Misa ya Saa 6 Adhuhuri:-Jumuia ya Mt. Jude

    4. Jumapili ijayo ni ya tano ya Kwaresma. Makundi yafuatayo yatahudumu katika ibada zetu:
    Misa ya Saa 2 Asubuhi: -Jumuia ya Mt. Claire
    ●  Misa ya Saa 4 Asubuhi: -Vijana wa MYM
    ●  Misa ya Saa 6 Adhuhuri:- Jumuia ya Mt. Rose

    5. Jumuia ya Mt. Teresa itaongoza njia ya msalaba Ijumaa ijayo Machi, 24, 2023 kuanzia saa 11 unusu jioni. Nyote mmealikwa!

    6. Kuna ubatizo wa watoto wachanga Jumamosi ijayo Machi, 25, 2023 katika misa ya asubuhi. Wazazi ambao wangependa kuwasajili watoto wao kwa ubatizo huu, wanaweza kufanya hivyo kupitia ofisi ya parokia.

    7. Jumuia ya Mt. Teresa inakutana leo tangu baada ya misa ya saa nne asubuhi nje ya kanisa la kuabudia yaani Adoration Chapel.

    8. Ibada ya adhimisho la siku ya Mtakatifu Yosefu, mwenza wa Bikira Maria Mtakatifu mama wa Yesu, itasherehekewa kesho, Jumatatu Machi 20, 2023.

    9. Adhimisho la sikukuu ya Tangazo la Malaika kwa Maria litasherehekewa Jumamosi ijayo, Machi 25, 2023.

    10. Na sasa ni fursa ya kumkaribisha muumini yeyote anayeshiriki katika ibada ya hapa kwetu kwa mara ya kwanza. (Muombe kusimama au kuinua mkono alipo, na wakristo wamkaribishe kwa makofi ).

    11. Kama sehemu ya kampeni ya kwaresma, tunamwalika mwakilishi wa Tume ya Haki na Amani CJPD kuzungumzia kifupi, kuhusu "Haki za Kiuchumi".!

    Unaweza kupata matangazo haya katika tovuti yetu na ubao wa matangazo.

    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, 5th March 2023

    1. Today we have a special collection for Lenten Campaign (please invite the choir to lead the congregation with a song).

    2. Today is the Second Sunday of Lent. We thank CWA for their services in all masses.

    3. We had a very successful Parish Lenten Recollection Day yesterday. We thank all who attended and participate. We encourage all parishioners to create time for such spiritual moments whenever they are prepared and announced at the parish level.

    4. Next Sunday will be the Second Sunday of Lent. It will also be our Tithe Sunday. The following groups will be on duty: -
    8.00a.m. Mass - St. Vincent
    10.00a.m. Mass - Choir/St. Michael
      12.00noon Mass - St. Elizabeth
    5. St. Jude SCC will animate the Way of the Cross on Friday, 10th March 2023 from 5:30PM. All are welcome!

    6. Next Sunday is our Tithe Sunday. Tithe envelopes are available at the various boxes within the Church. Please pick one on your way out or you may use the Church Paybil No.997866 Account Number: Tithe.

    7. There will be no ecclesial groups meetings today due to Small Christian Communities' elections which will be held after the 10.00a.m. Mass as follows:
    a) St Theresa from Gachie/Kihingo at Makuti Hall.
    b) St Rose from Nyari at Adoration Chapel.
    c) St. Jude from Gathiga at Basement Room/hall.
    d) St Claire also known as "Diaspora Jumuiya" at CMA Tent.

    8. The other SCCs will hold their elections next Sunday after the 10am Mass as follows:
    a) St Vincent de Paul from Saunders Close, Lower Kabete and Loresho at Basement Room.
    b) St Elizabeth from Kitusuru at Adoration Chapel.
    c) St Bakhita from New Kitusuru at CMA Tent.
    d) St Dominic from Kitusuru Springs at Makuti Hall.

    9. Young Catholic Adults will visit Subukia Shrine for a pilgrimage on 11th March 2023. Few chances are available for those who would wish to join them. They may register with the parish office.

    10. St. Teresa Small Christian Community has organized a one-day recollection on 18th March 2023 at the Divine Mercy Shrine, Kyumbi, Machakos Diocese. Parishioners who would be interested to join them are requested to contact the moderator on 0723 838 381.

    11. The Daughters of St. Paul are displaying and selling faith related books and audiovisual materials outside the Church. They welcome us to buy from them for the nourishment of our faith.

    12. We take this opportunity to welcome any new person visiting our Parish for the first time. (Request them to either stand up or raise their hands and invite the parishioners to welcome them with a warm clap).

    13. As part of the Lenten Campaign, CJPD have a representative who will briefly speak to us about "Mental Wellness". We now welcome him!

    Find these announcements on our website and on our notice board.

    Kanisa Katoliki La Mt. katerina wa Siena, Kitisuru
    Matangazo ya Jumapili, Machi 5, 2023.

    1. Leo tuna mchango maalum wa sadaka ya kwaresma (Ialike Kwaya kuongoza wimbo wa Matoleo).

    2. Leo ni Jumapili ya pili ya Kwaresma. Tunashukuru Chama cha wanawake Wakatoliki, CWA, kwa kuhudumu katiba misa zote leo.

    3. Semina ya Parokia ya kutafakari kipindi cha Kwaresma, jana ilifana sana. Tunawashukuru sana waliofanikiwa kuhudhuria. Tunawashauri Waumini wote kuthamini hafla za aina hii kama njia ya kupata malezi ya kiroho.

    4. Jumapili ijayo itakuwa ya tatu ya Kwaresma. Aidha itakuwa Jumapili ya kutoa zaka, yaani fungu la kumi. Makundi yafuatayo yatahudumu katika ibada zetu: -
    Misa ya Saa 2 Asubuhi: - Jumuiya ya Mt. Vincent
      Misa ya Saa 4 Asubuhi: -Kwaya na Kundi la Sala la Mt. Michael
      Misa ya Saa 6 Adhuhuri:-Jumuiya ya Mt. Elizabeth
    5. Jumuiya ya Mt. Jude itaongoza Njia ya Msalaba, Ijumaa ijayo Machi 10, 2023 kuanzia saa 11 unusu jioni. Nyote mmealikwa!

    6. Jumapili ijayo itakuwa ya kutoa zaka, yaani fungu la kumi. Unaweza kupata bahasha ya zaka hapa kanisani baada ya misa. Vile vile unaweza kutoa zaka kwa kutumia nambari ya Paybill ya kanisa 997866 kisha akaunti iwe: Tithe.

    7. Hakuna mikutano ya makundi ya eklesia leo kwa sababu ya uchaguzi wa viongozi wa Jumuiya unaondelea tangu baada ya misa ya saa nne. Uchaguzi unafanywa kama ifuatavyo:
    a) Mt Theresa kutoka Gachie na Kihingo wanakutana Makuti.
    b) Mt Rose kutoka Nyari wanakutana Adoration Chapel.
    c) Mt. Jude kutoka Gathiga wanakutana ukumbi wa Basement.
    d) Mt Claire au "Jumuiya ya Diaspora" wanakutana chini ya hema la CMA.

    8. Jumuia nyenginezo zitafanya uchaguzi Jumapili ijayo baada ya misa ya saa nne, kama ifuatavyo:
    a) Mt Vincent de Paul kutoka Saunders Close, Lower Kabete na Loresho watakutana ukumbi wa Basement.
    b) Mt Elizabeth kutoka Kitisuru watakutana Adoration Chapel.
    c) Mt Bakhita kutoka New Kitusuru watakutana kwa hema la CMA.
    d) Mt Dominic kutoka Kitisuru Springs watakutana, Makuti.

    9. Chama cha Vijana Wanarika Wakatoliki yaani, YCA, kitafanya ziara ya hija kanisa maalum la Subukia Shrine, Nakuru, Jumamosi ijayo Machi 11. Kuna nafasi chache za wengine wanaotaka kuandamana nao. Unaweza kujiandikisha katika ofisi ya parokia.

    10. Jumuia ya Mt. Teresa imepanga semina ya siku moja ya kwaresma Machi 18, 2023, kanisa la The Divine Mercy Shrine, Kyumbi, Dayosisi ya Machakos. Iwapo ungependa kujumuika nao, unaweza kuwasiliana na modera kwa nambari 0723 838 381.

    11. Wachapishaji vitabu wa Paulines Publications Africa/Daughters of St. Paul, wanauza vitabu na kanda hapa kwetu leo. Unaweza kupata nakala unayohitaji baada ya misa.

    12. Na sasa ni fursa ya kumkaribisha muumini yeyote anayeshiriki katika ibada ya hapa kwetu kwa mara ya kwanza. (Muombe kusimama au kuinua mkono alipo, na wakristo wamkaribishe kwa makofi ).
    13. Kama sehemu ya kampeni ya kwaresma, tunamwalika mwakilishi wa Tume ya Haki na Amani CJPC kuzungumzia kifupi, kuhusu "afya ya akili".

    Unaweza kupata matangazo haya katika tovuti yetu na ubao wa matangazo.

    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday, 19th February 2023

    1. Last Sunday was our Tithe Sunday. We thank you for supporting our ministry.

    2. Today is the Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time. We take this opportunity to thank the following groups for their service today:-
    8.00a.m. Mass -CMA
    10.00a.m. Mass - St. Jude SCC
    12.00noon Mass - Young Catholic Adults

    3. Next Sunday will be the first Sunday of Lent. The following groups will be on duty:-
    8.00a.m. Mass - St. Rose
      10.00a.m. Mass - St. Claire
    12.00noon Mass - St. Teresa

    4. Wednesday 22nd February 2023 is Ash Wednesday. We shall have three masses: 7.00a.m., 1.00p.m. and 6.00p.m.

    5. We shall have the Way of the Cross every Friday at 5.30p.m. On Friday 24th February 2023, St. Rose SCC shall animate.

    6. CWA formation classes for new members begin today at the church basement room after the 10.00a.m. Mass.

    7. We shall have a Parish Lenten Recollection on 4th March 2023 from 8.45a.m to 1.00p.m. at the Parish. All are invited.

    8. CMA commissioning which was to happen today has been postponed to a later date. Details of when it shall happen will be announced.

    9. Meetings:
    St. Teresa SCC will hold their monthly meeting today after the 10.00a.m. Mass behind the adoration chapel.

    Parents with children from grade six and below are invited for a meeting with the PMC animators for 2023 briefings next Sunday 26th February 2023 after the 10.00a.m. Mass at the Makuti church.

    10. All Pilgrims travelling to Europe (including Vatican) from 9th to 20th of May, 2023 are invited for a crucial meeting on 26th February, at the Makuti Church after the 2nd Mass. We as well invite any prospective people for the limited chances to join us in the meeting.

    11. Saints of the Week:
    Date Feast/Solemnity
    Tuesday, 21st February 2023 St. Peter Damian

    12. E-Mentoring Africa, a not-for-profit organization focused on mentoring youth and corporates is rolling out their annual PASS IT ON program for KCSE 2022 graduates. Our mentorship focus areas include: Career Alignment, Talentpreneurship, Entrepreneurship, and Volunteerism.
    The program will run for 4 weeks from Monday 13th February 2023, here at St Catherine of Siena grounds from 10:00AM-1:00PM (Mon & Fri) and virtually on Wednesdays (see poster on Notice Board for more details).
    Parents and youth within the bracket are encouraged to sign up for this crucial program, with the parish office or through the contacts on the poster. Thank you.

    13. Paulines Publications Africa/Daughters of St. Paul, are glad to inform all parishioners that there will be a Catholic book and audiovisual display and sale here in the parish on Sunday 5th March 2023 during all masses. Please take this opportunity to get yourself materials that can nourish your faith.

    14. We take this opportunity to welcome any new person visiting our Parish for the first time. (Request them to either stand up or raise their hands and invite the parishioners to welcome them with a warm clap)

    Find these announcements on our website and on our notice board.

    Kanisa Katoliki La Mt. katerina wa Siena, Kitisuru
    Matangazo ya Jumapili, Februari 19, 2023.

    1. Jumapili iliyopita ilikuwa ya kutoa zaka. Asanteni sana kwa kutoa fungu la kumi.

    2. Leo ni Jumapili ya saba ya kipindi cha kawaida cha kanisa. Tunatoa shukrani za dhati kwa makundi yafuatayo kwa kuhudumu katika ibada zetu leo:-

    Misa ya Saa 2 Asubuhi: - Chama cha Wanaume Wakatoliki, CMA
    Misa ya Saa 4 Asubuhi:  -Jumuia ya Mt. Jude
    Misa ya Saa 6 Adhuhuri: -Wanarika wa YCA

    3. Jumapili ijayo itakuwa ya kwanza ya kwaresma. Makundi yafuatayo yatahudumu katika ibada zetu:-
    Misa ya Saa 2 Asubuhi:  -Jumuia ya Mt. Rose
    Misa ya Saa 4 Asubuhi:  - Jumuia ya Mt. Claire
      Misa ya Saa 6 Adhuhuri:  -Jumuia ya Mt. Teresa

    4. Februari 22, 2023 ni Jumatano ya Majivu. Tutakuwa na misa tatu; saa moja asubuhi, Saa 7 adhuhuri na saa 12 jioni.

    5. Kipindi cha Kwaresma, tutafanya Njia ya Msalaba kila Ijumaa kuanzia saa 11 unusu jioni. Katika Ijumaa ijayo Februari 24, 2023, tutaongozwa na Jumuia ya Mt. Rose.

    6. Mafundisho ya wanachama wapya wa Chama cha Wanawake Wakatoliki, CWA yameanza leo, Februari 19 katika ukumbi wa Basement..

    7. Semina ya utafakari ya parokia, itafanywa Machi 4, 2023 kuanzia saa 3 kasorobo asubuhi, hadi saa 7 adhuhuri, hapa katika parokia. Waumini wote wamealikwa.

    8. Kamisheni ya kiapo cha wanachama wa chama cha wanaume wakatoliki, CMA, ambayo ilifaa kufanywa leo imeahirishwa. Habari za itakapofanywa tena zitatolewa baadaye.

    9. Mikutano:
    Jumuia ya Mt. Teresa inafanya mkutano wa mwezi huu leo, tangu baada ya misa ya saa 4 asubuhi nyuma ya kanisa la kuabudia.

    Wazazi wenye watoto ambao hawajapita gredi ya sita shuleni, wanaombwa kukutana na walezi wa PMC kupewa mipangilio ya mwaka 2023, Jumapili ijayo Februari 26, baada ya misa ya saa 4 asubuhi katika kanisa la Makuti.

    10. Mahujaji wanaosafiri kwenda Uropa (ikiwemo Vatikani) kati ya Mei 9 na 20, 2023 wanaalikwa kwa mkutano muhimu Februari 26, hapa kanisani, baada ya misa ya pili. Tunamwalika mwengine yeyote angependa kujumuika nasi.

    11. Watakatifu wa Wiki:
    Tarehe Maadhimisho/Ukumbusho
    Jumanne, Februari 21, 2023 Mtakatifu Peter Damian

    1. Shirika la E-Mentoring Africa linalojihusisha na malezi ya vijana na mashirika linazindua mpango wa PASS IT ON kwa manufaa ya watahiniwa wa KCSE mwaka 2022. (Kwa maelezo Zaidi tazama bango kwenye ubao wa kanisa). Wazazi na vijana wanashauriwa kujisajili kupitia ofisi ya kanisa au kwa kutumia anwani kwenye ubao wa kanisa.

    2. Wachapishaji vitabu wa Paulines Publications Africa/Daughters of St. Paul, wanawafahamisha wakristo kwamba watauza vitabu na kanda za video hapa katika parokia Jumapili ya Machi 5 baada ya misa zote. Unaweza kupata nakala unayohitaji siku hiyo.

    Na sasa ni fursa ya kumkaribisha muumini yeyote anayeshiriki katika ibada ya hapa kwetu kwa mara ya kwanza. (Muombe kusimama au kuinua mkono alipo, na wakristo wamkaribishe kwa makofi ).
    Unaweza kupata matangazo haya katika tovuti yetu na ubao wa matangazo.

    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Sunday 12th February 2023 Announcements

    1. Today being the second Sunday of the month, it is our Tithe Sunday. I invite all prepared to stand for blessing and presentation of their tithes. Meanwhile I invite Father to bless us. (welcome the choir to lead the congregation with a song)

    2. Today is the Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time. We take this opportunity to thank the following groups for their service today:-
    8.00a.m. Mass - Lay Dominicans
    10.00a.m. Mass -  PMC
    12.00noon Mass - St. Vincent SCC

    3. Next Sunday will be the Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time. The following groups will be on duty:-
    8.00a.m. Mass - CMA
    10.00a.m. Mass - St. Jude SCC
    12.00noon Mass - Young Catholic Adults

    4. CWA will begin formation classes for new members next Sunday, February 19th 2023. Ladies who would like to join CWA are encouraged to register at the parish office after Mass or in the course of the week, Tuesday to Saturday.

    5. The Siena Self Help Group Management wishes to notify members that there will be vacancies in the management committee. Members who qualify are encouraged to collect nomination forms at the desk at the church entrance.

    6. We request all members of the Church with the old palms to bring them to the parish next Sunday or in the course of the week for Ash Wednesday preparation.

    7. Meetings:
    Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) will have their February meeting today after the 10.00a.m. Mass.
    St. Jude SCC will have mass on 16th February at 7.00p.m at Agnes Kamau's house.

    8. Saints of the Week:
    Date Feast/Solemnity
    Tuesday, 14th February 2023 St. Cyril, monk
    St. Methodius, bishop, memorial
    Friday, 17th February 2023 The Seven Holy Founders of the Service Order

    9. E-Mentoring Africa, a not-for-profit organization focused on mentoring youth and corporates is rolling out their annual PASS IT ON program for KCSE 2022 graduates. Our mentorship focus areas include: Career Alignment, Talentpreneurship, Entrepreneurship, and Volunteerism.
    The program will run for 4 weeks from Monday 13th February 2023, here at St Catherine of Siena grounds from 10:00AM-1:00PM (Mon & Fri) and virtually on Wednesdays (see poster on Notice Board for more details).
    Parents and youth within the bracket are encouraged to sign up for this crucial program, with the parish office or through the contacts on the poster. Thank you.

    10. We take this opportunity to welcome any new person visiting our Parish for the first time. (Request them to either stand up or raise their hands and invite the parishioners to welcome them with a warm clap)

    Find these announcements on our website and on our notice board.


    Kanisa Katoliki La Mt. katerina wa Siena, Kitisuru
    Matangazo ya Jumapili, Februari 12, 2023.

    1. Leo ikiwa Jumapili ya pili ya mwezi, ni siku ya kutoa zaka. Nawaalika nyote tusimame kwa baraka, tayari kutoa fungu la kumi. Karibu padre utupe baraka za zaka. (Wanakwaya tafadhali tuongoze kwa wimbo wa matoleo)

    2. Leo ni Jumapili ya sita ya kipindi cha kawaida cha kanisa.. Tunatoa shukrani za dhati kwa makundi yafuatayo kwa kuhudumu katika ibada zetu leo:-
    Misa ya Saa 2 Asubuhi: -Chama Cha Wanadominika
    Misa ya Saa 4 Asubuhi: - Watoto wa PMC
    Misa ya Saa 6 Adhuhuri: - Jumuia ya Mt. Vincent

    3. Jumapili ijayo itakuwa ya saba ya kipindi cha kawaida cha kanisa.. Makundi yafuatayo yatahudumu katika ibada zetu:-
    Misa ya Saa 2 Asubuhi: - Chama cha Wanaume Wakatoliki, CMA
    Misa ya Saa 4 Asubuhi: - Jumuia ya Mt. Jude
    Misa ya Saa 6 Adhuhuri: - Wanarika wa YCA

    4. Chama cha Wanawake Wakatoliki, CWA kitaanza mafunzo ya wanachama wapya, jumapili ijayo, Februari 19. Kinadada ambao wangependa kujiunga na CWA, wanaweza kusajiliwa katika ofisi ya parokia baada ya misa, au saa za ofisi kati ya Jumanne na Jumamosi.

    5. Wasimamizi wa Chama cha Akiba na Mikopo cha Kanisa, Siena Self Help Group, wanawafahamisha wanachama wote kwamba hivi karibuni, nyadhifa za uongozi zitakuwa wazi katika kamati ya usimamizi. Wanachama wanaotimiza vigezo vinavyohitajika, wanahimizwa kupata fomu za maombi kwenye meza iliyopo nje karibu na mlango wa kanisa.

    6. Waumini wote wanaombwa kurejesha matawi ya mitende ya mwaka jana hapa kanisani Jumapili ijayo, au katikati ya wiki hii, kwa maandalizi ya Jumatano ya Majivu.

    7. Mikutano:
    Baraza la Usimamizi wa Parokia (PPC) linafanya mkutano wa Februari leo, tangu baada ya misa ya saa nne asubuhi katika ukumbi wa mikutano wa chini ya kanisa..
    Jumuia ya Mt. Jude itafanyiwa misa Februari 16 kuanzia saa moja jioni nyumbani kwa Agnes Kamau.

    8. Watakatifu wa Wiki:
    Date Feast/Solemnity
    Februari 14, 2023 - Ukumbusho wa Monaki Mtakatifu Cyril
    - Ukumbusho wa Askofu Mt. Methodius
    Februari 17, 2023 Ukumbusho wa Watakatifu Saba Waasisi wa Ibada ya Huduma

    9. Shirika la E-Mentoring Africa linalojihusisha na malezi ya vijana na mashirika linazindua mpango wa PASS IT ON kwa manufaa ya watahiniwa wa KCSE mwaka 2022. Mafunzo yatajumuisha: Mwongozo wa tasnia za kitaaluma, Kuwekeza katika talanta, ujasiriamali, na Huduma za Kujitolea.
    Mpango huo wa wiki nne utaanza Jumatatu, Februari 13, 2023, hapa kanisani Mt. Katerina wa Siena kuanzia saa 4 asubuhi hadi 7 adhuhuri (Jumatatu na Ijumaa) na kwenye mtandao Jumatano (Kwa maelezo Zaidi tazama bango kwenye ubao wa kanisa). Wazazi na vijana wanashauriwa kujisajili kupitia ofisi ya kanisa au kwa kutumia anwani kwenye ubao wa kanisa.
    Na sasa ni fursa ya kumkaribisha muumini yeyote anayeshiriki katika ibada ya hapa kwetu kwa mara ya kwanza. (Muombe kusimama au kuinua mkono alipo, na wakristo wamkaribishe kwa makofi ).
    Unaweza kupata matangazo haya katika tovuti yetu na ubao wa matangazo.


    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Sunday 5th February 2023 Announcements

    1. Today is the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time. We take this opportunity to thank CWA for their service in all masses today.

    2. Next Sunday will be the Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time. We shall join the rest of the World to celebrate "World Marriage Day". The following groups will be on duty: -
    8.00a.m. Mass -Lay Dominicans
    10.00a.m. Mass - MYM
    12.00noon Mass -St. Vincent SCC

    3. Today we have a special Second Collection to support our Brothers and Sisters in our Outstation, St. Martin de Porres-Kibagare in their fundraising drive for Choir equipment. Kindly consider to support them. (Invite the choir to lead the congregation with a song).

    4. Next Sunday is our Tithe Sunday. Tithe envelopes are available at the various boxes within the Church. Please pick one on your way out or you may use the Church Paybil No.997866 Account Number: Tithe.

    5. Catechism classes for both children and adults are conducted as follows:
    a) Children: Every Saturday at 2PM and Sundays after the 10.00a.m. Mass.
    b) Adults: Every Saturday at 3PM.

    6. CWA will begin formation classes for the new members on Sunday, February 19th 2023. Ladies who would like to join CWA are encouraged to register at the parish office after Mass or in the course of the week, Tuesday to Saturday.

    7. Young Catholic Adults (YCA) would like to invite all persons within the age bracket of 25-45 years to join their group. They meet briefly every Sunday after the 10.00a.m. Mass, under the avocado tree near the Church notice board.

    8. Meetings:
    All Ecclesial groups will meet today after the 10.00a.m. Mass. All interested members are encouraged to join the various groups.

    The Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) will have their February meeting next Sunday after the 10.00a.m. Mass in the Church basement.

    9. Saints of the Week:
    Date Feast/Solemnity
    Monday, 6th February 2023 St. Paul Miki and Companions-martyrs, memorial
    Wednesday, 8th February 2023 St. Jerome Emiliani, optional memorial
    St. Josephine Bakhita, optional memorial
    Friday, 10th February 2023 St. Scholastica, virgin, memorial
    Saturday, 11th February 2023 Our Lady of Lourdes, optional memorial

    10. We take this opportunity to welcome any new person visiting our Parish for the first time. (Request them to either stand up or raise their hands and invite the parishioners to welcome them with a warm clap)

    Find these announcements on our website and on our notice board.



    Kanisa Katoliki La Mt. katerina wa Siena, Kitisuru
    Matangazo ya Jumapili, Februari 5, 2023.

    1. Leo ni Jumapili ya tano ya kipindi cha kawaida cha kanisa. Tunatoa shukrani za dhati kwa Chama cha Kinamama Wakatoliki CWA, kwa kuhudumu leo katika ibada zetu zote.

    2. Jumapili ijayo itakuwa ya sita ya kipindi cha kawaida cha kanisa. Makundi yafuatayo yatahudumu katika ibada zetu:-

    Misa ya Saa 2 Asubuhi: - Chama Cha Wanadominika
    Misa ya Saa 4 Asubuhi: - Vijana wa Chama cha MYM
    Misa ya Saa 6 Adhuhuri: - Jumuia ya Mt. Vincent

    3. Leo tunafanya mchango maalum kwa kutoa sadaka ya pili, kuwasaidia ndugu zetu wa parokia ndogo ya Mt. Martin de Porres - Kibagare, kununua ala za muziki na vifaa vingine vya Kwaya. Tafadhali jiandaee kuwapa mchango wako.. (Ialike kwaya kuongoza waumini kwa wimbo wa matoleo).

    4. Jumapili ijayo itakuwa ya kutoa zaka. Unaweza kupata bahasha ya kutoa fungu la kumi kwenye vijisanduku katika mihimili ya kanisa. Tafadhali pata bahasha yako wakati wa kutoka kanisani. Vile vile unaweza kutoa zaka yako kwa nambari ya kanisa (Paybill No.997866) kwenye Namba ya Akaunti uandike, Tithe.

    5. Mafunzo ya dini yaani Katekasia ya Watoto na Watu wazima yanaendeshwa ifuatavyo:
    a) Watoto: Kila Jumamosi saa 8 alasiri, na Jumapili baada ya misa ya saa 4 asubuhi.
    b) Watu Wazima: Kila Jumamosi saa 9 alasiri.
    6. Chama cha Wanawake Wakatoliki, CWA kitaanza mafunzo ya wanachama wapya, jumapili ya Februari 19 mwaka huu. Kinadada ambao wangependa kujiunga na CWA, wanaweza kusajiliwa katika ofisi ya parokia baada ya misa, au saa za ofisi kati ya Jumanne na Jumamosi.

    7. Chama cha Vijana Wazima, Young Catholic Adults (YCA), kinawaalika wakristo wote wa umri wa miaka 25 hadi 45 kujiunga na chama hiki. Young Adults hukutana kwa dakika chache kila Jumapili, baada ya misa ya saa 4 asubuhi, chini ya mparachichi yaani avocado tree, karibu na ubao wa matangazo.

    8. Mikutano:
    Makundi yote ya Elkesia kanisani yanakutana leo, tangu baada ya misa ya saa nne asubuhi. Waumini wote wanahimizwa kujiunga na makundi yanayowafaa na wanayopenda..

    Baraza la Usimamizi wa Parokia (PPC) litafanya mkutano wa Februari Jumapili ijayo baada ya misa ya saa nne asubuhi katika ukumbi wa mikutano wa chini ya kanisa.

    9. Watakatifu wa Wiki:
    Tarehe Maadhimisho/Sherehe
    Jumatatu, Februari , 2023 Ukumbusho wa Mt. Paul Miki na Wenzake wafia dini.
    Jumatano, Februari 8, 2023 Ukumbusho wa Watakatifu Jerome Emiliani na Josephine Bakhita.

    Ijumaa, Februari 10, 2023 Ukumbusho wa Mt. Scholastica, Bikira

    Jumamosi, February 11, 2023 Ukumbusho wa Mama Maria wa Lourdes.

    Na sasa ni fursa ya kumkaribisha muumini yeyote anayeshiriki katika ibada ya hapa kwetu kwa mara ya kwanza. (Muombe kusimama au kuinua mkono alipo, na wakristo wamkaribishe kwa makofi ).

    Unaweza kupata matangazo haya katika tovuti yetu na ubao wa matangazo.

    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Sunday 29th January 2023 Announcements

    1. Today is the Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time. We take this opportunity to thank the following groups for their service today:-
    8.00a.m. Mass: St. Elizabeth
    10.00a.m. Mass: Choir/St. Michael
    12.00 noon Mass: St. Teresa

    2. Next Sunday will be the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time. CWA will be on duty in all the three Masses.

    3. We shall have a special Second Collection Next Sunday, February 5th 2023 to support our Brothers and Sisters in our Outstation, St. Martin de Porres - Kibagare in their fundraising drive for Choir equipment. Kindly consider to support them.

    4. CWA will begin formation classes for the new members on Sunday, February 19th 2023. Ladies who would like to join CWA are encouraged to register at the parish office after Mass or in the course of the week, Tuesday to Saturday.

    5. Catechism classes for both children and adults are conducted as follows:
    a) Children: Every Saturday at 2PM and Sundays after the 10.00a.m. Mass.
    b) Adults: Every Saturday at 3PM.

