Parish Pastoral Council
In accordance with Can.536, St. Catherine of Siena has a PPC
chaired by an elected laity. However the responsibility rests
with the Priest in charge. The PPC holds a consultative vote
only and is governed by norms determined by the
Archdiocesan of Nairobi.
PPC Members
1. The Priest in Charge,
2. The Assistant Priest in Charge,
3. Elected representatives of
4. Chair persons of Church
ecclesial movements
St. Catherine of Siena Strategic Plan 2014-2016 Page 17
The PPC members are essentially representatives of SCCs and other Church councils,
committees and Church groups (see box). Those eligible to become members of the council
should: (a) be Catholic Christian; (b) be known in the Church for their commitment and good
reputation; (c) have shown signs of natural leadership in his/her family and community; and (d)
have been receiving sacraments.
However, exceptions to one or more of these requirements
may be made by the father in charge, based on pastoral reasons.
The functions of the PPC are as follows:
1. Assisting the Church’s apostolic work in evangelization, sanctification, charity, social
work and catechesis,
2. To enhance communication from different levels of the Church to the faithful and vice
3. To formulate pastoral and physical development plan for the Church,
4. To assist the Priest in Charge in Church administration
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