St Catherine of Siena Catholic Parish, Kitisuru falls under the Archdiocese of Nairobi. Sometime prior to the year 2002 the family of the late Mr. Joseph Githinji (May he rest in peace) donated a five (5) acre parcel of land in Kitisuru, Nairobi to the Catholic Archdiocese of Nairobi. In 2002, the piece of land was placed under the stewardship of the Dominican Friars of Eastern Africa Vicariate with a Parish status by the then Archbishop Raphael Ndingi Mwana N’zeki (emeritus).
The Parish membership started with a handful of Christians which has grown to the current membership now numbering about 300 registered members with a potential to grow more. However, the population is quite dynamic in that some members come and leave in a rapid manner presumably associated with the demands of their work. This is because the parish is located near the United Nations Complex, International Organizations and Embassies among others in its neighborhood with employees who are always in constant movement.

The new church project
Since its inception to date, the parish community has been worshipping under a Makuti makeshift (makuti is the name given to coconut leaves). However, in 2011, the then Parish Priest, Fr. John Lenkaak, OP and the Parish Pastoral Council organized the Christians who began contributing some money through Harambees (generous contributions) for construction of a permanent church. Construction began immediately with the first amount of money contributed. The pace has been slow but in tandem with the inflow of funds which are solely raised by the small number of Christians within the parish. They have been very faithful and committed to this cause without getting tired. The intention of the Parish Council was to complete the building in a span of four years. This has been quite elusive due to unavailability of sufficient funds in time. The building is at an advanced stage although there is still a lot of work to be done which requires a substantial amount of money to compete it.  We continue to request for generous contributions from well-wishers to complete the project.

The Parish has a membership that now numbers about 100 families who constitute Small Christian Communities, Ecclesial Groups, Associations and other groups. The following Ecclesial groups and associations are present in St. Catherine Parish:  Pontifical Missionary Childhood (PMC), Youth, Catholic Women Association (CWA), the Choir, the Catholic Justice and Peace Commission (CJPC), Self Help Group, and Welfare Group, etc.
Other committees and councils that assist the Parish priest in running the affairs of the parish include but not limited to the Parish Pastoral Council (PPC), the Finance Council, the Liturgy Committee and the Fundraising Committee.

Mass Schedules at St. Catherine of Siena


Confession is every First and Third Saturday of the Month-At st Catherine of Siena

Confession is every Second and Fourth Saturday of the Month-At St Martin Kibagare Church

We wish to thank you All most sincerely for your continuous support and collaboration, we appreciate the financial support that facilitates our pastoral work. We pray that God may continue to abundantly bless you and your family.

Yours sincerely in Christ,

Rev.Fr. Emmanuel Mulu,OP






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St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Kitisuru
Announcements for Sunday, October 13th 2024

    • Today is the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time. It is also our Tithing Sunday. I invite all to stand for Blessings and presentation of the tithes. (Choir).


    • We thank the following groups for their services today: -
    • 8.00a.m. Mass:            St. Claire SCC
    • 10.00a.m. Mass:          Youth Group
    • 12.00 noon Mass:       St. Dominic SCC
    • Next Sunday will be the 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time. It will be “World Mission Sunday” and we shall have a Second Collection to support the Universal Missionary activities of the Church.  The following groups will be on duty:
    • 8.00a.m. Mass:            St. Vincent de Paul SCC
    • 10.00a.m. Mass:          YCA Group
    • 12.00 noon Mass:       St. Bakhita SCC


    • The PPC shall meet today at the Basement room after the 10.00a.m. Mass.
    • St. Teresa and St. Jude SCCs shall meet next Sunday after the 10.00am Mass.


    • Our PMC Children will be attending the Conclusion of Missionary Rosary at St. Joseph the Worker, Kangemi next Saturday, 19th October 2024.
    • There will be Kabete Deanery Family Day on Saturday, 26th October 2024 at Consolata Shrine, Westland, from 9:00AM. This being our Deanery we encourage all our parishioners to attend as earlier requested by the Parish Priest.


    • Marriage Banns: We announce for the first time the intended marriage between Absalom Ongiri Opiyo, son of Richard Alloys Opiyo and Mary Akinyi, and Bilha Wanjiku Ngaruiya, daughter of George Mbatia and Roseline Wanjiku Mwangi. The wedding is scheduled to take place on November 9th, 2024. If anyone knows of any reason why this marriage should not proceed, please contact the Father in Charge.
    • We warmly welcome any visitors to our parish today. Please stand or wave to allow us acknowledge and appreciate your presence.


    Find these Announcements on our Church Notice Board.



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