    6. Pilgrimage to the Holy Sites: Both the Parish Priest and Eclairer Pilgrimage Agency, wish to let you know that there still few chances for those who would wish to participate in this year's scheduled spiritual pilgrimages to Holy Land on 4th to 16th March, and Europe on 9th to 20th May respectively. Those interested are welcome to register with us.

    7. Young Christian Adults (YCA) would like to invite all persons within the age bracket of 25-45 years to join their group. They meet briefly every Sunday after the 10.00a.m. Mass under the avocado tree near the church notice board.

    8. Lady of Hope Wellness Institute wishes to thank all Parishioners and people of God in our Parish for the incredible support received towards the preparation of their 9th annual walk. The walk took place successfully yesterday. Thank you one, thank all!

    9. All Ecclesial groups will meet next Sunday after the 10.00a.m. Mass. All interested members are encouraged to join these various groups.

    10. Saints of the Week:
    Date Feast/Solemnity
    Tuesday, 31st January 2023 St. John Bosco, priest, memorial
    Thursday, 2nd February 2023 The Presentation of the Lord, Feast
    Friday, 3rd February 2023 St. Blaise
    St. Ansgar

    11. We take this opportunity to welcome any new person visiting our Parish for the first time. (Request them to either stand up or raise their hands and invite the parishioners to welcome them with a warm clap)


    Find these announcements on our website and on our notice board.


    Kanisa Katoliki La Mt. katerina wa Siena, Kitisuru
    Matangazo ya Jumapili, Januari 29, 2023.

    1. Leo ni Jumapili ya nne ya kipindi cha kawaida cha kanisa. Tunatoa shukrani za dhati kwa makundi yafuatayo yaliyohudumu katika ibada zetu:-

    Misa ya Saa 2 Asubuhi: Jumuia ya Mt. Elizabeti
    Misa ya Saa 4 Asubuhi: Kwaya na Kundi la Sala la Mt. Mikaeli
    Misa ya Saa 6 Adhuhuri: Jumuia ya Mt. Teresa

    Jumapili ijayo itakuwa ya tano ya kipindi cha kawaida cha kanisa. Chama cha Wanawake Wakatoliki, CWA, kitahudumu katika misa zote tatu.

    2. Jumapili ijayo, Februari 5, tutafanya mchango maalum kwa kutoa sadaka ya pili, kuwasaidia ndugu zetu wa parokia ndogo ya Mt. Martin de Porres-Kibagare, kununua ala za muziki na vifaa vingine vya Kwaya. Tafadhali jiandaee kuwapa mchango wako.

    3. Chama cha Wanawake Wakatoliki, CWA kitaanza mafunzo ya wanachama wapya, jumapili ya Februari 19 mwaka huu. Kinadada ambao wangependa kujiunga na CWA, wanaweza kusajiliwa katika ofisi ya parokia baada ya misa, au saa za ofisi kati ya Jumanne na Jumamosi.

    4. Mafunzo ya dini yaani Katekasia ya Watoto na Watu wazima yanaendeshwa ifuatavyo:
    c) Watoto: Kila Jumamosi saa 8 alasiri, na Jumapili baada ya misa ya saa 4 asubuhi.
    d) Watu Wazima: Kila Jumamosi saa 9 alasiri.

    5. Hija kwenda Maeneo Matakatifu: Baba Paroko na Shirika la Eclairer Pilgrimage Agency, wanakufahamisha kwamba kuna nafasi chache zimesalia za kushiriki safari ya kwenda kuhiji Nchi Takatifu kati ya Machi 4 na 16, na Bara Uropa Mei 9 hadi 20 mtawalia. Wanaotaka kushiriki wanaombwa kujisajili ofisini.

    6. Chama cha Vijana Wazima, Young Catholic Adults (YCA), kinawaalika wakristo wote wa umri wa miaka 25 hadi 45 kujiunga na chama hiki.

    Young Adults hukutana kwa dakika chache kila Jumapili, baada ya misa ya saa 4 asubuhi, chini ya mparachichi yaani avocado tree, karibu na ubao wa matangazo.

    7. Taasisi ya Lady Hope Wellness, inatoa shukrani za dhati kwa Wakristo wote na watu wengine wa matabaka tofauti, kwa kuwapiga jeki katika maandalizi ya Makala ya 9 ya matembezi ya kukabili Saratani. Matembezi yalifana sana jana. Asanteni sana!

    8. Makundi yote ya Elkesia kanisani yatakutana Jumapili ijayo, baada ya misa ya saa nne asubuhi. Waumini wote wanahimizwa kujiunga na makundi yanayowafaa na wanayopenda.

    9. Watakatifu wa Wiki:
    Tarehe Maadhimisho/Sherehe
    Jumanne, Januari 31, 2023 Ukumbusho wa Mt. John Bosco, padre.
    Alhamisi, Februari 2, 2023 Sherehe ya Kupokelewa kwa Kristo.
    Ijumaa, Februari 3, 2023 watakatifu Blaise na Ansgar

    10. Na sasa ni fursa ya kumkaribisha muumini yeyote anayeshiriki katika ibada ya hapa kwetu kwa mara ya kwanza. (Muombe kusimama au kuinua mkono alipo, na wakristo wamkaribishe kwa makofi )

    Unaweza kupata matangazo haya katika tovuti yetu na ubao wa matangazo.

    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Sunday of the Nativity of the Lord
    25th December 2022

    1. Today is the Nativity of the Lord. We take this opportunity to thank the following groups for their service today:
    8.00a.m mass: St. Teresa SCC
    10.00a.m. mass: Choir/St. Michael

    2. Tomorrow, Monday 26th December 2022 and Tuesday, 27th December 2022 are public holidays. We shall have mass at 10.00a.m. and there will no evening Mass respectively.

    3. New Year Mass schedule shall be as follows: -
    Mass Schedules Time Group on Duty
    Saturday, 31st December 2022 vigil mass 7.00p.m. St. Vincent SCC
    Sunday, 1st January 2022 8.00a.m.
    10.00a.m. Lay Dominicans

    4. Saints of the Week
    Date Feast/Solemnity
    Monday, 26th December 2022 St. Stephen, the first martyr
    Tuesday, 27th December 2022 St. John, Apostle and evangelist
    Wednesday, 28th December 2022 The Holy Innocents
    Friday, 30th December 2022 The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph

    5. We are all encouraged to give thanks to God for His SELF-GIFT to us that we celebrate during Christmas. We may express our gratitude and thanksgiving using our Church envelopes. Your Thanksgiving shall be channeled towards the needy children in our parish. Thank you all in advance for your generosity.

    6. Lady Hope Wellness Institute shall hold their 9th Annual Charity walk on Saturday, 28th January 2023 at 8.00a.m. We appeal for your participation in the walk and for your support by buying our walk merchandise at the table at the Church entrance on Sundays or from the parish office during week days. Donations in cash and kind or input in terms of ideas shall also be appreciated. For more information, please visit our church notice board or our website www.ladyhope.co.ke.

    7. We take this opportunity to welcome any new person visiting our Parish for the first time. (Request them to either stand up or raise their hands and invite the parishioners to welcome them with a warm clap)

    Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.

St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for Fourth Sunday of Advent
18th December 2022

1. Today is the Fourth Sunday of Advent. We take this opportunity to thank the following groups for their service today:
8.00a.m mass: Young Adults
10.00a.m. mass: CMA
12.00 noon: St. Jude

2. Christmas and New Year's schedule for Masses shall be as follows: -
Day Time Group on Duty
Saturday, 24th December 2022 Christmas vigil mass 7.00p.m. St. Elizabeth
Christmas Day, Sunday, 25th December 2022 8.00a.m.
10.00a.m. St. Teresa
Choir/St. Michael
Saturday, 31st December 2022 New Year's vigil mass 7.00p.m. St. Vincent
New Year, Sunday, 1st January 2022 8.00a.m.
10.00a.m. Lay Dominicans

3. Meetings:
St. Teresa Small Christian Community shall have a meeting today after the 10.00a.m. Mass outside the Adoration Chapel.

4. Marriage Banns:

We announce marriage between Stephen Mutua Vuli and Felista Munyiva Mutua. Stephen is son to Vuli Sila and Jane Ntheke from St. Catherine of Siena Parish. Felista is daughter to James Makau and Grace Kalondu from St. Catherine of Siena Parish. The wedding will take place at St. Mary Catholic Church, Kyumbi on 31st December 2022. Should there be any reason that the above should not wed, do not hesitate to contact Father-in-Charge.
5. Church Leaders Elections

Church Leaders elections from Small Christian Communities level will commence on 5th March 2023. We therefore each one of us to commend this exercise to prayer that God may enlighten and guide us in this important process in the Church.

6. Announcement about Lady Hope (please see attached).

7. We take this opportunity to welcome any new person visiting our Parish for the first time. (Request them to either stand up or raise their hands and invite the parishioners to welcome them with a warm clap).

8. Kindly find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.


  • St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for Third Sunday of Advent
    11th December 2022

    1. Today is the Third Sunday of Advent. We take this opportunity to thank the following groups for their service today:
    8.00a.m mass: St. Claire
    10.00a.m. mass: Rose

    2. Next Sunday will be the Fourth Sunday of Advent. The following groups will be on duty:
    8.00 a.m. Mass: Young Adults
    10.00a.m Mass: CMA
    12.00 noon: St. Jude

    3. Today being the second Sunday of the month is our Tithe Sunday. I invite father to give us a blessing as we prepare to present our Tithes. (Welcome the choir to lead the congregation with a song).

    4. The Young Christian Adults visited the Nest Children's Home on 26th November 2022. They would like to thank you for your support and prayers that made the day a success.

    5. Owing to the prevailing famine, our Parish has faced consistent requests for support from both our regular beneficiaries and refugees. As good Christians, we need to intervene. The Charity Committee requests you to donate dry foodstuff, clothing, detergents and old newspapers. You may drop your donation at the Parish office on weekdays or the provided boxes at the Church entrance on Sundays. We look forward to your usual spirit of generosity.

    6. Meetings:
    The PPC shall have a very short meeting today after the Christmas Carols.

    7. Marriage Banns:
    We announce marriage between Stephen Mutua Vuli and Felista Munyiva Mutua. Stephen is son to Vuli Sila and Jane Ntheke from St. Catherine of Siena Parish. Felista is daughter to James Makau and Grace Kalondu from St. Catherine of Siena Parish. The wedding will take place at St. Mary Catholic Church, Kyumbi on 31st December 2022. Should there be any reason that the above should not wed, do not hesitate to contact Father-in-Charge.

    8. Saints of the Week
    Date Feast/Solemnity
    Monday, 12th December 2022 Our Lady of Guadalupe
    Tuesday, 13th December 2022 St. Lucy
    Wednesday, 14th December 2022 St. John of the Cross

    9. We take this opportunity to welcome any new person visiting our Parish for the first time. (Request them to either stand up or raise their hands and invite the parishioners to welcome them with a warm clap)

    Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.

    (Please invite the PPC Moderator to guide us through the farewell ceremony)

    [Swahili Version]



    1. Leo ni Jumapili ya tatu ya majilio. Tunawashukuru wana C.M.A kwa huduma yao hivi leo Kanisani.

    2. Tutakuwa na sherehe ya kuwatuza Mapadre wetu watatu wa Parokia yetu waliopata uhamisho hivi leo katika Kanisa ya Mt. Katerina wa Siena. Tunawshukuru nyote kwa zawadi zenu mlizowapa.

    3. Mafundisho ya Katekisimu yanaendelea hivi leo baada ya Misa. Wanafunzi wanaombwa kufika darasani kwa haraka bila kupoteza muda.

    4. Jumuiya sote sitakuwa na mikutano yao ya mwisho mwaka huu hivi leo 11 Desemba 2022 baada ya Misa.

    5. Walio na watoto wachanga na wangependa wabatizwe msimu huu wa Krismasi wanakumbushwa kuwa leo ndio siku ya mwisho ya kujiandkisha.

    6. Jumapili ijayo, tarehe 18 Desemba 2022 itakuwa ni Jumapili ya nne ya majilio. Wana C.W.A ndio watakaohudumu katika Misa. Wanaombwa wajitayarishe na wafike mapema Kanisani.

    7. Viongozi wa kikundi cha ushirika 'Welfare' wanawatangazia wanachama wao wote kuwa leo ndio siku ya mwisho ya kutoa pesa zao kwa Bwana Daniel Omboka aliyempoteza babake wiki iliyopita. Wale wanachama ambao hawajalipa wanaombwa wamuone mweka hazina pale nje baada ya Misa.

    8. Wanarika wa Kanisa yetu jana Jumamosi walitembelea mji wa Watoto yatima huko Kawangware na kuwapa zawadi mbalimbali na vyakula. Tunawashukuru kwa moyo huo wa upendo na kuwajali wanaohitaji hasa msimu huu wa Krismasi.

    9. PMC na wanarika wanaombwa kubaki kwa mikutano yao ya kila Jumapili baada ya Misa.


    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
    13th November 2022

    1. Today is the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time. We take this opportunity to thank the following groups for their service today:
    St. Claire
    St. Jude
    St. Rose

    2. Today being the second Sunday of the month is our Tithe Sunday. I invite father to give us a blessing as we prepare to present our Tithes. (welcome the choir to lead the congregation with a song)

    3. Next Sunday will be Solemnity of our Lord Jesus Christ, king of the universe. The following groups will be on duty:
    8.00 a.m. Mass: Young Adults
    10.00a.m Mass: PMC
    12.00 noon Mass: CMA

    4. Parents who have registered their children for infant baptisms will have their classes on Tuesday, 15th November 2022 at 3.00pm.

    5. Young Adults have organized a charity visit to The Nest Children's Home on Saturday 26th November at 3pm. They are appealing to parishioners to partner with them in this noble course in kind (diapers), cash or for the visit. Parishioners between 26 and 45 years are encouraged to join the group. For more details about the charity event or membership registration, please visit the desk at the Church entrance.

    6. The month of November is a month to remember in a special way the dead. Let us therefore offer mass intentions for our loved ones throughout this month. You can pick envelopes for masses for the dead on your way out.

    7. Christians willing to come for confessions are reminded that there will be a priest listening to confessions at the parish every 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month at 5.00p.m. Next Saturday there will be such confessions.

    8. Parents who come with their children for mass are reminded that we have Sunday school classes going on during all masses. Please drop your child at the Makuti Church in order to attend classes.

    9. Saints of the Week
    Date Feast/Solemnity
    Tuesday, 15th November 2022 St. Albert, memorial
    Wednesday, 16th November 2022 St. Margaret of Scotland, memorial
    St. Gertrude, memorial
    Thursday, 17th November 2022 St. Elizabeth of Hungary, memorial
    Friday, 18th November 2022 Dedication of the Basilicas of Sts. Peter and and Paul

    10. We take this opportunity to welcome any new person visiting our Parish for the first time. (Request them to either stand up or raise their hands and invite the parishioners to welcome them with a warm clap)

    Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.


    [Swahili Version]

    Kanisa Katoliki la Mt. Katerina wa Siena, Kitisuru.
    Matangazo, Jumapili ya Dominika ya 33 ya Kipindi cha Kawaida
    cha Kanisa, Novemba 13, Mwaka 2022.

    1. Jumapili ya leo ni dominika ya 33 ya kipindi cha kawaida cha kanisa. Tunashukuru makundi yaliyohudumu leo katika ibada zetu.

    Misa ya saa 2 Asubuhi: Jumuia ya Mt. Clara
    Misa ya Saa 4 Asubuhi: Jumuia ya Mt. Jude
    Misa ya saa 6 Adhuhuri: Mt. Rose:

    2. Leo, ikiwa jumapili ya pili ya mwezi, ni siku ya kutoa fungu la kumi. Namkaribisha padre atubaraki, wakati tunajitayarisha kutoa zaka zetu. (Tunaomba wanakwaya kutuongoza kwa wimbo wa matoleo).

    3. Jumapili ijayo itakuwa ya maadhimisho ya sikukuu ya Yesu Kristo Mfalme wa Ulimwengu. Makundi yafuatayo yatahudumu katika ibada zetu:
    Misa ya saa 2 Asubuhi: YCA (Young Adults)
    Misa ya Saa 4 Asubuhi: PMC
    Misa ya saa 6 Adhuhuri: CMA

    4. Wazazi ambao wamewaandikisha watoto wao wachanga kwa ubatizo, watapewa mafunzo Jumanne ijayo Novemba 15, 2022, saa tisa alasiri.

    5. Kundi eklesia la Young Adults limeandaa ziara ya tendo la huruma katika kituo cha watoto cha The Nest Children's Home Jumamosi ya Novemba 26, saa tisa alasiri. Wanaomba ushirika wa waumini ambao wangependa kujumuika katika mpango huu, kwa kuchangia ununuzi wa pampa za watoto, pesa taslimu au hata kuandamana nao.
    Wakristo wa umri wa kati ya miaka 26 na 45 wanahimizwa kuwa wanachama wa Young Adults. Kwa habari zaidi za namna unaweza kushiriki tendo la huruma au kusajiliwa katika Young Adult, tafadhali tembelea meza iliyoko nje ya lango la kanisa baada ya misa.

    6. Mwezi Novemba ni wa kuwakumbuka kwa njia spesheli jamaa zetu
    waliofariki. Tunahimizwa kuandikisha ibada za kuombea wapendwa
    wetu mwezi huu. Unaweza kupata bahasha ya kuandikisha ibada ya
    kuombea marehemu, baada ya misa.

    7. Wakristo wanakumbushwa kwamba patakuwepo na padre kila
    Jumamosi ya kwanza na ya tatu ya mwezi kusikiza kitubio kuanza saa
    11 jioni. Jumamosi ijayo unaweza kupata kitubio.

    8. Wazazi wanakumbushwa kwamba kuna masomo maalum kwa watoto
    wakati wa misa zote za jumapili. Tafadhali hakikisha umempeleka mtoto wako kwenye kanisa la Makuti kwa darasa la jumapili, kabla hujaingia kwa misa hapa kanisani..

    9. Watakatifu wa Wiki Ijayo
    Tarehe Sherehe/Adhimisho
    Jumanne, Novemba 15, 2022 Ukumbusho wa Mt. Alberto
    Jumatano, Novemba 16, 2022 Ukumbusho wa Watakatifu Margaret wa Scotland,
    Na Gertrude
    Alhamisi Novemba 17, 2022 Ukumbusho wa Mt. Elizabeti wa Hungary
    Ijumaa, Novemba 18, 2022 Sherehe ya kulibariki kanisa kuu la Watakatifu Petro na Paulo.

    10. Na sasa ni fursa ya kumkaribisha muumini yeyote anayeshiriki katika ibada ya hapa kwetu kwa mara ya kwanza. (Muombe kusimama au kuinua mkono alipo, na wakristo wamkaribishe kwa makofi )

    Unaweza kupata matangazo haya katika tovuti yetu na ubao wa matangazo.


    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time - 6th November 2022

    1. Today is the 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time. We take this opportunity to thank C.W.A for their service today.

    2. Next Sunday will be the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time. The following groups will be on duty:
    8.00 a.m. Mass: St. Claire
    10.00 am Mass: St. Jude
    12.00 noon Mass: St. Rose

    3. Next Sunday is our Tithe Sunday. Tithe envelopes are available at the various boxes within the Church. Please pick one on your way out.

    4. The month of November is a month to remember in a special way the dead. Let us therefore offer mass intentions for our loved ones throughout this month. You can pick envelopes for masses for the dead on your way out from the Church.

    5. Christians willing to come for confessions are reminded that there will be a priest listening to confessions at the parish every 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month at 5.00p.m.

    6. Parents who come with their children for mass are reminded that we have Sunday school classes going on during all masses. Please drop your child at the Makuti Church in order to attend classes.

    7. The Parish Priest will be meeting all members of MYM, YOUTH and YOUNG ADULTS on Saturday of 12th November, 2022 at 2.30 pm in the Makuti Church. Let all the concerned purpose to attend this important meeting.

    8. We take this opportunity to welcome any new person visiting our Parish for the first time. (Request them to either stand up or raise their hands and invite the parishioners to welcome them with a warm clap)

    9. Saints of the Week
    Date Feast/Solemnity
    Wednesday, 9th November 2022 The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica
    Thursday, 10th November 2022 St. Leo the Great, Pope and doctor
    Friday, 11th November 2022 St. Martin of Tours, bishop
    Saturday, 12th November 2022 St. Josaphat, bishop and martyr

    Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.

    [Swahili Version]

    Kanisa Katoliki la Mt. Katerina wa Siena, Kitisuru.
    Matangazo, Jumapili ya Dominika ya 32 ya Kipindi cha Kawaida cha Kanisa. Novemba 6, Mwaka 2022.


    1. Leo ni dominika ya 32 ya kipindi cha kawaida cha kanisa. Tunatoa shukrani kwa Chama cha Wanawake Wakatoliki, C.W.A kwa kuhudumu katika ibada zote leo.

    2. Jumapili ijayo itakuwa dominika ya 33 ya kipindi cha kawaida cha kanisa. Makundi yafuatayo yatahudumu katika ibada zetu.

    3. Misa ya saa 2 Asubuhi: Jumuia ya Mt. Clara
    Misa ya Saa 4 Asubuhi: Jumuia ya Mt. Jude
    Misa ya saa 6 Adhuhuri: Mt. Rose

    4. Jumapili ijayo itakuwa ya kutoa zaka. Pata bahasha ya fungu la kumi kwenye vijisanduku mbalimbali ndani ya kabisa, baada ya misa.

    5. Mwezi Novemba ni wa kuwakumbuka kwa njia spesheli jamaa zetu waliofariki. Tunahimizwa kuandikisha ibada za kuombea wapendwa wetu mwezi huu. Unaweza kupata bahasha ya kuandikisha ibada ya kuombea marehemu baada ya misa.

    6. Wakristo wanakumbushwa kwamba patakuwepo na padre kila Jumamosi ya kwanza na ya tatu ya mwezi kusikiza kitubio kuanza saa 11 jioni.

    7. Wazazi wanakumbushwa kwamba kuna masomo maalum kwa watoto wakati wa misa zote za jumapili. Tafadhali hakikisha umempeleka mtoto wako kwenye kanisa la Makuti kwa darasa la jumapili kabla hujaingia kwa misa hapa kanisani.

    8. Baba Parako atakutana na wanachama wote wa makundi ya MYM, Vijana na YCA, Jumamosi ijayo, Novemba 12, 2022 kuanzia saa nane unusu adhuhuri katika kanisa la Makuti. Makundi haya yote yanaombwa kujiandaa kuhudhuria mkutano huu muhimu.

    9. Na sasa ni fursa ya kumkaribisha muumini yeyote anayeshiriki katika ibada ya hapa kwetu kwa mara ya kwanza. (Muombe kusimama au kuinua mkono alipo, na wakristo wamkaribishe kwa makofi )

    10. Watakatifu wa Wiki Ijayo
    Tarehe Sherehe/Adhimisho
    Jumatano, Novemba 9, 2022 Sherehe ya kulibariki kanisa kuu la Lateran Basilica
    Alhamisi, Novemba 10, 2022 Mt. Leo mkuu, aliyekuwa Papa na daktari wa kanisa
    Ijumaa, Novemba 11, 2022 Mt. Martin wa Tours, aliyekuwa Askofu
    Jumamosi, Novemba 12, 2022 Mt. Josaphat, aliyekuwa askofu na mfia dini

    Unaweza kupata matangazo haya katika tovuti yetu na ubao wa matangazo. ASANTE KWA KUABUDU NASI NA KULISAIDIA KANISA LETU. TWAKUTAKIA WIKI YENYE BARAKA TELE

    St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
    Announcements for 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time
    30th October 2022

1. Today we have a second collection to help Dorothea Rescue Centre for children from Streets. Kindly prepare to help in this noble mission as we invite Sr. Caroline of the Assumption Sisters of Eldoret to say something about the Rescue Centre. (invite sister before the collection)

2. Today is the 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time. We take this opportunity to thank the following groups that were on duty today
8.00 a.m. Mass- St. Teresa
10.00 am. Mass -St. Michael (choir)
12.00 noon Mass - St. Elizabeth

3. Last Sunday was World Mission Day. We thank all the Christians for your prayers and contribution toward the same. We shall inform you of the total amount collected once reconciliation between the cash and pay bill contributions is done.

4. Next Sunday will be the 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time. The following groups will be on duty:
8.00 a.m. Mass: C.W.A
10.00 am Mass: C.W.A
12.00 noon Mass: C.W.A

5. Tuesday, 1st November, 2022 will be the Solemnity All Saints. This is a day of obligation and all Christians are encouraged to attend mass on this Day. Mass in the parish will be at 6.00 pm as usual.

6. Wednesday, 2nd November, 2022 will be the celebration of All Souls. All Christians are encouraged to attend mass and pray for the loved ones who have died. You can pick envelopes for masses for the dead on your way out from the church.

7. On the same note, the month of November is a month to remember in a special way the dead. Let us therefore offer mass intentions for our loved ones throughout this month.

8. Next Sunday, 6th November, 2022 will be first Sunday of November. All Ecclesial Groups will be meeting immediately after the 10 am Mass.

9. The Parish Priest will be meeting all members of MYM, YOUTH and YOUNG ADULTS on the Saturday of 12th November, 2022 at 2.30 pm in the Makuti Church. Let all the concerned purpose to attend this important meeting.

10. We take this opportunity to welcome any new person visiting our Parish for the first time. (Request them to either stand up or raise their hands and invite the parishioners to welcome them with a warm clap)

11. Saints of the Week
Date Feast/Solemnity
Tuesday, 1st November, 2022 ALL SAINTS
Wednesday 2nd November, 2022 ALL SOULS DAY
Thursday 3rd November, 2022 St. Martin de Porres
Friday 4th November, 2022 St. Charles Borromeo

Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.

[Swahili version]

Kanisa Katoliki la Mt. Katerina wa Siena, Kitisuru.
Matangazo, Jumapili ya Dominika ya 31 ya Kipindi cha Kawaida cha Kanisa. Oktoba 30 Mwaka 2022.

1. Leo tunafanya mchango maalum kusaidia kituo cha watoto cha Dorothea Rescue Centre. Tafadhali jiandae kwa uhisani huu, lakini kwanza tutamwalika Sista Caroline wa shirika la Assumption Sisters, Eldoret kutufahamisha kuhusu kituo hicho cha Watoto. (mwalike sista kuzungumza, kabla ya mchango kufanywa)

2. Leo ni dominika ya 31 ya kipindi cha kawaida cha kanisa. Tunatoa shukrani kwa makundi yafuatayo yaliyohudumu katika ibada zetu.

Misa ya saa 2 Asubuhi - Jumuia ya Mt. Teresa
Misa ya Saa 4 Asubuhi -Jumuia ya Mt. Mikaeli kwa Ushirika na Kwaya
Misa ya saa 6 Adhuhuri -Jumuia ya Mt. Elizabeti

3. Jumapili iliyopita ilikuwa Siku ya kuadhimisha Umishionari duniani. Tunawashukuru Wakristo wote kwa Sala na Sadaka maalum mliyotoa. Hivi sasa tunajumlisha hesabu ya matoleo na yale ya MPesa, na pindi tutakamilisha, tutawafahamisha tulichofanikiwa kuchanga.

4. Jumapili ijayo, itakuwa ya 32 ya kipindi cha kawaida cha kanisa. Chama cha Kinamama Wakatoliki CWA, kitahudumu katika misa zote tatu.

5. Jumanne ijayo Novemba Mosi, 2022 Itakuwa Sikukuu ya Kuwasherehekea Watakatifu Wote. Hii ni siku muhimu sana kwa Wakatoliki na unahimizwa kuhudhuria ibada ya Misa. Misa hapa kwetu itaanza saa 12 jioni kama kawaida.

6. Jumatano ijayo, Novemba 2, 2022 Itakuwa siku ya kuombea Roho Zote. Wakristo wote wanahimizwa kuhudhuria ibada ya misa na kuombea wapendwa wao waliofariki. Unaweza kuchukua bahasha ya kuomba ibada maalum kwa ajili ya waliofariki baada ya Misa.

7. Wakati huo huo, mwezi wa Novemba ni wa kuwaombea wafu. Tunahimizwa kuthamini misa yoyote mwezi huu kuombea wafu.

8. Jumapili ijayo, Novemba 6, 2022 itakuwa ya kwanza ya mwezi Novemba. Makundi yote ya Eklesia yatafanya mikutano yao baada ya misa ya saa 4 asubuhi.

9. Baba Parako atakutana na wanachama wote wa makundi ya MYM, Vijana na YCA, Jumamosi ya Novemba 12, 2022 kuanzia saa nane unusu katika kanisa la Makuti. Makundi haya yote yanaombwa kujiandaa kuhudhuria mkutano huu muhimu.

10. Na sasa ni fursa ya kumkaribisha muumini yeyote anayeshiriki katika ibada ya hapa kwetu kwa mara ya kwanza. (Muombe kusimama au kuinua mkono alipo, na wakristo wamkaribishe kwa makofi )

11. Watakatifu wa Wiki Ijayo
Tarehe Sherehe/Adhimisho
Jumanne, Novemba Mosi, 2022
Jumatano Novemba 2, 2022 NI SIKU YA ROHO ZOTE
Alhamisi Novemba 3, 2022 Mt. Martin de Porres
Ijumaa Novemba 4, 2022 Mt. Charles Borromeo

Unaweza kupata matangazo haya katika tovuti yetu na ubao wa matangazo. ASANTE KWA KUABUDU NASI NA KULISAIDIA KANISA LETU. TWAKUTAKIA WIKI YENYE BARAKA TELE

St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time
16th October 2022

1. We take this opportunity to thank the following groups that were on duty today;
8.00 a.m. mass : CMA
10.00 a.m. mass : PMC
12.00 noon mass : Young Adults

2. October being the month of the Holy Rosary, Christians are encouraged to pray and meditate on the mysteries of the Holy Rosary in their families and Small Christian Communities. At the Parish, there shall be rosary prayer 30 minutes before mass. Groups on duty are requested to lead the prayers.

3. Next Sunday, 23rd October 2022 will be 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time. The following groups shall be on duty;
8.00 a.m. mass : Lay Dominicans
10.00 a.m. mass : Youth
12.00 noon mass : St. Vincent De Paul SCC

4. Next Sunday 23rd October, 2022 will be the World Mission Day. We are reminded to pray for the missionary work of the church. To assist the church in its missionary work, we shall have a collection on Sunday 23rd October, 2022 in each mass.

5. Thursday 20th October, 2022 will be Mashujaa Day (Heroes Day), a public holiday. We shall have at 10 am and not 6pm.

• St. Theresa SCC members are requested to meet today after the second mass behind the adoration chapel.
• MYM will hold its meeting today 16th October, 2022 after the 10 am mass in the tent outside the church.

8. The parish priest and his assistant will be out in Mombasa from Monday 17th to Friday 21st October, 2022 for a Central Deanery function. The priests therefore will not be available in office on Friday but the office remains open.

9. Saints of the Week
Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 17th October 2022 St. Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop and Martyr
Tuesday, 18th October 2022 Feast of St. Luke the Evangelist
Wednesday, 19th October 2022 Sts. John de Brebeuf and Isaac Jogues and Companions and St. Paul of the Cross
Thursday, 20th October 2022 Bl. Daudi Okelo and Jildo Irwa, Martyrs
Friday, 21st October 2022 St. Ursula
Saturday, 22nd October 2022 St. John Paul II

Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.

{Swahili Version}

Kanisa Katoliki la Mt. Katerina wa Siena, Kitisuru.
Matangazo, Jumapili ya Dominika ya 29 ya Kipindi cha Kawaida cha Kanisa. Oktoba 16 Mwaka 2022.

1. Tunachukua fursa hii kushukuru makundi yafuatayo yaliyohudumu leo katika ibada zetu;

Misa ya Saa 2 Asubuhi : Chama cha Kinamama, CMA
Misa ya Saa 4 Asubuhi : Watoto Wamishionari, PMC
Misa ya saa 6 Adhuhuri : Vijana wa Rika la Utu Uzima, Young Adults

2. Oktoba ni mwezi wa Sala ya Rosari Takatifu, na Wakristo wanahimizwa kusali na kutafakari mafumbo ya Rosari katika familia na Jumuia zao. Hapa katika parokia, Sala ya rosari itafanywa kila jumapili dakika 30 kabla ya misa. Makundi yaliyo katika zamu ya kuhudumu yanatakiwa kuongoza rosari.

3. Jumapili ijayo Oktoba 23, 2022 itakuwa dominika ya 30 katika kipindi cha kawaida cha kanisa. Makundi yafuatayo yatashika zamu ya huduma;

Misa ya Saa 2 asubuhi : WanaDominika
Misa ya Saa 4 asubuhi : Vijana
Misa ya saa 6 adhuhuri : Jumuia ya Mt. Vincent De Paul

4. Jumapili ijayo Oktoba 23, 2022 Itakuwa Siku ya maadhimisho ya Umishionari Duniani. Tunakumbushwa kuombea umeshionari kanisani. Kama njia ya kusaidia kanisa katika kukuza umishionari, tutafanya mchango maalum katika misa zote Jumapili ijayo Oktoba, 23.

5. Alhamisi ijayo, Oktoba 20, 2022 itakuwa Sikuu ya Mashujaa; likizo ya kitaifa. Misa hapa kanisani itafanywa kuanzia saa 4 asubuhi na wala sio saa 12 Jioni.

6. Mikutano
• Wanachama wa Jumuia ya Mt. Theresa wanakutana leo baada ya misa ya saa nne karibu na kanisa dogo la kuabudia, yaani Adoration Chapel.
• Chama Cha Vijana Wamishionari MYM kinakutana leo Oktoba 16, 2022 baada ya misa ya saa 4 kwenye mahema nje ya kanisa.

7. Baba Parako na Naibu wake watakuwa safarini Mombasa kuanzia Jumatatu hii Oktoba 17 hadi Ijumaa Oktoba 21, 2022 kwa hafla ya Dekania Yetu ya Kati. Kwa sababu hiyo, mapadre hatakuwa ofisini Ijumaa lakini itafunguliwa.

8.Watakatifu wa Wiki Ijayo
Tarehe Sherehe/Adhimisho
Jumatatu, Oktoba 17, 2022 Mt. Inyasio wa Antiokia, Askofu na Mfia Dini.
Jumanne, Oktoba 18, 2022 Adhimisho la Siku ya Mt. Luka, Evanjelisti
Jumatano, Oktoba 19, 2022 Watakatifu John de Brebeuf na Isaac Jogues na Wenzao pamoja na Mt. Paulo wa Msalaba.
Alhamisi, Oktoba 20, 2022 Wabarikiwa Daudi Okelo na Jildo Irwa; Wafia Dini
Ijumaa, Oktoba 21, 2022 Mt. Ursula
Jumamosi, Oktoba 22, 2022 Mt. Yohana Paulo wa Pili, Papa

Unaweza kupata matangazo haya katika tovuti yetu na ubao wa matangazo.


St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
9th October 2022

1. We take this opportunity to thank the following groups that were on duty today;
8.00 a.m. mass : St. Jude SCC
10.00 a.m. mass : St. Rose SCC
12.00 noon mass : St. Claire SCC

2. Today being the second Sunday of the month is our Tithe Sunday. I invite father to give us a blessing as we prepare to present our Tithes. (The welcome the Choir to lead the congregation with a song)

3. October being the month of the Holy Rosary, Christians are encouraged to pray and meditate on the mysteries of the Holy Rosary in their families and Small Christian Communities. At the Parish, there shall be rosary prayer 30 minutes before mass. Groups on duty are requested to lead the prayers.

4. Monday 10th October 2022 will be a public holiday. Mass at the Parish will be at 10.00 a.m.

5. Next Sunday, 16th October 2022 will be 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time. The following groups shall be on duty;
8.00 a.m. mass : CMA
10.00 a.m. mass : PMC
12.00 noon mass : Young Adults

6. Meetings
(a) Today, Parish Pastoral Council will have its October 2022 meeting after the 10.00 a.m. mass in the Church basement. Members are kindly requested to keep time.

(b) Self Help Group EDUCATION DAY
Siena Self Help Group Education Day is planned for Saturday, 15th October 2022 from 9am until mid-day. Caritas officials will enlighten you on how to do savings, get loans, invest and get surplus through the church Self Help Program. Members and non-members are encouraged to attend. For details please visit the desk at the church entrance.

7. Saints of the Week
Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 10th October 2022 St. Daniel Comboni, Bishop
Tuesday, 11th October 2022 St. John XXIII Pope
Wednesday, 12th October 2022 St. Wilfred
Thursday, 13th October 2022 St. Edward
Friday, 14th October 2022 St. Callistus I Pope and Martyr
Saturday, 15th October 2022 St. Theresa of Child Jesus, Virgin and Doctor

Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.

St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time
2nd October 2022

1. We take this opportunity to thank CWA who were on duty during all the three masses today.

2. October is the month of the Holy Rosary. We encourage parishioners to pray and meditate on the mysteries of the Holy Rosary in their families and Small Christian Communities. At the Parish, there shall be rosary prayer 30 minutes before mass. Groups on duty are requested to lead the prayers.

3. Next Sunday, 9th October 2022 will be 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time. The following groups shall be on duty;
8.00 a.m. mass : St. Jude SCC
10.00 a.m. mass : St. Rose SCC
12.00 noon mass : St. Claire SCC

4. Next Sunday shall be our second Sunday of the month and our Tithe Sunday. Christians are requested to prepare to present their tithes for a blessing.

5. Meetings
(a) Today all Ecclesial Groups are meeting at their designated places after the 10 am mass. The MYM will meet under the tents where they met last Sunday.

(b) The Parish Pastoral Council will have its October 2022 meeting next Sunday 9th October 2022 after the 10.00 a.m.in the Church basement. All members are requested to be punctual.

(c) Self Help Group EDUCATION DAY
Siena Self Help Group Education Day is planned for Saturday,
15th October 2022 from 9am until mid-day. Caritas officials will
enlighten you on how to do savings, get loans, invest and get surplus
through the church Self Help Program. Members and non-members are
encouraged to attend. For details please visit the desk at the church

Welcome any person worshipping with us for the first time.

Saints of the Week
Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 3rd October 2022 Sts.Edmund, Donysius and Candida
Tuesday, 4th October 2022 St. Francis of Assisi
Wednesday, 5th October 2022 St. Faustina Kowalska
Thursday, 6th October 2022 St. Bruno
Friday, 7th October 2022 Our Lady of the Rosary
Saturday, 8th October 2022 Sts Felix, Sergius and Hugo

Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.


St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time
25th September 2022


1. We take this opportunity to thank the following groups who were on duty today; St. Elizabeth SCC, Choir & St. Michael Prayer Group and St. Theresa SCC during the 8.00 a.m. mass, 10.00 a.m. mass and 12.00 noon mass respectively.

2. Next Sunday, 2nd October 2022 will be 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time. CWA shall be on duty during all masses.

3. Meetings
St. Claire SCC will hold its September 2022 meeting today, Sunday 25th September 2022 after the 10.00 a.m. mass outside the Adoration Chapel. All members are requested keep time.

4. All Missionary Youth Movement (MYM) members are meeting today after the 10 am mass under tents/on the grass outside the church. These are youth from grade 7 to form four. Kindly remind them.

5. We take this opportunity to welcome any new person visiting the Parish for the first time. (Request them to either stand up or raise their hands and invite the Parishioners to welcome them with a warm clap)

6. Saints of the Week
Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 26th September 2022 Sts Cosmas and Damian
Tuesday, 27th September 2022 Sts Vincent De Paul, Priest
Wednesday, 28th September 2022 St. Wenceslas, St. Lawrence Rulz and Companions
Thursday, 29th September 2022 Feast of Sts. Michael, Gibriel, Raphael, Archangels
Friday, 30th September 2022 St. Jerome, Priest and Doctor
Saturday, 1st October 2022 St. Theresa of the Child Jesus, Virgin and Doctor

Please find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.


[Swahili Version]

Kanisa Katoliki la Mt. Katerina wa Siena, Kitisuru.
Matangazo, Jumapili ya Dominika ya 26 ya Kipindi cha Kawaida cha Kanisa. Septemba 25 Mwaka 2022.


1. Tunashukuru makundi yafuatayo yaliyohudumu leo katika ibada zetu;
Jumuia ya Mt. Elizabeti, Wanakwaya na Kundi la Sala la Mt. Mikaeli na
Mt. Theresa katika misa za saa 2, saa 4 na saa 6 adhuhuri mtawalia.

2. Jumapili ijayo, Oktoba 2, 2022 itakuwa ya 27 ya kipindi cha kawaida cha Kanisa. Chama cha Wanawake Wakatoliki CWA, kitahudumu katika misa zote tatu.

3.  Mikutano:
Jumuia ya Mt. Clara imefanya mkutano wa Septemba leo, baada ya misa ya saa 4 asubuhi nje ya kanisa dogo la kuabudia yaani Adoration Chapel. Wanachama wote walihitajika kuhudhuria.

4. Wanachama wote wa vuguvugu la Vijana Wamishionari (MYM) wamekutana leo baada ya misa ya saa nne asubuhi, chini ya mahema, nje ya kanisa. Hawa ni vijana wa darasa la 7 hadi kidato cha nne. Tafadhali wazazi au walezi, wakumbusheni kuhudhuria mkutano baada ya misa.

5. Na sasa ni fursa ya kumkaribisha muumini yeyote anayeshiriki katika ibada ya hapa kwetu kwa mara ya kwanza. (Muombe kusimama au kuinua mkono alipo, na wakristo wamkaribishe kwa makofi )

6. Watakatifu wa Wiki Ijayo
Tarehe Sherehe/Adhimisho
Jumatatu, Septemba 26, 2022 Watakatifu Cosmas na Damiano
Jumanne, Septemba 27, 2022 Mt. Vincenti De Paul ambaye alikuwa Padre
Jumatano, Septemba 28, 2022 Watakatifu Wenceslas, Lawrence Rulz na wenzao.
Alhamisi, Septemba 29, 2022 Sherehe ya adhimisho la Watakatifu Mikaeli, Gabrieli na Rafaeli, ambao ni Malaika Wakuu
Ijumaa, Septemba 30, 2022 Mt. Jerome, Padre na Daktari wa Kanisa.
Jumamosi, Oktoba Mosi, 2022 Mt. Teresa wa Mtoto wa Yesu, Bikira na Daktari wa Kanisa.

Unaweza kupata matangazo haya katika tovuti yetu na ubao wa matangazo.



St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time
18th September 2022

1. We take this opportunity to thank the following groups who were on duty today; St. Vincent De Paul SCC, Lay Dominicans and Youth during the 8.00 a.m. mass, 10.00 a.m. mass and 12.00 noon mass respectively.

2. Next Sunday, 25th September 2022 will be 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time. Duty schedules shall be as follows;

8.00 am mass : St. Elizabeth SCC
10.00 am mass : Choir & St. Michael Prayer Group
12.00 noon mass : St. Theresa SCC

3. Meetings
a. All Missionary Youth Movement (MYM) members are meeting today briefly after every mass outside the main door on the grass. These are youth from grade 7 to form four. Kindly remind them.

b. St. Claire SCC will hold its September 2022 meeting next Sunday 25th September 2022 after the 10.00 a.m. mass outside the Adoration Chapel. All members are requested to diarize and plan to attend the meeting.

4. We shall infant baptism next Saturday 24th September, 2022. Kindly register the infants with the Catechist.

5. We take this opportunity to welcome any new person visiting the Parish for the first time. (Request them to either stand up or raise their hands and invite the Parishioners to welcome them with a warm clap)

Saints of the Week
Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 19th September 2022 St. Januaris, Bishop and Martyr
Tuesday, 20th September 2022 St. Andrew Kim Taegon, Priest, Paul Chong and Companions, Martyrs
Wednesday, 21st September 2022 Feast of St. Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist
Thursday, 22nd September 2022 St. Maurice and Companions, Martyrs
Friday, 23rd September 2022 St. Pius of Pietrelcina, Priest
Saturday, 24th September 2022 St. Pacificus

Please find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.


(And now I call upon the PPC moderator for PPC updates)


[Swahili Version]

Kanisa Katoliki la Mt. Katerina wa Siena, Kitisuru.
Matangazo, Jumapili ya Dominika ya 25 ya Kipindi cha Kawaida cha Kanisa. Septemba 18 Mwaka 2022.

1. Tunashukuru makundi yafuatayo yaliyohudumu leo katika ibada zetu;
Jumuia ya Mt. Vincenti De Paul, Chama cha Wanadominika and Vijana katika misa za saa 2, saa 4 na saa 6 adhuhuri mtawalia.

2. Jumapili ijayo, Septemba 25, 2022 itakuwa ya 26, kipindi cha kawaida cha Kanisa. Makundi yafuatayo yatahudumu;

Misa ya Saa 2. asubuhi : Jumuia ya Mt. Elizabeti
Misa ya Saa 4 Asubuhi: Wanakwaya na Kundi la Sala la Mt. Mikaeli
Misa ya saa 6 adhuhuri: Mt. Theresa

3 Mikutano
a. Wanachama wote wa vuguvugu la vijana Wamishionari (MYM) wanakutana leo kifupi baada ya kila misa kwenye uwanja wa nyasi nje ya lango kuu la kanisa. Hawa ni vijana wa darasa la 7 hadi kidato cha nne. Tafadhali wazazi au walezi, wakumbusheni kuhudhuria mkutano baada ya misa.

b. Jumuia ya Mt. Clara itafanya mkutano wa Septemba 2022 Jumapili ijayo tarehe 25, 2022 baada ya misa ya saa 4 asubuhi nje ya kanisa dogo la kuabudia yaani Adoration Chapel. Wanachama wote wanahimizwa kujiandaa na kuhudhuria.

4. Tutakuwa na ubatizo wa watoto wachanga Jumamosi ijayo Septemba 24, 2022. Tafadhali msajili mtoto mchanga anayefaa kubatizwa kwa katekista.

5. Na sasa ni fursa ya kumkaribisha muumini yeyote anayeshiriki katika ibada ya hapa kwetu kwa mara ya kwanza. (Muombe kusimama au kuinua mkono alipo, na wakristo wamkaribishe kwa makofi )

Watakatifu wa Wiki Ijayo
Tarehe Sherehe/Adhimisho
Jumatatu, Septemba 19, 2022 Mt. Januaris, Askofu na Mfia Dini
Jumanne, Septemba 20, 2022 Mt. Andrea Kim Taegon, Padre, Paul Chong na Wenzake, Wafia Dini
Jumatano, Septemba 21, 2022 Adhimisho la Mt. Matayo, Mtume na Evanjelisti
Alhamisi, Septemba 22, 2022 Mt. Maurice na Wenzake, Mfia Dini
Ijumaa, Septemba 23, 2022 Mt. Pius wa Pietrelcina, Padre
Jumamosi, Septemba, 24, 2022 Mt. Pacificus

Unaweza kupata matangazo haya katika tovuti yetu na ubao wa matangazo.


(Na sasa namkaribisha modereta wa PPC kwa matangazo mengine maalum)

St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time
11th September 2022


1. We take this opportunity to thank the following groups who were on duty today; Young Adults, PMC and CMA during the 8.00 a.m. mass, 10.00 a.m. mass and 12.00 noon mass respectively.

2. Today being the second Sunday of the month is our Tithe Sunday. I wish to invite Father to give us a blessing before presenting our tithes.
(After the blessing, please invite the Choir to lead with a song)

3. Next Sunday, 18th September 2022 will be 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time.
Duty schedules shall be as follows;

8.00 a.m. mass - St. Vincent De Paul SCC
10.00 a.m. mass - Lay Dominicans
12.00 noon mass - Youth

4. Registration of Church membership
Today there shall be an online registration of all members of our parish community during the 3 masses. This is for purposes of having a reliable virtual data and register of our parish membership.
We request you all to visit the registration desk before or after each in order to have your details captured.

a) Today, PPC members shall have their September 2022 meeting in the
Church basement after the 10.00 a.m. mass. Members are kindly requested to be punctual.

b) St. Theresa SCC will have their monthly meeting next Sunday 18th September 2022 after the 10.00 a.m. in the Church compound. All members are kindly requested to keep time.
c) St. Elizabeth will have their monthly meeting next Sunday 18th September,
2022 after 10 am at the space outside the adoration chapel.

6. We take this opportunity to welcome any new person visiting the Parish for the first time. (Request them to either stand up or raise their hands and invite the Parishioners to welcome them with a warm clap)

Saints of the Week
Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 12th September 2022 The Most Holy Name of Mary
Tuesday, 13th September 2022 St. John Chrysostom, Bishop and Doctor
Wednesday, 14th September 2022 Feast of The Exaltation of the Holy Cross
Thursday, 15th September 2022 Our Lady of Sorrows
Friday, 16th September 2022 Sts. Cornelius, Pope and Cyprian, Bishop, Martyrs
Saturday, 17th September 2022 Sts. Robert Bellamine and Hildegard of Bingen

Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.


 I now welcome Mr. Joseph Karuga for a brief additional announcement

St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time
11th September 2022


We take this opportunity to thank the following groups who were on duty today; Young Adults, PMC and CMA during the 8.00 a.m. mass, 10.00 a.m. mass and 12.00 noon mass respectively.

Today being the second Sunday of the month is our Tithe Sunday. I wish to invite Father to give us a blessing before presenting our tithes.
(After the blessing, please invite the Choir to lead with a song)

Next Sunday, 18th September 2022 will be 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time.
Duty schedules shall be as follows;

8.00 a.m. mass - St. Vincent De Paul SCC
10.00 a.m. mass - Lay Dominicans
12.00 noon mass - Youth

Registration of Church membership
Today there shall be an online registration of all members of our parish community during the 3 masses. This is for purposes of having a reliable virtual data and register of our parish membership.

We request you all to visit the registration desk before or after each in order to have your details captured.

a) Today, PPC members shall have their September 2022 meeting in the
Church basement after the 10.00 a.m. mass. Members are kindly requested to be punctual.

b) St. Theresa SCC will have their monthly meeting next Sunday 18th September 2022 after the 10.00 a.m. in the Church compound. All members are kindly requested to keep time.
c) St. Elizabeth will have their monthly meeting next Sunday 18th September,
2022 after 10 am at the space outside the adoration chapel.

6. We take this opportunity to welcome any new person visiting the Parish for the first time. (Request them to either stand up or raise their hands and invite the Parishioners to welcome them with a warm clap)

Saints of the Week
Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 12th September 2022 The Most Holy Name of Mary
Tuesday, 13th September 2022 St. John Chrysostom, Bishop and Doctor
Wednesday, 14th September 2022 Feast of The Exaltation of the Holy Cross
Thursday, 15th September 2022 Our Lady of Sorrows
Friday, 16th September 2022 Sts. Cornelius, Pope and Cyprian, Bishop, Martyrs
Saturday, 17th September 2022 Sts. Robert Bellamine and Hildegard of Bingen

Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board. THANK YOU FOR WORSHIPPING WITH US AND FOR YOUR SUPPORT TO OUR CHURCH. HAVE A BLESSED WEEK

7. I now welcome Mr. Joseph Karuga for a brief additional announcement

[Swahili Version]

Kanisa Katoliki la Mt. Katerina wa Siena, Kitisuru.
Matangazo, Jumapili ya Dominika ya 23 ya Kipindi cha Kawaida cha Kanisa. Septemba 4 Mwaka 2022.


1. Harambee ya Chama cha Umishionari wa Papa Kwa Watoto wa Kanisa, PMC, kuchangisha fedha za kununua vitabu na vifaa vingine vya mafunzo yao, pamoja na sare za watoto inafanywa leo.
Sasa nitamwalika Alice Karanja kutuongoza kwa shughuli hiyo.

2. Tunashukuru chama cha Kinamama Wakatoliki CWA, kwa kuhudumu katika ibada zote tatu leo.
Jumapili ijayo, Septemba 11, 2022 itakuwa Jumapili ya 24 ya Kipindi cha Kawaida cha Kanisa.

3. Makundi yafuatayo yatahudumu;
Misa ya Saa 2 asubuhi - Vijana wa Utu Uzima yaani YCA
Misa ya Saa 4 asubuhi - PMC
Misa ya Saa 6 Adhuhuri - CMA

4. Tunakumbushwa kwamba jumapili ijayo ni ya pili ya mwezi huu, na itakuwa siku ya kutoa zaka. Waumini wanahimizwa kujiandaa kutoa zaka yao.

5. Usajili wa Waumini wa Parokia
Jumapili ijayo tutafanya usajili wa Wakristo wote wa parokia kwa njia ya kielektroniki, katika misa zote tatu. Lengo hasa ni kutengeneza data thabiti na sajili kamilifu ya wanachama wote wa kanisa letu.

6. Tafadhali ufike katika dawati la usajili huo kupeana habari zako, baada ya misa, Jumapili ijayo.

7. Hija
Wapendwa waumini wa parokia ya Mt. Katerina wa Siena, Shirika la Eclaire (Joy) Pilgrimages Agency Kenya (EPAK), linawajulisha ratiba ya hija za mwaka 2023 ni kama ifuatavyo:
a. Nchi Takatifu mnamo Machi
b. Hija ya Mama Maria Bara Ulaya (Fatima, Lourdes na Vatikani), Mei
c. Safari ya kimishionari ya Mt. Paulo mwezi Oktoba na
d. Our Lady Kibeho kupitia Namugongo, Kampala mwezi Juni
Kwa maelezo Zaidi tazama ubao wa matangazo.

a. Leo, Septemba 4, 2022, makundi yote ya eklesia yamefanya mikutano yao baada ya misa ya saa 4 asubuhi. Viongozi wa makundi yote wanashauriwa kushirikisha vikao vyao.

b. Wanachama wote wa Baraza la Usimamizi wa Parokia PPC wanafahamishwa kwamba mkutano wa Septemba utafanywa Jumapili ijayo baada ya misa ya saa 4 asubuhi katika ukumbi wa mvungu wa kanisa. Wanachama wote wanaombwa kuhudhuria bila kuchelewa.

7. Na sasa ni fursa ya kumkaribisha muumini yeyote anayeshiriki katika ibada ya hapa kwetu kwa mara ya kwanza. (Muombe kusimama au kuinua mkono alipo, na wakristo wamkaribishe kwa makofi )

8. Watakatifu Wa Wiki Ijayo
Tarehe Sherehe/Adhimisho
Jumatatu, Septemba 5, 2022 Mt. Teresa wa Kalcatta
Jumanne, Septemba 6, 2022 Mt. Zakaria
Jumatano, Septemba 7, 2022 Mt. Rejina
Alhamisi, Septemba 8, 2022 Adhimisho la Siku ya Kuzaliwa kwa Bikira Maria, Mbarikiwa
Ijumaa, Septemba 10, 2022 Mt. Petero Klaveri, Padre
Jumamosi, Septemba 11, 2022 Mt. Nikola wa Torento

Unaweza kupata matangazo haya katika tovuti yetu na ubao wa matangazo. ASANTE KWA KUABUDU NASI NA KULISAIDIA KANISA LETU. TWAKUTAKIA WIKI YENYE BARAKA TELE


St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
28th August 2022


1. We thank the following groups who were on duty today; St. Claire SCC, St. Rose SCC and St. Jude SCC during the 8.00 a.m., 10.00 a.m. and 12.00 noon respectively.

2. Next Sunday, 4th September 2022 will be 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time. CWA shall be on duty during all masses.

3. Meetings
St. Claire SCC will hold its August monthly meeting today, Sunday 28th August 2022 after the 10.0 a.m. mass outside the Adoration Chapel. All members are requested to attend.

4. Next Sunday 4th September, 2022, all Ecclesial Groups of the parish will be having their meetings after the 10 am mass. The leaders are reminded to coordinate for meeting venues and agenda.

5. Marriage banns (Find attached)
Loreto Convent Msongari School announcement (Find attached)
Administrative Assistant job advert (check on notice board and website)

6. The Pontifical Missionary Childhood (PMC) shall hold a Harambee on Sunday September 4, 2022 during all masses to raise of funds to buy learning materials and uniforms. Donations can be given in cash or kind. Please see the list of needed items at the notice board. Kindly support them.

7. We take this opportunity to welcome any new person visiting the Parish for the first time. (Request them to either stand up or raise their hands and invite the Parishioners to welcome them with a warm clap)

8.  Dear St. Catherine of Siena Parishioners, Eclaire (Joy) Pilgrimages Agency Kenya (EPAK), wishes to introduce to you the Year 2023 Pilgrimages' schedules as follows:
a. Holy Land in March
b. European Marian Pilgrimage (Fatima, Lourdes and Vatican) in May
c. St. Paul's Mission Journey in October and
d. Our Lady of Kibeho through Namugongo, Kampala in June
Check for the specific information from the notice board

9. Saints of the Week
Date Feast/Solemnity

Monday, 29th August 2022 The Passion of John the Baptist
Tuesday, 30th August 2022 St. Felice
Wednesday, 31st August 2022 St. Aristide
Thursday, 1st September 2022 St. Giles
Friday, 2nd September 2022 St. Elpidius
Saturday, 3rd September 2022 St.Gregory the Great, Pope and Doctor

Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.


[swahili version]

Kanisa Katoliki la Mt. Katerina wa Siena, Kitisuru.
Matangazo, Jumapili ya Dominika ya 22 ya Kipindi cha Kawaida cha Kanisa. Agosti 28 Mwaka 2022.

1. Tunashukuru makundi yafuatayo yaliyohudumu leo katika ibada zetu;
Jumuia ya Mt. Clara, Mt. Rose na Mt. Jude katika misa za saa 2, saa 4 na saa 6 adhuhuri mtawalia.

2. Jumapili ijayo, Septemba 4, 2022 itakuwa ya 23 ya kipindi cha kawaida cha kanisa. Chama cha Kinamama Wakatoliki CWA kitahudumu katika misa zote.

Jumuia ya Mt. Claire imefanya mkutano wa Agosti hii leo, Jumapili ya Agosti 28, 2022, baada ya misa ya 4 nje ya Chapel ya kuabudia. Wanachama wote walitarajiwa kuhudhurua.

4. Jumapili ijayo Septemba 4, 2022, makundi yote ya eklesia yatafanya mikutano yao baada ya misa ya saa 4 asubuhi. Viongozi wa makundi yote wanashauriwa kushirikisha vikao vyao.

5. Matango ya Ndoa (Tazama kiambatisho)
Tangazo la Shule ya Loreto Convent Msongari (Tazama kiambatisho)
Tangazo la nafasi ya kazi ya Ofisa msimamizi wa Parokia (Office Administrator) - (Tazama kwenye ubao wa matangazo na tovuti yetu)

6. Chama cha Umishionari wa Papa Kwa Watoto wa Kanisa, PMC, kinaandaa Harambee Jumapili ya Septemba Tarehe 4, mwaka huu wa 2022, katika misa zote, ili kuchangisha fedha za kununua vitabu na vifaa vingine vya mafunzo yao, pamoja na sare za watoto wa PMC. Michango inaweza kutolewa kama pesa au vifaa. Tafadhali tazama orodha ya vifaa vinavyoweza kutolewa kwenye ubao wa matangazo (noticeboard).

7. Na sasa ni fursa ya kumkaribisha muumini yeyote anayeshiriki katika ibada ya hapa kwetu kwa mara ya kwanza. (Muombe kusimama au kuinua mkono alipo, na wakristo wamkaribishe kwa makofi )

8.  Wapendwa waumini wa parokia ya Mt. Katerina wa Siena, Shirika la Eclaire (Joy) Pilgrimages Agency Kenya (EPAK), linawajulisha ratiba ya hija za mwaka 2023 ni kama ifuatavyo:
a. Nchi Takatifu mnamo Machi
b. Hija ya Mama Maria Bara Ulaya (Fatima, Lourdes na Vatikani), Mei
c. Safari ya kimishionari ya Mt. Paulo mwezi Oktoba na
d. Our Lady Kibeho kupitia Namugongo, Kampala mwezi Juni
Kwa maelezo Zaidi tazama ubao wa matangazo.

10. Watakatifu Wa Wiki Ijayo
Date Feast/Solemnity

Jumatatu, Agosti 29, 2022 Adhimisho la mateso ya Yohana Mbatizaji
Jumanne, Agosti 30, 2022 Mt. Felicia
Jumatano, Agosti 31, 2022 Mt. Aristide
Alhamisi, Septemba Mosi, 2022 Mt. Giles
Ijumaa, Septemba 2, 2022 Mt. Elpidius
Jumamosi, Septemba 3, 2022 Mt. Gregori Mkuu, Papa na Daktari wa Kanisa

Unaweza kupata matangazo haya katika tovuti yetu na ubao wa matangazo.



St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
21st August 2022

1. We thank the following groups who were on duty today; St. Theresa SCC, Choir & St. Michael Prayer Group and St. Elizabeth SCC during the 8.00 a.m., 10.00 a.m. and 12.00 noon respectively.

2. Next Sunday, 28th August 2022 will be 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time. The following groups will be on duty;
8.00 a.m. mass - St. Claire SCC
10.00 a.m. mass - St. Rose SCC
12.00 noon mass - St. Jude SCC

3. Marriage banns (Find attached)

4. The PMC shall hold a Harambee on Sunday September 4, 2022 during all masses towards raising of funds to buy learning materials and uniforms for the PMC children. Donations can be given in cash or kind. Please see the list of needed items at the notice board.

6. We take this opportunity to welcome any new person visiting the Parish for the first time. (Request them to either stand up or raise their hands and invite the Parishioners to welcome them with a warm clap)

7. Saints of the Week
Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 22nd August 2022 The Queenship of the B.V. Mary
Tuesday, 23rd August 2022 St. Rose of Lima, Virgin
Wednesday, 24th August 2022 Feast of St. Bartholomew, Apostle
Thursday, 25th August 2022 St. Louis, St. Joseph Calasanz
Friday, 26th August 2022 St. Alexander
Saturday, 27th August 2022 St. Monica

Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.

And now I welcome the PPC moderator for some important brief

[Swahili Version]

Kanisa Katoliki la Mt. Katerina wa Siena, Kitisuru.
Matangazo, Jumapili ya Dominika ya 21 ya Kipindi cha Kawaida cha Kanisa. Agosti 21 Mwaka 2022.

1. Tunashukuru makundi yafuatayo yaliyohudumu leo katika ibada zetu;
Jumuia ya Mt. Teresa, Wanakwaya na Kundi la Sala la Mt. Mikaeli, pamoja na Jumuia ya Mt. Elizabeti katika misa za saa 2, saa 4 na saa 6 adhuhuri mtawalia.

2. Jumapili ijayo, Agosti 28, mwaka 2022 itakuwa dominika ya 22 ya kipindi cha kawaida cha kanisa. Makundi yafuatayo yatahudumu katika misa;
Misa ya Saa 2. asubuhi - Jumuia ya Mt. Clara
Misa ya Saa 4 Asubuhi - Jumuia ya Mt. Rose
Misa ya saa 6 adhuhuri - Jumuia ya Mt. Jude

3. Matango ya Ndoa (Tazama kiambatisho)

4. Chama cha Umishionari wa Papa Kwa Watoto wa Kanisa, PMC, kinaandaa Harambee Jumapili ya Septemba Tarehe 4, mwaka huu wa 2022, katika misa zote, ili kuchangisha fedha za kununua vitabu na vifaa vingine vya mafunzo yao, pamoja na sare za watoto wa PMC. Michango inaweza kutolewa kama pesa au vifaa. Tafadhali tazama orodha ya vifaa vinavyoweza kutolewa kwenye ubao wa matangazo (noticeboard).

5. Na sasa ni fursa ya kumkaribisha muumini yeyote anayeshiriki katika ibada ya hapa kwetu kwa mara ya kwanza. (Muombe kusimama au kuinua mkono alipo, na wakristo wamkaribishe kwa makofi)

Watakatifu Wa Wiki Ijayo
Tarehe Sherehe/Adhimisho
Jumatatu, Agosti 22, 2022 Kumsherehekea Bikira Maria na Malkia
Jumanne, Agosti 23, 2022 Mt. Rosa wa Lima, Bikira
Jumatano, Agosti 24, 2022 Sherehe ya Mt. Bartolomayo, Mtumwa
Alhamisi, Agosti 25, 2022 Watakatifu Lui na Yoseph Calasanz
Ijumaa, Agosti 26, 2022 Mt. Alexanda
Jumamosi Agosti 27, 2022 Mt. Monika

Unaweza kupata matangazo haya katika tovuti yetu na ubao wa matangazo.

Na sasa namkaribisha modereta wa PPC kwa matangazo mengine maalum.


St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time
14th August 2022

1. Today is the tithe Sunday. We welcome you to present your tithe after the blessings from Father

2. We thank Lay Dominicans, Youths and St. Vincent de Paul SCC who were on duty today

3. Next Sunday, 21st August 2022 will be 21th Sunday in Ordinary Time. The following groups will be on duty;
8.00 a.m. mass - St. Theresa SCC
10.00 a.m. mass - Choir/St. Michael
12.00 noon mass - St. Elizabeth SCC

4. PPC shall have its August meeting today immediately after the 10.00 a.m. mass. Members are requested to keep time.
Marriage banns (Find attached)
5. The lectors and cantors invite all interested in serving this ministry to attend the monthly workshops held on the third Saturday of each month. The next workshop is scheduled for 20th August after the 8.00 am mass
6. Those who have not yet collected their baptismal cards to collect them from Brother Mariano after mass.

7. The YCA will be having a recollection on 27th August, 2022 from 10.00 am to 1.00 pm. All are welcome. We also encourage Christians between the age of 18 -26 to join the Youth group, and those between 27-40 to join the YCA as we participate in building the church.

8. The PMC children and parents shall hold a Harambee on Sunday September 4, 2022 during all masses towards raising of funds to buy learning materials and uniforms for the PMC children. The PMC appeals to all

The PMC appeal for the support from the small Christian communities, the ecclesial groups and all Christians. Donations can be given in cash or kind. Please see the list of needed items at the notice board.

9. We take this opportunity to welcome any new person visiting the Parish for the first time. (Request them to either stand up or raise their hands and invite the Parishioners to welcome them with a warm clap)

Saints of the week
Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 15th August 2022 Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed virgin Mary
Tuesday, 16th August 2022 St. Stephen of Hungary
Wednesday, 17th August 2022 St. Hyacinth
Thursday, 18th August 2022 Blessed Victoria Rasoamanarivo
Friday, 19th August 2022 St. John Eudes, Priest
Saturday, 20th August 2022 St. Bernard, Abbotand Doctor

Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board. THANK YOU FOR WORSHIPPING WITH US AND FOR YOUR SUPPORT TO OUR CHURCH. HAVE A BLESSED WEEK

St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time
7th August 2022

1. We thank CWA who were on duty in all the three masses today.

2. Next Sunday, 14th August 2022 will be 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time. The following groups will be on duty;
8.00 a.m. mass - Lay Dominicans
10.00 a.m. mass - Youth
12.00 noon mass - St. Vincent De Paul SCC

3. Next Sunday will be the second Sunday of the month and therefore our tithe Sunday. Kindly prepare.

4. Meetings
PPC shall have its August meeting next Sunday, 14th August 2022 after the 10.00 a.m. mass. Members are requested to prepare to attend.

5. Marriage banns (Find attached)

The PMC children and parents shall hold a Harambee on Sunday September 4, 2022 during all masses towards raising of funds to buy learning materials and uniforms for the PMC children.
6. The PMC appeal for the support from the small Christian communities, the ecclesial groups and all Christians. Donations can be given in cash or kind. Please see the list of needed items at the notice board.

7. We take this opportunity to welcome any new person visiting the Parish for the first time. (Request them to either stand up or raise their hands and invite the Parishioners to welcome them with a warm clap)

8. Saints of the Week
Date Feast/Solemnity

Monday, 8th August 2022 St. Dominic, Priest
Tuesday, 9th August 2022 St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, Virgin and Martyr
Wednesday, 10th August 2022 Feast of St. Lawrence, Deacon and Martyr
Thursday, 11th August 2022 St. Claire, Virgin
Friday, 12th August 2022 St. Jane F de, Chantal, Bl.Isiodore Bakanja
Saturday, 13th August 2022 Sts.Pontilian, Pope and Hippolitus, Priest and Martyr


Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.


St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time
24th July 2022


1. We thank the following groups who were on duty today;
St. Claire SCC who were duty during 8.00 a.m. mass,
St. Theresa SCC during the 10.00 a.m. mass, and
St. Jude SCC during the noon time mass

2. Next Saturday 30th July, 2022 we shall have the Archdiocesan Family Day. Mass will take place at St. Mary's Grounds in Msongari beginning from 10 am. All Christians are encouraged to attend.
3.Next Sunday, 31st July 2022 will be 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time. The following groups will be on duty;
8.00 a.m. mass - CMA
10.00 a.m. mass - PMC
12.00 noon mass - Young Adults

4. The new parish office and the back (rear) compound gate are almost complete. The blessing of these structures will be done next Sunday after the 12.00 noon mass by Rev. Fr. Jordan, OP. all are welcome.

5. Meetings
The PMC children shall have the year 2022 commissioning next Sunday 31.7.22, during the 10 am Mass. Rehearsals for the Commissioning will take place next Saturday, 30th July 2022 from 3.00 p.m.

St Clare SCC will hold its July monthly meeting today, Sunday 24th July 2022, after the 10am mass, outside the main church door. All members are requested to attend.

6. The Choir plans to visit the parents of Fr. Charles Kato, O.P. (Asst. Parish Priest and Choir Chaplain) in Kampala, Uganda. The travel dates are 15th to 18th September 2022. We therefore invite all interested parishioners to join us. We also request for your prayers and kind support. For more information kindly see the Choir Moderator Mr. Samuel Mutunga. Thank you and be blessed.

7. We take this opportunity to welcome any new person visiting the Parish for the first time. (Request them to either stand up or raise their hands and invite the  Parishioners to welcome them with a warm clap)

8. Saints of the Week
Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 25th July 2022 Feast of St. James, Apostle
Tuesday, 26th July 2022 Sts Joachim and Anne, Parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Wednesday, 27th July 2022 St. Natalia
Thursday, 28th July 2022 St. Victor I. Pope and Martyr
Friday, 29th July 2022 Sts. Martha, Maria and Lazarus
Saturday, 30th July 2022 St. Peter Chrysologus, St. Justin De Jacobis

Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board. THANK YOU


St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time
17th July 2022


1 Today is the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time. We thank the following groups who were on duty today;
St. Rose SCC who were duty during 8.00 a.m. mass,
Lay Dominicans during the 10.00 a.m. mass, and
Youth during the 12.00 noon mass

2.Next Sunday, 24th July 2022 will be 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time. The following groups will be on duty;
8.00 a.m. mass - St. Claire SCC
10.00 a.m. mass - St. Theresa SCC
12.00 noon mass - St. Jude SCC

3.Next Sunday 24th July, 2022, the newly ordained priest, Fr. Jordan, OP from Angola will celebrate all the masses in the parish. Fr. Jordan was ordained yesterday in Angola. Christians are encouraged to come and receive blessings of the newly ordained priest. You may also bring him gifts.

4.Development Committee continues to encourage Christians to pledge and pay for church pews. A member of the Development Committee is outside the church to assist you in this exercise.
This exercise will be closed in the 2nd week of August so that procurement of the pews can be done.

5. Meetings
a. St. Vincent De Paul SCC will have their July meeting today in the Church basement immediately after the first mass. Members are kindly requested to be punctual.

b. St. Theresa SCC will have their July meeting today after the 2nd mass in the Church compound. Members of St. Theresa SCC who live in Gachie/Kihingo and Whitecottage will have house blessings on 23rd July 2022 while those from Wangige, Mwimuto and Gathiga will be advised on the date of their house blessings later.

We take this opportunity to welcome any new person visiting the Parish for the first time. (Request them to either stand up or raise their hands and invite the Parishioners to welcome them with a warm clap)

Saints of the Week
Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 18th July 2022 St. Fredrick
Tuesday, 19th July 2022 St. Macrina
Wednesday, 20th July 2022 St. Apollinaris, Bishop and Martyr
Thursday, 21st July 2022 St. Lawrence of Brindisi
Friday, 22nd July 2022 Feast of St. Mary Magdalene
Saturday, 23rd July 2022 St. Bridget of Sweden, Religious

Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.


St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time
10th July 2022

1. We thank the following groups who were on duty;
St. Vincent De Paul SCC who were duty during 8.00 a.m. mass,
CWA during the 10.00 a.m. o'clock and noon masses.

2. Today is our Tithe Sunday. We invite Fr to bless our tithes as we prepare to present them. (Invite Choir to lead with a hymn after blessing by the priest).

3. Next Sunday, 17th July 2022 will be 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time. The following groups will be on duty;
8.00 a.m. mass : St. Rose SCC
10.00 a.m. mass : Lay Dominicans
12.00 noon mass : Youth

4. Meetings
Today, PPC will have their July meeting after the 10.00 o'clock mass in the Church basement. All members are requested to be punctual.

5. We take this opportunity to welcome any new person visiting the Parish for the first time. (Request them to either stand up or raise their hands and invite the Parishioners to welcome them with a warm clap)

6. This week on Saturday the 16th of July, Rev. deacon Jordan, OP., will be ordained to the Priesthood of Jesus Christ in Luanda Angola. He will celebrate his thanksgiving mass with us in our church on 24th July 2022 (Next Sunday). Let us keep him in our prayers

7. Saints of the Week

Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 11th July 2022 St. Benedict Abbot
Tuesday, 12th July 2022 St. Fortunatus
Wednesday, 13th July 2022 St. Henry
Thursday, 14th July 2022 St. Camillus de Lellius, Priest
Friday, 15th July 2022 St. Bonaventure, Bishop and Doctor
Saturday, 16th July 2022 Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.


St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time
26th June 2022


1 We thank the following groups who were on duty:
St. Elizabeth SCC who were duty during 8.00 a.m. mass.
Choir & St. Michael Prayer Group - 10.00 a.m. mass, and
St. Theresa SCC during 12.00 noon mass.

2 Next Sunday, 3rd July 2022 will be 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time. The following groups will be on duty;
8.00 a.m. mass : Liturgy Committee
10.00 a.m. mass : Youth
12.00 noon mass : Young Adults

St. Claire SCC will hold its June meeting today after the 10.00 a.m. mass outside the main Church
St Claire SCC have organized a recollection on Saturday, 2nd July 2022 at the Church starting with mass at 8.00 a.m and will end at 12.00 noon.

4.Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 27th June 2022 St. Cyril of Alexandria, Bishop and Doctor
Tuesday, 28th June 2022 St. Irenaeaus, Bishop and Martyr
Wednesday, 29th June 2022 Solemnity of STS PETER AND PAUL, Apostles
Thursday, 30th June 2022 First martyrs of the Holy Roman Church
Friday, 1st July 2022 Blessed Anthony Rosmini
Saturday, 2nd July 2022 St. Martinian
We take this opportunity to welcome any new person visiting the Parish for the first time. (Request them to either stand up or raise their hands and invite the Parishioners to welcome them with a warm clap)

Invite the representative from Caritas to enlighten parishioners on the Self Help Group and its programs (For strictly 5 minutes)

Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.


St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
19th June 2022

1.) Today is the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Jesus. We thank;
-St. Jude SCC who were duty during 8.00 a.m. mass,
-St. Claire SCC during 10.00 a.m. mass, and
-St. Rose SCC during 12.00 noon mass.

2 a). Next Sunday, 26th June 2022 will be the 13th Sunday in Ordinary time. However, the Local Ordinary (The Archbishop of Nairobi) has directed that we celebrate the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The following groups will be on duty;
8.00 a.m. mass : St. Elizabeth
10.00 a.m. mass : Choir & St. Michael Prayer Group
12.00 noon mass : St. The1resa SCC

b.) Next Saturday 25th June, 2022 we shall have mass at 11 am here in our parish to commemorate St. Josemaria Escriva, the founder of Opus Dei. There will be confessions before mass at 10 am. All are welcome.

St. Theresa SCC will have their June meeting today after 10.00 a.m. mass in the Church compound.

-St.Claire SCC will have its June meeting on 26th June 2022 after the 10.00 a.m. mass out the main Church.

4.)A team of officials from Caritas will visit our parish on Sunday 26th June to enlighten our parishioners on the Self-Group and its program. Our parish has a self-group that members can join to benefit from savings and loans products. Let us prepare to hear from them next Sunday.

Cynthia Mwanza, together with the Mwanza family wish to thank the whole family of St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church for standing with them during their fathers̍ funeral process. They wish to pass a special thank you to the Parish priest -Fr. Emmanuel Mulu, Fr. Tesha, St Claire SCC, the Choir, CWA, CMA and the Youth for the compassion shown to their family at that difficult time. "You eased our pain and provided a beautiful celebration to our father the late Philip Mwanza. Thank you very much and God bless you."

6.)Marriage banns (Find attached)
We take this opportunity to welcome any new person visiting the Parish for the first time. (Request them to either stand up or raise their hands and invite the Parishioners to welcome them with a warm clap)

7.) Saints of the Week
Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 20th June 2022 Our Lady of Consolata
Tuesday, 21st June 2022 St. Aloysius Gonzaga, Religious
Wednesday, 22nd June 2022 Sts. Paulinus of Nola, Bishop and Thomas More, Martyrs
Thursday, 23rd June 2022 Solemnity of The Nativity of St. John the Baptist
Friday, 24th June 2022 Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
Saturday, 25th June 2022 The Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.



St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
12th June 2022

1. Today is the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity. We thank;
Young Adults - 8.00 a.m. mass
PMC - 10.00 a.m. mass
CMA - 12.00 noon mass

2. Today being the 2nd Sunday of the month is our Tithe Sunday. We invite father to give us a blessing as we prepare to present our tithes.

3. Next Sunday, 19th June 2022 will be the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ. The following groups will be on duty;
8.00 a.m. mass : St. Jude SCC
10.00 a.m. mass : St. Claire SCC
12.00 noon mass : St. Rose SCC

We shall have adoration after the 8am and 10 am masses but after the 12.00 noon mass, there will be a procession with the Blessed Sacrament and later adoration in the church. All Christians are encouraged to participate in the Procession and the adoration. CMA are requested to provide security during the procession.

PPC will have its June meeting today after the 10.00 a.m. mass in the basement. All members are requested to be punctual.

5.Lost but found: Last Sunday someone forgot a phone in the church. If it is yours, kindly visit the parish office for collection.

6. Uncollected Cards: There are many uncollected baptismal cards in the parish office. Kindly make a point of picking yours if you have not. Those who were confirmed last Sunday, the cards are ready.

8.Marriage banns (Find attached)
9. Saints of the Week
Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 13th June 2022 St.Anthony of Padua
Tuesday, 14th June 2022 St. Eliseo
Wednesday, 15th June 2022 Sts. Orsisius
Thursday, 16th June 2022 St.Aurelian
Friday, 17th June 2022 St. Helena
Saturday, 18th June 2022 St. Gregory

We take this opportunity to welcome any new person visiting the Parish for the first time. (Request them to either stand up or raise their hands and invite the Parishioners to welcome them with a warm clap)

Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board. THANK YOU FOR WORSHIPPING WITH US AND FOR YOUR SUPPORT TO OUR CHURCH. HAVE A BLESSED WEEK

St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
5th June 2022

1.Today is the Solemnity of Pentecost Sunday. We thank CWA who were on duty during both masses.
2.Next Sunday, 12th June 2022 will be Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity.
The following groups will be on duty;
8.00 a.m. mass : Young Adults
10.00 a.m. mass : PMC
12.00 noon mass : CMA
3.Next Sunday will be the 2nd Sunday of the month and our Tithe Sunday. We encouraged all Christians to prepare in advance.

PPC will have its June meeting next Sunday after the 10.00 a.m. mass in the basement. All members are requested to be punctual.
5. We take this opportunity to welcome any new person visiting the Parish for the first time. (Request them to either stand up or raise their hands and invite the Parishioners to welcome them with a warm clap).The Confirmed candidates will have a photo session outside the main Church. (To be announced in the second mass)

6.Marriage banns (Find attached)
7. Saints of the Week

Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 6th June 2022 Our Lady, Mother of the Church
Tuesday, 7th June 2022 St. Robert
Wednesday, 8th June 2022 St. James Berthieu
Thursday, 9th June 2022 St.Emphrem, Deacon and Doctor
Friday, 10th June 2022 St. Maurinus
Saturday, 11th June 2022 St. Barnabas, Apostle

Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.


St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
29th May 2022

1.Today is the 7th Sunday of Easter. We celebrate the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord. We thank the groups who were on duty today;
8.00 a.m. - St. Claire SCC
10.00 a.m. - St. Jude SCC
12.00 noon - St. Rose SCC

2.Next Sunday, 5th June 2022 will be Pentecost Sunday.We shall have two masses only, 8 am and 10 am.CWA will be on duty during the two masses. We are all reminded to pray the Pentecost Novena

3.We are reminded that The Sacrament of Confirmation will be administered next Sunday 5th June 2022, which shall be the Feast of Pentecost at the 10 am mass by His Excellency the Apostolic Nuncio to Kenya and South Sudan, Archbishop Hubert Maria Van Megen.Confessions for those preparing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation will be on Saturday 4th June, 2022 at 2pm.

4.CMA will begin the year 2022 CMA Formation classes today at 10.00 a.m. All new members are encouraged to participate.

5.We take this opportunity to welcome any new person visiting the Parish for the first time. (Request them to either stand up or raise their hands and invite the Parishioners to welcome them with a warm clap)

6.Marriage banns (Find attached)
7.Saints of the Week

Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 30th May 2022 St. Joan of Arc
Tuesday, 31st May 2022 The Feast of Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Wednesday, 1st June 2022 St. Justin, Martyrs
Thursday, 2nd June 2022 Sts.Marcellinus and Peter, Martyrs
Friday, 3rd June 2022 St.Charles Lwanga and Companions, Martyrs
Saturday, 4th June 2022 St. Clothida

Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.


St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for 6th Sunday of Easter
22nd May 2022

1.Today is the 6th Sunday of Easter. We thank CMA who were on duty during the 8.00 a.m. mass, PMC during the 10.00 a.m mass and Young Adults during the 12.00 noon mass.

2.Next Sunday, 29th May 2022 will be the 7th Sunday of Easter. We shall be celebrating the Ascension of the Lord
The following duties will be on duty;
8.00 a.m. - St. Claire SCC
10.00 a.m. - St. Jude SCC
12.00 noon - St. Rose SCC

3.We are reminded that;The Sacrament of Confirmation will be administered on the Pentecost Sunday, 5th June 2022 by His Excellency the Apostolic Nuncio to Kenya and South Sudan, Most Rev. Bert van Megen.

Preparation for Confirmation
For those who missed evaluation yesterday, the last evaluation will be done today after the 10 am mass today.Those who succeeded in yesterday's evaluation, their parents and guardians are asked to submit their baptismal cards in the parish office before Saturday 28th May, 2022.

4.CMA would like to announce the commencement of 2022 CMA Formation classes. The first class shall be held on Sunday May 29th at 10.00 a.m. in the tent behind the Church. New members are encouraged to register with Mr. Tirimba, the CMA Secretary. You can reach him via mobile no. 0721 461 231.

5.CMA would like to announce the resumption of the Monthly Mbuzi for men. The May monthly mbuzi will be held on Friday, May 27th from 6.30 pm at the Church. All Siena men are invited.

6.We take this opportunity to welcome any person worshipping with us in the Parish for the first time. (Request them to either stand up or raise their hands and invite the Parishioners to welcome them with a warm clap)

7.Meeting: The Liturgy Committee will have a meeting next Saturday, 28th May, 2022 after the 8 am mass.

8.Marriage banns (Find attached)

9. Saints of the Week
Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 23rd May 2022 St. Desiderius
Tuesday, 24th May 2022 The Blessed Virgin Mary Help of Christians
Wednesday, 25th May 2022 Sts.Bede the Venerable, Gregory VII, Mary Magdalene de Pazzi
Thursday, 26th May 2022 St. Philip Neri Priest
Friday, 27th May 2022 St. Augustine of Cantebury, Bishop
Saturday, 28th May 2022 Sts.Emilius and Ignatius

Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.


St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for 5th Sunday of Easter
15th May 2022

1 .Today is the 5th Sunday of Easter. We thank St. Vincent De Paul, Lay Dominicans and Youth who were on duty today.

2 .As announced last Sunday, Deacon Jordan, OP will be leaving for Angola tomorrow Monday 16th May 2022. We are invited to present our token of appreciation for his service in our parish.

3 .Next Sunday, 22nd May 2022 will be the 6th Sunday of Easter The following duties will be on duty;
8.00 a.m. - CMA
10.00 a.m. - PMC
12.00 noon - Young Adults

4 We are reminded that the Sacrament of Confirmation will be administered on the Pentecost Sunday, 5th June 2022 by His Excellency the Apostolic Nuncio to Kenya and South Sudan, Most Rev. Bert van Megen.Classes are ongoing as follows:
Adults : Saturdays at 4.00 p.m.
Children: Sundays after the 10.00 a.m. mass

5.Registration of members of our church is on - going. As you leave the Church, you will find a registration desk outside where you will be assisted to register.


St. Vincent De Paul SCC will have its May meeting today immediately after the 8.00 a.m. mass outside the Main Church door. Members are requested to
keep time.

St. Jude SCC will have their May meeting today after the 10.00 o`clock mass in the Church compound. Members are requested to keep time.

7.The Siena Self Help Group AGM for ALL members is planned for coming Saturday, May 21 2022.
The Management hereby notify members and interested parishioners of the AGM that shall start from 8.00 am with a thanksgiving mass, followed by review of their accounts and approval of surplus.

Meanwhile the group has begun migrating records into a digital platform and ALL members are requested to confirm the accuracy of their details being digitized by visiting the office desk outside the Church after mass.

8. We take this opportunity to welcome any new person visiting the Parish for the first time. (Request them to either stand up or raise their hands and invite the Parishioners to welcome them with a warm clap)

Marriage banns (Find attached)

10. Saints of the Week
Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 16th May 2022 St. Ubaldus
Tuesday, 17th May 2022 St. Pascal Babylon
Wednesday, 18th May 2022 St. John I. Pope and Martyr
Thursday, 19th May 2022 St. Celestine
Friday, 20th May 2022 St. Bermardine of Siena
Saturday, 21st May 2022 St. Christopher Magallanes and Companions

Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.


St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for the 3rd Sunday of Easter/ St. Catherine of Siena Family Day 1st May, 2022

1. Today is our Tithe Sunday. We kindly request he priest to give blessing.

2. Today is the fourth Sunday of Easter and the Good Shepherd Sunday. We thank the following groups who are on duty:
⦁ 8.00 am Mass-St. Elizabeth SCC
⦁ 10.00 am Mass-St. Michael and Choir
⦁ 12.00 noon Mass-St. Teresa SCC

3. Next Sunday 15th May, 2022 will be 5th Sunday of Easter. The following groups will be on duty:
⦁ 8.00 am Mass-St. Vincent
⦁ 10.00 am Mass-Lay Dominicans
⦁ 12.00 noon Mass- Youth

4. The Sacrament of Confirmation will be administered on the Pentecost Sunday 5th June, 2022. Classes are ongoing as follows:
Adults: Saturdays at 4 pm
Children: Sundays after the 10 am mass.
5. The Parish Priest and the Parish Council wishes to thank you all for your active participation during our last Sunday Family Day celebration. Owing to your financial donation, your time and prayer, the Day was a success. May God bless you all
6. Registration on members of our church is ongoing. As you leave the church, you will find a registration desk outside where you will be assisted to register.
7. The YCA in conjunction with the Youth will be having a bonding session and Mbuzi in the church compound on Saturday 14th May, 2022. The session will begin with mass at 10 am. The event aims at evangelizing and welcoming new members to the YCA and Youth.
8. Appreciation: The family of the late Grace Njeri Wanguku wishes to thank the parishioners for your prayers and financial support during her illness until her demise. In a special way we thank Fr. Mulu and all priests who took of mum`s spiritual needs to prepare her for her final journey. Keep us in your prayers.
9. Deacon Jordan, OP will be leaving for Angola on Monday 16th May, 2022. We are requested to come prepared to bid him farewell next Sunday. Kindly carry something to appreciate him for his service to our parish.

10. Meetings:
⦁ The Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) have their meeting today after the 10 am mass. All members are reminded to be punctual.
⦁ The Siena Self Help Group AGM for ALL members is planned for Saturday May 21st, 2022. The management hereby notifies members and interested parishioners of the AGM from 8.00 am starting with a thanksgiving mass, then review of their accounts and approval of surplus.
Meanwhile, the group has begun migrating records into a digital platform and all members are requested to confirm the accuracy of their details being digitized. Visit the office desk outside the church after Mass.

11. Saints of the Week:
Date: Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 9th May, 2022 St. Pachomius
Tuesday, 10th May, 2022 Sts. John de Avilla, Priest and Doctor of the Church
Wednesday, 11th May. 2022 St. Ignatius of Laconi
Thursday, 12th May, 2022 Sts. Nereus Achilleus and Pancras, Martyrs
Friday, 13th May, 2022 Our Lady of Fatima
Saturday, 14th May, 2022 St. Matthias, Apostle (F)

Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.

St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for the 3rd Sunday of Easter/ St. Catherine of Siena Family Day
1st May, 2022

1. Today is 3rd Sunday of Easter and the day to celebrate our Patron Saint, St. Catherine of Siena. We thank all the groups who were on duty.

2. Next Sunday 8th May, 2022 will be the fourth Sunday of Easter and the Good Shepherd Sunday. The following groups will be on duty:

⦁ 8.00 am Mass-St. Elizabeth SCC
⦁ 10.00 am Mass-St. Michael and Choir
⦁ 12.00 noon Mass-St. Teresa SCC

3. Next Sunday 8th May, 2022 will also be our tithe Sunday. All Christians are reminded to prepare.

4. Tomorrow Monday 2nd May and Tuesday 3rd May, 2022 being public holidays Masses will be at 10 am.

5. Classes for the preparation of the Sacrament of Confirmation will resume from next week:
Adults: Saturday 7th May, 2022 at 4 pm
Children: Sunday 8th May, 2022 after the 10 am mass.

6. Meetings:
⦁ The Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) will have their meeting next Sunday 8th May, 2022 after the 10 am mass. All members are reminded of punctuality.
⦁ The Liturgy Committee will meet on Saturday 7th May, 2022 after the 8 am mass.
⦁ The Siena Self Help Group AGM for ALL members is planned for Saturday May 21st, 2022. The management hereby notifies members and interested parishioners of the AGM from 8.00 am starting with a thanksgiving mass, then review of their accounts and approval of surplus.
Meanwhile, the group has begun migrating records into a digital platform and all members are requested to confirm the accuracy of their details being digitized. Visit the office desk outside the church after Mass.

7. Saints of the Week:
Date: Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 2nd May, 2022 St. Athanasius, bishop and doctor
Tuesday, 3rd May, 2022 Sts. Philip and James, Apostles
Wednesday, 4th May, 2022 Sts. Ada and Antonia
Thursday, 5th May, 2022 St. Irene
Friday, 6th May, 2022 St. Dominic Savio
Saturday, 7th May, 2022 St. Rosa Venerini

Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.

St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for the 2nd Sunday of Easter
24th April 2022

1. Today we have a second collection to raise funds for the Family Day which will be next Sunday 1st May, 2022. (Choir lead us in a song)
2. Today is 2nd Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy Sunday). We thank St. Jude, St. Rose and St. Claire who were on duty.
3. Next Sunday 1st May, 2022 will be the 3rd Sunday of Easter. We shall be celebrating our parish Family Day. We shall have one mass only at 10 am officiated by His Grace Archbishop Muheria the Archbishop of Nyeri. All groups will be on duty. We shall have lunch and entertainment after mass. All Christians are welcome.
4. The youth had a successful workshop yesterday. We thank them for a good attendance and organization.
5. With joy, we continue announce that Deacon Jordan will be ordained a Priest on 16th July, 2022 at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish in the Archdiocese of Luanda, Angola. All Christians of St. Catherine of Siena are invited to attend.
6. The Siena Self Help Group AGM for all members is planned for Saturday may 4th, 2022. The management hereby notifies members and interested parishioners of the AGM form 7.30 am for thanksgiving mass, review of their accounts and approval of surplus. Meanwhile, the group has begun migrating records into digital platform and all members are requested to confirm the accuracy of their details being digitized. Visit the office desk outside the church before May 1st.
7. The Parish Administrator, Carol is on leave up to 15th May, 2022. All correspondences should therefore be done through the parish office and parish official channels of communication. The office remains open on week days.
8. A message from the parish priest, Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Mulu, OP
I take this opportunity to appreciate all the parishioners for your prayers, messages of condolence and the support you accorded me during the demise of my grandmother who was buried on Easter Monday at her home in Bundibugyo, Uganda. May God bless you all!

9. Saints of the Week:
Date: Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 25th April 2022 St. Mark, the Evangelist (F)
Tuesday, 26th April 2022 St. Cletus
Wednesday, 27th April 2022 St. Zita
Thursday, 28th April 2022 St. Louis-Marie de Montfort, Priest
Friday, 29th April 2022 St. Catherine of Siena, Virgin and Doctor
Saturday, 30th April 2022 Our Lady Mother of Africa (F)

Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.

St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord
10th April 2022

1. Today is our Tithe Sunday. We welcome Father to give us a blessing as we
prepare to present our Tithes.
2. Today is the Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord. We thank St. Vincent
de Paul, Lay Dominicans and Youth who were on duty.

3. Program of the Holy Week:
Date Celebration Groups on Duty
Holy Thursday-Mass of the Last Supper-6.00pm Liturgy Committee and St. Clare
Good Friday-Way of the Cross12.00 noon Liturgy Committee and St. Jude
Good Friday - Passion of Christ3.00pm Liturgy Committee and St. Jude
Holy Saturday - Easter Vigil7.00pm Liturgy Committee and St. Rose
4. Next Sunday, 17th April 2022 will be Easter Sunday.The following groups will be on duty:
8.00 a.m. Mass : Young Adults
10.00 a.m. Mass : PMC
12.00 noon Mass : CMA
5. There will be Sacrament of Confession on Good Friday 15th April 2022 after
the Way of the Cross here at the parish. All are welcome.
6. Infant baptism will be on Saturday 23rd April, 2022 at 10.00am. Parents are
asked to register with the Catechist or at the Parish office deadline for
registration will be next week 13th April 2022.

7. Today the Parish Pastoral Council will have its April 2022 meeting after the
10.00am mass outside the Basement Room. All members are kindly requested
to be punctual.
8. There will be a recollection on Saturday 16th April, 2022 for all the Catechumen
preparing for baptism, First Holy Communion and Confirmation on Easter
Vigil. The Recollection will start at 9 am and end at 1 pm. kindly be punctual.

9. Saints of the Week:
Date Feast/Solemnity

Monday, 11th April 2022 Holy Monday
Tuesday, 12th April 2022 Holy Tuesday
Wednesday, 13th April 2022 Holy Wednesday
Thursday, 14thApril 2022 Holy Thursday
Friday, 15th April 2022 Good Friday
Saturday, 16th April 2022 Holy Saturday

Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.


 St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for 5th Sunday of Lent
3rd April 2022

1. Today is the 5th Sunday of Lent. We thank CWA group who were on duty.

2. Today we shall have 3rd and final Scrutiny of catechumens at 10.00am Mass (announcement for 8 am Mass only).
3. Next Sunday, 10th April 2022 will be the second Sunday of the month and thus the Tithe Sunday. All Christians are requested to prepare to present their tithe. Those who may require envelopes can pick them on their way out of the church today.

4. Next Sunday, 10th April 2022 will be the Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord.
The following groups will be on duty:
8.00 a.m. Mass : St. Vincent de Paul SCC
10.00 a.m. Mass : Lay Dominicans
12.00 noon Mass : Youth

5. We have the Way of the Cross every Friday at 5.00pm followed by Holy Mass. St. Elizabeth SCC will lead the stations next Friday, 9th April 2022. All Christians are encouraged to participate in the Way of the Cross.

6. There will be Sacrament of Confession next Saturday 9th April 2022 from 5.00pm to 6.00pm here at the parish. All are welcome.

7. The Parish has organized a Day of Recollection for all Christians of St. Catherine of Siena Parish on Saturday, 9th April 2022 starting at 9.00am in our church. This will be a Day of Prayer and Fasting for our parish. All Christians are encouraged to avail themselves for this recollection. The theme of the recollection is "Eucharist, the source and the Summit of our Christian Life". Recollection will end with Holy Mass at 4 pm. There will also be confessions during and after the recollection. Come we pray together as a parish.

8. Infant baptism will be on Saturday 23rd April, 2022 at 10 am. Parents are asked to register with the Catechist or at the Parish office before Wednesday 13th April, 2022.

9. All ecclesial groups shall meet today after the 10.00 a.m. mass in their designated areas as guided by their moderators.

10. Next Sunday, 10th April 2022 PPC will have their April Meeting after the10.00 a.m. mass in the Makuti Church.

11. . Marriage banns (Find attached)

12. St. Catherine of Siena Parish Family Day
The Parish Family Day which falls on 29th April, that is, St. Catherine of Siena Day, is scheduled to be celebrated in our parish on Sunday 1st May, 2022. St. Catherine of Siena is the patron Saint of our parish. This is the day we come together as a parish family to reflect on our spiritual growth and other aspects of our Christian life. The theme of this Year's Family Day is ̍Touching the needy in our Church̍. There are many events that are being organized for this day which will involve all the parishioners.
On this Day, we shall have one mass in the parish at 10 am and all Christians are encouraged to attend. His Grace Archbishop Antony Muheria, Archbishop of Nyeri, will preside over the mass.
To prepare for this Day, the PPC constituted an ad hoc Committee led by Mr. Boniface Mwangi and Rev. Fr. Charles Kato, OP which will organize and coordinate events of this day.
The ad hoc committee is mobilizing for funds to cater for the expenses of this day namely lunch, charity to the needy of our parish, and also for the Family Days of the Deanery and the Archdiocese which are equally important and our obligation.

The breakdown is as follows:
a. Parish Family Day-KES. 330,000.00
b. The needy of our Parish-KES. 200,000.00
c. Deanery Family Day-KES. 100,000.00
d. Archdiocese Family Day-KES. 1, 000,000.00.
The total is KES. 1,730,000.00 Only.

This amount has been divided among the various groups in the church but we shall also plan for a day when can do a fundraiser as a church for the same. We kindly request all of you participate so that we can celebrate our Family Days as a Parish, Deanery and Archdiocesan Family together and successfully.

13. Saints of the Week:
Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 4th April 2022 St. Benedict the black
Tuesday, 5th April 2022 St. Vincent Ferrer, priest
Wednesday, 6th April 2022 St. Peter of Verona
Thursday, 7th April 2022 St. John Baptist de la Salle, Priest
Friday, 8th April 2022 St. Walter
Saturday, 9th April 2022 BL. Thomas of Tolentino

Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.

St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for 4th Sunday of Lent
27th March 2022

1. All Sundays of Lent we shall have a second collection for Lenten Campaign. You may also drop your Lenten envelope/offertory in the box written 'Lenten Campaign' at the church entry.

2. Today is the 4th Sunday of Lent. We thank St. Teresa, St. Michael, St. Elizabeth and the Choir who were on duty today.

3. We shall have the 2nd Scrutiny of catechumens today at 10.00am Mass (for 8 am mass only). Next Sunday 3rd April, 2022 we shall have the 3rd and final Scrutiny at the 10 am mass (for all masses)

4. Next Sunday, 3rd April, 2022 will be the 5th Sunday of Lent. CWA will be on duty at all masses.

5. We have the Way of the Cross every Friday at 5.00pm followed by Holy Mass. St. Teresa will lead the stations next Friday, 1st April, 2022. All Christians are encouraged to participate in the way of the cross.
6. The Parish has organized a Day of Recollection for all Christians of St. Catherine of Siena Parish on Saturday, 9th April 2022 starting at 9.00am in our church. This will be a Day of Prayer and Fasting for our parish. All Christians are encouraged to avail themselves for this recollection.

7. Next Saturday 2nd April, 2022 being the first Saturday of the month, we shall have the sacrament of confession at 5pm in our church.

8. The Parish Youth and MYM have a talk today from 10.00am at Church the Basement Room. Parents are requested to allow their children to attend ages between 15 - 26 years. They will later attend the 12.00 noon mass (for 8 am and 10 am masses only).
9. The Liturgy Committee will meet next Saturday, 2nd April, 2022 after the 8 am mass in the Makuti Church. All members are reminded to be punctual. The agenda will be communicated on the Group̍̍s whatsapp wall.
10. All Ecclesial Groups will be meeting next Sunday 3rd April, 2022 after the 10 am mass.

11.Marriage banns (Find attached)

12. Saints of the Week:
Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 28th March, 2022 St. Castor
Tuesday, 29th March, 2022 St. Berthold
Wednesday, 30th March, 2022 St. Leonard
Thursday, 31st March, 2022 St. Benjamin
Friday, 1st April, 2022 St. Hugh of Grenoble
Saturday, 2nd April, 2022 St. Francis of Paola, Hermit

Today we have a brief talk on Tithe and Family Day at every Mass (Welcome Mr. Magambo at 8 am and 10 am mass then Mr. Kiragu at 12.00 noon mass)

Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.

St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for 3rd Sunday of Lent
20th March 2022

1. All Sundays of Lent we shall have a second collection for Lenten Campaign and you can also drop your Lenten envelope/offertory in the box written 'Lenten Campaign' at the church entry.

2. Today is the 3rd Sunday of Lent. We thank St. Rose, St. Clare SCC, and St. Jude SCC who were on duty today.

3. Today will have election and Scrutiny of catechumens at 10.00am Mass. This is a Catholic Practice of inducting those preparing for baptism into the life of the Church.

4. Next Sunday, 27th March 2022 will be the 4th Sunday of Lent.
The following groups will be on duty:
8.00 a.m. Mass : St. Teresa SCC
10.00 a.m. Mass : St. Michael SCC & Choir
12.00 noon Mass : St. Elizabeth SCC
On this Sunday, we shall have a brief talk on Tithe and Family Day at every Mass

5. We have the Way of the Cross every Friday at 5.00pm followed by Holy Mass. St. Jude SCC will lead the stations next Friday, 25th March 2022. All Christians are encouraged to participate in the way of the cross.
6. Next Friday, 25th March 2022 is the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord. It is a day of obligation and so all Christians are reminded to attend Mass. Mass in the Parish will be at 6.00pm.

7. St. Catherine of Siena Parish will hold a Retreat/Recollection on Saturday, 9th April 2022 starting at 9.00am. All Christians are kindly requested to prepare to attend.

8. Today St. Teresa SCC will have their meeting after the 10.00am Mass in the church compound. All members are kindly requested to attend.

9. Today Choir will have their AGM after the 10.00am Mass in the Church Basement Room. All members are kindly requested to attend.

10. The Parish Youth and MYM will have a talk and youth Mass next Sunday, 27th March 2022 at 10.00am at Church Basement Room. Parents are requested to allow their children to attend ages between 15 -26 years.

11. The Family of Mr. & Mrs. Charles Kamau, wish to express their sincere and deepest gratitude to the Fr. In-Charge and Christians of St. Catherine of Siena Parish for your prayers, emotional and financial support during our wedding held here at St. Catherine of Siena Parish on 26th February 2022. May God bless you all abundantly.
12. . Marriage banns (Find attached)

13. Saints of the Week:
Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 21st March 2022 St. Nicolas
Tuesday, 22nd March 2022 St. Lea
Wednesday, 23rd March 2022 St. Turibius of Mogrovejo, Bishop
Thursday, 24th March 2022 St. Catherine
Friday, 25th March 2022 The Annunciation of the Lord
Saturday, 26th March 2022 St. Emmnauel

Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.

St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for 2nd Sunday of Lent
13th March 2022


1. All Sundays of Lent we shall have a second collection for Lenten Campaign. It will be done immediately after Sadaka. (Announce before offertory)

2. Today is the 2nd Sunday of Lent. We thank Lay Dominicans, Youth, and St. Vincent De Paul SCC who were on duty today.
3. Today is our Tithe Sunday. We welcome Father to give us a blessing as we prepare to present our Tithes.

4. We have the Way of the Cross every Friday at 5.00pm followed by Holy Mass. St. Claire SCC will lead the stations next Friday, 18th March 2022. All Christians are encouraged to participate in the way of the cross.

5. Next Sunday, 20th March 2022 will be the 3rd Sunday of Lent. There will be election and Scrutiny of catechumens. This is a Catholic Practice of inducting those preparing for baptism into the life of the Church. All catechumens preparing for Baptism are reminded to be present during the 10 am Mass.
The following groups will be on duty next Sunday:
8.00 a.m. Mass : St. Rose SCC
10.00 a.m. Mass : St. Clare SCC
12.00 noon Mass : St. Jude SC

6. Today the Parish Pastoral Council will have its March meeting after the 10.00am
Mass in the Basement Room. All members are kindly requested to be punctual.

7. St. Teresa will have a Retreat/Recollection next Saturday, 19th March 2022 at the Makuti Church. Retreat/Recollection will start immediately after the morning Mass 8.00am. Also they shall have their monthly meeting on Sunday 20th March 2022 after 10.00am Mass.

8. Saints of the Week:
Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 14th March 2022 St. Louise de Marillac
Tuesday, 15th March 2022 St. Zacharia
Wednesday, 16th March 2022 St. Eusebia
Thursday, 17h March 2022 St. Patrick, Bishop
Friday, 18th March 2022 St. Cyril of Jerusalem, Bishop and Doctor
Saturday, 19th March 2022 St. Joseph, Spouse of the B.V.M

Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.


St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for 1st Sunday of Lent
6th March 2022

1. Today is the 1st Sunday of Lent. We thank CWA who were on duty today.
2. On Friday, 11th March 2022 we shall have the Way of the Cross from 5.00 p.m. St. Rose SCC will be on duty.
3. Next Sunday, 13th March 2022 will be the 2nd Sunday of Lent. The following duties will be on duty;

8.00 a.m. mass : Lay Dominicans
10.00 a.m. mass : Youth
12.00 noon mass : St. Vincent De Paul SCC
4. Next Sunday shall be the second Sunday of the month and thus our Tithe Sunday. We are requested to prepare to present our Tithes.
5. All ecclesial groups shall meet today after the 10.00 a.m. mass in their designated areas as guided by their moderators.

6. Next Sunday, 13th March 2022 PPC will have its March meeting in the
Church basement after the 10.00 a.m. Mass. All members are requested to
prepare to attend.

7. St. Elizabeth SCC will have their March, 2022 meeting next Tuesday 8th March, 2022. The link to this meeting will be shared later.

8. St. Teresa Small Christian Community will have their retreat/recollection on 19th March, 2022 here in the parish from 8 am. The theme of the recollection will be 'Adoration and Confession'. All are welcome to join.

9. Saints of the Week:
Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 7th March 2022 Sts. Perpetua and Felicity Martyrs
Tuesday, 8th March 2022 St. John of God, Religious
Wednesday, 9th March 2022 St. Frances of Rome, Religious
Thursday, 10th March 2022 St. Victor
Friday, 11th March 2022 St. Constantine
Saturday, 12th March 2022 St. Innocent I

Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.


St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time
27th February, 2022

1. Today is the 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time. We thank St. Elizabeth SCC, Choir and St. Michael Prayer Group and St. Theresa SCC who were on duty today.

2. Next Sunday, 6th March 2022 will be the 1st Sunday of Lent. CWA shall be on duty during all masses.

3. Wednesday 2nd March 2022 will be Ash Wednesday. Mass schedules at the Parish shall be as follows; 7.00 a.m., 1.00 p.m. and 6.00 p.m. All are encouraged to attend. The groups on duty shall be as follows:
7. 00 am -Liturgy Committee
1. 00 pm -Youth
6. 00 pm- Young Adults

4. On Ash Wednesday and all Sundays of Lent, we shall be having a second collection for the Lenten Campaign.

5. The Lenten Campaign booklets will be distributed to the different groups on Sunday. Leaders of each group are to organize how to pick them.

6. We shall have mass in memory of the late Rev. Fr. Fred Ntedika Mvumbi on Tuesday 1st February, 2022. Mass will begin at 6pm. All Christians are reminded to attend. The Choir will be on duty.

7. On Friday, 4th March 2022 we shall begin the Stations of the Way of the Cross from 5.00 p.m. St. Vincent De Paul SCC shall be on duty.

8. The CMA of St Catherine of Siena would like to announce an ongoing membership recruitment. This recruitment will be ongoing for the month of February. Registration deadline will be today - March 6, 2022.

Commencement of Formation classes will be communicated soon.
Interested members are asked to register at the CMA table outside the church after each of the three masses. Those not able to register physically are required to reach out to the moderator Mr George Jasho on 0722 518867, or the Secretary Mr Edwin Tirimba on 0721 461231.


9. Today all PMC parents are invited to a meeting immediately after the 10.00 a.m. mass. The meeting will be held at the Makuti Church. Every parent who has a child 14 years and below is requested to attend.

10. St. Claire will meet today 27th February 2022 outside the Church main entrance after the 10.00 a.m. mass. All members are encouraged to attend.
11. Marriage banns (Find attached)

12. Saints of the Week
Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 28th February 2022 St. Oswald
Tuesday, 1st March 2022 St. David
Wednesday, 2nd March 2022 Ash Wednesday
Thursday, 3rd March 2022 St. Marinus
Friday, 4th March 2022 St.Casimir
Saturday, 5th March 2022 St. Virgillo

Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board. THANK YOU FOR WORSHIPPING WITH US AND FOR YOUR SUPPORT TO OUR CHURCH. HAVE A BLESSED WEEK

St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time
20th February, 2022

1. Today is the 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time. We thank St. Jude, St. Rose and St. Claire Small Christian Communities who were on duty today.
2. Next Sunday, 27th February 2022 will be the 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time.
The following duties will be on duty;

8.00 a.m. - St. Elizabeth SCC
10.00 a.m. - Choir/St. Michael Prayer Group
12.00 noon - St. Theresa SCC

4. The CMA of St Catherine of Siena would like to announce an ongoing membership recruitment. This recruitment will be ongoing for the month of February. Registration deadline will be on Sunday March 6, 2022 during the next CMA monthly meeting.Commencement of Formation classes will be communicated soon.

Interested members are asked to register at the CMA table outside the church after each of the three masses. Those not able to register physically are required to reach out to the moderator Mr George Jasho on 0722 518867, or the Secretary Mr Edwin Tirimba on 0721 461231 or at the parish office.

5. All PMC parents shall have a meeting next Sunday 27th February 2022 immediately after the 10.00 a.m. mass. This will be held at the Makuti Church. Every parent who has a child 14 years and below is requested to attend.

6. There will be Sunday school classes running during all masses, that is, 8 am, 10 am and 12.00 noon. Parents are asked to drop the children for Sunday school before proceeding for mass.

7. Christians are reminded that office days to see the Parish Priest and his assistant are Fridays from 8 am to 5 pm. On the other days Christians are requested to call the office line before to confirm the availability of the priests if they so wish to see them. For any other matter that may not involve the priests, the office is open from Tuesday to Friday from 8 am to 5 pm, and Saturdays from 9 am to 12.00 noon.

8. Meetings

⦁ St. Theresa SCC will have their February 2022 meeting today after the second mass in the Church compound.

⦁ St. Elizabeth Small Christian Community will hold their Jumuiya online meeting on Thursday 24th February, 2022 at 8.00pm. All members are requested to join. The link will be shared later.

9. Marriage banns (Find attached)

10. Saints of the Week
Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 21st February 2022 St. Peter Damian, Bishop, Doctor
Tuesday, 22nd February 2022 Feast of the Chair of St. Peter the Apostle
Wednesday, 23rd February 2022 St. Polycarp, Bishop and Martyr
Thursday, 24th February 2022 St. Sergius
Friday, 25th February 2022 St.Ceassarius of Nazianzus
Saturday, 26th February 2022 St. Alexander of Allexandria

Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.


St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for 6thSunday in Ordinary Time
13th February, 2022

1. Today is the 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time. We thank CWA who were on duty today.
2. Today is our Tithe Sunday. We welcome father to give us a blessing as we prepare to present our Tithes.

3. Next Sunday, 20th February 2022 will be the 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time.
The following duties will be on duty;
8.00 a.m. - St. Jude SCC
10.00 a.m. - St. Rose SCC
12.00 noon - St. Claire SCC

4. Yesterday there was a PMC children`s Mass with Archbishop of the
Archdiocese of Nairobi at St. Austin Catholic parish, Msongari. We thank all
the children who attended as well as their Animators.

5. There will be Sacrament of Confession next Saturday 19th February 2022 from 5.00pm to 6.00pm here at the parish. All are welcome.

6. The CMA of St Catherine of Siena would like to announce an ongoing membership recruitment. This recruitment will be ongoing for the month of February. Registration deadline will be on Sunday March 6, 2022 during the next CMA monthly meeting.Commencement of Formation classes will be communicated soon.Interested members are asked to register at the CMA table outside the church after each of the three masses. Those not able to register physically are required to reach out to the moderator Mr. George Jasho on 0722 518867, or the Secretary Mr Edwin Tirimba on 0721 461231.

7. Infant baptism classes for parents will begin on 16th February - 18th February
2022. Baptism will be on Saturday 19th February 2022 at 9.00 a.m.
Registration is on - going at the Church office and with Deacon Jordan, OP
after mass.

8. Beginning today, there will be Sunday school classes during the three masses.
Parents are thus reminded to drop their children at the Makuti Church before
each mass begins.


9. Today the Parish Pastoral Council will have its February meeting after the
10.00 a.m. Mass in the Basement Room. All members are kindly requested to
be punctual.

10. St. Theresa SCC will have their February 2022 meeting after the second
Mass in the Church compound.

11. Marriage banns (Find attached)

12. Saints of the Week
Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 14th February 2022 Sts Cyril, Monk and Methodius, Bishop
Tuesday, 15th February 2022 St. Faustine
Wednesday, 16th February 2022 Bl Joseph Allamano
Thursday, 17th February 2022 Seven Holy Founders of the Servile Order
Friday, 18th February 2022 St. Simeon
Saturday, 19th February 2022 St. Mansuetus

Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.


St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for 5thSunday in Ordinary Time
6th February, 2022

1. Today is the 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time. We thank CWA who were on duty today.
2. Next Sunday will be the second Sunday of the month and thus the Tithe Sunday. All Christians are requested to prepare to present their tithes.

3. Next Sunday, 13th February 2022 will be the 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time.
The following duties will be on duty;
8.00a.m. - Young Adults
10.00a.m. - PMC
12. Noon - CMA

4. Infant baptism classes for parents will begin on 16th February 2022 - 18th
February 2022. Baptism will be on Saturday 19th February 2022 at 10.00am.
Registration is ongoing at the church office and with Deacon Jordan, OP

5. Starting next Sunday, 13th February 2022, there will be Sunday school classes for
children̍̍s during the three Masses. Parents are asked to drop their children at the
makuti church before each Mass begins.

6. In order to make the children's ministry in our church well established and
Strong, we need more Animators. We continue appealing for Christians to
volunteer as PMC Animators. Those willing are asked to see the Father-In-
Charge for more guidance on Friday̍s office day.

7. All ecclesial groups shall meet today after the 10.00 a.m. mass in their
designated areas as guided by their moderators

8. Next Sunday, 13th February 2022 PPC are scheduled to have their February
Meeting after the10.00 a.m. mass in the Makuti Church. All members are
kindly requested to prepare to attend.

9. Marriage banns (Find attached)

10. Saints of the Week
Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 7th February 2022 St. Richard
Tuesday, 8th February 2022 St. Josephine Bakhita, Virgin
Wednesday, 9th February 2022 St. Apollonia
Thursday, 10th February 2022 St. Scholastica, Virgin
Friday, 11th February 2022 Our Lady of Lourdes
Saturday,12th February 2022 St. Innocent

Find these announcements in our website and on our church notice board.


St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time
30th January, 2022

1. Today is the 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time. We thank St. Vincent De Paul SCC, Lay Dominicans and the Youth who were on duty.
2. Next Sunday, 6th February 2022 will be the 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time. CWA will be on duty during all Masses.

3. The Covid Vaccination drive is taking place today at the tent from 9.00am to 2.00pm. This will cover 1st, 2nd Timers and the booster. Children between 15 and 18 years will receive the Pfizer Jab. Johnson and Johnson will also be available for first Timers. We take this opportunity to thank the four Parishioners who have sponsored today̍s outreach.

4. There will be a Liturgy Committee meeting today after 10.00am Mass at the Makuti church. All representative from church groups, Small Christian Communities and ecclesial groups must ensure their representatives attends the meeting.

5. Parents are being reminded of catechism classes for children every Saturday at 2.00pm and on Sundays after 10.00am Mass.

6. There will be Sacrament of Confession next Saturday 5th February 2022 from 5.00pm to 6.00pm here at the parish. All are welcome.

7. All ecclesial groups shall meet next Sunday, 6th February 2022 after the 10.00 a.m. Mass in their designated areas as guided by the moderators.
Do you have any challenge which you would like to overcome? An author of a book titled "EMPOWERED TO SUCCEED: Finding Victory Within Your Challenges" is with us today to promote this book. Other titles such as "THE POWER OF THE SPOKEN WORD and OVERCOMING FAMILY RIVALRY" will also be available. Each copy is Ksh1000 (one thousand only).

9. Marriage banns (Find attached)

7. Saints of the Week
Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 31st January 2022 St. John Bosco Priest
Tuesday, 1st February 2022 Bl Benedict Daswa
Wednesday, 2nd February 2022 Feast of the Presentation of the Lord
Thursday, 3rd February 2022 Sts.Blaise, Bishop and Martyr, Ansgar, Bishop
Friday, 4th February 2022 St. Gilbert
Saturday, 5th February 2022 St. Agatha, Virgin and Martyr

Find these announcements in our website and on our church notice board.


St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Parish, Kitisuru
Announcements for 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
23rd January, 2022

1. Today is the 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time. It is the Sunday of the Word of God in the Catholic Church. We thank St. Theresa SCC, Choir and St. Michael Prayer Group and St. Elizabeth SCC who were on duty.
2. Next Sunday, 30th January 2022 will be the 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time. The following groups shall be on duty;

8.00 a.m. mass : St. Vincent De Paul SCC
10.00 a.m. mass : Lay Dominicans
12.00 noon mass : Youth

3. Formation classes for CWA began last Sunday and are taking place after the 10.00 a.m Mass in the Makuti Church. All ladies who wish to join CWA are welcome.

4. Following the request by some Christians, the Parish Charity Committee has organized a Covid vaccination drive for next Sunday 30th January 2022 starting from 9.00 a.m. This will cover 1st, 2nd timers and the booster. Children between 15 and 18 years will receive the Pfizer jab. Johnson and Johnson will also be available for first timers. Kindly inform others in your networks.

5. The Liturgy Committee will meet next Sunday 30th January, 2022 after the 10 am mass. All ecclesial groups and Small Christian Communities are reminded to send their representatives without fail.

6. Christians are reminded on Wednesday̍s 5.30pm will be reciting Rosary and thereafter 6.00pm Mass for the sick. Those with sick people to register in the parish office for possible visitation.

7. The catechist, Elias Simiyu, is out on his Annual Leave from 21st January 2022 to 20th February, 2022. His duties will be carried out by Deacon Jordan, OP.

8. Lady Hope to St Catherine Parishioners:
Receive warm Greetings from Lady Hope team. We wish to thank every Parishioner who has supported our work with our needy cancer patients over the years. Special thanks to those who have created time to pray with the group, or visit the patients during support group meetings and at our nearby accommodation facility.

Because of your love and support, the group has continued to grow strong in faith and in numbers with a renewed hope for better days ahead.
The main fundraiser for this project is an Annual Charity Walk held here every last Saturday of January. Plans for our 8th Walk, scheduled for Sat 29/1/2022 at 8.am, are underway and we appeal for your participation on the walk day, buying our Walk merchandise we welcome from the table outside the church and in the church office during week days. Donations in cash and kind or input in terms of ideas. For more information, kindly see Mrs. Veronica Njoroge or visit our church notice board. Thanks for being a pillar to this project and remain blessed.

9. Marriage banns (Find attached)

10. Saints of the Week
Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 24th January 2022 St. Francis de Sales, Bishop and Doctor
Tuesday, 25th January 2022 Conversion of St. Paul
Wednesday, 26th January 2022 Sts. Timothy and Titus, Bishop
Thursday, 27th January 2022 St. Angela Merici, Virgin
Friday, 28th January 2022 St. Thomas Aquinas, Priest and Doctor
Saturday, 29th January 2022 Sts Papia and Maurinus
Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.


St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
16th January, 2022

1. Today is the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time. We thank St. Rose SCC, St. Claire SCC and St. Jude SCC who were on duty.
2. Next Sunday, 23rd January 2022 will be the 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time. The following groups shall be on duty;

8.00 a.m. mass : St. Theresa SCC
10.00 a.m. mass : Choir/St. Michael Prayer Group
12.00 noon mass : St. Elizabeth SCC

3. Formation classes for CWA will begin today after the 10.00 a.m Mass in the Makuti Church. All ladies who wish to join CWA are welcome.


4. St. Theresa SCC will have their January meeting today after the 10.00 a.m. in
the Church compound

5. Marriage banns (Find attached)

6. Lady Hope to St Catherine Parishioners:
Receive warm Greetings from Lady Hope team. We wish to thank every Parishioner who has supported our work with our needy cancer patients over the years. Special thanks to those who have created time to pray with the group, or visit the patients during support group meetings and at our nearby accommodation facility.
Because of your love and support, the group has continued to grow strong in faith and in numbers with a renewed hope for better days ahead.
The main fundraiser for this project is an Annual Charity Walk held here every last Saturday of January. Plans for our 8th Walk, scheduled for Sat 29/1/2022 at 8.am, are underway and we appeal for your participation on the walk day, buying our Walk merchandise we welcome from the table outside the church and in the church office during week days. Donations in cash and kind or input in terms of ideas. For more information, kindly see Mrs. Veronica Njoroge or visit our church notice board. Thanks for being a pillar to this project and remain blessed.

7. Saints of the Week:

Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 17th January 2022 St. Anthony Abbot
Tuesday, 18th January 2022 St. Prisca
Wednesday, 19th January 2022 St. Pontion
Thursday, 20th January 2022 Blessed Cyprian Michael Tansi, Priest
Friday, 21st January 2022 St. Agnes, Virgin and Martyr
Saturday, 22nd January 2022 St. Vincent, Deacon and Martyr

Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.


St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru

Announcements for Sunday 9th January, 2022

1.        Today is Feast of the Baptism of our LordWe thank Young Adults, PMC and CMA who were on duty.

2.         Today is the Second Sunday of the month and our Tithe Sunday. We invite the priest to pray over our tithes and therefore invite the Choir to lead us with a song as we present our tithes.


3.       Next Sunday, 16th January 2022 will be the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time. The following groups shall be on duty;

8.00 a.m. mass                :  St. Rose SCC

10.00 a.m. mass               :  St. Claire SCC

12.00 noon mass             :  St. Jude SCC

4.         Next Sunday, 16th January 2022. CWA shall begin formation classes. All Ladies who have registered are requested to attend the class that shall take place in the Makuti Church after the 10.00 a.m. Mass.  Registration is on-going with Christine Mwangi.




       5.   Today PPC will have its January 2022 meeting in the Makuti Church after the

10.00a.m. mass. All members are requested to attend.



6.     Saints of the Week



Monday, 10th January 2022

St. Gregory of Nyssa

Tuesday, 11th  January 2022

St. Hygenius

Wednesday, 12th January 2022

St. Arcadius

Thursday, 13th  January 2022

St. Hillary, Bishop and Doctor

Friday, 14th  January 2022

St. Felix

Saturday, 15th January 2022

St. Paul the Hemit

Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.




St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for Sunday 12th December, 2021
3rd Sunday of Advent

1. Today is the 3rd Sunday of Advent. We thank CWA who were on duty today.
2. Today being the second Sunday of the month is our Tithe Sunday. This is to invite the
Priest to bless the tithe and thereafter Christians are welcome to present their tithe.

3. Next Sunday 19th December, 2021 will be the 4th Sunday of Advent we shall have two Masses and groups on duty shall be;

8.00 a.m. - Young Adults
⦁ 10.00 a.m. - PMC

4. We shall have our Christmas Carols next Sunday, December 19th 2021 after 10.00am Mass. Snacks will be served. We are also requested to bring Christmas Alms for the needy.

5. Tomorrow 13th December, 2021 is a public Holiday. Mass will be at 10.00am.

6. Charity Committee is pleased to announce that another Covid-19 vaccination will take place here today Sunday, 12th December from 9.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. at the Makuti Church. Please ensure you have your National ID Card or Passport for non -Kenyans. 1st timers are encouraged to register themselves on the registration portal that is, portal.health.go.ke. We are encouraged to share this information widely.

7. The CWA formation classes will start on the 16th January 2022. All Ladies interested are requested to register with Christine Mwangi.

Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 13th December 2021 St. Lucy, Virgin and Martyr
Tuesday, 14th December 2021 St. John of the Cross, Priest and Doctor
Wednesday, 15th December 2021 St. Valerianus
Thursday, 16th December 2021 St. Adelaide
Friday, 17th December 2021 St. Lazarus
Saturday, 18th December 2021 St. Imina

Find these Announcements in our website and on our notice board.


St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for Sunday 5th December, 2021
2nd Sunday of Advent

1. Today is the 2ndSunday of Advent. We thank CWA who were on duty today.
2. Today we have a second collection to aid in the running of the Radio Maria Station. This is part of special collection for the Archdiocese of Nairobi. We welcome the Choir to lead us with a song as we present our offertory.

3. Next Sunday 12th December, 2021 will be the 3rd Sunday of Advent we shall have only one mass at 10.00 a.m. The group on duty shall be the Lay Dominicans.

4. Next Sunday shall be the second Sunday of the month and thus our Tithe Sunday. Christians are encouraged to collect the tithe envelopes at the Church entrance as we prepare to present our tithes.

5. All ecclesial groups shall have their monthly meeting today after the 10.00 a.m. Mass in their designated areas as guided by the moderators.

6. Next Sunday 12th December 2021 we will have our main harambee for the year 2021. All of us shall be guests of honor. Let us prepare to participate.

7. Charity Committee is pleased to announce that another Covid - 19 vaccination will take place here next Sunday, 12th December from 9.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. Available jabs include Pfizer, Moderna and Astra Zenica. 1st timers are encouraged to register themselves on the registration portal that is, portal.health.go.ke. We are encouraged to share this information widely.

8. We shall have our Christmas Carols on Sunday, December 19th 2021. All Church groups are reminded to prepare.

9. Meeting:
PPC shall have their December 2021 meeting on Sunday 12th December 2021 in the Makuti Church after the main harambee. All members are requested to prepare to attend.

Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 6th December 2021 St. Nicholas, Bishop
Tuesday, 7th December 2021 St. Ambrose, Bishop and Doctor
Wednesday, 8th December 2021 Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Thursday, 9th December 2021 St. Juan Diego
Friday, 10th December 2021 Blessed Virgin Mary of Loreto
Saturday, 11th December 2021 St. Damasus I, Pope

11. Now I invite the Church Moderator Engineer Pascal Kiragu to speak about the Synodal invitation to the people of God.

Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.


St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for Sunday 28th November 2021
1st Sunday of Advent

1. Today is the 1st Sunday of Advent. We thank St. Elizabeth SCC, Choir & St.Michael Prayer Group and St. Theresa SCC who were on duty today.
2. Today we have our November mini - harambee where St.Theresa SCC are the Guests of Honor. This is to invite Mr. Kimani to officiate the harambee as we prepare to sindikiza them.

3. Next Sunday 5th December, 2021 will be the 2nd Sunday of Advent. CWA shall be on duty in all the three Masses.
4. Next Sunday, 5th December 2021 we shall have a second collection to aid in the running of the Radio Maria station. This is part of Special collection for Archdiocese of Nairobi.

5. Confession is every First and Third Saturday of the month here at the parish. Next Saturday being the first Saturday of the month we shall have our confession starting from 4.00pm- 6.00pm. All are welcome!

6. We are selling "2022 Liturgical Calendars" and "For A Synodal Church book" for Archdiocese of Nairobi each at Kshs. 100/-. Kindly get your copy outside the church.

Fund Raising activities:

7. Our main harambee for the year 2021 towards finishing our church project will be held on December 12th 2021. We are all invited to participate. We shall have one Mass on that day at 10.00am.

8. Charity Committee is pleased to announce that another Covid- 19 vaccination will take place here on Sunday, 12th December from 9.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. Available jabs include Pfizer, Moderna and Astra Zenica. 1st timers are encouraged to register themselves on the registration portal that is, portal.health.go.ke. We are encouraged to share this information widely.

9. We shall have our Christmas Carols on Sunday, 19th December 2021. All church groups are reminded to prepare.


10. There will be a Liturgy Committee meeting on Wednesday, 1st December 2021 at 5.30pm in the Father`s house meeting room.

11. All ecclesial groups shall have their monthly meeting next Sunday, 5th December 2021 after the 10.00 a.m. Mass in their designated areas as guided by the moderators.

12. Saints of the Week:
Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 29th November 2021 St. Catherine of Egypt
Tuesday, 30th November 2021 Feast of St. Andrew Apostle
Wednesday, 1st December 2021 Blessed Clementine Anuarite, Virgin and Martyr
Thursday, 2nd December 2021 St. Bibiana
Friday, 3rd December 2021 St. Francis Xavier, Priest
Saturday, 4th December 2021 St. John of Damascene, Priest and Doctor

Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.


St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for Sunday 21st November 2021
1st Sunday of Advent: FEAST OF CHRIST THE KING

1. Today is the Feast of Christ the King. We thank St. Jude SCC, St. Rose SCC and St. Claire who were on duty today.

2. The month of November is the month in which in a special way we pray for the departed members, friends and colleagues and all the dead. Christians are reminded to pray and offer mass intentions for the faithful departed throughout the month. Kindly pick an envelope for this purpose on which you can write the names of those you wish to be prayed for and put them in the box at the main entrance inscribed "Masses for the dead" with your offertory.

3. Next Sunday 28th November, 2021 will be the 1st Sunday of Advent. Duty schedules shall be as follows;
8.00 a.m mass - St. Elizabeth SCC
10.00 a.m. mass - Choir/St.Michael Prayer Group
12.00 noon mass - St. Theresa SCC

4. The PMC Ministry in our Church requires enough number of animators in order to carry out the formation of our children effectively. The Parish Priest is appealing for Christians to volunteer in this Ministry as Animators. Volunteers can see the Fr. In-Charge at the office for further guidance.

5. Archdiocese of Nairobi is selling a book "For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation, and Mission" at Ksh. 100/- outside the church.

6. Archdiocese of Nairobi 2022 Liturgical Calendars is out at Kshs. 100/- get a copy outside the church.

Fund Raising activities:

7. Our November mini - harambe is scheduled for next Sunday 28th November 2021 where St. Teresa SCC will be the guests of honor. Christians are requested to prepare to ̍sindikiza̍ our guests.

8. Our main harambee for the year 2021 towards finishing our church project will be held on December 12th 2021.

9. St. Theresa SCC will have their November 2021 meeting today after the second mass outside the tent.

10. St. Vincent De Paul will have their November 2021 meeting on Thursday 25th November 2021 at 7.30p.m. Members are requested to prepare to attend.

11. Marriage banns (Find attached)

12. Saints of the Week
Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 22nd November 2021 St. Cecilia, Virgin and Martyr

Tuesday, 23rd November 2021 Sts. Clement I, Pope and Martyr and Columban, Abbot
Wednesday, 24th November 2021 Sts. Andrew Dung-Lac, Priest and Companions, Martyrs
Thursday, 25th November 2021 St. Catherine of Alexandria, Virgin and Martyr
Friday, 26th November 2021 Bl James Alberione
Saturday, 27th November 2021 St. Virgil
Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.


St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for Sunday 14th November 2021
33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

1. Today is the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time. We thank Young Adults, PMC and CMA who were on duty today.
2. Today being our second Sunday of the month, is our Tithe Sunday. We invite the Priest to bless our tithes as we prepare to present them.
3. The month of November is the month in which in a special way we pray for the departed members, friends and colleagues and all the dead. Christians are reminded to pray and offer mass intentions for the faithful departed throughout the month. Kindly pick an envelope for this purpose on which you can write the names of those you wish to be prayed for and put them in the box at the main entrance inscribed "Masses for the dead" with your offertory.

4. Next Sunday 21st November, 2021 will be the FEAST OF CHRIST THE KING. Duty schedules shall be as follows;
8.00 a.m Mass - St. Jude SCC
10.00 a.m. Mass - St. Rose SCC
12.00 noon Mass - St. Claire SCC
5. Our November mini - harambe is scheduled for Sunday 28th November 2021 where St. Teresa SCC will be the guests of honor. Christians are requested to prepare to "sindikiza" our guests.

Fund Raising activities
6. Today both PMC and Youth groups are holding a car wash during all the 3 masses. Each car will be charged Kshs.200/-. Funds collected will go towards church development. Let us all support them. Thank you.

7. With the upcoming main harambee scheduled for 12th December 2021 the parish is planning to sell "Parish Branded Hoodies" to help us raise more money for harambee. The hoodies will go for kshs. 3,000 each. We have a sample today. Kindly register outside the size and color you would like to order.

8. The Covid -19 vaccination shall continue here at the Church today at the Church tent from 9.00 a.m. to 2.30 p.m. Those going for vaccination are requested to carry either their National ID or Passport for non citizens. First timers are encouraged to register themselves on the registration portal that is "portal.health.go.ke" though this is not mandatory. Ushers will be at the tent to guide you.

9. The CWA formation classes will start on the 16th January 2022. All Ladies interested are requested to register with Christine Mwangi.

10. The PMC Ministry in our Church requires enough number of animators in order to carry out the formation of our children effectively. The Parish Priest is appealing for Christians to volunteer in this Ministry as Animators. Volunteers can see the Fr. In-Charge at the office for further guidance.

11. PPC shall will have their November 2021 meeting today after the 10.00 a.m. mass in the Makuti Church.

12. Marriage banns (Find attached)

13. Saints of the Week:
Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 15th November 2021 St. Albert the Great, Bishop and Doctor
Tuesday, 16th November 2021 St. Margaret of Scotland and St. Gertrude, Virgin
Wednesday, 17th November 2021 St. Elizabeth of Hungary, Religious
Thursday, 18th November 2021 The Dedication of the Basilica of Sts. Peter and Paul Apostles
Friday, 19th November 2021 St. Abdia
Saturday, 20th November 2021 St. Edmund

Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.


St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for Sunday 7th November 2021
32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

1. Today is the 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time. We thank CWA who were on duty during all masses.

2. Next Sunday November 14th, 2021 shall be our second Sunday of the month of November and thus our Tithe Sunday. We are therefore encouraged to prepare to present our tithes.

3. Next Sunday 14th November, 2021 will be the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time. Young Adults shall be on duty during the 8.00 a.m., PMC during the 10.00 a.m. and CMA during the noon mass.

4. The month of November is the month in which in a special way we pray for the departed family members, friends, colleagues and all the dead. Christians are reminded to pray and offer Mass intentions for the faithful departed throughout the month. Kindly pick an envelope for this purpose on which you can write the names of those you wish to be prayed for and put them in the box at the main entrance inscribed "Masses for the dead" with your offertory .
Fund Raising activities:

5. Last Sunday we had a successful October mini - Harambee where St. Jude SCC were on duty. We thank them for their contributions.
6. PMC and Youth groups will hold a car wash during all the 3 Masses next Sunday 14th November 2021. Each car will be charged Kshs.200/-. Funds collected will go towards church development. We ask you to come prepared to support our youth and PMC groups.

7. With the upcoming main harambee scheduled for 12th December 2021 the parish is planning to sell "Parish Branded Hoodies" to help us raise more money for harambee. The hoodies will go for kshs. 3,000 each. We have a sample today. Kindly register outside the size and color you would like to order.

8. Our main harambee for the year 2021 towards finishing our church project will held on December 12th 2021. Parishioners who would like customized electronic harambee invitation cards to their friends and family are requested to give their names to either the Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) moderator Engineer Kiragu or the Parish Priest Fr. Mulu by 31st November 2021 to facilitate timely distribution of the e-cards.

9. The Covid-19 vaccination are taking place here at the Parish from today Sunday, 7th and next Sunday 14th November 2021 from 9.00 am. Moderna and Astra Zeneca jabs will be available for both 1st and 2nd dose seekers. Those who have not yet received vaccination are encouraged to take up the opportunity.

10. The PMC Ministry in our Church requires enough number of animators in order to carry out the formation of our children effectively. The Parish Priest is appealing for Christians to volunteer in this Ministry as Animators. Volunteers can see the Fr. In-Charge at the office for further guidance.

11. All ecclesial groups shall meet today after the 10.00 a.m. Mass in their designated areas as guided by the moderators.
12. PPC shall have their November 2021 meeting next Sunday 14th November 2021 after the 10.00 a.m. Mass in the Makuti Church.

13. Marriage banns (Find attached)

14. Saints of the Week
Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 8th November 2021 Saints of Wals
Tuesday, 9th November 2021 Dedication of the Lateran Basilica
Wednesday, 10th November 2021 St. Leo the Great, Pope and Doctor
Thursday, 11th November 2021 St. Martin of Tours, Bishop
Friday, 12th November 2021 St. Josaphat, Bishop and Martyr
Saturday, 13th November 2021 Sts. Arcadius G and Companions

Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.


St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for Sunday 31st October 2021
31st Sunday in Ordinary Time

1. Today is the 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time. We thank St. Vincent De Paul SCC, Lay Dominicans and Youth who were on duty.
2. Today we have our October mini - harambe. We invite Mr. Kimani to officiate over the harambee and welcome Our Chief Guests - St. Jude SCC.

3. Next Sunday 7thNovember, 2021 will be the 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time. CWA shall be on duty during ALL MASSES i.e the 8.00 a.m., 10.00 a.m., and the 12. Noon Mass.

4. Tomorrow Monday 1st November is the Solemnity of All Saints. It is a day of obligation in the Catholic Church. All Christians are reminded to attend Mass. Mass in the parish will be as usual at 6.00pm.

5. Tuesday 2nd November is the memorial of All Souls. Mass will be in the parish as usual at 6.00pm. Christians are encouraged to attend this Mass and pray for all the departed souls.

6. The month of November is the month in which in a special way we pray for the departed family members, friends, colleagues and all the dead. Christians are reminded to pray and offer Mass intentions for the faithful departed throughout the month. Kindly pick an envelope for this purpose on which you can write the names of those you wish to be prayed for and put them in the box at the main entrance inscribedMasses for the dead" with your offertory .

7. The Young Catholic Adults (YCA) continue to appeal to parishioners to support them in their bid to raise funds for the main harambee by buying their assorted merchandise that they are displaying outside the Church every Sunday after celebration of the 3 masses. The items on sale include; pure honey from one the YCA̍s Bee farm, branded items with the name "St.Catherine of Siena, Kitisuru", while individuals who wish to have personalize items such as hoodies, diaries, water bottles, etc are welcome to make their orders. We are all called upon to support this noble course as we strive to build the Church. Thank you.

8. Our main harambee for the year 2021 towards finishing our church project will held on December 12th 2021. Parishioners who would like customized electronic harambee invitation cards to their friends and family are requested to give their names to either the Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) moderator Engineer Kiragu or the Parish Priest Fr. Mulu by 31st November 2021 to facilitate timely distribution of the e-cards.

9. The Covid-19 vaccination will be administered here, at the Parish, on the two Sundays of 7th and 14th November 2021 starting 9.00 am. Moderna and Astra Zenica jabs will be available for both 1st and 2nd dose seekers. Please register today at the Church entrance desk to assist our planning.

10. The CWA formation classes will start on the 16th January 2022. All Ladies interested are requested to register with Christine Mwangi.

The St. Catherine of Siena Self Help Group management sincerely appreciates Our Patron parish priest, PPC and parishioners for the support and facilitation during the hugely successful AGM on Saturday, October 9th 2021. The surplus has been distributed. For any inquiries, kindly visit our clerk, at the desk outside the church entrance, after mass. Parishioners are encouraged to join the SHG to benefit similarly. Registration of new members and savings is ongoing.

12. St. Vincent De Paul SCC will have their October 2021 meeting after the 8.00 a.m. mass outside the main Church door.

13. Marriage banns {3} (Find attached)

14. Saints of the Week:
Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 1st November 2021 The Solemnity of All Saints
Tuesday, 2nd November 2021 The Commemoration of all the faithful departed souls
Wednesday, 3rd November 2021 St. Martin de Porres, Religious
Thursday, 4th November 2021 St. Charles Borromeo, Bishop
Friday, 5th November 2021 Sts. Elizabeth and Zachariah
Saturday, 6th November 2021 All Saints of Africa


Find these Announcements in our website and on our notice board.



St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for Sunday 24th October 2021
30th Sunday in Ordinary Time


1. Today is the 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time. We thank St. Theresa SCC, Choir and St.Michael Prayer Group, and St. Elizabeth SCC who were on duty.

2. Next Sunday 31st October 2021 will be the 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time. The groups on duty shall be St. Vincent De Paul SCC during the 8.00 a.m. mass, Lay Dominicans during the 10.00 a.m. mass and Youth during the noon mass.
3. Our October mini - harambe is scheduled for Sunday 31st October 2021 where St. Jude SCC will be the guests of honor. Christians are requested to prepare to ̍sindikiza̍ our guests.

4. In their bid to raise funds for the main harambee, the Young Catholic Adults (YCA) will be selling assorted merchandise to the congregants every Sunday after celebration of the 3 Masses. These shall include items branded  "St. Catherine of Siena, Kitisuruand personalized branded items like hoodies, diaries, water bottles, etc. They will also sell pure honey from one the YCA̍s Bee farm. Please support his noble course as we strive to build the Church. Thank you.

5. Our main harambee for year 2021 towards finishing our church project will held on December 12th 2021. Parishioners who would like customized electronic harambee invitation cards to their friends and family are requested to give their names to either the Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) Moderator Engineer Kiragu Mugwe or the Parish Priest Fr. Emmanuel, OP by 31st November 2021 to facilitate timely distribution of the e-cards.

6. The Covid-19 vaccination will take place here at the Parish on the two Sundays of 7th and 14th November 2021 starting 9.00 am. Moderna and Astra Zenica jabs will be available for both 1st and 2nd dose seekers. Please register today at the Church entrance desk to assist us in planning.

7. The CWA formation classes will start on the 16th January 2022. All Ladies interested are requested to register with Christine Mwangi.

8. Marriage Banns: (3)

9. St. Claire will have their monthly meeting on Sunday 24th after the 10.00am Mass at the Makuti Church.

10. Saints of the Week
Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 25th October 2021 St. Crispino
Tuesday, 26th October 2021 St. Evaristus
Wednesday, 27th October 2021 St. Florence
Thursday, 28th October 2021 Sts. Simon and Jude, Apostles
Friday, 29th October 2021 St. Hermelide
Saturday, 30rd October 2021 St. Gerald

Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.

St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for Sunday 10th October 2021
28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

1. Today is the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time. We thank Young Adults, PMC and CMA who were on duty.
2. Today being the Second Sunday of the month is our Tithe Sunday. We welcome the priest to bless the Christians as we prepare to present our tithes.

3. Next Sunday 17th October 2021 will be the 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time. The groups on duty shall be St. Rose SCC-8.00 a.m. mass, St. Claire SCC -10.00 a.m. mass and St. Jude SCC-12.00 noon mass.
4. Tomorrow being a public holiday, mass at the Parish shall be at 10.00 a.m.

5. From Tuesday this week, all Weekday masses will be at 6 pm, Saturday mass will be at 8 am while adoration will be on Thursday at 5.00 pm.

6. Christians are reminded that October is the month the Holy Rosary. We are all encouraged to pray the Holy Rosary at home, in Small Christian Community and privately. Here in our Church the Rosary is being prayed daily before evening mass from 5.00 p.m. and on Saturday from 7.00 a.m. All are welcome.

7. Next Sunday 17th October 2021, PMC children shall have a car wash during the three masses at a cost of 200 per car. The monies collected shall go towards the Church Development. Our PMC is therefore appealing for our support on this day.

8. We shall have Infant Baptism on Saturday, 23rd October, 2021 at 10.00am here in the Parish.
9. Rev. Fr. Charles Kato, OP is out for Retreat and Holiday from last Thursday 7th October, 2021 to 27th October, 2021. During his retreat and holiday, his duties will be carried out by Rev. Fr. Dennis Wataka, OP.
10. Rev. Fr. Dennis Wataka, OP invites all of you for his Thanksgiving Mass which will be on 30th October, 2021 at his local parish, Naitiri-Bungoma. Those who are willing to attend and support can register with ...

11. Today PPC will their October 10th October 2021 meeting in the Makuti Church after the 10.00 a.m. mass. All members are requested to prepare to attend.
12. Radio Maria Announcement
Christians are reminded that the Dominican Friars are presenting a program on Radio Maria 107.3 FM every Wednesday between 5.00 p.m. and 6.00 p.m. You are invited to tune to listen.

13. Saints of the Week
Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 11th October 2021 St. John XXIII, Pope
Tuesday, 12th October 2021 St. Wilfred
Wednesday, 13th October 2021 St. Edward
Thursday, 14th October 2021 St.Callistus I, Pope and Martyr
Friday, 15th October 2021 St. Teresa of Jesus, Virgin and Doctor
Saturday, 16th October 2021 St. Hedwig, St.Margaret Mary Alacoque

Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.


St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for Sunday 3rd October 2021
27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

1. Today is the 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time. We thank CWA and CWA who were on duty.
2. Next Sunday 10th October 2021 will be the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time. The groups on duty shall be Young Adults during the 8.00 a.m. mass, PMC during the 10.00 a.m. mass and CMA during 12.00 noon.
3. Next Sunday 10th October 2021 will be the second Sunday of the month and our Tithe Sunday. Let us prepare to present our tithes.

4. New Mass Schedules
All Christians are informed that with effect from next Sunday, 10th October 2021 there shall be new mass schedules as follows;
8.00 a.m. - English
10.00 a.m. - English
12.00 noon - Kiswahili

In the following week starting on 11th October 2021, the weekly masses shall begin at 6.00 p.m. while adoration which takes place every Thursday will begin at 5.00 p.m. Public Holiday Mass remain the same 10.00am.
Once again we request the groups on duty to usher Christians into the Church while observing the liturgy requirements and coordinate offertory as guided last Sunday.

5. October is the month of the Holy Rosary. We are all encouraged to pray the Holy Rosary at home, in Small Christian Community and privately. Here in our church we shall be praying the Rosary daily before evening Mass at 6.00pm and on Saturday at 7.00am. All are welcome

6. Last Sunday we had our month of September mini-harambee where St. Michael prayer group were the guest of honor. On behalf of PPC, we thank St. Michael Prayer Group and all Christians for your continued support. Our next mini harambee shall be held on Sunday, 31st October 2021 and our Guests of Honor shall be St. Jude SCC. Let us all prepare to ̍sindikiza̍ them. (I welcome the Parish Treasurer Mrs. Christine Mwangi to tell us the total raised so far in our mini-harambee`s)

7. Main Harambee
Our main harambee towards finishing our Church construction for the year 2021 will be held on 12th December 2021. We continue to appeal to parishioners willing to be guests of honor during this harambee to forward their names to either; the Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) Moderator Engineer Kiragu or the Parish priest, Fr. Mulu or the Chair of the Fundraising Committee Mrs. Rose Githaiga.

As the Community of St. Catherine of Siena, we are reminded to pray for the success of this event in light of the challenges we continue to experience as a Church, let us come prepared on that day to honor our long standing tradition of `sindikizaring` our Chief guests.

⦁ All ecclesial groups shall meet today after the 10.00 a.m. Mass in their designated areas as guided by the Moderators.

⦁ Next Sunday, 10th October 2021 PPC shall have their October meeting in the Makuti Church after the 10.00 a.m. mass. All members are requested to prepare to attend.

8. Self Help Group
St. Catherine of Siena Self Help Group Annual General Meeting is scheduled for this coming Saturday, October 9th 2021 in the parish Makuti church after the 7.30am Mass. Members are expected to attend the Morning Mass.

Agenda will be: The audited financials for 2020, Declaration of surplus, Election of officials, and Approval of 2021/2022 Budget. Members are welcome to know how their Group finances faired in 2020.
All members, kindly collect your letter at the Desk at the church entrance after this mass. Non-members can attend as observers. (I now welcome Mr. Mwangi the Vice Chair to expound on this).

9. Attached Marriage Bann to be announced.

10. Radio Maria Announcement
The Dominicans will be presenting a program on Radio Maria 107.3 FM every Wednesday between 4.30pm - 5.30pm. Kindly tune in to listen.

11. Saints of the Week
Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 4th October 2021 St. Francis of Assisi
Tuesday, 5th October 2021 St.Faustina Kowalska
Wednesday, 6th October 2021 St.Bruno
Thursday, 7th October 2021 Our Lady of the Rosary
Friday, 8th October 2021 Sts Felix, Sergius and Hugo
Saturday, 9th October 2021 Sts Denis and Companions, Marytrs and John Leonardi, Priest

Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.


St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for Sunday 26th September 2021
26th Sunday in Ordinary Time

1. Today is the 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time. We thank St. Elizabeth SCC and the Youth who were on duty.
2. Today we have our month of September mini - harambee where the guests of honor are St. Michael prayer group. Allow me to invite Mr. Kimani to officiate the harambee. Let us all prepare to `sindikiza` them.

3. Next Sunday 3rd October 2021 will be the 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time. The group on duty shall be CWA during both Masses 8.00 a.m. and 10.00a.m.

4. New Mass Schedules
All Christians are informed that with effect from 10th October 2021 there shall be new Mass schedules as follows;
8.00 a.m. - English
10.00 a.m. - English
12.00 noon - Kiswahili

In the following week starting on 11th October 2021, the weekly masses shall begin at 6.00 p.m. while adoration which takes place every Thursday will begin at 5.00 p.m.
Once again we request the groups on duty to usher Christians into the Church while observing the liturgy requirements and coordinate offertory as guided last Sunday.

5. Catechism classes:
⦁ Those who were confirmed on 22nd August 2021 resumed mystagogical classes last Sunday. The classes will take place after the Second Mass. Mystagogical classes are post catechumenate or ongoing formation which is mandatory.

⦁ Those who have registered for catechism classes, (baptism & 1st Holy Communion) started their catechesis last Sunday after the Second Mass. We encourage the Christians who wish to prepare for baptism and 1st Holy Communion to register with the Catechist / Parish priest today.

⦁ Confirmation classes started last Sunday and are taking place after the Second Mass.

⦁ Infant Baptism classes will begin today after the 2nd Mass.

6. Main Harambee:
Our main harambee towards finishing our church construction for the year 2021 will be held on 12/12/2021. We appeal to parishioners willing to be guests of honour at this harambee to forward their names to either the parish pastoral council (PPC) Moderator Mr Kiragu, the parish priest Fr. Mulu or the chair of the fundraising committee Mrs. Githaiga. We are also reminded to continue to pray for the success of this event in light of the challenges we continue to experience as a church and let us all come prepared on that day to honour our long standing tradition of "sindikisharing" our guests of honour.

7. Meetings:
St Claire SCC shall have their September meeting today after the 10.00 a.m. mass outside the Church entrance opposite the Makuti Church. All Jumuia members are requested to attend.

8. Self Help Group:
St. Catherine of Siena Self Help Group Annual General Meeting is scheduled for Saturday, October 9th 2021 in the Parish Makuti church starting at 9.00 am after 7.30 a.m mass.

Agenda will be: The audited financials for 2020, Declaration of surplus, Election of officials, and Approval of 2021/2022 Budget. Members are welcome to know how their Group finances faired in 2020. Non-members can attend as observers.

9. Saints of the Week:
Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 27th September 2021 St. Vincent De Paul, Priest
Tuesday, 28th September 2021 St. Wenceslas, St. Lawrence Ruiz and Companions
Wednesday, 29th September 2021 Sts. Michael, Gabriel, Raphael Archangels
Thursday, 30th September 2021 St. Jerome, Priest and Doctor
Friday, 1st October 2021 St. Theresa of the Child Jesus, Virgin and Doctor
Saturday, 2nd October 2021 The Holy Guardian Angels
Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.


St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for Sunday 19th September 2021
25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

1. Today is the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time. We thank St. Claire SCC and Young Adults who were on duty.

2. Next Sunday 26th September, 2021 will be the 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time. The groups on duty shall be St.Elizabeth SCC during the 8.00 a.m. mass and the Youth during the 10.00 a.m. mass

3. The Church mini - harambee shall be held next Sunday 26th September, 2021 and the guests of honor shall be St. Michael SCC. Let us prepare to sindikiza them.

4. Catechism classes:
⦁ Those who were confirmed on 22nd August 2021 will resume mystagogical classes today after the Second Mass. Mystagogical classes are post catechumenate or ongoing formation which is mandatory.

⦁ Those who have registered for catechism classes, (baptism & 1st Holy Communion) will start their catechesis today after the Second Mass. Registration can be done through the catechist or the Parish Office.

⦁ Confirmation classes will start today after the Second Mass.

⦁ Infant Baptism classes will begin soon. Today is the last day for registration. Registration can be done through the catechist or Parish Office.

5. St. Theresa shall have their September meeting next Sunday 26th September 2021 after the 10.00 a.m. mass in the tent outside the Church compound. All members are requested to prepare to attend.

6. Saints of the Week
Date Feast/Solemnity

Monday, 20th September 2021 St. Andrew Kim Taegon and Companions, Martyrs
Tuesday, 21st September 2021 Feast of St.Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist
Wednesday, 22nd September 2021 St.Maurice and Companions, Martyrs
Thursday, 23rd September 2021 St. Pius of Pietrelcina, Priest
Friday, 24th September 2021 St. Pacificus
Saturday, 25th September 2021 St. Aurelia

Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.


St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for Sunday 12th September 2021
24th Sunday in Ordinary Time

1. Every Second Sunday of the month we normally offer our Tithe. Today being the Second Sunday of the month, we invite you to bring your tithe.
Apart from cash, tithe can also be offered through our pay bill number or bank account as displayed on the banner. (invite the priest to bless the people).

2. Today is the 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time. We thank CMA and PMC who were on duty.

3. Next Sunday 19th September, 2021 will be the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time. The groups on duty shall be St. Claire SCC during the 8.00 a.m. Mass and Young Adults during the 10.00 a.m. mass
4. The next Church mini - harambee shall be held on Sunday 26th October, 2021 and the guests of honor shall be St. Michael. Let us prepare to ̍sindikiza̍ them.

5. Catechism classes:
⦁ Those who were confirmed on 22nd August 2021 will resume mystagogical classes from next Sunday 19th September 2021 after the Second Mass. Mystagogical classes are post catechumenate or ongoing formation which is mandatory.

⦁ Those who have registered for catechism classes, (baptism & 1st Holy Communion) will start their catechesis next Sunday 19th September 2021 after the Second Mass. Registration can be done through the catechist or the Parish Office.

⦁ Those who were not confirmed will start catechism afresh next Sunday 19th September 2021 after the Second Mass.

⦁ Infant Baptism classes will begin soon. Kindly register with the catechist or Parish Office.

6. Death Announcement
We are saddened to announce the death of Lucy Owen Burke which occurred while undergoing treatment in hospital on September 6th 2021. Lucy was a parishioner of our Church, the Vice Moderator of the Church Choir and an active member of CWA and St. Claire SCC.
The late incurred a hospital bill of KES. 3 million which is still unsettled. As a result of this, the CWA with the permission of the Fr. in Charge requests for your support to offset this medical bill. We are going to have a second collection but assistance can also be send to the CWA treasurer Mrs. Philomena Jasho (phone number 0722704258).
May she rest in eternal peace.
7. A message of gratitude from the family of late Joseph Ndegwa Duncan.
The family of *Joseph Ndegwa Duncan* extend sincere gratitude and appreciation to the Parish Priest, the Dominican fraternity, the CWA, the Choir, the CMA, the youth, and the entire St. Catherine of Siena family for your support as we laid Dad to rest. You stood in the gap and became our prayer warriors, you stood in the gap and assisted financially, you stood in the gap and supported emotionally, and for that we are grateful.
May He who is the giver of all good things visit you and your families and leave abundance in them.

8. Meetings
⦁ PPC shall have their September meeting today after the 10.00 a.m. mass at the makuti church. All members are kindly requested to prepare to attend and be punctual.

9. Saints of the Week
Date Feast/Solemnity
Monday, 13th September 2021 St.John Chrysostom, Bishop and Doctor
Tuesday, 14th September 2021 Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross
Wednesday, 15th September 2021 Our Lady of Sorrows
Thursday, 16th September 2021 Sts Cornelius, Pope and Cyprian, Bishop, Martyrs
Friday, 17th September 2021 St. Robert Bellamine, Bishop and Doctor
Saturday, 18th September 2021 St. Joseph Cupertino

Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.

St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
5th September 2021, 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

1. Today is the 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time. We thank St. Therese SCC and Choir/St. Michael Prayer Group who were on duty.
2. Yesterday, we had a successful priestly ordination of Fr. Dennis Malanga Wataka, OP and Fr. Benedict Musaasizi, OP officiated by Most Rev. Hubertus Matheus Maria Van Megen, Apostolic Nuncio to Kenya and South Sudan. We take this opportunity to congratulate Frs. Benedict & Wataka and pray for God̍s continued blessings in their service to the Church.

3. Last Sunday we had the month̍s mini harambee where St. Vincent De Paul were the Guests of Honor.
We take this opportunity to thank St. Vincent De Paul and all parishioners for the support to the Church Project. The next mini harambee shall be held on Sunday 26th October, 2021 and the guests of honor shall be St. Michael and Choir.

4. Next Sunday 12th September, 2021 will be the 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time. The groups on duty shall be CMA during the 8.00 a.m. mass and PMC the 10.00 a.m. mass.

5. Next Sunday will be the Tithe Sunday kindly prepare.

6. All ecclesial groups shall meet today after the 10.00 a.m. mass in their designated areas as guided by the moderators.

7. PPC shall have their September meeting next Sunday 12th September 2021 after the 10.00 a.m. mass at the makuti church. All members are kindly requested to prepare to attend and be punctual.

8. Saints of the Week
Monday, 6th September 2021 St. Zachariah
Tuesday, 7th September 2021 St. Regina
Wednesday, 8th September 2021 Feast of the The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Thursday, 9th September 2021 St. Peter Claver, Priest
Friday, 10th September 2021 St. Nicholas of Torento
Saturday, 11th September 2021 Sts Protus and Giacinto

Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.

St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
29th August 2021, 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

1. Today is the 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time. We thank St. Jude SCC and St. Rose SCC who were on duty.

2. Today we have this months̍ mini-harambee. Our guests of honor are Vincent De Paul SCC. I take this opportunity to invite Mr. Kimani to lead the harambee. Let us prepare to ̍sindikiza̍ them.

3. Next Saturday 4th September 2021 we shall have Priestly Ordination at the Parish from 10.00 a.m. All parishioners are invited. CWA shall be on duty on that day.
4. Next Sunday 5th September, 2021 will be the 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time. The groups on duty shall be St. Theresa SCC during the 8.00 a.m. Mass and Choir and St. Micheal during the 10.00 a.m. Mass

5. The PMC children and their parents shall visit the Tumaini Children̍s Home in Gathiga on their Charity event today after the Second Mass.

6. Deacon Wataka, OP will be celebrating his first Mass as a Priest next Sunday in both Masses 8.00am and 10.00am here at St. Catherine of Siena and Deacon Benedict Musaasizi, OP will Celebrate his Masses at St. Martin de Porres- Kibagare. Kindly attend and receive blessings of the newly Ordained Priests.

7. Meetings:
All Ecclesial groups will be meeting next Sunday after the 10.00am Mass.

8. Saints of the Week
Monday, 30th August 2021 St. Felice
Tuesday, 31st August 2021 St. Aristide
Wednesday, 1st September 2021 St. Giles
Thursday, 2nd September 2021 St. Elpidius
Friday, 3rd September 2021 St. Gregory the Great, Pope and Doctor
Saturday, 4th September 2021 St. Rosalia

Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.


St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
22nd August 2021, 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time

1. Today is the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time. We thank St. Vincent De Paul SCC and St. Elizabeth SCC who were on duty.
2. Next Sunday, 29th August 2021 will be the 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time. The groups on duty shall be St. Jude SCC during the 8.00 a.m. mass and St. Rose SCC during the 10.00 a.m. mass.

3. This months̍ mini- harambee will take place next Sunday, August 29th 2021. The Guests of Honor shall be Vincent De Paul SCC. Let us prepare to ̍sindikiza̍ them.

4. The PMC children and their parents shall visit the Tumaini Children̍s Home in Gathiga on their Charity event next Sunday 29th August 2021 after the Second Mass.

5. Deacons Benedict Musaasizi, OP and Dennis Wataka, OP will be Ordained to priesthood on 4th September 2021. You are all welcome.

1. St. Claire SCC will have their monthly meeting today after the 10.00 a.m. mass.
All members are requested to attend.

2. St. Vincent De Paul SCC shall have their monthly meeting on Thursday 21st August 2021. Members of the Jumuiya are requested to attend.

3. The members of the Ordination Committee will have a physical meeting next Saturday 28th August 2021 at 8.00am immediately after the morning Mass.

Saints of the Week
Monday, 23rd August 2021 St. Rose of Lima, Virgin
Tuesday, 24th August 2021 Feast of St.Bartholomew, Apostle
Wednesday, 25th August 2021 St. Loise, St.Joseph Calasanz
Thursday, 26th August 2021 St. Alexander
Friday, 27th August 2021 St. Monica
Saturday, 28th August 2021 St. Augustine, Bishop and Doctor

Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.



St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
15th August 2021, Solemnity of the Assumption of the
Blessed Virgin Mary.

1. Today is the 20th Sunday, Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. We thank St. Claire SCC and Youth and Young Adults who were on duty.
2. Next Sunday, 22nd August 2021 will be the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time. The groups on duty shall be St. Vincent De Paul SCC during the 8.00 a.m. mass and St. Elizabeth SCC during the 10.00 a.m. mass.

3. Next Sunday 22nd August 2021 during the 10. 00 am mass, Bishop David Kamau will be present to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation for our Catechumen. Those who were successful in their evaluation should prepare themselves well. Rehearsal will be done at 8.30 am on Sunday.

4. This month`s Mini- Harambee will take place on Sunday, August 29th 2021. The Guests of Honor shall be Vincent De Paul SCC. Let us prepare to `sindikiza` them.

5. The PMC children and PMC parents shall visit the Tumaini Children`s Home in Gathiga/their Charity event on Sunday 29th August 2021 after the second mass. We request the parents to support the children.

1. St. Theresa SCC shall have their monthly meeting today after the 10.00 o`clock mass in the tent.
Saints of the Week
Monday, 16thAugust 2021 St. Stephen of Hungary
Tuesday, 17th August 2021 St.Hyacinth
Wednesday, 18th August 2021 Bl.Victoria Rasoamanarivo
Thursday, 19th August 2021 St.John Eudes, Priest
Friday, 20th August 2021 St. Benard, Abbot and Doctor
Saturday, 21st August 2021 St .Pius X, Pope

Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.

St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
18th Sunday in Ordinary time, 1st August 2021


1. Today is the 18th Sunday in Ordinary time. We thank CMA and St. Jude SCC who were on duty.

2. Last Sunday we had the mini harambee for the month of July where St. Claire SCC were guests of honor. We thank St. Claire and all the Christians for the generosity. We shall update you on the totals once the amount is reconciled. The next mini harambee shall be on 29th August, 2021 and St. Vincent De Paul SCC shall be the Guests of Honor. Let us prepare to 'sindikiza' them.
3. Next Sunday, 8th August 2021 will be the 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time. The groups on duty shall be St. Therese SCC during the 8.00 a.m. mass and Lay Dominicans at the 10.00 a.m. mass.

4. Next Sunday will be our tithe Sunday. Kindly prepare.

5. Today all the Ecclesial Groups are having meetings in their designated venues as communicated by their moderators.

6. The Parish is considering to introduce a third mass which shall be in Kiswahili. We invite all parishioners to participate in the survey. You can either pick and fill a form at the entrance or use the link shared by your moderator. The survey shall close on Thursday 5th August 2021. Let us all participate in order for PPC to make an informed decision.

Parokia yetu inaweka mikakati ya kuongeza misa ingine ambayo itakuwa ya Kiswahili. Hivyo basi wakristu wanaombwa wajaze fomu hapo nje wakitoka kwa kanisa ili kubaini masaa kamili ya misa hiyo. Unaweza jaza hiyo fomu kupitia kwa mtandao kama ilivyotumwa na moderator wa jumuiya ama kikundi chako.

1. Next Sunday 8th August 2021, PPC will have its meeting in the Makuti Church after the 10.00 a.m. mass. All members are requested to attend.

Saints of the Week
Monday, 2nd August 2021 Sts. Eusebius of Vercelli, Bishop and Peter Julian Eymard, Priest
Tuesday, 27th July 2021 St. Lydia
Wednesday, 28th July 2021 St. John M. Vianney, Priest
Thursday, 29th July 2021 The Dedication of the Basilica of St.Mary Major
Friday, 30th July 2021 Feast of The Transfiguration of the Lord
Saturday, 31st July 2021 Sts. Sixtus II Pope and Companions


Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.

St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
17th Sunday in Ordinary time, 25th July 2021

1. Today is the 17th Sunday in Ordinary time. We thank St. Rose SCC and the Choir / St. Jude SCC who were on duty.
2. Today we have our mini harambee for the month of July. I call upon Mr. Kimani to come and coordinate the fundraiser. Our Guests of honor are St. Claire SCC. Let us prepare to 'sindikiza' them.
3. Next Sunday, 1st August 2021 will be the 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time. The groups on duty shall be CMA during the 8.00 a.m. mass and St. Jude SCC at the 10.00 a.m. mass.

4. Next Sunday is also the day for all the Ecclesial Groups meeting. All Ecclesial groups' leaders are advised to arrange for venues and agenda for their groups.


1. St. Claire SCC will have their monthly meeting today after the 10.00 o'clock mass. All members are requested to attend.

2. The Parish Priest and the CMA moderator are inviting all men of St. Catherine of Siena for the monthly mbuzi on Friday 30th July, 2021 beginning with mass at 6.30 pm in the church compound. The purpose of this mbuzi is to organize among others the ordination of our deacons, visit by the bishop in August and visit by the Nuncio in September. All men are requested to attend.
3. The Choir will have their Mbuzi on Saturday, 31st July 2021 at the Church grounds. We take the opportunity to welcome those who wish to join the Choir. Our practice days are Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays.

4. The Self Help Group has embarked on a month long awareness and marketing exercise among parishioners. The S.H.G. Management officials will be available to guide and respond to your questions on the self-help program and the group's operations, besides transactions for those already registered. Members and any interested parishioner, kindly feel free to visit the group's desk outside the church after mass for further assistance. This awareness exercise will be conducted every Saturday including today, through the month of July. You are welcome.

Saints of the Week
Monday, 26th July 2021 Sts. Joachim and Anne, parents of Blessed Virgin Mary
Tuesday, 27th July 2021 St. Natalia
Wednesday, 28th July 2021 St. Victor I, Pope and Martyr
Thursday, 29th July 2021 St. Martha
Friday, 30th July 2021 St. Peter Chrysologus, St.Justin De Jacobis
Saturday, 31st July 2021 St. Ignatius of Loyola, Priest

Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.

St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
16th Sunday in Ordinary time, 18th July 2021

1.Today is 16th Sunday in Ordinary time. We thank St. Elizabeth SCC and the Choir / St. Michael Prayer Group who were on duty. 

2. The next mini harambee shall be held next Sunday, 25th July 2021 and St. Claire SCC shall be the guests of honor. Let us prepare to ‘sindikiza’ them. 

3. Next Sunday, 25th July, 2021 will be the 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time. It will be the first World Day fior Grandparents and the elderly.The groups on duty shall be St. Rose SCC during the 8.00 a.m. mass and PMC at the 10.00 a.m. mass. 

4. The PMC children will have their commissioning next Sunday, 25th July 2021 during the second mass. Rehearsals for the commissioning will be on Saturday 24th July 2021 from 2.00 p.m. 

5. The PMC animators will have a deanery seminar at Don Bosco Youth Center, Karen on Saturday 31.7.21. The animators are requested to plan to attend the seminar. Those who wish to join the team of animators should see Fr. Emmanuel, OP. 

6. On 7th August, 2021 we will be contacting evaluation for the Catechumens preparing for confirmation. The program indicating the time for each candidate will be communicated via the Catechism WhatsApp group. 

7. Tuesday being a public Holiday, mass will be at 10.00 am. 

8. The Parish Priest and CMA Moderator are inviting all men of St. Catherine of Siena for the monthly Mbuzi on Friday 30th July, 2021 beginning with mass at 6.30 pm in the church compound. The purpose of the mbuzi is to organize among others the ordination of deacons, visit by the bishop in August and visit by the Nuncio in September. All men are requested to attend. 

9. Announcement from the Ministry of Health. See attachment… 

10. Announcement from Loreto Convent Msongari School. See attachment…. Meetings 1. St. Theresa SCC will meet today after the 2nd mass in the tent next to the adoration Chapel. All members are invited to attend. 

2. The Self Help Group has embarked on a month – long awareness and marketing exercise among parishioners. The S.H.G. Management officials will be available to guide and respond to your questions on the self-help program and the group’s operations, besides transactions for those already registered. Members and any interested parishioner, kindly feel free to visit the group’s desk outside the church after mass for further assistance. This awareness exercise will be conducted every Saturday including today, through the month of July. You are welcome. 

3. The Young Adults of the Church will have an excursion to the Ngong Hills on Saturday, 24th July 2021. The purpose of the excursion is to motivate the team to work together and develop their strengths. 

For the purpose of expanding the group, the Young Adults leadership, on behalf of the Father in charge, Fr Mulu and their chaplain, Fr Charles Kato, call on all the young adults of St. Catherine of Siena to join them in the excursion as well as be part of the Young Catholic Adults Ministry in our Church. 

The Office of Young Adult Ministry exists to serve and support all Catholic young adults aged 25-40, both single and married, in their desire to enter more deeply into a relationship with Christ through fellowship, service, formation and worship in and through the Catholic Faith. 

Goals for Young Adult Ministry: 

Goal 1: Connecting Young Adults with Jesus Christ. 

Goal 2: Connecting Young Adults to the Church. 

Goal 3: Connecting Young Adults with the Mission of the Church in the World. Goal 4: Connecting Young Adults with a Peer Community 

4. Saints of the Week 

Monday, 19 July 2021 St.Macrina 

Tuesday, 20th July 2021 St. Apollinaris of Ravenna Bishop and Martyr 

Wednesday, 21stJuly 2021 St. Lawrence of Brindisi, Confessor and Doctor 

Thursday, 22nd July 2021 Feast of St.Mary Magdalene 

Friday, 23rd July 2021 St.Bridget of Sweden, Mystic and Founder 

Saturday, 24th July 2021 St.Sharbel Makhlouf, 

Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.


St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
15th Sunday in Ordinary time, 11th July 2021


1. Today is 15th Sunday in Ordinary time. We thank St. Vincent De Paul SCC and St. Claire SCC who were on duty.

2. Today is the second Sunday of the month and thus our Tithe Sunday. We invite Father for blessing as we prepare to present our tithes.

3. The next mini harambee shall be held on 25th July 2021 and St. Claire SCC shall be the guests of honor. Let us prepare to `sindikiza`them.
4. Next Sunday, 18th July, 2021 will be the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time. The groups on duty shall be St. Elizabeth SCC during the 8.00 a.m. mass and Choir/St. Michael SCC at the 10.00 a.m. mass.

5. Next Saturday 17th July, 2021 we shall have the sacrament of reconciliation/confession in the church from 5pm to 6pm.

6. The youth had a successful workshop yesterday in the parish. We had 48 youths who attended. We thank the parents and guardians for allowing them to participate. We encourage all the youth aged between 18 and 26 to join the group.

7. Death Announcement

We announce the passing on of Philister Mgambo, mother to Mr. John Magambo, the moderator of the Dominican Laity. The requiem mass will be held here in the parish, St. Catherine of Siena on Thursday 15th July, 2021 at 2.30 pm. The burial will be held in her rural home in Siaya on Saturday 17th July, 2021. May her soul rest in eternal peace.


1. Today the PPC will have its July meeting. All members are invited to attend immediately after the 10.00 a.m. mass at the Makuti Church

2. The Self Help Group has embarked on a month long awareness and marketing exercise among parishioners. The S.H.G. Management officials will be available to guide and respond to your questions on the self-help program and the group`s operations, besides transactions for those already registered. Members and any interested parishioner, kindly feel free to visit the group`s desk outside the church after mass for further assistance. This awareness exercise will be conducted every Saturday including today, through the month of July. You are welcome.

3. Saints of the Week
Monday, 12th July 2021 St. Fortunatus
Tuesday, 13th July 2021 St. Henry
Wednesday, 14th July 2021 St. Camillus de Lellis, Priest
Thursday, 15th July 2021 St. Bonaventure, Bishop and Doctor
Friday, 16th July 2021 Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
Saturday, 17th July 2021 St. Marcelina

Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.

St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
13th Sunday in Ordinary time, 27th June 2021

1. Today is 13th Sunday in Ordinary time. We thank Youth/Young Adults and Lay Dominicans who were on duty.
2. Today we have our June Mini Harambee where St. Rose SCC are the Guests of Honor. (Invite the Mr. Kimani from Fundraising Committee to guide the process)

3. Next Sunday, 4th July, 2021 will be the 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time. CWA shall be on duty during both masses at 8.00 a.m. and 10.00 a.m. masses

4. Registration for new catechumens (those preparing for baptism and first Holy Communion) is ongoing. Kindly register with the catechist after the mass.

5. Infant baptism will be on 10th July, 2021 at 10 am in our church. Those who have registered their infants are requested to meet the catechist after mass to arrange for preparation classes.

1. St. Claire SCC will have their June meeting today after the 10 am mass in the Church compound. All members are kindly requested to attend. St. Claire SCC comprises of all Christians who are not within then neighborhood of St. Catherine of Siena. The meeting will take place in the tent outside the main entrance of the church.

2. The PMC parents' are meeting today after the 10 am mass in the Makuti Church.

3. All Ecclesial groups will be meeting next Sunday after the 10 am mass. The respective leaders are requested to arrange for their venues and agenda.

4. Marriage Banns (See attachment)

5. School Announcement (See attachment)

6. Announcement from the Ministry of Health: Next Sunday there will be vaccination against measles for all children between 9-59 months. It will be administered outside the church.

7. Saints of the Week
Monday, 28th June 2021 St. Irenaeus, Bishop and Martyr
Tuesday, 29th June 2021 Solemnity of Sts Peter and Paul the Apostle
Wednesday, 30th June 2021 First Martyrs of the Holy Roman Church
Thursday, 1st July 2021 Blessed Anthony Rosmini
Friday, 2nd July 2021 St.Martinian
Saturday, 3rd July 2021 Feast of St.Thomas, Apostle


Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.

St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
12th Sunday in Ordinary time, 20th June 2021

1. Today is 12th Sunday in Ordinary time. We thank St. Theresa SCC and St. Jude SCC who were on duty.

2. Next Sunday, 27th June, 2021 will be the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time. The following groups will be on duty.
8.00 a.m. Mass: Youth/Young Adults, and
10.00 a.m. Mass: Lay Dominicans.

3. The June Mini Harambee shall be held next Sunday, 27th June 2021 and the Guests of Honor will be St. Rose SCC. All Christians are encouraged to prepare to
'sindikiza' during the harambee.

4. Registration for new catechumens (those preparing for baptism and first Holy Communion) is ongoing. Kindly register with the catechist after the mass.

5. Infant baptism will be on 10th July, 2021 at 10 am in our church. Those who have registered their infants are requested to meet the catechist after mass to arrange for their classes.


1. St. Vincent De Paul SCC will have its June meeting today in the Makuti Church after the 8.00 a.m. mass. All members are requested to attend as we welcome new members who wish to join the group. St. Vincent de Paul SCC comprises the neighborhoods of Lower Kabete Road and Part of Ngecha Road.

2. St. Elizabeth SCC will also have their June meeting today after the 8 am mass in the tent (near the main entrance) outside the church. All members are welcome together with those who would wish to join. St. Elizabeth SCC comprises of Kitisuru, Mwimuto and Thigiri Ridge neighborhoods.

3. The Youth will visit Martha Care Children
's Home in Gathiga after the 10.00 a.m. mass. All the Youth are encouraged to participate in this charity event. Parents are also requested to permit them.

4. Next Sunday, St. Theresa will have their June meeting after the 2nd mass in the Church compound. All members are kindly requested to prepare to attend. St. Teresa SCC comprises Gachie, White Cottage and some parts of Gathiga neighborhoods.

5. The PMC parents' meeting will be held on Sunday 27th June 2021 after the 10 am mass in the Makuti Church.

6. Marriage Banns (See attachment)

7. School Announcement (See attachment)

8. Saints of the Week
Monday, 21st June 2021 St.Aloysius Gongaza Religious
Tuesday, 22nd June 2021 Sts Paulinus of Nola, Bishop and Thomas More, Martyrs
Wednesday, 23rd June 2021 St.Joseph Cafasso
Thursday, 24th June 2021 Solemnity of The Nativity of St. John the Baptist. It is a day of obligation.
Friday, 25th June 2021 St. William of Montevergine
Saturday, 26th June 2021 St. Josemaria Escriva

Lastly, we continue to encourage each other to be hopeful amidst the pandemic. God is in control.


Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.

St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru



1.       Today is the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi). We thank CMA and PMC who were on duty.


2.      Today, all ecclesial groups have their meetings after the 10.00 a.m. mass. These groups are; PMC, MYM, Youth, Young Adults, CWA and CMA. These groups will meet in the venues communicated by their respective Moderators/Leaders.

3.      Next Sunday, the 13th June 2021 will be the 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time.  The following groups will be on duty.

8.00 a.m.  Mass:  St Elizabeth SCC, and

                    10.00 a.m. Mass:  St. Rose SCC


4.       Next Sunday will be the 2nd Sunday of the month and our Tithe Sunday.  Christians are encouraged to collect Tithe envelopes as you exit the Church in readiness for tithing.


5.      We take this opportunity to thank St. Elizabeth and all Christians for their generous contribution during the mini harambee last Sunday. May God bless you all


6.      The June Harambee shall be held on Sunday 27th June 2021 and the Guests of Honor will be St. Rose SCC.  All Christians are encouraged to prepare to 'sindikiza' during the harambee. 


7.      PPC will have their June meeting next Sunday, 13th June 2021 after the 10.00 a.m. mass in the Makuti Church.  All members are requested to be punctual.


8.      Marriage Banns (See attachment)


9.      Ordination Banns (See attachment)


10.   Saints of the Week

Monday 7th June 2021

St. Robert

Tuesday 8th June 2021

St. James Berthieu

Wednesday 9th June 2021

St. Ephrem, Deacon & Doctor

Thursday 10th  June  2021

St. Maurinus

Friday 11th  June 2021

Solemnity of The Most Sacred Health of Jesus

This is a day of obligation for all Christians to attend mass

Saturday 12th  June 2021

Memorial of the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary


Lastly, we continue to encourage each other to be hopeful amidst the pandemic. God is in control.


Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.




St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Parish

1. Today is the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity. We thank St. Vincent De Paul SCC and St. Claire SCC who were on duty.

2. 1st June will be a public holiday. We shall have one mass at 10.00 a.m.
3. Next Sunday, the 6th June 2021 will be the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ. We shall have two masses at 8.00 a.m. and 10.00 a.m. There shall be no procession with the Blessed Sacrament after mass but we shall have brief adoration after every mass. The following groups will be on duty.
8.00 a.m. Mass: CMA, and
10.00 a.m. Mass: PMC

4. Next Sunday is the first Sunday of the month. All Ecclesial groups will have their meetings after the 10 am mass. These are PMC, MYM, Youth, Young Adults, CWA and CMA. The leaders of these groups will organize the meeting venues and the agenda.
Note: There will be no other meetings during these meetings.

5. Marriage Banns-See attachment

6. Ordination Banns-See attachment

Saints of the Week
Monday 31st May 2021 Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Tuesday 1st June 2021 St. Justin Martyrs
Wednesday 2nd June 2021 Sts.Mercellinus and Peter, Martyrs
Thursday 3rd June 2021 St. Charles Lwanga and Companions, Martyrs
Friday 4th June 2021 St. Clothida
Saturday 5th June 2021 St.Boniface, Bishop and Maryr

Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.

St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Parish
PENTECOST SUNDAY, 23 rd May 2021

1. Today is Pentecost Sunday. We thank St. Jude SCC, Choir & St. Michael SCC who were on duty.
2. Next Sunday, 30th May will be the Feast of The MOST HOLY TRINITY.The following groups will be on duty.
8.00 a.m. Mass: St. Vincent De Paul SCC, and10.00 a.m. mass: St. Claire SCC
3. Next Sunday also we shall have Our Mini Harambee for the month of May.The Guests of honor shall be St. Elizabeth SCC. We request Christians to kindly prepare to 'Sindikiza' during the harambee.
4. We are reminded that we are in May the month of the Blessed Virgin Maryand that all Christians are encouraged to pray the Holy Rosary daily. St.Catherine of Siena has organized the Rosary prayer to be prayed 30 minutesbefore every mass (both on Sundays and weekdays) at the parish during thismonth. You are all welcome.
5. Meetings:
St. Claire SCC will have their meeting today at the Makuti Church after the2 nd mass.
6. Self Help Group: We are pleased to inform you that members' savings areongoing through the usual pay bill number, and receipts issued by the clerk atthe desk outside the Church every Sunday. Kindly avoid dormancy becauseyou lose all privileges and eventually membership.
All loanees are reminded of their obligation to repay the borrowed moneywithin the agreed timelines and amount. Delayed repayments attracts penalties. Kindly visit the clerk's desk to confirm the status of your loan toavoid being penalized.
7. The parish Priest, the PPC and the entire Community of St. Catherine ofSiena Parish congratulate the newly baptized, and those who received the First Holy Communion yesterday. We thank all those who were involved in theirpreparation and formation.
8. Marriage Banns (See attachment)
9. Priestly Ordination Banns (See attachment)

Saints of the Week
Monday 24 th May 2021 The Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the
Tuesday 25 th May 2021 St.Bede the Venerable, priest and Doctor
Wednesday 26 th May 2021 St. Philip Neri Priest
Thursday 27 th May 2021 St. Augustine of Canterbury Bishop
Friday 28 th May 2021 Sts. Emilius and Ignatius
Saturday 29 th May 2021 St. Paul VI, Pope

Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.

St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Parish
Solemnity of Ascension of the Lord, 16th May 2021

1. Today is the Solemnity of Ascension of the Lord. We thank St.Rose and St.Theresa Small Christian Communities who were on duty.
2. Next Sunday, the 23rd of May will be PENTECOST Sunday. We shall have two masses at 8.00 a.m. and 10.00 a.m. The following groups will be on duty.
8.00 a.m. Mass: St. Jude SCC
10.00 a.m. Mass: St. Michael SCC and Choir

3. Our Mini Harambee for the month of May shall be held on Sunday 30th May 2021. The Guests of honor shall be St. Elizabeth SCC. We request Christians to kindly prepare to 'Sindikiza'during the harambee.

4. We are reminded that being the month of May and the month of the Blessed Virgin Mary, all Christians are encouraged to pray the Holy Rosary daily. St. Catherine of Siena has organized the Rosary prayer to be prayed 30 minutes before every mass (both on Sundays and weekdays) at the parish during this month. You are all welcome.

5. The parish has organized baptism and First Holy Communion on Saturday 22nd May, 2021 at 10 am. Parents whose children will receive the First Holy Communion on Saturday 22nd May, 2021 are advised to bring the original baptism card for their children to the parish office by Wednesday 19th May, 2021.

6. Meetings:
(a) St. Rose SCC will have their meeting today at the Makuti Church after the 1st mass.
(b) CWA will have their meeting today after the second mass at the Makuti Church.
7. Self Help Group: We are pleased to inform you that members' savings are ongoing through the usual paybill number, and receipts issued by the clerk at the desk outside the Church every Sunday. Kindly avoid dormancy because you lose all privileges and eventually membership.
All those who have been loaned are reminded of their obligation to repay the borrowed money within the agreed timelines and amount. Delayed repayments attract penalties. Kindly visit the clerk's desk to confirm the status of your loan to avoid being penalized.

8. The following Christians are requested to collect their letters from the parish office during the week days; Mr. John Mwangi Wanja and Agapetus Matthew Wamalwa.

9. Marriage Banns (See attachment)

Saints of the Week
Monday 17th May 2021 St. Pascal Babylon

Tuesday 18th May 2021 St. John 1, Pope and Martyr

Wednesday 19th May 2021 St. Celestine

Thursday 20th May 2021 St. Bernardine of Siena

Friday 21st May 2021 St. Christopher Magallanes and Companions

Saturday 22nd May 2021 St. Rita of Cascia


Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.


St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Parish
Announcements: 6th Sunday of Easter, 9th May 2021


1. Today is the 6th Sunday of Easter. Being the second Sunday of the month, it is our Tithe Sunday. We invite Father to give a blessing as we prepare to present our Tithes.

2. We thank the Lay Dominicans, the Youth and the Young Adults who were on duty today.

3. Next Sunday will be ASCENSION OF THE LORD. We shall have two masses at 8.00 a.m. and 10.00 a.m. The following groups will be on duty.
8.00 a.m. Mass - St. Rose SCC
10.00 a.m. Mass - St. Theresa SCC

4. Our Mini Harambee for the month of May shall be held on the Sunday of 30th May, 2021 and the Guests of honor will be St. Elizabeth. We request Christians to kindly prepare to `Sindikiza` during the harambee.

5. The Month of May is the month of the Blessed Virgin Mary. All Christians are encouraged to pray the Holy Rosary daily during this month. St. Catherine of Siena Parish has organized the Rosary prayer to be prayed 30 minutes before every mass (both Sundays and Weekdays) in the parish during this month. You are all welcome.

6. The Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) will have its monthly meeting today Sunday 9th May, 2021 after the 10 am mass. The meeting will be held physically in the Makuti Church. All Covid-19 protocols shall be adhered to strictly. Members are reminded to be punctual.
7. The Parish Priest and the PPC take this opportunity to appreciate St. Catherine of Siena and St. Martin`s Kibagare Youth for their kindness in cleaning the compound around the church yesterday. We also thank the parents and guardians who allowed their youth to attend to this important function. May God bless you all
8. The catechumens who are preparing for baptism and first Holy Communion will meet on Saturday 15th May, 2021 at noon here in the church. Baptism and the First Holy Communion is scheduled for Saturday 22nd May, 2021 at 10 am.
9. There will be confessions in the church next Saturday 15th May, 2021 at 5pm.
10. Marriage Banns (See attachment)

Saints of the Week
Monday 10th May 2021 St. Fabius
Tuesday 11th May 2021 St. Ignatius of Laconi
Wednesday 12th May 2021
Sts Nereus and Achilles, St.Pancras Martyr
Thursday 13th May 2021 Our Lady of Fatima
Friday 14th May 2021 Feast of St. Matthias, Apostle
Saturday 15th May 2021 St. Isidore the Farmer

Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.

St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Parish
nnouncements 5th Sunday of Easter, 2nd May 2021

1. Today is the 5th Sunday of Easter. We thank all those who have assisted to make the celebration of the mass successful.

2. Today we also have second collection for Vocations. This collections assists in the formation of priests especially in mission lands (choir lead us with a song)
3. Next Sunday will be the 6th Sunday of Easter. We shall have two masses at 8 am and 10 am. The groups on duty will be:
8 am mass- The Dominican Laity
10 am Mass- Young adults and the Youth

4. Next Sunday 9th May, 2021 shall be our tithe Sunday. You can pick tithe envelopes from the church.

5. The weekday masses will resume from tomorrow Monday 3rd May, 2021 at 6.30 pm daily from Monday to Friday and on Saturday at 7.30am.

6. The Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) will have its monthly meeting Next Sunday 9th May, 2021 after the 10 am mass. Members are requested to prepare and be punctual. The meeting will be physical.

7. St. Catherine of Siena and St. Martin`s Kibagare Youth will be assisting to clean the compound around the church on Saturday 8th May, 2021 from 9am. This is humble request to the parents to allow them to attend to this important function.

8. Today is the last day of live streaming for our Sunday masses until otherwise advised. We wish to thank our live stream team-`Mainswitch`. We hope to work with you again and again. We also thank all the Christians who have been following us live.

9. We also express our Development Committee and all the Christians for your generosity during our mini Harambee last Sunday where we managed to raise over KES 300,000.00. We shall update you one we get the total figure. May God bless you.
10. Lastly, we welcome all the Christians back to the church. We however encourage all of us to take care since Covid-19 is still with us. Let us observe social distance, wash our hands with soap, sanitize and wear masks properly. For the elderly, the sick and those with pre-existing conditions we encourage you to receive the Eucharist outside mass especially on Sundays.

Saints of the Week
Monday 3rd May 2021 Feast of Sts. Philip and James Apostles
Tuesday 4th May 2021 St. Ada and Antonia
Wednesday 5th May 2021 St. Irene
Thursday 6th May 2021 St. Dominic Savio
Friday 7th May 2021 St. Rosa Venerini
Saturday 8th May 2021 St. Victor the Black


Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.


St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Parish
Announcements for the 3rd Sunday of Easter, 18th April 2021

1. Today is 3rd Sunday of Easter. We thank all those who have assisted to make the celebration of the mass successful.
2. Next Sunday will be the 4th Sunday of Easter. We shall have one mass at 10 am which will be live streamed through our YouTube Link. We kindly ask all the Christians to follow us on this link during our live stream.
3. Holy Communion: As public worship remains prohibited, the parish office wishes to notify the parishioners that any Catholic wishing to receive the Holy Communion during the week (outside mass) and has prepared themselves can visit the office and will be attended by the available priests.
4. The Parish is requesting for foodstuff and old newspapers to support the needy in our community. Donations may be dropped at the Parish office any day of the week.
5. Our third Mini - Harambee towards finishing our church is scheduled for Sunday, 25th April, 2021. The Guests of Honor will be members of the Development Committee. Kindly let us prepare to support them.

We continue to pray for our country and for the whole world that God may rescue us from Covid-19. Let us not fear, God is in control.


Find these Announcements on our Parish Notice Board & Website:-

St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Parish
Announcements for Easter Sunday April 4th, 2021

1. Today is the Easter Sunday, the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. We thank the Lay Dominicans, the Youth and Young Catholic Adults who were on duty today.

2. Next Sunday will be the 2nd Easter Sunday of Easter or Divine Mercy Sunday. We shall have one mass at 10 am which will be live streamed through our YouTube Link. We kindly ask all the Christians to follow us on this link during our live stream.

3. Next Sunday will also be our tithe Sunday. Kindly collect the tithe envelopes from the church or the parish office. Your tithe can be dropped in the parish office, send via the Parish pay bill-997866 or the Parish bank account-St. Catherine of Siena Parish as it appears on the screen (read the pay bill number and the name of the bank account twice each)

4. Tomorrow Monday 5th April, 2021, will be Easter Monday. Mass will be at 10.00 a.m. It will also be streamed live form our Church. St. Elizabeth will be on duty.

5. The Parish Priest, the Parish Pastoral Council and the entire family of St. Catherine of Siena take this opportunity to appreciate the Fundraising Committee for their commitment and setting the pace in our mini harambees. Thank you for the contributions of last Sunday and may God bless you for your generosity.

6. Our third Mini - Harambee towards finishing our church is scheduled for Sunday, 25th April, 2021. The Guests of Honor will be members of the Development Committee. Kindly let us prepare to support them.

Find these announcements in our website and on our notice board.


St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Parish
Announcements for Sunday March 28th, 2021


1. Today Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord.
We thank St. Jude and St. Claire who were on duty today.

2. Next Sunday will be Easter Sunday. We shall have one mass at 10 am which will be live streamed through our YouTube Link.
The Lay Dominicans, the Youth and the Young Catholic Adults will be on duty.


3. Thursday 1st April, 2021, will be Holy Thursday.
The Evening Mass of The Lord's Supper will be at 5.00 p.m. This mass will be streamed live form our Church. Liturgy and St. Elizabeth SCC will be on Duty.

4. Friday 2nd April, 2021, will be Good Friday.
⦁ We shall have the Celebration of the Passion of our Lord at 3.00 p.m. which will be streamed live form our Church.
⦁ We shall have a collection for the Holy Land.
⦁ Liturgy and St. Teresa will be on Duty.

5. Saturday 3rd April, 2021, will be Holy Saturday. The Easter Vigil Mass will start at 5.00 p.m. This mass will also be live streamed from our Church.
⦁ Liturgy and St. Vincent de Paul will be on Duty.
⦁ Since public worship is prohibited, baptism for candidates from both the parish and Kibagare is postponed until further notice.

6. Monday 5th April, 2021, will be Easter Monday. Mass will be at 10.00 a.m. It will also be streamed live form our Church.
⦁ St. Elizabeth will be on duty.

7. Fundraising Committee:-
Our Second Mini - Harambee towards finishing our church is scheduled for today, Sunday, 28th March 2021. The Guests of Honor are members of the Fund Raising Committee group 2.
We welcome Viola, Vice Moderator of the Development Committee to give a brief on the project then she will invite Mr. Kimani who will lead us through the fundraiser.
You can support our Church through the following ways:
a. By cheque payable to "St. catherine of Siena Parish"
b. By Mpesa Paybill Number: 997866
Account: Tithe, Charity, Sadaka/offertory, Church Construction, Others (specify)
c. By dropping your contribution at the parish office.



Find these Announcements on our Parish Notice Board & Website:-

St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Parish
Announcements for Sunday March 21st, 2021

Today is the Fifth Sunday of Lent

1. All Sundays of Lent we shall have a second collection for Lenten Campaign. It will be done immediately after Sadaka. (Announce before offertory).
2. We thank St. Elizabeth and Choir/St. Michael who were on duty today. Next Sunday, 28th March 2021 will be the Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord. St. Jude will be on duty at 8 am Mass and St. Claire at 10 am Mass respectively.

3. We have the Way of the Cross every Friday from 5.30pm followed by Holy Mass. St. Claire will lead the stations on Friday, 26th March 2021.St. Claire are requested to be in the church by 5.00pm to prepare. All Christians are encouraged to participate in the way of the cross.

4. Today we shall have the official launch of ″the Year of St. Joseph″ in our Parish.
5. Corona virus ″Third Wave″ is with us. We are urged to continue adhering to the directives of the Ministry of Health to protect ourselves and our loved ones by observing social distance, washing our hands regularly or sanitizing and wearing masks properly.
6. Fundraising Committee:-
⦁ During our last month Mini-Harambee hosted by Fundraising Committee group 1 we raised Kshs. 655,790.00. We shall post the amount raised through pledges once we receive them.
⦁ Our Second Mini - Harambee towards finishing our church will be held next Sunday, 28th March 2021 the Guests of Honor shall be members of the Fund Raising Committee group 2. Kindly note that we shall resume regular Mini Harambees in the coming months. Parishioners have already been advised accordingly by their Small Christian Communities (SCC). Those who do not belong to any SCC are encouraged to support our Mini Harambees through our long standing tradition of "sindikisharing" our guests of honour or in any other possible way.

7. Meetings
⦁ There will be a CWA formation classes today after the second Mass at Makuti Church. Those who have registered for Formation One are requested to attend the classes. Registration for the same is ongoing and ladies willing to join the CWA can meet Christine Mwangi or Margaret Kabiru.
⦁ St. Teresa will have their monthly meeting today after 10.00am Mass in the Church compound.
⦁ We shall have a Recollection for all Christians of St. Catherine of Siena Parish next Saturday 27th March 2021 here in the Parish from 8 am. This will be a day of prayer and fasting for our parish. Mass will be celebrated at 4pm.
Theme: ″I abandon myself into thy hands, O Lord″. We are all encouraged to attend
⦁ St. Claire will have their monthly meeting next Sunday, 28th March 2021 in the Church compound.
⦁ Catechism classes for students who are have been in school will start on 5th April, 2021. Kindly register.
Date Feast/Solemnity

Monday -22nd March, 2021 St. Lea
Tuesday - 23rd March, 2021 St. Turibius of Mogrovejo, Bishop
Wednesday-24th March, 2021 St. Catherine
Thursday - 25th March, 2021 The Annunciation of the Lord, L.H.P
Friday - 26th March, 2021 St. Emmanuel
Saturday - 27th March, 2021 St. John of Egypt

9. The Parish Priest, all clergy, the PPC and entire community of St. Catherine of Siena Parish wish the Standard Eight and Form Four candidates success in their examinations. We kindly request them to come forward for blessings.

Find these Announcements on our Parish Notice Board & Website:-

St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Parish
Announcements for Sunday March 14th, 2021

Today is the Fourth Sunday of Lent

1. Today is the Second Sunday of the month which is our Tithe Sunday. We invite Father to pray for us before tithing then the choir will lead us with a song.

2. We thank CMA and PMC who were on duty today. Next Sunday, 21st March 2021 will be the Fifth Sunday of Lent. St. Elizabeth will be on duty at 8 am Mass and Choir/St. Michael at 10 am Mass respectively.

3. We have the Way of the Cross every Friday from 5.30pm followed by Holy Mass. St. Elizabeth will lead the stations on Friday, 19th March 2021. All Christians are encouraged to participate in the way of the cross.

4. Next Sunday we shall have the official launch of ’the Year of St. Joseph’ in our parish. We shall also have the scrutiny of the candidates who are preparing for baptism during the 10 am mass.

5. The farewell Mass for the Archbishop Emeritus of Nairobi, John Cardinal Njue was held yesterday at St. Mary’s Msongari. We thank all those who had the opportunity to attend and all the Christians for your contribution towards the same last Sunday.
6. Corona virus ’Third Wave’ is in the Country. We are urged to continue adhering to the directives of the Ministry of Health to protect ourselves and our loved ones by observing social distance, washing our hands regularly or sanitizing and wearing masks properly.
7. There will be an Interview for St. Agnes Primary School, Baricho, Kirinyaga County for the Grade 4 and Std. 5 & 6. St. Agnes is a Girls Boarding Public Primary run by Sisters of Mary Immaculate of Nyeri. The interview will be on Friday, 26th March 2021 at 9.00am. For more information visit our Church notice board.

8. The PPC shall have its monthly meeting today 14th March 2021 at the Makuti Church immediately after the 10.00am Mass. All PPC members are requested to be punctual.
9. All CMA members are invited for St Joseph Patron Day next Saturday on 20th March 2021 at Queen of Apostles Seminary Grounds, Ruaraka from 8.00am to 1.00pm.
10. We shall have a Recollection for all Christians of St. Catherine of Siena Parish on 27th March 2021 here in the Parish. Kindly plan to attend.
11. Our second mini harambee towards finishing our church will be held on 28/03/2021, the guests of honor shall be members of the fund raising committee group 2. Let us prepare for it. In relation to fundraising, I wish to invite Mr. Magambo to say something about Men Under the Tree.

Date Feast/Solemnity

Monday :15th March, 2021 St. Zacharia
Tuesday :16th March, 2021 St. Eusebia
Wednesday:17th March, 2021 St. Patrick, Bishop
Thursday :18th March, 2021 St. Cyril of Jerusalem, Bishop and Doctor
Friday :19th March, 2021 St. Joseph, Spouse of the B.V.M
Saturday :20th March, 2021 St. Claudia

(Lenten campaign presentation)

Find these Announcements on our Parish Notice Board & Website:-

St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Parish
Announcements for Sunday March 7th, 2021

1.Today is the Third Sunday of Lent. All Sundays of Lent we shall have a second collection for Lenten Campaign. It will be done immediately after Sadaka. (Announce before offertory).

2. The farewell Mass for Cardinal John Njue will be next Saturday, 13th March 2021 at St. Mary’s Msongari. Today we shall have a second collection for the Cardinal’s gift. (choir to lead with a song)

3. We thank CWA who were on duty today. Next Sunday, 14th March 2021 the Fourth Sunday of Lent. Next Sunday CMA will be on duty at 8 am Mass and PMC at 10 am Mass respectively.

Next Sunday will also be our Tithe Sunday. Kindly pick the tithe envelopes from the boxes at the church pillars.

4. We have the Way of the Cross every Friday from 5.30pm followed by Holy Mass. CMA will lead the stations on Friday, 12th March 2021.

5. Today we shall have meetings for all Ecclesial groups after the 10 am Mass that is CMA, CWA, Youth, PMC, Young Adults & MYM at the Makuti Church.

6. The Youth & Young Adults will have visitors who will be talking to them today during their meeting.

7. Next Sunday there will be PPC meeting after the 10 am Mass. All PPC members are reminded to prepare.

8. We shall have a Recollection for all Christians of St. Catherine of Siena Parish on 27th March 2021 in the Parish. You are all invited to attend.

9. We thank you all for your contribution during last Sunday’s Mini-Harambee. The next Mini-Harambee will be on 28th March 2021 kindly prepare.

Date Feast/Solemnity

Monday – 8th March, 2021 St. John of God, Religious
Tuesday – 9th March, 2021 St. Frances of Rome, Religious
Wednesday-10th March, 2021 St. Victor
Thursday – 11th March, 2021 St. Constantine
Friday – 12th March, 2021 St. Innocent
Saturday – 13th March, 2021 St. Roderick

Find these Announcements on our Parish Notice Board & Website:-

St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Parish
Announcements for Sunday February 28th, 2021

1.Today is the 2nd Sunday of Lent All Sundays of Lent we shall have a second collection for Lenten Campaign. It will be done immediately after Sadaka/offertory. (Announce before offertory)

2. Today will be our first Mini Harambee towards finishing our church, the guests of honour shall be members of the Fund Raising Committee. We welcome the Moderator of Development Committee to give us a brief on the project.
3. We thank St. Vincent, Youth and Young Adults who were on duty today. Next Sunday, 7th March 2021 the 3rd Sunday of Lent. CWA will be on duty at 8 am Mass and also at 10 am Mass respectively.

4. We have the Way of the Cross every Friday from 5.30pm followed by Holy Mass. CWA will lead the stations on Friday, 12th March 2021.

5. Next Sunday, 7th March 2021 we shall have a meetings for all Ecclesial groups after the 10 am Mass that is CMA, CWA, Youth, PMC, Young Adults & MYM.

6. Bible classes are ongoing every Saturday at 9.00am.

7. There will be a Holy Mass on Tuesday, 2nd March 2021 at 5.30pm for the Second Anniversary of Rev. Fr. Fred Mvumbi, OP. This Mass will be presided over by Very Rev. Fr. Ferdinand Lugonzo, The General Secretary Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB). All Parishioners are welcome.

8. The farewell Mass for Cardinal John Njue will be on Saturday 13th March 2021 at St. Mary’s Msongari, we shall have a second collection next Sunday 7th March 2021 for the Cardinal’s gift.

9. We shall have a Recollection for all Christians at St. Catherine of Siena Parish on 27th March 2021 in the Parish. You are all invited to attend.

10. We welcome all those who are worshiping with us for the 1st time to our Parish.

11. Meetings:
⦁ St. Claire will have their monthly meeting today after 10.00am Mass in the Church compound.
⦁ St. Rose will hold their meeting at the house of Mr. & Mrs Opondo on 3rd March 2021.
Date Feast/Solemnity

Monday – 1st March, 2021 St. David
Tuesday – 2nd March, 2021 St. Simplicianus
Wednesday-3rd March, 2021 St. Marinus
Thursday – 4th March, 2021 St. Casimir
Friday – 5th March, 2021 St. Virgilio
Saturday – 6th March, 2021 St. Colette Boylet

 Find these Announcements on our Parish Notice Board & Website:-

St. Catherine of Siena Parish
Announcements for Sunday February 21st, 2021

Today is the 1st Sunday of Lent
⦁ All Sundays of Lent we shall have a second collection for Lenten Campaign. It will be done immediately after Sadaka/offertory. (Announce before offertory)

⦁ We thank St. Teresa and St. Claire who were on duty today. Next Sunday, 28th February, 2021 the 2nd Sunday of Lent.

⦁ St. Vincent will be on duty at 8 am Mass and Youth/Young Adults at 10 am Mass respectively.

⦁ We have the Way of the Cross every Friday from 5.30pm followed by Holy Mass. St. Vincent, Youth and Young Adults will lead the stations on Friday 26th February 2021.

⦁ Bible classes are ongoing every Saturday at 9.00am

⦁ There will be a Holy Mass on Tuesday, 2nd March 2021 at 5.30pm for the Second Anniversary of Rev. Fr. Fred Mvumbi, OP. This Mass will be presided over by Very Rev. Fr. Ferdinand Lugonzo, The General Secretary Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB). All Parishioners are welcome.
⦁ Next Sunday, 28th February, 2021 will be our first Mini Harambee towards finishing our church, the guests of honour shall be members of the Fund Raising Committee. Kindly note that we shall resume regular Mini Harambees in the coming months and parishioners shall be advised accordingly by their Small Christian Communities (SCC). Those who do not belong to any SCC are encouraged to support our mini harambees through our long standing tradition of "sindikisharing" our guests of honour.

⦁ There will be a farewell Mass for Cardinal John Njue on Saturday 13th March 2021 at St. Mary’s Msongari, will have a second collection on Sunday 7th March 2021 to fund the event.

⦁ There will be a Recollection for all Christians of St. Catherine of Siena Parish on 27th March 2021 in the Parish. You are all invited to attend.

⦁ There will be Sacrament of Confirmation at the Parish on 2nd May 2021. Confirmation classes are ongoing every Sunday after second Mass.

⦁ There will be a CWA formation classes today after the second Mass at Makuti Church. Those who have registered for Formation One are requested to attend the classes. Registration for the same is ongoing and ladies willing to join the CWA can see Christine Mwangi or Margaret Kabiru.
⦁ St. Teresa will have their monthly meeting today after 10.00am Mass in the Church compound.
⦁ St. Claire will have their monthly meeting next Sunday, 28th February 2021 in the Church compound.

Date Feast/Solemnity

Monday – 22nd February, 2021 The Chair of St. Peter Apostle
Tuesday – 23rd February, 2021 St. Polycarp, Bishop and Martyr
Wednesday-24th February, 2021 St. Sergius
Thursday – 25th February, 2021 St. Ceasarius of Nazianzus
Friday – 26th February, 2021 St. Alexander of Alexandria
Saturday – 27th February, 2021 St. Gabriel of Sorrows

12. I, Now invite Moderator of CJPC for Lenten Campaign Briefings.

 Find these Announcements on our Parish Notice Board & Website:-

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